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1、完型填空(一)Joe wanted a computer . He asked his (1)for the money and they said he must get it himself. But how did he get it? He (2)about this when h e walked home. Not many people wanted to asked children to work for them. Maybe he could take away snow for the neighbors. But this was not (3).He had to

2、wait a long time for that. He couldnt cut grass for their gardens(4) he had no tools to do the work with.Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick .delivering (5). I could do that, he thought. Maybe I could even get the computer (6)away. I c ould pay (7)it a little each week. He ran to (8)up with Dick

3、. Jo e asked him a lot of questions. He learned that it was (9)to get twen ty-five dollars each week. He learned that the job took (10)three hour s each night. Dick (11)him the phone number of the newspaper mana ger.Joe almost flew home. After he told his mother (12)he thought, she (13).think it is

4、a (14) idea. She said, Ill call the newspaper ” “Wait,Mum, Joesaid, call. After that. Im going to be a businessman now. Joes mother smiled (15).()1. A. teachers B. parents C. classmates D. friends()2. A. said B. told C. thought D.spoke()3. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter()4. A. because B. wh

5、en C. while D. after()5. A. newspapers B. bikes C. computers D. tools()6. A. now B. right C. just D. only()7. A. on B. to C. of D. for()8. A. take B. catch C. carry D. get()9. A. friendly B. kind C. possible D. wrong()10.A. at B. about C. before D. after()11.A. taught B. gave C. made D. asked()12.A.

6、 that B. when C. what D. where()13.A. smiled B. shouted C. cried D. worried()14.A. big B. large C. great D. bad()15.A. sadly B. happily C. politely D. angrily()7. A. hears B. was hearing C. heard D. would hear完型填空(二)John sent for a doctor because his wife was ill. He called the doctor andmake sure t

7、hey meet at five. He arrived at the doctors at twenty(2)five. He thought,aItitse bit earlier . Ill wait for a moment. Itsgood (3)there on time.”(4)he stopped his car in front of the doctors. He (5)and saw a noisy square not far from there. He went there and sat down on a chair to enjoy the last ligh

8、t of afternoon sun and (6)himself quiet. He saw some children playing and some women talking to each other happily.Suddenly he a girl crying. He came up to her and asked some questions. Then he knew she got lost. John tried to find out her (8)and took her home. The girls parents were very thankful.T

9、hen John hurried to the doctors. When the doctor saw him, he was very (9)and said, Youre late. Why did you keep me waiting for twentyminutes? ” John said (10)except one word“sorry ”.()1. A. should B. shall C. would D. will()2. A. past B. to C. of D. after |()3. A. to arrive at B. to get C. to leave

10、D. to ride()4. A. Every time B. From now on C. Before D. Then()5. A. looked for B. looked after C. looked at D. looked around()8. A. name B. school C. age D. address()9. A. polite B. angry C. happy D. kind()10.A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing完型填空(三)Almost everyone the meanings of Mr

11、, Mrs and Miss. Mr is used before the names of men. Mrs is used for married women and Miss is for unmarrie d woman. But (2)is Ms?For (3), businessmen in the United States have used Ms before a wom ans name when they do not know whether the woman is married or not. Tod ay, however , many women like M

12、s (4)Mrs or Miss.The word (5) does not tell us whether or not a man is married. So th e women want to be equal to (6)in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to know whether they are married or not.There are some problems with Ms. (7)the women like it. Some like the older wa

13、ys of doing things. Some find (8)difficult to read. Ms (9)miz.Young women like it better than older women(10). It is difficult to know whether most American women will use Ms in the future. What do you think of it?()1. A. knows B. know C. knew D. is knowing()2. A. how B. what C. who D. which()3. A.

14、sometime B. sometimes C. some times D. some time()4. A. than B. better C. better than D. best than()5. A. Ms B. Mrs C. Miss D. Mr()6. A. men B. girls C. ladies D. boys()7. A. None of B. Not all C. All D. Neither of()8. A. this B. that C. them D. it()9. A. sounds like B. read like C. is sounded like

15、D. is sound like()10.A. to do B. do C. did D. done完型填空(四)was to? Do theyFarley worked for the Canadian government. One day, helearn more about wolves. Do wolves kill lots of caribou(big animals) kill people?They gave him lots of food and clothes and guns. Then they put him on aplane and took him to

16、(2). The plane put him down and went away. There were no houses or people in this place. But there were lots of animals and lots of wolves.People tell terrible stories about wolves. They say wolves like to kill and eat people. Farley remembered these stories, and he was (3). He had his gun with him

17、(4).Then one day, he saw a group of wolves. There was a mother wolf with four baby wolves. A father wolf and another young wolf lives with them.Farley watched these wolves every day. The mother was a very (5)mother . She gave milk to her babies. She gave them lessons about life. Theylearned how to (

18、6)food. The father wolf got food for the mother. Theyoung wolf (7)the children. They were a nice, happy family a wolf family!Farley did not need hiss (8)any more. In a short time, he got on well with the wolf family. Farley watched them for five months. He learned many newthings about wolves. He lea

19、rned that many stories about the wolves were (9). Wolves do not eat people, and they do not eat many large animals.And he also learned bad things about men. It was men who killed many caribou and wolves.Later , Farley wrote a book about wolves. He wanted people to (10) them and not to kill them.()1.

