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1、新世纪大学英语综合课程2(第版)Unit1-Unit8-Listen-and-Respond听力原文Unit 1 Living in Harmony 00:04.00Listen and Resp ond 00:06.78Smile00:10.76l am a mother of three and have rece ntly completed my college degree.00:16.57The last project the professor assigned us to do was called“Smile.”00:22.95The class was asked tog

2、o out and smile at three people and then write down their reaction.00:30.42l ama very friendlyand say“hello.”00:36.54So I thought that it would be a piece of cake for me. 00:41.52So on afterwe were assig ned the project, my husba nd, 00:45.47the youn gest son and I wentout to the local McDon alds on

3、 a cold March morni ng.00:51.63Just when we were standing in line, waiting to be served,00:55.66I smelled a horrible“dirty body”smell, and there standing beh ind me weretwo poor homeless men.01:03.96As I looked dow n at the shorter gen tlema n close to me, he was smili ng.01:09.48His beautiful sky b

4、lue eyes were searchi ng for accepta nee.01:14.19He said,“Good day”as he counted the few coins he had. 01:19.73Thesec ond man was men tally retarded.01:23.65The young lady at the coun ter asked the shorter man what they wan ted.01:28.38He said,“Just coffee for the two of us.01:32.48Obviously, it was

5、 all they could afford.01:35.94To sit in the restaura nt and warmup, they had to buy somethi ngtheyjust wan ted to be warm.01:44.01The n I was sudde nly filled with sympathy.01:47.18All eyes in the restaura nt were set on me, judgi ng my every actio n.01:52.74I smiled and asked the young lady beh in

6、d the coun ter to 01:56.79giveme two more breakfast meals on a separate tray.02:00.93I the n walked to the table where the two men were sitti ng.02:05.09I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the blue-eyed gentleman scold hand.02:12.07He looked up at me and said,“Thank you.”02:15.98I lea ne

7、d over and said,“Just help yourselves. ”02:20.22l started to cry when I walked away to join myhusband and son.02:25.10As I sat dow n, my husba nd smiled at me and held my hand for a mome nt.02:32.03I returned to college, with this story in hand.02:35.74I turned in“my project”and the p rofessor was t

8、ouched and read itto the whole class.02:43.20The whole class was touched.02:45.34l graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would everlearnUNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE.pers on and always smile at every one I meetUnit 2 Optimism and Positive Thinking 00:05.81Liste n and Resp ond00:08.87Attitude Is Eve

9、rything 00:12.53Michael was a natural optimist.00:15.46He was always in a good mood, always up and always had somethingpositive to say.00:22.52lf an employee was hav ing a bad day,00:25.29Michael was there telli ng the employee how to look on the positive side ofthe situati on.00:31.51Seei ng his op

10、timism really made me curious, so one day I went up toMichael00:37.44and asked him,“I don t get it.00:39.70You can t be positive all the time.00:42.52How do you do it?”00:45.24Michael replied,“Each morni ng I wake up and say to myself:Mike, you have two choices today.00:53.41You can choose to be in

11、a good mood or you can choose to be in a badmood.00:58.89I choose to be in a good mood.01:01.46Each time somethi ng bad happe ns, I can choose to be a victim or chooseto lear n from it.01:08.30I choose to lear n from it.01:10.88Every time some one comes to me complai nin g, I can choose to acceptthe

12、 compla ining01:16.56or I can point out the positive side of life, I always choose the positive side oflife.”01:23.05“Yeah, right.01:24.25But it isn t that easy.”01:25.94I said.01:27.13“Yes, it is easy,”Michael said.01:30.30“Life is all about choices.01:32.75Every situation in life is a choice.01:35

13、.67You choose how you react to situatio ns;you choose how peoplewill affect your mood; you choose how you feel.01:43.93The bottom line is: Its your choice how you live your life.”01:49.18FromMichael I have lear ned that every day we have a choice to live fully.01:54.09So I will choose to be an optim

14、ist.01:56.80If I am an optimist I may feel better, enjoy life more, and maybe have morecha nces of success.Unit 3 The Road to Success00:05.83Listen and Resp ond00:08.68Follow Your Dream00:12.62One day in a high school, a senior namedMonty Roberts was asked to write00:18.50a paper about what he wan t

