1、广东省广州市南沙区 2016-2017 学年高二英语下学期期中试题第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A B C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AFor the first time in Hong Kong s history, an entertainer has been writteninto middleschool textbooks. He is con sidered one of the best actors in Hong Kong. Yes, he is Chow Yun-fat
2、.The example of his long hard struggle for success has bee n used in a chapter in a HongKong middle school textbook. Using his experie nee, stude nts can lear n to make the most of their time and grabevery opport unity to succeed.On hearing about this, Chow said happily,Ireally hope that my experien
3、ces can make young people understa nd that one should not be afraid of difficulties and setbacks, for they are the only way to success.”In deed, Chow has traveled a long and difficult path to reach his success. In 1955, hewas born in to a poor family in Hong Kong. Whenhe was 17, he had to leave scho
4、ol. He worked in a number ofjobs- as a postman, camera salesman and taxi driver. These experiences paved the way for him to play allkinds of roles later in life.Chow broke into the film industry in the late 1970s. Hewas one of the hardest workingactors and starred in a number of popular TV dramas an
5、d films including” Shanghai Bund ”and “ A Better Tomorrow ” . Si nee 1985, he has won many awards in cludi ng Taiwa n s Golde nHorse Awards and Hong Kong Film Awards.In 1995, he went to Hollywood. Although he was already in his 40s, he had to learn English. He even putchopsticks in his mouth to prac
6、tice pronouncing certa in sounds.His film,“ Crouching Tiger, Hid den Dragon ”,began to gain him more fame and recognitionaround the world. In 1998, the mayor of Chicago set aside January 12 as Chow Yun-fat Day. ”1. Chow Yun-fat has bee n written into middle school textbooks mai nly because_.A. he pl
7、ays best in Hong KongC he keeps on struggli ng for successB. his experien ces are very special2D. he is well thought of2. Chow Yun-fat felt_whe n he lear ned that he had bee n writte n into middle school textbooks.A. surprised B. sad C. shy D. happy3. What can we infer from the passage?A. Chow Yun-f
8、at is proud of his success.B. Chow Yun-fat is popular both at home and abroad.C. Chow Yun-fat prefers to make a livi ng by sell ing cameras rather tha n by performing.D. Chow Yun-fat has won more awards tha n other actors.4. The un derl ined sentence suggests_.A. chopsticks if of great help to pract
9、ice En glish pronun ciatio nB. Chow Yun- fat is willi ng to struggle with difficultiesC. Chow Yun-fat has suffered a lot since he went to HollywoodD. it is hard for a pers on who is over 40 years old to lear n spoke n En glish5. The author wrote this passage to_.A. introduce Chow s way to successB.
10、praise Chow for his excelle nt performa neeC. call on people to lear n from ChowD. show why Chow is popularBHappy birthday! Do birthdays really make people happy? Of course they do. Birthdayscelebrate the day we were born. Besides, that extra can dle on the cake suggests ano theryear of growth and m
11、aturity(成熟)-or so we hope. We all like to imagine that we regett ing wiser and not just older. Most of usenjoy see ing the miracle of growth in others,as well. For instanee, seeing our children develop and learn new things makes us feel proud. For America ns, likepeople in most cultures, grow ing up
12、 is a won derful process. But grow ing old? That s a different story.Growi ng old is not exactly pleasa nt for people in youth-orie nted America n culture. MostAmerica ns like to look young, act young and feel young. As the old say ing goes,“ You reas young as you feel. Older people joke about how m
13、any years young they are,rather than3how many years old. People in some countries value the aged as a source of experienee and wisdom. ButAmerica ns seem to favor those that are young, or at least“ young at heart ”Many older America ns find the“ golde n years ” to be anything but golde n. Econo mica
