



1、试讲教案A lesson plan for MODULE 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits IntroductionTopic : Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits IntroductionListen time : 15minContents : Introduction Explanation ExcersisesTeaching aims:1. Knowledge aims:Make the Ss understand the healthy habits and know how use it to make their

2、 ownsentences.2. Ability aims:Help the students to improve their speaking ability.3. Emotion aims:Through the study of this period, students will surely improve their logical thinking.Besides, they can learn more about the healthy proverbs of some foreign countries. Difficult points: st

3、udentslogical thinking by puttingesemfences in the right order.Improve their reading skills.Acquaint them with the health care system of foreign countries.Help them master and apply what they have learnt in this module.Teaching tools : multimedia , blackboard.Teaching methods:a) Make a survey of the

4、ir health.b) Group work and individual work Teaching procedures:Step1 lead in(show some pictures of bad habits )T: Good morning class.Ss: Good morning Miss XuT: Before our class, I ' ll show you some pictures. The first one, the second one, the third one. what can you see from these pictures?Pic

5、1 Ss: we can see a manT: Yes, we can see a manH e's worse for drink.Pic2 T: xxx, please. What can you seerom picture two?Ss:T: Yes, we can see some delicious breakfast. Now a lot of students go to school in ahurry so that they have no time to have breakfast. Buthey don ' t knoowhharmful it i

6、s to skip breakfast.T: Pic3. It ascup of coffee. Coffee Contains Caffeine, caffeine is what keeps you awake. Drink coffee in the evening, it may cause you can htave a good sleep. In fact, an increasing number of people are getting into the bed habits in recent years. Like the next picture, there are

7、 more and more smokers now, they think of smoking as part of their lives. For me, there is another common phenomenon, working night shifts or regularly staying up into the early hours. In general, our health become a big problem. What is said above, we call them the bad habits, it s not acceptable,

8、it cauillness.Step 2 new wordsT: next I ll do a survey about your health. We should read these questions carefully. Pay attention to the new words. Before that , we will learn some new words .How to teach the new words.If I have a toothache, I must see a dentist.If you keep fit diet, you may be heal

9、th.If you usually eat fat food, you may be have an unhealthy body.We all know health is wealth, so I hope everyone is a wealthy man.There are more knowledge about the new words. The different meaning of these three words. Flu cold feverT: now. next we have the report time. I will invite four student

10、s to read each two questions. The you have 4 or 5 minutes to prepare the report. ou should use the whole sentence like page 1 the second part.1) . Do you sometimes get colds and flu?2) . Do you eat at least three portions of fruit and vegetables a day?3) . Do you eat fish once a week or more?4) . Do

11、 you take at least two hours exercise a week?5) . Do you eat much fat, for example, fatty meat?6) . Do you eat a lot of sweet things, for example, chocolate?7) . Do you rarely get toothache, but sometimes go to the dentist for examining?8) . Are you quite fit?T:Xxx, please. How about your results? (

12、请 3-4 名同学请来说明同伴的情况)Step 3 Review & PracticeT: we ve know more about our health atnhde importance of health, the bad habits will bring the bad influence, do you know some healthy habits in our daily life?. Such as if our home is not far away from our school , we could walk to school instead of ta

13、king the buses. Do seriously setting-up exercises during the break. The most important one is forming good living habits.T: in western countries, there are many proverbs about health. How many proverbs do you know?Ok, look at the screen, read and guess the meaning. There are more proverbs for you1.

14、You are what you eat.人如其食(饮食习惯忠实地反映个人性格与生活环境)。2. Healthy mind in a healthy body. 健全的精神,寓于健全的体格。3. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起,使人健康、富有、明智。 Benjamin Franklin4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一个苹果,医生不来找我。More proverbs for you, if you like them, you c

15、an keep them.1. First wealth is health.健康是人生第一财富。 Emerson2. Happiness lies, first of all, in health.快乐首先在于有健康的身体。 G. W. Curtis3. Care killed the cat.忧伤足以致命。 William Shakespeare4. Prevention is better than cure.预防胜于治疗。 Dickens 狄更斯5. Sickness is felt, but health not at all.疾病是可以感觉到的,但健康则完全不觉得。Step 4 H

