



1、Spray arm support for front-loading dishwashersBACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONFIELD OF THE INVENTIONThe invention relates to a spray arm support in front-loading dishwashersincluding at least one basket movable out of the machine at the front andincluding at least one spray arm rotatably disposed below

2、the basket, havingspray nozzles aimed at the basket and being supported on a fluid supply lineextending from one wall of the machine and connected to a recirculating pump,a portion of the fluid supply line protruding approximately horizontally into a tubin the region of a bottom of the basket ends i

3、n a 90elbow with an outletstub pointing downward.A dishwasher with a spray arm support of the type referred to at the outset isknown from German Patent DE 37 02 828.However, in that kind of downward-hanging configuration of a spray arm, due tothe static and dynamic pressure of the dishwashing fluid

4、involved and due tothe weight of the spray arm and the dishwashing fluid located in the spray arm,increased bearing friction is generated, which prevents both the startup and therotation of the spray arm, thus making for less effective dishwashing. It can alsocause damage to the bearing points and c

5、an either hinder rotation or evencompletely block the spray arm.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONIt is accordingly an object of the invention to provide a spray arm support forfront-loading dishwashers, which overcomes the hereinafore-mentioneddisadvantages of the heretofore-known devices of this general typ

6、e and inwhich bearing friction is substantially avoided.With the foregoing and other objects in view there is provided, in accordancewith the invention, in a front-loading dishwasher including walls, a front, a tuband at least one basket having a bottom and being movable out of thedishwasher toward

7、the front, a spray arm and support assembly, comprising afluid supply line extending from one of the walls and being connected to arecirculating pump, the fluid supply line having a portion protrudingapproximately horizontally into the tub in the vicinity of the basket bottom, theportion ending in a

8、 90elbow, and the elbow having anoutlet stub pointing downward and bearing points; and at least one spray armsupported on the fluid supply line, rotatably disposed below the basket, havingspray nozzles aimed at the basket and having two wall portions disposed atdifferent horizontal levels and restin

9、g on the bearing points of the elbow.It has been found in practice that the force exerted by the static pressure of thedishwashing fluid generates the predominant portion of the bearing friction.According to the invention, at a second bearing point a counterforce is nowgenerated, which substantially

10、 cancels out the forces that cause the bearingfriction or in other words the force generated by the static pressure. With theinvention, a spray arm support of the type referred to at the outset is thuscreated in a simple way in which the bearing friction is essentially avoided.In accordance with ano

11、ther feature of the invention, the wall portions of thespray arm located at different horizontal levels are upper and lower walls of thehollow-body spray arm, which are provided with bearing surfaces for thebearing points of the elbow, so that by using parts that are already presentanyway, less engi

12、neering and manufacturing effort is involved.In accordance with a further feature of the invention, the approximatelycircular-annular bearing surfaces and the approximately equal-sizedrespectively associated bearing points have different effective bearingdiameters from the other bearing surfaces and

13、 their approximately equal-sizedrespectively associated bearing points, so that it is possible to adjust thecounter force.In accordance with an added feature of the invention, the upper bearing surfacehas a larger effective bearing diameter than the bearing surface located belowit, and as a result t

14、he counter force can be adapted in such a way that afluid-tight contact of the spray arm with one of the two bearing points is attained,and additional sealing provisions are unnecessary.In accordance with an additional feature of the invention, there is provided abearing part that has the bearing po

15、ints and is inserted into the outlet stub of theelbow. Due to the thus-attained lengthening of the elbow, this feature simplifiesthe engineering effort needed for accommodating the bearing points of theinvention and simplifies the effort for assembly.In accordance with yet another feature of the inv

16、ention, the bearing part isguided in a receptacle that includes two half shells and has the bearingsurfaces, thus further simplifying the effort for assembly.In accordance with yet a further feature of the invention, the receptacle isplaced in the spray arm, thus further simplifying the engineering

17、andmanufacturing effort.In accordance with a concomitant feature of the invention, the bearing part canbe connected to the 90elbow through the use of abayonet mount, which leads to further simplification of the assembly.Other features which are considered as characteristic for the invention are setf

18、orth in the appended claims.Although the invention is illustrated and described herein as embodied in aspray arm support for front-loading dishwashers, it is nevertheless not intendedto be limited to the details shown, since various modifications and structuralchanges may be made therein without dep

