1、. . . . 工程大学机电学院本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告 题目:基于单片机的智能车速检测系统设计课 题 类 型: 设计实验研究 论文学 生 姓 名: 王健鹏 学 号: 3082102305 专 业 班 级: 电子信息工程2083 教 学 单 位: 工程大学机电学院 指 导 教 师: 会成 开 题 时 间: 2012.3.3 2012年3月3日一、毕业设计容与研究意义如今社会,应用单片机的产品已经渗透到我们生活的各个领域,几乎很难找到哪个领域没有单片机的足迹。现在,这种单片机的使用领域已十分广泛,如智能仪表、实时工控、通讯设备、导航系统、家用电器等,这些都离不开单片机。因此,单片机的学习、开
3、构成的微型计算机。因为它主要应用于工业测控领域故又叫做微控器或嵌入式控制器。单片机在最近几年中得到了极大的发展,目前世界围单片机发展的主要领域有4个:一是欧美,最新开发产品主要厂商:National semicundutor的cop8系列单片机,美国的Scenix的八位单片机,荷兰PHILIPS的51系列单片机,美国AMD公司186系列16位嵌入式微机控制器,MOTOROLA的各个系列单片机;二是日本,TOSHIBA公司开发了从4位到64位多系列单片机,日本公司也有从4位到32位多系列单片机,NEC公司的75X、78X系列微机;三是地区,主要有WINBOND的W741/W516,W78/W77
4、,等系列产品微控制器;四是国,主要有HYUNDAI microelrctrionics的GMS800、GMS30系列微控制器。另外还有LG公司也生产单片机,可见单片机发展到今天可以说种类繁多、性能各异。但目前我国的许多单片机应用单位仍停留在采用片无ROM等低档单片机状态。随着科技的不断进步,单片机技术也有新的发展方向。如嵌入式单片机和Internet技术。Machz单芯片PC是嵌入式单片机的进一步发展和延伸,是微电子技术发展的必然产物。“嵌入式Internet” 并非一般意义上的“嵌入式循控制嚣”概念,而是后PC时代信息技术发展的必然产物。前几部分介绍的嵌入式MCU, 已经在工业的各个领域和家
5、庭都得到了十分广泛的应用。但大多数嵌入式系统尚处于单独应用阶段。如果将这些互相独立的分散的嵌入式系统再连接到Internet上,就可方便地、低廉地将信息传送到几乎世界的任何地方一一这就是嵌入式Internet。这种嵌入式Internet能非常容易地实现远程数据采集、远程控制、上/下载数据文件、自动发E-MAIL。在不久的将来,现代家庭中的空调、数字电视、手机、微波炉、打印机、等信息家电均可嵌入到Internet上,实现家庭环境的信息交互、自动控制、远程升级、远程维护等。这种家电网络化技术,不仅大大提高人们的生活质量,而且会带动相关产业的迅猛发展。3、 毕业设计研究方案与工作计划1、研究方案硬件
6、部分设计单片机电源模块采集模块显示模块时钟电路复位电路图1 硬件模块框图该框图简单明的介绍整个体统的组成部分,电源模块、时钟电路、复位电路与单片构成最小系统,采集模块将电动机的实时速度转换为电信号传输到整个系统的核心单片机,单片机应用所给算法得出车速,传输给显示模块,并运算得出控制信号输入到电机驱动模块,控制电机的转速,以此来改变车速,使智能车能正常的行驶。软件部分设计主程序为整个数据采集系统的主体部分,它是由若干模块组成;主程序主要完成A/D转换初始化、单片机中断初始化、串口初始化等工作。YAD转换器初始化开始初始化AD转换器A/D转换是否存在串口初始化中断初始化开中断等待中断N图3 主程序
7、框图2、工作计划:阶段起始周结束周工作计划备注第一阶段第一周第三周资料收集,确定设计方案与开题报告认真查阅资料第二阶段第四周第五周确定系统的硬件原理框图使用Protel软件绘制硬件原理图第三阶段第六周第七周列写提纲,构建论文整体框架全面丰富课题容,符合理论和技术要求第四阶段第八周第十周完成硬件设计和软件编程,撰写毕业论文完成电路板制作,总体测试、调试等工作第五阶段第十一周第十五周进一步完善论文,准备答辩做好答辩准备四、主要参考文献:1Curtis,Johnson.Process control Instrumentation Technology(6th)M.pearsonEducation,
8、Inc,20022 XiaoChen.ImageAcquisition Technology with AVR Single Chip MicrocomputerM.International Conference on MultiMedia and Information Technology, 20083 俞竹青,全胜.一种光电编码器用可编程计数电路的设计J.传感器技术, 2002,10-144 卓晴,黄开胜,邵贝贝学做智能车M:航空航天大学,2007.35 学军.如何用MCS-51单片机扩展串口进行通讯J.机械,2003,2-36 伟.单片机C语言程序设计实训100例M.电子工业,200
9、9,18(2):104-1107 永湘,等过程控制与自动化仪表M.:机械工业,2007.58 雷贞勇,光骥.电子设计工程J.2010第2期:91-929 毅刚.单片微机原理与应用M.:电子科技大学,199410 滁光,徐德好.步进电机的单片机控制方法探讨J.仪器仪表用户,2009,4-511周斌,荻南,黄开胜.电子产品世界J.2006第025期:132-13412 欧阳峥峥,林茂.基于TCP/IP协议通信软件的分析与实现J.工业学院学报,2005,8(02):8-913 王琳,商周,王学伟数据采集的发展与应用J.电测与仪表,2004,6(2):45-4614 Harmon Ray W.Adva
10、nced Process ControlM.NY:McGraw-Hill,198115 A. Neto,H.Fernandes,A.Duarte.Firesignal-Data acquisition and control system software,FusionEngineering and DesignM.82(2007),1359-1364外文文献Performance Degradation and Reliability Analysis forRedundant Actuation SystemRedundant actuator is the key component o
11、f Fly-By-Wire ( FBW) system in which existst he inherent force fig hting among different r edundant channels at colligation point . This paper establishesthe mathematical model of quad redundant actuator (QRA) , investigates the force equalization algorithmand carries out the performance degradation