15、ed to be and do whe n he grew up.00:23.83M onty Roberts was the son of a horse trainer.00:27.54He loved horses.00:29.55That ni ght he wrote aseve n-page paper describ ing his goal ofsomeday owning a large horse ran ch.00:37.49He wrote about his dream in great detail and he eve n drew a picture of a2

16、00-acre ran ch.00:45.22He put a great deal of his heart into the dream ranch00:48.88a nd the n ext day he han ded the paper in to his teacher.00:53.10Two days later he received his paper back.00:56.41He got a large red F for his paper.01:00.81He went to ask the teacher why.01:03.42The teacher said,“

17、The dream is i mpossible for you.01:07.50You have no mo ney.01:09.06Ow ning a horse ranch n eeds a lot of mon ey.01:12.73You have to buy the land, the house, and the machines for your ran ch.01:18.49Theres no way you could ever do it.”01:21.86The n the teacher added,“If you will write this paper aga

18、 in01:26.28with a more realistic goal, I will rec on sider your grade.”01:31.32The boy went home and thought about it long and hard.01:35.09He asked his father what he should do.01:38.24His father said,“Look, son, you have to makeup your own mindon this.01:44.59However, I th ink it is a very importa

19、 nt decisi on for you.”01:50.55Fi nally, after sitti ng with it for a week, the boy turned inthe same paper, making no cha nges at all.01:59.39He said t o the teacher,“You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream.02:04.34I will follow my heart, no matter what happe ns.”02:08.55Now years have passed.02:1

20、0.70This young man s dream has fin ally come true.02:14.52He is the owner of a large horse ran ch.Unit 4 Being Creative0:5.15Listen and Respond0:8.23Creativity Is the Esse nee of Life and Nature0:13.75Creativity is the esse nee of life and n ature.0:17.65The world itself is in a con sta nt act of er

21、eati on, so we huma n beings shouldask ourselvesWhy,0:25.57in such a creative world, do some people sometimes appear tobe stupid, dull, and un creative?0:33.31Are people really dull?0:35.38Or are we all, in fact, creative?0:39.12To answer this, lets look at a baby.0:42.24The whole esse nee of a baby

22、 is creativeit is creative inlearning to walk, talk, sing, and play.0:51.37Justimagine, a child can create a world of its own imaginationand play with it for hours.0:58.85A scie ntist who creates a theory is just like thatit is aplay of ideas with in the mind.1:5.57It is hard to stop creativity in a

23、 young child.1:10.51You can t make your child creative.1:13.57It simply is creative.1:16.96The n, how can our childre n be still more creative?1:21.67I would suggest that the first step is to allow ourselves to be creative.1:26.96If we ourselves are creative, we can guide our children in away that i

24、s free and uncon diti on ed.1:34.70We should give our children a free and safe surrounding for them to explore,make mistakes and create.1:42.06Ifwe know a better way to do things, we should guide or“help”the child.Unit 5 The Value of Life0:5.18Listen and Respond0:7.62Life is a Bottle of Rocks0:11.23

25、A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the desk infront of him.0:17.95Whe n the final stude nt was seated, he picked up a large0:22.13and empty glass bottle and filled it with rocks about 2 inches in diameter.0:27.98He then asked the students if the jar was full.0:31.38They

26、 agreed that it was.0:34.52He then picked up a box of pebbles and added them to the jar, shaking itlightly.0:40.88The pebbles, of course rolled into the ope n areas betwee n the rocks.0:46.50“Is this jar filled now?”0:48.81Yes, the stude nts said.0:51.48But then he picked up a bag of sand and poured

27、 it into bottle.0:55.89The sand filled in everything else.0:58.67Once more he asked if it was full and after some thinking they said that itwas.1:5.91The professor the n took 2 cans of beer and poured the beer into the jar.1:11.73The students laughed loudly.1:15.17After the laughter stopped, the pro

28、fessor spoke again:“I want you to recognize that this jar represe nts your life.1:24.41The rocks are the important things in your life, your family, your partner, yourhealth,1:30.67your childrenthings that would still remain even if everything else werelost, and your life would still be full.1:39.37

