1、uni t 01 state statute mani festatio n statistic statistical stati onary stateme nt un derstateme nt overstate statesma n estate devastate devastat ing workstati on status assert affirm public publicati on republica n publicity publicized publicly in public mass civil law claw lawful lawsuit flaw La
2、wyer legislatio n mea n mea ning well-mea ning mea nin gless mea nin gfullymea ns mea nwhile by means of by no means in dicate implicati on in flue nee in flue ntial impact live alive deliver delivery outlive liveli ness livelihood live off dwell reside survive survival in habit settle federal feder
3、ati on FBI CIA large largely enl arge at large bulky outsize huge mark market marketplace marked marketer remark remarkable Ian dmark blot spot stai n symbol system systematic systematically regime orga ni zati on structure stress stressed-out highlight emphasize strain uni t 02 peer gaze at stare a
4、t glare at con temporary issue tissue claim proclaim disclaim acclaim lay claim to allege contend pate nt in tellectual property court courteous Li ne hardli ne un derl ine decli ne on li ne offli ne coastli ne deadli ne in cli ne baseli ne airli ne outl ine lin eage pipeli ne guideli ne in line wit
5、h series row boun dary bou nd route successi onprocessi on value overvalue devalued worth sig ni fica nee viewIn terview viewer review reviewer worldview in view of in view on view take sth. in view = take sth. i nto account perspective in dividual in dividually collective econo mic unecono mic econ
6、o mics econo mically socioec ono mic fiscal cliffIMF finan cial fiscal mon etary create creature creative recreate creativity creati on creati onism creati onist procreati on legal illegal _ lawful legitimate officialcon sider con siderati on recon sider con siderable con sideri ng consider as uni t
7、 03 subject subjective be subject to lead leadership mislead leader plead leadi ng lead on lead some one on lead up to take the lead intend intend to do = intend doing sth. sector account acco untant acco unt for take into acco unt leave sth. out of account on account of descripti on expla nati on c
8、on sumer con sumpti on consuming con sumerism clie nt en vir onment en vir onmen tal en vir onmen tally en viro nmen talist surro undings atmosphere situatio n essayarticle matter as a matter of fact substa nee stuff material fund fun dame ntal fun dame ntally nonfun dame ntalist un derfu nd hold ho
9、usehold holder withhold shareholder sharehold ing stockholder stakeholder hold back hold on hold up cli ng withsta nd seize fun cti on fun cti onal work employ evide nee evide nt proof con firmati on practice in practice perform Note denote no teworthy take/make no tes uni t 04 degree agreeme nt Gre
10、ek concer ncon cer ned unconcerned con cer n on eself with as/so far as - be allow shallow allow for product producti on productive productivity inven ti on level low-level level off on the level do one's level best effort effortless infer in feriority in ferior inference deduce con clude profes
11、si onal professi on alize professi on alizati on professi on alism provide provided provider provisi on offer challe nge un challe ngeduni t 05 deal ideal deali ng dealership deal with a great deal ofcon tract structure restructuri ng structural in frastructure content conten ti on disc ontent self-
12、c onten ted immigra nt immigratio n emigrate comprehe nsion comprehe nsion beyond one ' s comprehe nsion pote ntial possible mass massive massarce biomass rally compare comparable comparis on comparative comparatively compare with compare to con trast feature invo Ive invo Iveme nt revolve evolv
13、e in valid engage occupy segme nt secti on fracti on accessaccessible access road cover coverage discover cloak reveal uncover unv eil display disclose an alysis an atomy probe uni t 06 ide ntify ide ntity ide ntity with recog nize title en title en titleme nt subtitle doubt doubter un doubtedly dou
14、btful in doubt in no doubt physical physics geophysical physicia n material bodily in troduce in troductory launch in itiate figure figure out con duct semic on ductor con ductive con ductor behavior steer tell tellerin tellect in tellectual in tellectualism in tellige nt in tellige ntly in tellige
15、nee satellite inform notify lack blacke ned slack slacke n available be available to obta in able accessible emerge emerge nee emerge ncy emerge from surface origi nate appear express press expressi on impress impressive uni mpressive depress depressi on depressa nt compress press ing oppress press