16、omeworkWrite two more sentences about your diet or healthy habitsThink of any Chinese proverbs connected with health, try your best to translate them into English.英语说课稿( Senior English Book 7 )Module 4 Music Born in AmericaPeriod 2 Reading and Vocabulary各位评委、老师:下午好!我今天说课的题目是 All You Needto KnowAbout

17、Hip Hop 。 本课是高二英语选修 7第四模块 Music Born in America首先介绍一下这节课的地位和作用:本节课是第四模块的第二课时,是一节阅读课, 在本模块的教学过程中起着重要的作用。 本课主要向大家介绍美国的一种音乐类型 hip hop, 这个话题与我们的日常生活和学生们感兴趣的外国文化有着很大的联系, 对此话题的学习与讨论有益于提高学生学习英语的兴趣, 通过日常教学使学生们掌握有关 节日的新词汇并使他们了解其它国家的文化背景和社会风貌, 为学生以后的阅读和学习做好知识储备。其次要对学生现有情况进行分析: 课前已经让学生们通过各种渠道搜集有关音乐的信息, 所以他们对本节

18、课要讨论的话题已有一定的了解; 但他们缺乏有关这一话题的英语词汇量, 也不太善于用英语进行交流。所以根据以上分析我确定了本节课的教学目标:知识与技能:1. 学习有关音乐的词汇和短语2. 了解“ hip hop ”的概念、起源、发展和成功的原因3. 理解课文,培养学生阅读技能过程与方法:通过任务型教学法, 整体阅读教学法和自主合作探究的学习方法完成教学任务情感态度与价值观:培养学生欣赏外国音乐的能力, 培养学生的跨文化交际意识, 重视中外文化的差异教学重点:准确理解课文内容,用自己的话总结文章大意教学难点:掌握重点词汇及句型的应用教学手段:在整个过程中我将使用多媒体课件和播放录音来帮助我完成教学

19、任务,它能够很快地抓住学生的注意力并导入正课。下面我将就本节课的教法和学法进行分析:教法:教学方法是完成教学任务、实现教学目标和提高教学质量 的关键所在。在本课新授课中,我采用任务教学法和自由讨论教学法, 组织学生有目的的进行阅读,在自由的氛围中交流和学习。学法:“学生为主体,教师为主导”正确地揭示了师生在教学中各自的地位和作用。我 的指导思想是培养学生的自主学生能 力,充分发挥学生的主体作用,倡导“自主、合作、探究”的学习方 式,通过自主学习法和合作探究法完成教学任务。为了完成教学目标,解决教学重点、突破教学难点,我准备按以 下四个环节展开课堂教学。第一个环节:复习及导入1 .复习:设置若干

20、个问题,要求学生用前一节课的知识做出回答,以 便得以巩固。2 .导入:利用大屏幕给出一些音乐类型的视频, 让大家来猜是什么音 乐,由此导出本节课要学习的话题“hip hop ”。在这一环节中我利用音乐吸引学生们的注意力, 让他们在猜的过 程中自动地参与到课堂当中来,增强他们的参与意识,也活跃了课堂 气氛。第二个环节:阅读教学此部分我采用分层次阅读教学法,也就是快速阅读和仔细阅读, 阅读是高考中是很重要的一部分,分数比例大,难度也不小,在很大程度上影响着考生的分数, 所以我采用这两种训练方式在日常教学中 帮助学生进行点滴练习,逐步取得进展。1. 快速阅读( fast reading ) :一般来

21、说是限时阅读,给学生3-5 分钟的时间快速阅读文章,并在读之前设置一些细节问题,如“ hiphop”的概念、起源、发展和成功的原因。我将事先把学生们分成四组,然后以抢答的方式进行回答。通过这个练习,可以使学生们快速、有效地了解文章大致内容,这一步骤主要是指导学生带着问题进行搜索式阅读,以获取有关信息,在了解文章大义的同时也可以帮助学生们提高阅读能力和提取信息的能力,为下面的阅读练习做出铺垫。2. 仔细阅读 (careful reading) :让学生们再读一遍文章,然后讨论并用自己的话总结出文章的大意。 仔细阅读要求学生们准确全面地了解课文,通过这一部分的练习,不仅可以提高阅读能力和概括能力,也增强了学生之间的合作能力。3. 听与理解:让学生们合上书本听磁带,对文章做进一步的了解,这是在巩固阅读效果中的


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