12、 simulation and reliability analysis under the first failureand the second failure. The results indicate that the optimal equalization algorithm can solve the force fighting effectively , and the QRA can operate at degradation performance continuously under the first failure and the second failure.
13、With the dynamic fault tree analysis, this paper calculates the reliabilitybased on the performance of QRA and proves that the redundant actuator has very high reliability andsafety.In modern aircraft , redundant actuation system is widely used to achieve high reliability andsafety . As a matter of
14、fact , the reliability of single channel of FBW system is low , and the redundanttechnique is the most effective method to realize the active control with high reliability. Redundantactuator is the last component of FBW whose performance affects the control capability of whole system directly. It is
15、 known that many redundantactuation systems are used in advanced aerospacesuccessively , whereas the corresponding performance degradation due to failure and dynamic process are less investigated in its reliability analysis. In addition, the equalization algorithm, which caneliminate the force fight
16、ing and lead to failure recovery, existed in QRA is little to be considered insystem analysis.On account of the characteristics of redundantactuator aforement ioned, this paper studies the influence of equalization algorithm, simulates the performance degradation variance under failure occurringand
17、carries out the performance reliabilityanalysis of QRA.1 Mathematic Model of QRASingle hydraulic actuator is a close-loop system,which consists of displacement sensor, amplfier, servo valve and cylinder. 1. Due to the output of cylinder is linear displacement , it can be transferred into angle throu
18、gh gearing to realize the real time angle control of rudder.Fig. 1 Block diag ram of hydraulic actuatorFig.1 show s the hydraulic actuator system in which an input of command uc is, after passing through the system, transformed into an angle of a load.2 Force Equalization of QRAAlthough the consiste
19、ncy of separated channels should be guaranteed in actuator system design,there exist some differences among separated channels more or less. When the QRA is synthesized at colligation point , the output difference among different channels will lead to force fighting because of the manufacture error,
20、 assemble error and performance error. The force fighting will affect the output precision and operation life of actuator system and lead to the damage of actuator in the serious condition. So the effective force equalization must be considered in the design of redundant actuator so as to eliminate
21、and restrain it s force fighting. Because the force fighting is rooted in the difference among separated channels, the conceivable equalization is to design a close-loop control law to trace the mean value of QRA. In order to improve the dynamic performance and control precision of QRA, this paper a