16、for state convey consequenee in con seque nee outcome con tribute con tribut ing con tributi on con tribute tosite brain brai nstorm brai n-drain term determ ine determi nedly termi nate termi nally in terms of clause in creas in gly in creased labor laboratory tale nt respect respected respectable
17、in directly straight fran kly otherwise elaborate laborsav ing collaborate collaboratively workforce mobile detail career quit resig n renounce depart esse ntial n ecessary vital in dispe nsable core head headache go-ahead headli ne headway headl onglead to give rise to executive curre nt curve sort
18、 resort sort sth. out assort classify secure safeguard shield threat men ace uni t 07 material materialism materialistic observe observer abide survey establish establishme nt well-established establish on eself in launch won der won derful no won der approach access to come up to get close to grant
19、 immigra nt take -for gran ted positi on positive posture compositi on oppositi on propositi on dispositi on locateheadh un ter head for chief respectively irrespectively with respect to in respect of esteem main tai n retain uphold susta in primary primarily prime prin cipal cen tral uni t 08 relat
20、e in terrelated correlate correlated be correlated with relate to bond com mune directly directory directive likewise reflect reflecti on un reflect ing relect on despite in spite of discipli ne land mai nla nd landing eleme nt elevate in dicate expose_ posepurpose propose impose compose oppose supp
21、ose supposedly be exposed to be composed of as opposed to be supposed to religio n religious suffer sufferi ng suffer sth.= suffer from sth.epidemic addict payme nt hijack scale circumsta nee un der the circumsta nee二 in the circumsta nces threate n prospect uni t 09 reject rejectio n decli ne refus
22、e discard occur occurre nee in cur happen arise meet assemble con gregate pers onal in terpers onal pers on ality impers onal in dividual private in deed certai nly defi nitely manage man ager man ageable man ageme nt admi nister regulate con trol recog nize un recog ni zed recog niti on object obje
23、cti on objective objectivity objective ness object to sth./d oing sth. trust distrust mistrusted trust fund put trust in sb./sth. critical critically hypocritical criticize be critical of immediate immediately in sta nt let outlet let out let alone advocate in sta nee in sta ntly in sta ntan eouslyf
24、or in sta nee preserve main tai n unit 10 con eept con cepti on prec on cepti on con ceive no ti on enhance enhanced cha ncellor enhan ceme nt boost heighte n refere nee parallel un paralleled parachute succeed be succeeded by con scious con scious ness uncon scious subc on scious be con scious of b
25、e aware of deliberate spontan eous con servative con servati on con serve en ergy progressive global crisis critic criticism muscle muscular presenee present represe nt in the prese nee of gene gen eticgen ealogist gen erate code encode moral code retail retailer en tail upset upsett ing disturba ne
26、e part ner spouse versi on diversi on unit 11gover n gover nment gover nance gover nmen t-fu nded self-gover ning be gover ned by admi nistrate eon duct in terpret in terpretati on misi nterpret defi ne specify prove improve proverb show eon firm return returni ng overtur n in retur n for in dustria
27、l in dustry in dustrialized in dustrializatio n measure oppose opponent be opposed to repel deny eoun ter imagi ne image imagi ng imagi nary uni magi nable imagi native dream picture drop drop by drop out engage en gageme nt en gage in en gage with property asset un employme nt employ employer emplo
28、yee employme nt un employme nt rate dem on strate resp ond resp on sible resp on sibility corresp onding corresp ondent in resp ond to afford un affordable afford to complex complexity perplex ing in tricate sophisticated en sure assure favor favoritefavorable unfav orable in favor of no vel no velt
29、y requireme nt require unit 12 domin ate dominant domestic predo minance predo minan tly recruit priority hence n eglect n egative n egotiate be n eglectful of owe owi ng to reve nue taxati on vote devoted electio n campaig n ballot misery be sorrowful of grief routi ne routi nely circular bus route
30、 in evitable un avoidable solve resolve soluti on commerce commercialized commercial e-commerce circuit in tegrate in tegrati on in tegrati on disi ntegrate in tegrate with disorder distortunit 13 highly extremely exceed in gly notice at/on short no tice take no tice of advertiseme nt detect obtai n
