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1、Unit6 Do you like bananas?一、单词过关(一汉译英:香蕉汉堡包西红柿冰激凌沙拉草莓梨牛奶面包生日正餐周、星期食物蔬菜水果正确的苹果那么鸡蛋胡萝卜米饭鸡肉那么早饭午餐星星、明星吃令人满意的习惯健康的真正的问题需要变成肥胖的(二根据首字母或汉语提示拼写单词:1. -When is your b , Nick? - Its on June 15th.2. -Do you n a bag for school? -No, I dont. I have one already.3. We should eat lots of vegetable to keep h .4. The

2、y usually have breakfast at home and l at school.5. Apples, bananas and pears are all f .6. There are seven days in a w .7. Does anyone know the r answer to this question?8. Good eating h are important to our health.9. Dale likes to have a piece of bread, an apple and a cup of milk for b .10. Eric i

3、s very f because he always eats too much.11. Linda doesnt like vegetables. She only e meat.12. Monkeys like eating b .13. How much are those _(西红柿.14. An _(苹果 a day keeps the doctor away.15. Doctors says _(胡萝卜are good for me.16. Mary likes _(草莓 very much.17. Playing basketball is easy and interestin

4、g. I _(真正地 like this game.18. Americans like eating _(汉堡包.19. We want a lot of _(蔬菜 and fruit.20. Of all the fruits, Dale likes _(梨 best.21. Its so hot that I want to eat _(冰激凌.22. _(鸡肉is a kind of good food for me.23. The cow gives us _(牛奶.24. I eat two_(鸡蛋 for breakfast.25. Jenny likes eating _(橘子

5、 very much.26. Foreigners like having _(面包 for breakfast.27. Dale can speak Chinese very _(好.二、必背短语(一英译汉:think about How about?next week birthday dinnereating habits volleyball starafter dinner want to be fat吃早饭吃中饭吃晚饭最后一个问题确实喜欢健康的事物三、重要句型1. 你喜欢香蕉吗?是的,我喜欢。Do you ? Yes,.2. 让我们想想(吃什么食物吧。Lets the food.3

6、. 那你喜欢什么水果?So do you like?4. 我可不想变胖。I want to .5. 早饭你吃什么?What do you have ?6. 他不喜欢吃蔬菜。He like .7. 大卫询问了有关网球明星,辛迪史密斯的饮食习惯。David the volleyball star, Cindy Smith, her habits.8. 我喜欢冰激凌,但是我不吃它。I ice cream, I eat it.9.我喜欢晚饭后吃冰激凌做为甜点。I like to eat ice-cream _ dessert _ dinner.10. 来点沙拉和蔬菜怎么样?_ _ some salad

7、 and vegetables?11. 爱丽斯总是首先考虑她的孩子。Alice always _ _ her children first.四、重点突破(一Do 或Does 引导的一般疑问句,及其肯定与否定回答基本结构:Do/Does + 主语+ 动词原形?Yes, 主语(代词 do/does. No, 主语(代词dont/doesnt.dont 和doesnt 都是助动词的否定形式,构成否定句,后面接动词原形基本结构:主语+ dont/doesnt + 动词原形单选:1. -Do you like bread? -_.A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I am.C. No, Im n

8、ot.D. No, I do.2. _ your son eat salad? No, he _.A. Does; dontB. Is; doesntC. Does; doesD. Does; doesnt.3. My friend _like ice-cream.A. dontB. doesntC. isntD. arent.4. Her parents _ let her go out after 9:00 in the evening.A. doesntB. dontC. arentD. are句型转换:1.He likes milk and eggs for breakfast.(改为

9、一般疑问句_he _milk and eggs for breakfast?2. They like pears.( 改为一般疑问句_they _pears?3. Tom watches TV every day. ( 改为一般疑问句_Tom_TV every day?4. Do they play sports every day?( 用Mike代替they_Mike _ every day?5. Do your friends have story-book? (作肯定回答Yes, _ _.6. Does his sister like playing piano?(作否定回答No. _

10、_.7. I like salad and bread. (改成否定句I _ _ salad and bread.8. He likes eating eggs for breakfast. (改成否定句He _ _ eating eggs for breakfast.(二 like 的用法like 意为:喜欢,后接名词或动词的ing 形式,做宾语;like to do sth 通常表示一次性或临时的、具体的喜好;like 也可作为介词,意为:像一样。例句:1. I like Chinese food.2. He likes watching TV.3. He likes to watch T

11、V this afternoon.4. She looks like her mother.用like的适当形式填空:1. I _playing football with my friends after school.2. My friend _ _ ice- cream.3. _ your father _ soccer? Yes, he _ it very much.4. They _ _ volleyball, because they think its too difficult.5. She _ shopping. She often goes shopping on Sund

12、ay afternoon.6. She looks _ her mother.(三 可数名词和不可数名词(既可数又不可数的名词1. 名词复数形式构成的基本规则1一般在词尾加:s 如:books ; eggs2词尾是s ,x, ch, sh 则加: es 如:boxes; watches3 词尾是f或fe , 先变f或fe 为ve 再加:s 如:wife-wives4词尾是o,有生命体征的加:es; 没有生命体征的加:s 如:tomatoes/photos5 以辅音字母加y 结尾的名词,变y为i,再加:es 如:baby-babies2. 名词的分类将下列单词变成复数形式:tomato stra

13、wberry photowatch Chinese boxbaby man footchild vegetable dictionary( she it I 根据提示拼写单词:1.I have an _(冰激凌.2.There are four _(西红柿 on the table.3.Jane has two _(手表.4.These are _(橘子.5.Julia has some _(朋友 in this school.6.They often eat _(蔬菜 every day.7.The girl doesnt like _(草莓,but she likes pears.8.He

14、 often has some _(面包and _(牛奶 for breakfast.9.Do you like some _(橘子juice? Its sweet and fresh.10.I have some _(鸡肉 for lunch.将下列单词分类:carrot orange apple bread rice water salad food fruit strawberryice-cream milk meat chicken pear egg tomato juice beefCountable nouns:Uncountable nouns:Countable and unc

15、ountable nouns:(四在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数的时候,动词的形式的变化1. 一般动词,词尾加:s 如:eat-eats2. 以o, s, x, ch, sh 结尾的动词,词尾加:es 如:watch-watches wash-washes3. 以辅音字母加y 结尾的动词,变y为I 加es 如:fly-flies carry-carries4. have 的第三人称单数形式是has给动词的正确形式填空:1.Mary _(have bread and milk for breakfast.2.Lots of children in our school _(go to school in foot.3.My mother always_(watch TV every day.4.The boys often _(play football


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