



1、( )1.()13.1Unit7 检测试题选揺壇空i从下列各小麵所轴的四卒谱零中.送出一乍可填入空白业的長1圭誓畫(13She s cook ing in the kitche n.A. Whats your mother doingC. What does your aunt doIm going to Hangzhou for!A. Have a good timeC. Good luckB. How is your sisterD. Whats your grandmothermy holiday next week.B. Best wishes to youD. Please gocl

2、oudy ; rainy()12._?Not bad.A. What are you doingC. Hows your study going_ ?B. Are you doing your homeworkD. Hows the weatherRunning.)2.)3.)4.Its a bit wet.A. What day is it todayC. Whats the dateDon t go out! It_All right. Tha nks.A. snowingB. snowyIt is rainy and windy all day.Oh, that is_.A. goodB

3、. wellMay I speak to Jeff?He.LetB. Is it wetD. Whats the weather likes play in the room.C. is snowingC. terribleD. badlyD. snows)5.A. is havi ngB. hadHow is the weather today?Oh, lots of people are wearingA. hotB. rai nya meeting now. Can I take a message?C. hasgloves and coats,C. warmD. will haveso

4、 I guess itD. coldis)6.)8.)9._Mrs Wang speaki ng?Yes,_ Mrs Wang.A. Is this ; I amC. Is that ; this isWho s cooking?B. Are you ; I amD. Are you ; this is)10.A. Linda doesB. Linda isCould you help me with my En glish?C. Linda hasD. LindaA. SorryB. Sure, no problem C. Not at allD.Yes,could()11.Its _I t

5、hi nk so.A. cloud ; raintoday. I thi nk its going toB. cloudy ; rainingC. cloudy ; rainD.)7.2A. How is it goingB. What s the weather likeC. Is he readi ng a book at homeD. What s it doing()14.Nancy, don t alwaysthe old jacket. It looks terrible.But I think it s cool, Mom.A. wearB. dressC. put onD. t

6、akeoff()15.Did you have a great timesoccer with your friends yesterdayafter noon?Yes, I did.A. playB. to playC. play ingD. played、完形填空:先阅读短文,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文中相应 空白处的最佳答案。(20 分)The weather is differe nt in differe nt parts of the world. In some places it isdry , and in 1 it is humid. If the w

7、eather is too dry, the land will not be 2for animals or plants. In humid weather there may be too much 3 . The rivers mayg o over their sides. The 4 may takethe bridge away. If the rivers goover theirsides, a lot of people may not have eno ugh food. If there is very dryweather fora long 5 , the rive

8、r beds may be dry. I n some otherparts of the worldthe weathermay be very cold. There may be much 6 . When it sno ws, the trees, the buildi ngs and everythi ngoutside look 7 .In winter the days are short and the ni ghts are long. 8 cold win ter ni ghts, whe n thereare no clouds 9 win ds, the sky is

9、very clear. And the moon and stars are very beautiful. People may puton their coats and go out for long walks. When they come back to their houses, they may be happy 10_hot coffee and cakes by the fire.( )1. A. otherB. the otherC. othersD.theothers( )2. A. worseB. badC.goodD. better( )3. A. snowB. r

10、ainC. cloudD. wi nd( )4. A. rainB. waterC. riverD. wi nd( )5. A. wayB. timeC. mon thD. river( )6. A. cloudB. rainC.snowD. wi nd( )7. A. gree nB. blueC. whiteD. yellow( )8. A. AtB. OnC. I nD. After( )9. A. andB. and orC. withD. or( )10. A. to haveB. to doC. to drinkD. to eat三、阅读理解:先阅读短文,然后从每小题所给的四个选项

11、中选出一个与短文内容相符的正 确答案。(20 分)In England, people don t usually talk much. You can go on a bus, or in a train, and every one sitslook ing out ofthe win dow. Often they read books and n ewspapers.But they dont talk much.When you meet En glish people, they ofte n when you meet somebody in En gla nd, you can

12、 say,year! ”“ But it was a little cold yesterday.a bit warmer later(过后)!” you can say. If you talk like this, the English willthink, “ How frien dly you are! ”()1. En glish people ofte n_ on a bus.A. talk muchB. talk about their worktalk about one thing, the weather. So“ Nice weather for the time of

13、 thesomebody may answer. “ But it got3C. eat someth ingD. do some readi ng()2. Whe n you meet En glish people, talk like this:_A. How do you do?B. How s it goingC. Nice weather!D. Nice to meet you!()3. If you talk with the English people about the weather, they will thinkA. you are frie ndlyB. you a

14、re rightC. you are En glishD. you talk too much()4. En glish people always hope the weather is_ .A. niceB. warmC. coldD.cloudy()5. Which sentence is RIGHT?A. En glish people like to talk on a bus.B. En glish people d on t like the best weather.C. En glish people are very frien dly to stra ngers.D. E

15、n glish people dont like to talk much.BToday is Sun day. It is a fine day. The sun shines brightly in the sky. Mrs White wants to go to thepark with her husba nd, but he is busy. So Mrs White takes her pet dog Nick with her to the park.When she gets to the gate of the park, she buys a ticket for her

16、self. Then she g ives the ticket tothe clerk and wants to go into the park. But the clerk stops her, I am sorry, madam, but your dog can t go into the park. ” Mrs white is very angry and she says, “Why? Why don t you let Nick in? He ismy son. He is 5 years old now. ” The clerk laughs, “Oh, since he

17、is your son, please buy anotherticket for him. ”()6. What day is it today?()10. Why is Mrs White so an gry?A. Because the clerk doesn t let her in.B. Because the clerk asks her to buy ano ther ticket for herself.C. Because the clerk doesn t let her dog in.D. Because the clerk doesn t sell tickets to

18、 her.四、词形转换:根据句意,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,每词限用一次。sit, cook, go, wind, photo, sun, see, relax, walk, work1. My computer isn t_right now.2. The sun is shining. It s_ .3. Welcome back to school. I m so happy_all of my friends again.4. Look! His sister_dinner for them.A. Today is a fine day.C. Today is October 11

19、th.()7. How is the weather today?B. Today is Sun day.D. Today is Saturday.C. Rainy.B. Her son.D. Her pet dog.C. Three.D.D. Four.(15 分)45. How about_to Europe on vacati on?6. How many_are there in your album(相册)?7. It s raining outside. It s not right for_ .8. How s the weather tomorrow( 明天 )?It s_ .

20、9. A man is hav ing a good time_in the garde n and liste ning to music.10. Skati ng is very_ .五、 完成句子:根据中文意思,完成下列英语句子。每空限填一词。(10 分)1. 天气晴朗时,我喜欢外出。I like to go out whe n_.2. 他们高兴地在河里游泳。They re having_in the river.3. 瞧!他们正在花园里照相。Look! They re_ in the garden.4. 格林先生全家人正在夏威夷度假。The Greens are now in Hawa

21、ii_ .5. 我很乐意为他带个口信。I have a good time_a_ for him.六、 书面表达。(2 0 分)假设你是北京一所中学的学生,叫李兰,你的笔友Mary 给你来信,询问你北京一年里的天气状况。请你回信告诉她。不少于80 词。信中可以包括以下要点:Spring: warm, short;Summer: hot, humid, ofte n rain, swim ming;Autu mn: cool, dry, work with the farmers;Win ter: cold, sno wy, win dy.Dear Mary,Thanksforyourletter.Yours sincerelyLi Lan5Unit 7一、 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.B10.D11.C 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.C二、 1.C 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.D10.A三、 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.A10.C四、 1. work ing 2. sunny3


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