14、lly,“ senior citizens ” often struggle just to get by. Retirement at age 65 brings a sharpdecrease in pers onal in come. Social security ben efits usually cannot make up the differe nee.Older people may suffer from poor nutrition,medical care and housing. Someeven experieneeage discrim in ati on(歧视)
15、.In 1987, America n sociologist Pat Moore dressed up like an olderpers on and wan dered city streets. She was ofte n treated rudely-eve n cheated and robbed.However, dressed as a young pers on, she received much more respect.Unfortunately, the elderly population in America is increasing fast. Why? P
16、eople areliving together. Fewer babies are being born. And middle-aged “ baby borners ” are rapidly en teri ng thegroups of the elderly. America may soon be a place where wrin kles(皱纹)are “ in” . Marketing experts are already noticing this group of consumers.6. We can infer from the sec ond paragrap
17、h that ._A. young people lack experie nee and wisdomB. American older people often joke about their old ageC. America n culture is very youngD. differe nt coun tries have differe nt opinions on the old age7. The main idea of the third paragraph is ._A. the golde n years can make the old earn lots of
18、 money and receive good medical careB. the old people in America are leading a hard life without good nutrition, medicalcare or hous ingC. the old in America have to retire at the age of 65D. America n social security ben efits are not good8.From the last paragraph we know that the underlinedword in
19、 ” can be replacedby_ .A. seriousB. badC. disappeari ng slowlyD. grow ing fast9. What should be men ti oned in the follow ing paragraph?4A. The public will cha nge their attitude towards old people.B. People will provide more services to the old in their communitiesC. The gover nment will pass laws
20、to en sure the ben efits of the oldD. Compa nies will soon produce more goods for old America ns10. From this passage we can know . _A. in America, grow ing up is as won derful a process as grow ing oldB. in America, grow ing up is a won derful process, while grow ing old is notC. in America, grow i
21、ng old is a won derful process, while grow ing up is notD. in America, grow ing up is not awon derful processCHarvard researchers have created a tough, low-cost, biodegradable (可生物降解的 )material in spired by in sects hard outer shells. The materials inven tors say it has a nu mber of possible usesand
22、 someday could provide a more en vir onmen tally frien dly alter native to plastic. The material, made fromshrimp (虾)shells and prote ins produced from silk, iscalled shrilk. It is thin, clear, flexible and strong.A major ben efit of the material is its biodegradability. Plastics tough ness andflexi
23、bility represented a revolutionin materials scienee during the 1950s and 60s. Decadeslater, however, plastics very durability (耐用性)is raising questions about howappropriate it is for one-time products such as plastic bags, or short-livedconsumer goods,used in the home for a few years and the n cast
24、into a Ian dfill where they will degrade for cen turies. What is thepoint of making someth ing that lasts 1,000 years?Shrilk not only will degrade in a Iandfill, but its basic components are used as fertilizer( 肥料) ,and so will enrichthe soil.Shrilk has great pote ntial, the inven tors said. Materia
25、ls from which it is made areple ntiful in n ature, found in everyth ing ranging from shrimp shells, in sect bodies to livi ng pla nts. That makesshrilk low cost, and its mass product ion possible should it be used for products dema nding a lot of material.Work on shrilk is con ti nuingin the lab. Th
26、e inven tors said the material becomes flexiblewhen wet, so theyre exploringways to use it in wet environments. Theyre also developingsimpler producti on processes, which could be used for non-medical products, like for5computer cases and other products in side the home. Theyre even explori ng comb
27、ining it with other materials,like carb on fibers, to give it new properties.11: Paragraph I of the passage is mainly about shritks_ .A. remarkable designB. interesting nameC. major characteristicsD. basic elements12: What has become a concern about plastic?|A. Using it properly.B. Producing it chea