29、The pebbles are the other things that matterlike your job,your house, your car.1:45.74The sand is everyth ing else.1:47.84The small stuff.1:49.26If you putthe sand in to the jar first there is no room for thepebbles or the roc ks. ”1:55.56“The same goes for your life.1:58.43Ifyou spend your life on

30、small stuff,you will never have roomfor things that are importa nt to you.2:5.13Pay atte nti on to things that are criticalto your happ in ess: yourfamily, your health.2:12.00There will always be time to go to work, clea n the house and so on.2:17.03Take care of the rocks firstthe things that really

31、 matter.2:21.61Set your priorities.2:23.44The else is just sand.”2:26.37After the impact of what he said settled,2:29.50one of the stude nts raised his hand and inq uired what the beer represented.2:34.70“I am glad you asked.”2:36.24He replied.2:37.54“It just goes to prove that no matter how full yo

32、ur life mayseem,2:41.99there is always room for a coupleof beers.”Unit 6 Lear ning to Work Together0:5.84Listen and Respond0:8.63Be a Team Player0:11.12lf you really wish to succeed in life, it is very important tobe a team player.0:16.87For example, in a basketball game, Michael Jorda n is a great

33、player,0:21.82but he still has to cooperate well with his team membersto win a game,0:26.38because every member of his team has a very specific role0:30.22andevery memberof the team is vital to the success of the team.0:34.75If one player does not play well, the team will lose the game.0:39.62Of cou

34、rse, the con cept of teamwork applies to more tha n just sports.0:44.54In the workplace and in school, working together is also an importa nt element for success.0:51.34In the workplace, it is important to be thought of as a team player,0:55.83for no one pers on can build a railroad or man age an ai

35、rli ne.1:0.59In todays world most companies are using team concepts to run their bus iness.1:6.92Success in college can also depe nd on teamwork.1:10.48Lab work and group projects are just some of the experiences requiri nggood cooperati on with others.1:18.69Huma n beings are social creatures.1:21.

36、12Like it or not, we are all team players.Unit 7 Adversity0:4.50Listen and Resp ond0:6.95Carrots, Eggs and Coffee Bea ns0:13.10A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were sohard for her.0:19.41She did not know how she was going to make it and wan ted to give up.0:24.85Her

37、father, a cook, took her to the kitche n.0:29.72He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. 0:35.16Whenthe water came to a boil, he placed carrots in one of them, 0:40.19eggs in the second pot, and coffee bea ns in the third.0:44.66His daughter waited impatiently and wondered wha

38、t he was doing.0:50.12In about twenty minutes he took out the boiled carrots and eggs and placedthem in two differe nt bowls.0:58.26The n he poured her a cup of coffee.1:2.31He turned to his daughter, and asked her,“What do you see?”1:7.09“Carrots, eggs, and coffee, ” she replied and asked,“What doe

39、sit mean, Father?”1:14.08He expla ined that the carrots, eggs and coffee bea ns each hadfaced1:20.02the same adversity,boilingwater, but each reacteddiffere ntly.1:25.79The carrots went in strong and hard but came out softe ned and weak.1:31.09The eggs had been weak.1:33.26But after being boiled the

40、ir in side became harde ned.1:37.59The coffee bea ns were uniq ue, however.1:40.51After they were boiled in the boiling water, they had made the water tastebetter.1:47.09Then the father asked his daughter,“Whenadversity knocks onyour door, how do you react?1:53.82When life isn t turning out quite th

41、e way you expected, youhave a choice to make.1:59.17Which will you bea carrot, an egg, or a coffee bea n?2:4.74If you are like the coffee bean, when things are at their worst, 2:8.94you getbetter and make things better around you.”Unit 8 Huma n Behaviour00:04.44Listen and Resp ond00:06.96The Un expe

42、cted Rescue00:10.29l was walking along a dark street late one evening when I heard screamscoming from behi nd some bushes.00:17.57Alarmed, I slowed down to listen,and realized that what I was00:21.93hearing were the sounds of a hard fight and tearing of clothes. 00:26.33Only yards from where I stood, a woma n was being attacked. 00:30.41Should I getin volved?00:31.82Iwas frightenedfor myown safety and


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