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1、2021年湖南省常德市小升初英语真题及答案题号一一二四五六七八九总分得分温馨提示:本卷共九道大题,总分值 100分,时量40分钟。Let ' Sisten40 分一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词,并将序号填在题前的括号内。(10个小题,计10分)()1.A. thinkB. thing()2. A. angry B.hungry()3.A. watchB. catch()4. A. snowB. show()5.A. westB. rest()6. A. listenB. lesson()7.A. worldB. word()8. A. carB. far()9.A. fiftyB. f

2、ifteen()10. A. SundayB. Saturday、听句子,给图片排序。(5个小题,计10分)()()()()()三、听句子在与句子意思相符的图片下括号内填T不相符的填F。5个小题,计10分()()()四、听录音,选择正确的答语,将其代号填入括号内。5个小题,计10分( ( ()1. A. Yes,I am.)2.A.It's 56 yuan.)3.A.It's on your head.)4.A.It's on the first of June.)5.A.Iamgoing to take a walk.B. Yes, I do.B. It '

3、s mine.B. It ' s Lingling ' s hat.B. It ' s one hundred.B. I like dumplings.Let ' sead. (40 分)五、单项选择。从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最正确答案填空,将其代号填入题前的括号内。(10个小题,计10分)()1. Look! They are homework carefully.A.doB. didC. doing()2. There a book and two pencils on the desk.A. is()3. I'm than Zhang Pe

4、ng.A.tall()4. What you do yesterday ?A. didB. do()5. -bag is this? -It ' s Jim ' s.B.Who' sC. WhoFriday.C. from; onC. doC. theC. Get upC. has breakfast()6. I go to school MondayA.for;onB.from;to()7. He can many things at home.A. to doB.does()8. Mr Green is old man.A.a()9.,Tom. Its 7 o Cl

5、ock.A. Go to bedB. Get on()10. Tom usually at seven.A. have breakfast B. having breakfastA. What will you do there?B. Where are you going this weekend?C. Thank you.D. Does your family often go on outing at weekend?E. How are you going?六、补全对话。根据课文内容从方框内选择恰当句子补全对话,并将代号填在横线上。(5个小题,计10分)Anne: 1.Peter: Y

6、es, Its fun.Anne: 2.Peter: Wel go to the beach.Anne: 3.Peter: We 】l go by car.Anne: 4.Peter: We 】l go swimming and have a picnic.Anne: Have a good time!Peter: 5.七、阅读AB两篇短文,判断。在与短文意思相符的句子前括号内填T,不相符的填F。(10个小题,计20分)AMrs Amanda likes to eat meat and cakes very much. So her husband often buys some f or h

7、er. She doesn ' t like sports. She always gets up at about eleven in the morning. So she gets fatter and fatter. Now it ' s difficult for her to walk.One day, she went to see a doctor. The doctor looked over her and said, “ There is something wrong with your heart, Mrs Amanda. It ' s bad

8、 for you to eat too much sugar and meat. You' d better eaa piece of bread for each meal(每餐).”"That's edoctor." said Mrs Amanda, “ But when should eat i? Before a meal or after a meal?"()1.Mrs Amanda likes to eat vegetables and fruit very much.()2.Mrs Amanda doesn ' t like

9、sports.()3.Mrs Amanda always gets up at about seven in the morning.()4. There is something wrong with Mrs Amanda' s heart.()5. Mrs Amanda didn understand(理解,明白)the doctor.BOn the way home, a little horse meets a small river. He is very worried( 担忧的)."What should I do? " he thinks. Then

10、 he meets rabbit.Can I cross the river?”the little horse asks.Oh, you can't. The river is very deep(深的).You will drop into the water, " the rabbit says. The little horse cries.A cow comes to the little horse. What S wrong, Little Horse? " I can't cross this river. It S very deep, &

11、quot; he answers. Oh, don't worry. This river isn 't deep at all. Try!" the cow says. The little horse stops crying. He tries and crosses the river at last.()1. The little horse meets a river on thewayhome.()2. First, the little horse meets a cow.()3. The rabbit thinks the river is very

12、 deep.()4. The cow says the river is not deep.()5. The little horse doesn't cross the river at last.Let ' swrite. (20 分)八、根据句子提示,从方框中找到正确的句子,再用手写体把句子写在四线格上。(5个小题,计10分)May I come in? Don' t pick flowers! Let ' s play football togetheOK? Glad to see you again. Can I help you?1 .东东和明明再次

13、相见,东东会对明明说:2 .你想和汤姆一起踢足球,你会说:3 .假设你看见小朋友摘花园的花,你会说:4 .假设你是饭店的效劳员,你对进店的顾客会说:5 .假设你去办公室交作业,进门之前你会对老师说:九、补全句子。根据所给中文,用适当的词填空。(5个小题,计10分)1 .我们可以在教室里听音乐吗?Can we music in the classroom?2 .你弟弟有多重? is your brother?3 .这辆小汽车是谁的? is this?4 .这把尺子比那把尺子长。This ruler is that one.5 .你昨天去了哪里?Where you yesterday?2021年小

14、学六年级毕业考试模拟试卷(一)英语听力材料及参考答案听力材料以中速朗读两遍、听录音,选择你所听到的单词,并将序号填在题前的括号内。1 thing2 hungry3watch4snow6 lesson7 world8far9fifty(10 个小题,计10 分)5 west10 Saturday二、听句子,找图片,把句子序号填在对应图片下括号内。(5 个小题,计10 分)1 Linda doesn t feel well.2 It will be sunny and cool.3 We should do exercise everyday.4 He travelled to London la

15、st year.5 Tom drew a picture and showed it to his teacher.三、听句子在与句子意思相符的图片下括号内填T不相符的填F。5个小题,计10分1. W : What does Anne like?M : Anne likes singing.W: When s your birthday?M: My birthday is in December.W: Where are we going today?M: We re going to go shopping.W : What did you see?M : I saw the Golden

16、Gate Bridge.W : What time is it?M : It s eleven o clock.四、听录音,选择正确的答语,将其代号填入括号内。1 Do you have a ticket?2 How much is a box of mooncakes?3 Whose hat is it?4 When s your birthday?5 What are you going to do?5 个小题,计10 分听力材料朗读完毕,请同学们继续做下面试题。参考答案听力 40 分一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。 (10 个小题,计10 分 )1 B2 B3 A4 A5 A6B7A8B9 A10 B(5 个小题,计10 分 )41532三、听对话,判断。在与图意相符的图片下括号内填T不相符的填F。5个小题,T F T T T10 分四、听录音,选择正确的答语,将其代号填入括号内。B A B A A5 个小题,计10 分五、选择填空。1 C2 A6 B7 C(10 个小题,计10 分 )3 B4 A5 A8 B9 C10 C六、补全对话。 5 个小题,计10 分D B E A C七、阅读,判断。(A) FTF(B) TFT(10 个小题,计2


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