28、ply.C. Developing its properties quickly. D. Evaluating its contributions fairly.13: Accord ing to the inven tors, shrilk has great pote ntial partly because_ .A. it can help plastic degrade B. it can be found in living thingsC. its mass production has been realized D. its raw materials are abundant
29、 in nature14:What are t he inven tors doing in the lab?A. Replaci ng carb on fibers with shrilk.B. Testi ng ahrilks use in wet con diti ons.C. Making shrilk out of used household goods.D. Improving shrilks flexibility for medical purposes.15:Which of the follow ing can be the best title for the pass
30、age?A. Recent Progress in Environmental ProtectionB. Ben efits of In sects in Scien tific ResearchC. The Harm of One-time ProductsD. A Possible Alternative to Plastic第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Youve decided on getting a goldfish? Great! 16_ Use the tips in th
31、is article todetermine which fish is right for you and how to keep it healthy.Get your tank.When kept i n healthy con diti ons, goldfish can grow to be any where from five to ten in ches long, eve n ifthey are half an inch whe n you buy them. 17 If not, you will have to continue buying larger tanks
32、throughout thefishs lifetime.618There are many varieties of fish out there; Comets, Fan tails,Black Moors, Pearlscales,Oran das, and hun dreds more, ranging in price from thirtee n cents to two-h un dred dollars.Do some research to pick one that is suitable for your tank.Buy from a fish ing store.Tr
33、y not to buy them from pet stores. The fish stores often have fish in better condition and are moreknowledgeable about fish care. Don t save some cash to buy a thirteen cent feeder fish. 19Observe and choose a fish.Does it have white spots on its bod y? 20 If it is floating upside down or swimming a
34、wkwardly? If theanswer to any of these is yes, do not choose that fish. A fish should be swim ming upright at a relaxed pace.A. Are its eyes abno rmally swolle n?B. Buy the largest tank you can afford.C. Some fish can often be shipped to you.D. Know what type of goldfish you want.E. These fish are o
35、ften unhealthy and of poor quality.F. Dont pick a fish that has been living in a tank with sick fish.G. Owning a pet goldfish can be a rewarding experience for fish keepers.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I Am Truly Grateful That I Had Cancer
36、At the age of 10, I was diagnosed with cancer. During treatment,I understoodeveryth ing but the 21 of my case. It was not un til recen tly that I realized how sickI was the n.This Novemberof 2015 will 22 my five years off chemotherapy(化疗)and I will be fin ally723 of can cer.I know sick childrenoften
37、 felt blue. In order to help brightentheir 24 , I createda program through which I brought celebrities( 名人)children 25 and respected to visit them in hospitals. The 26 _|_ received from being able to 27_ up the children s daywas in describable.This fall, I will 28 my junior year of high school. I lo
38、ve lear ning and I truly29 the time spe nt in school because duri ng chemotherapy treatme nts I was ofte n too30 to atte nd. Ano ther big part of my life is 31 activity. Durin g my treatme ntit was very hard for me to walk let alone 32 . After finishing chemotherapy my main33 was being able to run a
39、nd play34 again. I m overjoyed to say I ve been ableto 35 that aim. Being able to sta nd on the court and play sports aga in is a(n) 36feeli ng.To me it s important to convey a37 of positivity and hope that anyone can makethe most of anysituation in life. Many don t 38 and think it s strange when I
40、saythis, but I m truly grateful that I had cancer. Having experieneed that, I have become brave 39 have also gained21. A. developme ntB.serious nessC. begi nC. n ameD. causeD. reward22. A. markB. end23. A. warnedB.in formedC. suspectedD. cured24. A. spiritsB. futureC. roomsD. way25. A. attractedB. i