31、 obta in able gain derive characterize be characterized by portray depict decli ne on the decli ne descend decrease former form formal formula perform performer performa nee performative formatio n reformatory in formed in formative _ in formally conform con formity noncon formist tran sformatio n f
32、ormulate formulatio n in formative ness unin formed misi nformatio n uni formity formidable previous vast vastly devastat ing effective effect effective ness effectively in effectual in effective efficie nt justify testify verify con firm affirm lie un derlie un derly ing lie in lie with sb. puzzle
33、puzzleme nt puzzled confuse satisfy satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfacti on be satisfied with be dissatisfied with fulfill stock stock price stock market laughi ng stockdebate con troversy dispute equal equally equate equality equivale nt freque ntly freque nt repeatedly uni versal uni verse uni ver
34、sally uni versity uni versalize overall deprive emoti on emoti ona sen time nt temper mood dispositi on modify mode modificati on revise ame nd recast net n etwork in tra net In ternet-based philosopher philosophy philosophical poetry poet remai ns remai n remai ning bala nee well-bala need coun ter
35、bala nee level off break eve n steady stabilize un it 14 p elite elitism gradual en trepre neur colo ny colo nial comply complicate complicated con tact con test in con tact with historia n in herit in here nt privilege privileged purchase ran dom descripti on describe defi niti on picture admit adm
36、issi on adopt adoptive crucial esse ntial key sig ni fica nt overrid ing quote quotatio n cite restore restorati on revive recover resume en able empower permit endeavor strive for essay exter nal internal agenda flexible schedule schedule cell clue con text exert impose sth. on optio n opti onal op
37、port unity excepti on perma nent durable trait attribute feature peculiarity cater cater for cater to capable unit 15 depe ndent in depe ndent relia nt extreme extremely ultimate utmost radical imply simply in dicate infer exhibit exhibiti on expose to array eve ntually preve nt fin ally ultimately
38、label tag brand desig nate psychology typical typically sample various vary varied variety vary ing variable variati on familiar un familiar be familiar with be proficie nt in be adept at in timate shift dow nshift tran sfer alter tran sform n evertheless though radical radically sufficie nt adequat
39、e afflue nt abundant ample exte nt exte nsion exte nd exte nded exte nsive to some exte nt guara ntee guara nteed pledge conven ti on conven tio nal unconven ti onal expectati on expect un expected expecta ncy meet the expectati on dim accepta nee clothe clothes lure marine norm nu merous nu merical
40、 orchestra privacy illusi on illustrate pursue pursuit in sist in siste nee con sist in/of persist persevere uphold previous previously primary primitive prior release publish deliver announce remi nd remin der remind sb. of temporary chr onic whereas elsewhere wise otherwise likewise wisely prude n
41、t ack no wledge kno wledge kno wledgeable announce announ ceme nt declare claim proclaim comb ine combat comb ine with in tegrate merge eno rmous unit 16 host ghost hostile hostility hostage military military in tellige nee armed n ative alter native alter natively procedure work ing procedure start
42、i ng procedure loadi ng procedure recomme nd recomme ndatio n comme nd master masterpiece masteryallowa nee rage outrage in a rage fury recipie nt elimi nate elim in ati on remote dista nt faraway farther immune immune to impleme nt impleme ntatio n trial dose unit 17 expense expa nsion cost outlay
43、expe nditure desirable desire advisable practically practicality practical experie nee realistic inten ti on inten ti on ally purpose in te nt reas on able reas on reas on ably reas oned logical democratic democracy democratize distribute distributi ondistributi onpossess assesspossessi on assessme
44、ntodd odds atodds with peculiarbe proficie nt in be adept at be good at pour outpouri ng pour into stre ngthe n stre ngth bury bury one ' s head in the sand celebrate celebrity crop crow n disaster catastrophe orie nt orie nted prevail reig n quest request questi on unq uestio ned rear rear ing
45、reap specialize specialize in vuln erable fragile brittle ambiguous un ambiguous obscureopaque vague peak param ount summit climax pension suspe nsion grant subsidycha nnel promisi ng prominent compromise verbal nonv erbal compete competitive compete nt compete ntly in compete ntly compete aga in st
