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1、233Vol.23No.3 20096CHINESE JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH June 2009XRD 1222221. 1300122. 130012XRD(sin 2 (EAHFCVD. , , , . , ., CVD , , XRD, ,O4841005-3093(200903-0264-05Analysis of residual stress and microstress in freestanding borondoped polycrystalline diamond lms by XRDXU Yue 1ZHANG Tong 2LI Liu

2、an 2LI Hongdong 2 L ¨U Xianyi 2JIN Zengsun 21.Test Science Experiment Center, Jilin University, Changchun 1300122.State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials, Jilin University, Changchun 130012*Supported by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University No.NCET060303, and National Natu

3、ral Science Foundation of China No.50772041.Manuscript received November 28, 2008; in revised form February 27, 2009.*To whom correspondence should be addressed, Tel:(043185168095,Email:hdliABSTRACT The residual stress and microstress in freestanding borondoped polycrystalline di-amond lms, grown by

4、 an electronassisted hot lament chemical vapor deposition (EAHFCVD were analyzed by Xray diraction (XRDincluding sin 2method. The results show that the residual stress is compressive. With increasing boron ow rate, the stress is gradually decreased. The microstress varies as tensile compressive tens

5、ile in the lms fabricated with increasing boron ow rate in the growth processes. The variations in the residual stress and microstress as a function of boron doping level are strongly dependent on the grain size, growth orientation, and appearance of twins in the borondoped diamond lms.KEY WORDS ino

6、rganic nonmetallic materials, CVD diamond lms, borondoping, XRD, residual stress, microstress, 1, 2. (CVD, ,*NCET060303,50772041, . 20081128; 2009227. :,3, 4. , CVD 5 8., Raman 9, 10, X (XRD10, 1112. Raman Raman ,(,. XRD,10.3:XRD 265 , 13, 14.CVD ,10,.,.XRD. sin 2,.1CVD(EAHFCVD .(B(OCH3 3 . B(OCH3 3

7、, .B(OCH3 3(020mL ·min 1 , ,13, 14., CVD 25.40Torr, 1.3%,150V. , 0.5m(25mm ,. ,3cm, 2000,800., . ,80m, ,13, 14. XRD(CuK 1,=0.15406nm JSM6480LV.XRD , 15= E2d d 0d 0(1E , d d 0. XRD ,(d d 0/d 0. sin 210, 16. (hkl d , total 15, 16:d d 0d 0=1+Etotal sin 2(2 d , d 0=0 .22.1SEM1SEM . , (111,50m(1a.1b

8、 ,8m, ,(11017. 20mL ·min 1(1c, 10m, (111, .2.2XRD2XRD . 43.9 75.2 91.5 (111(220 (311. (400(119.5 (, 100 .,(111; 10mL ·min 1, , (111, (110; , (111, (111(110. SEM . (111 (110I (111/I (110 (3 , , I (111/I (110. Van der drift 18. , (111, (110, ,(111. , , (100 (111, 19,(11110, 20.266231CVD SEMF

9、ig.1SEM images of the borondoped CVD diamond lms deposited with boron ow rate of (a0mL ·min 1, (b10mL ·min 1, (c 20mL ·min 12XRD Fig.2XRD spectra of the borondoped diamond lms deposited with various boron ow rates3(111(110I (111/I (110Fig.3Ratios of the diraction intensities of I (111

10、/I (110versus the boron ow rate for the borondoped diamond lms.2.3XRD(sin2sin 210, 12, 16. X, X ,2, 2sin 2M , ., 2, . =0 15 30 45 , 2sin 2, M =(2 /(sin2, (2 :=K ·M (3 K = E2(1+ctg 0180. , CVD, E =1143GPa, =0.0712. ,.2>9010, 21, 2,. (311. 410mL ·min 1,d (311sin 2.d (311sin 2,10.5., , . (

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