41、mpressedC. admiredD. missed26. A. respectB. joyC. giftD. educati on27. A. makeB.clearC. clea nD. light28. A. en terB.leaveC. visitD. drop29. A. killB. saveC. treasureD. waste30.AyoungB. weakC. lazyD. busy31. A. men talB.in doorC. physicalD. social32. A. swimB. lieC. jumpD. run33. A. goalB.taskC. pro
42、blemD. idea8appreciatio n for life. I know with determ in atio n every one can follow their 40 .34. A. cardsB. chessC. sportsD. music35. A. furtherB. kickC. setD. achieve36. A. amaz ingB. puzzli ngC. satisfy ingD. touch ing37. A. noteB. messageC. wordD. wish38. A.speakB. apologizeC. un dersta ndD. r
43、emember39. A. andB. butC. orD. so40. A. stepsB. examplesC. suggestionsD. dreams第二节(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The Lan guage of LoveMusic is a uni versal la nguage, which has the most powerful magic in the world. Musicis a sweet Ian guage to show love to those who
44、love us and those who 41._ (love)by us. Music is also a friendlyIanguage for unfamiliarpeople to show kindness. It is livingeverywhere and all the time in our daily life.I lear ned this while 42._ (take) care of a seagull unfortun ateeno ugh to swallowa hook( 挂钩 ).After 43._(call) the wildlife rescu
45、e center and learning that allits vehicles were o ut on other bus in ess, I carefully 44._(wrap) the wild bird ina tow el and carried him to my friend s car. The only way 45._ (keep) him calm wasby singing. For 30 minu tes, I sang 46._ (soft) to the small creatureun tilfin allydelivering him to thos
46、e 47._could help. I m not certain48._ happenedafterward, but for that brief period, we two vastly differe nt species conn ected, bridgi ng49._gap betwee n us through son gs.50._doesn t matter whether there will be difficulties in communication,for love is always the theme of each piece of music.第三部分
47、写作(共三节,满分65 分)第一节单词及句子根据中文提示,完成下列单词(共12 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 12 分)951. I am quite willi ng to accept the_ (后果)52.The price(范围)is from $100 to $500.53. He has made( 不断的)progress with the help of the teacher.54. He( 主张)building more schools.55. She felt(有精神的)after her sleep.56. The invention of paper was a g
48、reat(贝献)to human civilization.57. Mr. Li(任命)him (to be) mon itor.58. His story was an(绝对的)lie.59. He was( 颤抖)with an ger.60.1_ ( 保证)you II love this film.61. Let us look at another_ (潜在的)dan ger in this w .ork62 .It s hard to_ ( 评估)the situation in this condition.根据提示,翻译下列句子(每句 3 分,满分 18 分)63.母亲丝毫不反
49、对这个想法。64. 电脑现在被广泛应用。65. 他的工作态度不太认真。66. 老师们对这个计划存在很大分歧。67.我渴望有一台电脑。68.我们用鲜花来表示谢意。第二节:短文改错(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)下面短文中共有 10 处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(人),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。10注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分Being resp on sible is actual
50、ly not that difficult. I used to thi nk it is hard to growup into a resp on sible member of the society. An in cide nt happe ning in a rainy Sun dayafter noon cha nged my attitude. I was on my way to the bookstore and was wait ing for thegree n light while a girl was kno cked dow n by pass ing car,
51、which drove off quickly. A manimmediately gave her first aid and I had joined in without hesitati on. Soon manyhelp wasgive n to the girl. Because we sent her to the n earest hospitals in time, she was able toreceive properly treatment.Not badly injured, I expressed gratitude to those giving help.Co
52、mpared with the escaping driver, I was proud of what I did.第三节作文:(满分 25 分)假如你叫陈宇,你的英国笔友 Mike 在上次来信中谈到了低碳生活这个话题。最近几个月学校倡导学生过低碳、节约的生活,呼吁学生争做有责任感的公民,引导学生从出行、购物、用水、家电和餐具使用方面反省自己的生活方式。请你用英文给Mike 回信。内容要点如下:1. 你对低碳生活的理解;2. 你校开展的活动;3. 最近你的生活方式的改变(至少选取三个方面)。1.词数 100 左右;信的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数);2. 参考词汇:低碳生活 low-c
53、arbon life。Dear Mike,How are things going? In your last letter you talked about low-carb on life. Now I dlike to share my un dersta nding of it and my experie nee in the past mon ths.11I m really glad to com muni cate with you about this topic.12高二英语下学期中段考答案A 1-5 CDBBC B. 6 -10. DBDDB C. 11-15. CADBDD (七选五)16-20 GBDEA第一节完形填空21
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