20、 A. seen B. told C. heard D. found ()2. A. a small town B. a big city C. a far place D. a lonely village()4. A. one B. it C. those D. these()3. A. afraid B. happy C. angry D. tired()4. A. at times B. all the time C. once a week D. every afternoon()5. A. bad B. good C. hungry D. thirsty()6. A. cook B

21、. make C. get D. pick|()7. A. shout at B. looked into C. laughed at D. played with()8. A. food B. clothes C. gun D. plane()9. A. not good B. not true C. not easy D. not clear()10.A. grow B. have C. teach D. understand完型填空(五)When someone asks me what business I am in. My face feels . I envy( 嫉妒)peopl

22、e who can say that they are writers, bookkeepers and doctors. All these jobs speak for themselves.I really do make a living by (2), and a good one, too. I can laugh like a king or like a schoolboy. It is a skill that I have learned, (3)the skill of mending shoes. Whenever and however laugher is need

23、ed- I am asked t o do(4). I laugh like a bus driver or a shopkeeper. I laugh (5), kindlyand happily.I need (6)point out that a job of this kind is tiring. I spend most evenings in nightclubs. My job is to laugh during the (7)part of the show. My loud, hearty laugher must be timed carefully. It must

24、not come too soon, (8)neither must be too late.I go through life quietly. I can (9)the laugher of others. I can laugh in many different ways. But Im not sure that I have ever heard the sound of (10)own laugher .()1. A. warm B. cool C. her D. cold()2. A. laughing B. writing C. speaking D. working()3.

25、 A. at B. to C. by D. like()5. A. gladly B. sadly C. truly D. suddenly()6. A. clearly B. easily C. badly D. hardly()7. A. weaker B. stronger C. more terrible D. more wonderful()8. A. for B. so C. but D. and |()9. A. get B. make C. copy D. have()10.A. their B. my C. her D. hisI完型填空答案解析:(一)I.B.Joe肯定是跟

26、他的父母要钱去买电脑的。2 .C.think about是一个固定短语,意思是考虑。3 .D.只有冬天才会下雪。4 .A. ”he had no tools to do the work with ” 是前面 He couldnt cut grassfor their gardens.的原 因。5 .A.根据本段的最后一句可知答案。6.B. right away是一个固定短语,意思是“立刻,马上“。7.D. pay for是一个固定搭配形式。8.B. catch up with是一个固定短语,意思是“赶上,跟上”。9.C.根据所给词语的词义可知答案。10.B.根据所给词语的词义可知答案。1.8

27、. . Dick把经理的号码交给 Joe以便Joe与经理取得联系。12 .C.根据所给词语的词义可知答案。13 .A.听到儿子自己能挣钱的话时,Joes mother 一定会高兴的。14 .C.这里用great表示“好的的意思,与 good同义。15.8. 听到Joe的回答后,Joes mother会更加高兴的。(二)这是一篇记叙文,文章主要介绍的是John在等医生时,却帮助一个迷路的小女孩的故事。1 .C.这是一句主句为过去时态的过去将来时态,表示以过去为起点将要做某事。这时 可用would加上动词原形构成。1.8. 根据下句可知 John来早了。1.9. 在国外,当约好时间后,最好按时到。

28、且这里 there是副词,前面不必加介词。4 .D.这里用then表示动作的衔接。5 .D.只有朝周围看,才会看到很多东西的。6 .A . make somebody +形容词”的意思是 使某人保持某种状态”。7 .C.这里用一般过去时,表示动作已经结束。8 .D.只有知道小女孩的地址才能把她送回家。9 .B.由于John来晚了,所以医生才生气的。10.D.根据后面的except one word sorry ”可知John除了说这句话之外,不能再 说别的了。(三)这是一篇说明文,文章主要讲述的是Ms 一词出现的背景和它的使用以及变化情况。1 .A.以不定代词做主语时,谓语动词应该使用单数形式。2 .B.下文所介绍的都是 Ms的内容,所以这里用 what最佳。3 .D. some time可与介词连用表示 段时间”,而其他几个词则没有这种用法。4 .C.这是一个比较级。5 .D.通过Mr 一词,我们无法判定一个男人是结婚了还是未婚。6 .A.妇女要求是和男人平等。1.8. 并不是所有的美国女性都喜欢使用Ms一词。因此这里使用局部否定not al


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