22、dopts the proportion-integral law and mean vale selector to realize the force equalization.3 Performance Degradation Analysis of QRAIn spite of the fact that the QRA can reach high fault-tolerant level when failure occurs, its performance degradation and failure reconfiguration become complex enough
23、. In order to describe the dynamic performance variance process, this paper simulates the performance degradation of QRA under the first failure and the second failure.Supposing the input of QRA is unit step signal,insert the first failure and the second failure on short circuit of amplifier at 0. 3
24、 s. The system can detect the failure and cut-off the failed channel in 0.04s after failure occurring, then the dynamic performance curves can be obtained as show n in Fig. 5, in which is the pitch angle and t is operational time.In Fig. 5, curve 1 and curve 2 express the system step responses under
25、 the first failure and the second failure on short circuit of servo amplif ier separately. It indicates that the variance of system performance is not too big between one failure and two failures occurrences, so QRA can operate when failure occurs. In addition, curve 3 shows the normal system respon
26、se of QRA. Comparing the normal system performance ( curve 3) to degradation performance ( curves 1 and 2) , the output of QRA exists positive error under failed condition. So on the one hand, the redundant actuator can improve the reliability and safety greatly and the QRA can reach fault-tolerance
27、 level to FO/ FO/ FS; on the other hand, the performance of QRA will descend under failure occurring4 ConclusionsPerformance degradat ion and reliability analysis of QRA have been carried out based on control template and dynamic fault t ree. It has been shown that QRA can reach the fault-tolerant l
28、evel of FO/FO/ FS; and it can operate under tw o failures.Through considering the parameter excursion of cont rol system, the combinat ion reliability of function and performance are calculated to realize the accurate reliability analysis of fault-tolerant control system. T he results indicate that
29、QRA can operate and complete its flight mission in very high reliabiity.Fig . 2 System step responses when short circuit of amplifier occurs外文译文余度舵机系统的性能降级与可靠性分析余度舵机是电传飞控系统的关键部件, 其通道间存在着较严重的力纷争现象。在建立四余度舵机数学模型的基础上, 研究了力均衡算法, 对四余度舵机一次故障、二次故障情况下的性能降级和可靠性进行了仿真分析。仿真结果标明, 优化的力均衡算法可以有效解决力纷争的问题,四余度舵机可以在一次故障
30、、二次故障的情况下持续工作。采用动态故障树分析方法进行了四余度舵机可靠性分析, 证明了其具有非常高的可靠性。在现代飞机,余度舵机系统(QRA)被广泛使用,以实现高可靠性和安全性。事实上,单通道电传飞控系统(FBW)的可靠性低,而冗余技术是最有效的方法,可以实现具有高可靠性的主动控制。QRA是FBW的最后一个组成部分,其性能直接影响到整个控制系统的能力。据了解,许多QRA成功运用于先进的航空航天系统,但由于动态通讯故障和门控过程性能退化导致其可靠性分析较少。此外,均衡算法,可以消除力纷争现象,并使故障恢复,被视为在定量的系统分析。荐于上述余度舵机系统的特点,本文研究了其在均衡算法的影响下发生故障,模拟其性能退化变异,并进行QRA性能的可靠性分析。1.QRA的数学模型单体液压驱动器是一个闭环系统,如图1所示由位移传感器,放大器,伺服阀和气缸组成。由于缸位移的输出是线性的,所以能通过
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