46、/with rival disti nguish dist in guished proporti on appropriate in appropriate n ecessity n ecessary supply supplier suppleme nt emphasis emphasize stress highlight intense inten sive unit 18 bear occupy occupati on preoccupati on be occupied with captureburst ing fade dissolve si nk vanish foun da
47、ti on len gth len gthe n len gthy at len gth stretch panel panel discussi on poverty poor poorly relucta nt relucta ntly be relucta nt to do sth.tran sacti on accompa ny compa ny accuracy in accuracystrategy strategic tactic approach scheme plot con spiracy exclusive in clusive con firm firm infirm
48、con firm sb. in affirm assert certify testify corporati on corporate in corporate in corporate with en terprise dramatic dramatize dramatically exaggerate exaggerated aggravate boast magnify en dure en dura nee feeble feedback flourish alie n atte ndance atte ndant myth mystery overlap overseas over
49、whelm perceive pilgrim prestige in dex hitherto impulse in dulge in quiry lea n reside nt resista nt resista nee revoluti onary latter late later isolate final mankind huma nkind huma nity creature be ing species spa n Hispa nic Spanish supervise superstiti on unit 19 win wi ne win dscree n wi nd sw
50、i ng wi ndfall artificial artistic artificial in tellige nee false audie nee auditor bias biased prejudice crime crim inal discrimi natio n curiosity be curious about/to dispute disputable encoun ter coun terpart profo und profo un dly prosperityprosperous ren der surre nder give up yield en lighte
51、n unen lighte ned acqua int apprise explosi on blastauto aut onom ous cease halt suspend pause un it20 contend man ipulate man ipulati on take charge of= be in charge of cou ncil the State Coun cil en thusiastic en thusiasm en thusiastically in flati on in flati onary in flate deflati on likewise mo
52、reover furthermore outcome in come speculate diffuse explicit explicitly defi nite fragme nt fragme nted a fracti on of hook horiz on lobby ing merit demerit pen alty puni shme nt sweep trivial triviality item be an itemdisgrace unit 21 subtle subsequent bou nd rebo und boun dary abound be bound to
53、be bound up with bother prey rent cohere nt orga nize disorga ni zed mobilize arra nge perpetual appetizer dessert harm harmful harm onious harsh pharmaceutical hurt damage electro nic electro nics electro nically rare rarely un com mon excepti onal treat retreat un dertreatme nt deal han dle vanish
54、 dimi nish disappear divide divided separate split mere merely sheer simple inv est inv estor inv estme nt inv estigati on manu facture manu facturi ng manu facturer prompt provoke prompti ng spur table comfortable charitable acceptable disputable profitable stable un acceptable suitable regrettable
55、 respectable weight outweigh boom baby boom en title title en titleme nt subtitle be en titled to nomin ate denomin ate in stitute in stituti on in stituti onal restrict restrictio n restrain sb. from doing sth.deputy unit 23 bin bind bruise census charter clarity moa n mock obsessi on passi on prev
56、ale nt hedge hypothesis in trude kn it kit repertoire sen ate han dle get rid of dispose of cope with manage address mon opoly possessi on con trol strive stripe strive forunit 24 adapt adaptive ness readmit con tempt con temptible den se den sely exhaust forecast mutual mutuallyrefrain from doing s
57、th.con stra in curb prohibit forbid partial con clusi on con clusive incon clusive con cludi ng exclude in con clusi on decorate orn ame nt discard get rid of cast off desert abandon unit 22 discourage courage courageous en courage devil elderly bulk bulb bypass calorie facilitate fai nt fashi on ab
58、le gratitude engin eeri ng allia nee backward bait banquet con stitute copyright costly damnmutual ben efit no where preferable prefere nee rei nforce en force renew sympathy show sympathy for in sympathy with excel excess excessive excelle nt excelle nee excel in/at forth set forth back-a nd-forth
59、and so forth frighte ning frustrate be frustrated by/with grain in ferior in feriority in itiative in itiate in itial in strume nt in strume ntalist mathematical mathematics missio n miss commissi on emissi on s-free admissi on submissi on commissio ner unit 25 pois onous pois oning toxic primitivesubstitute -for tide via adolesce nt anonym ous authe ntic chop disposable chopsticks bang bash compel oblige expel Impel be compelled to con cessi on con cede sth. to sb. make
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