19、arting from the spirit of the inventionand within the scope and range of equivalents of the claims.The construction and method of operation of the invention, however, togetherwith additional objects and advantages thereof will be best understood from thefollowing description of specific embodiments

20、when read in connection with theaccompanying drawings.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSFIG. 1 is a diagrammatic, longitudinal-sectional view of a dishwasher; andFIG. 2 is an enlarged, fragmentary, sectional view of a spray arm supportaccording to the invention for an upper spray arm.DESCRIPTION OF T

21、HE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTSReferring now to the figures of the drawings in detail and first, particularly, toFIG. 1 thereof, there is seen a tub 1 of a dishwasher which is accessible forloading and unloading an upper and a lower basket 2, 3 through a door 4disposed at the front. In the exemplary embodi

22、ment, dishwashing fluid forwashing dishes is pumped by a non-illustrated recirculating pump through ariser pipe 5 to two rotatable spray arms 6, 7 that are each disposed beneath arespective basket 2, 3. The spray arm 6 which is provided below a bottom 8 ofthe upper basket 2 has spray nozzles 9 and 1

23、0 respectively aimed at the upperbasket 2 and the lower basket 3. A portion of a fluid supply line 11 whichprotrudes into the tub 1 approximately horizontally in the region of the bottom 8of the upper basket 2 and leads to the spray arm 6, ends in a 90elbow12.In the illustrated exemplary embodiment

24、of the invention shown in FIG. 2, theelbow 12 is lengthened by a bearing part 15 that protrudes into an outlet stub 13of the elbow 12 and is secured to it through the use of a bayonet mount 14,which is located on the outside on both sides. This bearing part 15 is guided ina receptacle 18 that includ

25、es two half shells 16, 17 and is placed in the sprayarm 6.According to the invention, the spray arm 6 has two wall portions located atdifferent horizontal levels that rest on bearing points of the elbow 12. In theillustrated exemplary embodiment of the invention, these wall portions of thespray arm

26、6 that are located at different horizontal levels are an upper wall 19and a lower wall 20 of the hollow-body spray arm 6, in the region of whichrespective bearing surfaces 21, 22 of the receptacle 18 are disposed. In theinstalled position, the bearing part 15 has bearing points 23, 24 that rest onth

27、ese bearing surfaces 21, 22.It has been found in practice that a force exerted by the static pressure of thedishwashing fluid generates the predominant portion of the bearing friction.According to the invention, at the lower bearing point 24, due to the staticpressure of the dishwashing fluid, a cou

28、nterforce is now generated, whichsubstantially cancels out the forces that cause the bearing friction or in otherwords the force generated by the static pressure. According to the invention, aspray arm support is thus created in a simple way in which the bearing friction isessentially avoided.In the

29、 illustrated exemplary embodiment of the invention, the approximatelycircular-annular bearing surface 21 and the approximately equal-sizedassociated bearing point 23 have different effective bearing diameters ascompared with the other bearingsurface 22 and its approximately equal-sized associated be

30、aring point 24. Theupper bearing surface 21 and the associated bearing point 23 have a largereffective bearing diameter than the bearing surface 22 and its associatedbearing point 24 located below it. Thus the counterforce generated at the lowerbearing point 24 by the static pressure of the dishwash

31、ing fluid is adapted insuch a way that a fluid-tight contact of the spray arm 6 with the upper bearingpoint 22 is attained. Therefore, additional sealing positions becomeunnecessary. If both effective bearing diameters are of equal size, then theforce generated by the static pressure of the dishwash

32、ing fluid is canceledentirely by the counterforce generated at the lower bearing point 24, and as aresult the spray arm 6 is held in a suspended state, which on one handsubstantially entirely cancels out the bearing friction but on the other handleads in particular at the upper bearing point 22 to a

33、n escape of dishwashingfluid.In the illustrated exemplary embodiment of the invention, the spray arm 6 issupported mechanically independently from the upper basket 2 on the fluidsupply line 11 that extends from one wall of the machine, that is the back wall ofthe tub 1, and is braced and guided on t

34、he basket bottom 8. To that end, as inGerman Published, Non-Prosecuted Patent Application DE 43 41 682 A1, amount 25 is provided on the basket bottom 8, and a catch device 26 of the fluidsupply line 11 that is disposed on the free end of the fluid supply line 11 iscaught on this mount. As a result, the fluid supply line 11 is engaged


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