



1、九年级英语复习教学案 (9A Unit 1)出卷人:高彩霞 审核人:田敏 审批人: 班级:_姓名_教学目标:1.掌握并运用本单元常见的单词以及词性变换 2掌握固定短语的常见用法 3.掌握并运用本单元的语法教学过程:一、词汇复习 单词常见的词形变化1. energy n. energetic (adj.) 2. organize v. organized (adj.) organization (n.) 3. suit v. suitable (adj.)4. patient adj. impatient (反义词)patience (n.) 5. fix v. fixed (adj.) 6po

2、wer n. powerful (adj.)7. live v. lively (adj.) 活泼的 8create v. creative(adj.) 9. careless (adj.) carelessly (adv.) carelessness(n.) 10. appear (v.) appearance(n.) 11. general (adj.) generally (adv.)二、重要短语和句子1. 吃完 、吃光早餐eat up my breakfast/ eat my breakfast up (吃光 eat up)2. 上面写着、显示着. It says It reads据说

3、It is said that3.一个天生的艺术家a born artist4. 使她所有的东西有条不紊keep all her things in good order5. 炫耀 show off 6. 很有耐心的为我们重复语法知识be patient to repeat grammar rules for us 7. 想出新主意 come up with new ideas 8. 对一切好奇 be curious about sth.9. 好奇地做某事 be curious to do sth 10. 整天工作不讲话 work without speaking all day long 1

4、1. 对某人/事感到满意be happy with =be pleased /satisfied with sb/sth 12. 从美术协会赢得了很高的赞美win high praise from the art community 13. 搜寻某个更好或不同的东西 search for something better or different 14. 放弃作为一名会计give up her job as an accountant (放弃give up doing )15. 在一家大公司的销售部门工作 work for the sales department in a big compa

5、ny16. 公司的总经理the general manager of the company 17. 依靠,依赖depend on18. 落后fall behind ,跌倒fall down (fall -fell -fell 落下,摔倒 feel-felt-felt 感觉 )19. 领先 take the lead 20. 你要么领先要么落后you either take the lead or fall behind.。21. 准备随时迎接新的挑战 be ready to take on new challenges any time 22. 连接阳光镇到天津高速铁路的总工程师the ch

6、ief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting Sunshine Town to Tianjin. 23. 承担不起犯任何错误 cant afford to make any mistakes 24. 愿意多工作be willing to work extra hours愿意做某事be willing to do sth)25. 注重每一个细节pay attention to every detail (pay attention to sth/doing sth )26. 高标准工作work to high standards 27.心脏外

7、科的先锋 a pioneer heart surgeon28. 再怎么仔细也不为过you cant be too careful. 29.对某人、事有耐心be patient with sb/sth30.12生肖12 animal signs31. 给某人做手术 perform/do an operation on sb 32. 被分成. be divided into33. 花费了她的绝大多数时间在她的工作上devote most of her time to her work.34. 献身于,致力于devote oneself to (doing) sth=devote ones life

8、 to (doing )sth35. 生产新的事物produce something new 36. 不会生气的等待 wait without getting angry37. 某人的性格适合成为一位艺术家 sbs personality is suitable for being an artist38. 在中国的农历里in the Chinese lunar calendar 39. 情况却并非如此thats not the case 40. 以固定的顺序出现appear in a fixed order 41. 这种循环每隔12年重复一次the cycle repeats every 1

9、2 years 42. 出生在相同生肖下的人们people born under the same animal sign43. 有相似的性格have similar personalities 44. 生在虎年的人们 people born in the Year of Tiger45 是你塑造了你的生活和未来It is you who shape your life and your future.46. 获悉一天的主要新闻get the general news of the day 47.上学缺席be absent form school48. 在许多人面前演讲make a speec

10、h in front of many people 49. 赢得几个科学竞赛 win several science competitions50. 使用电脑使他更有条理use the computer to get himself more organized 51. 推荐某人作为我们的班长recommend sb as our monitor52. 成为我们班长最合适的人选be the most suitable person to be our monitor三、知识点1. order 顺序n. keepin (good) order保持井然有序 (in order 按顺序) in th

11、e correct/right order  按照正确的顺序What a mess!You should_ _ _ _ _.(保持你的书有序)2. come up with=think of想出(主意),提出(方案),不能用被动语态科学家正在尽最大努力想出治疗被称为H7N9的严重疾病的办法Scientists are trying their best to _ ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9.你能想出一个更好的借口吗? Can you _ _ _ a better excuse?3. show off 

12、; 炫耀,卖弄(能力、财力、智力等)她想在派对上炫耀自己的儿子。She wanted to_ _ _ _。他想炫耀他英语讲得有多好。 He wants to _ _ _ _ he speaks English.show sb. sth = show sth. to sb. _ show sb around / round sp.(地点) _show up _ on showon exhibition _4. .neither 1)也不,副词。常用结构:neither+be/助动词/情态动词+主语,“也不这样”他不喜欢吃鱼,他妹妹也不喜欢。He doesnt like fish._ _

13、his sister.= He doesnt like fish. His sister doesnt like fish, _.2)两者都不,代词。常用结构:neither of+代词或名复+动单两个故事都没有趣。(1)_ _the _ _ interesting.3)两者都不,形容词。全部否定。常用结构:neither+名单+动单两个故事都没有趣。(2)_ _ _ interesting.4)连词。常用结构:neithernor既不也不连接两个并列的成分,连接主语时动词遵循就近原则。他既不喝酒也不抽烟。He_ drinks _ smokes.他和我都对唱歌跳舞不感兴趣。_ he _ I _

14、interested in singing and dancing. ( ) Which do you prefer, a CD player or a walkman? -_. I prefer a portable computer.A. Both B. Either C. None D. Neither 5.nor 也不,副词。他不抽烟也不喝酒。He didnt smoke, _ _he drink.6. devote专心致力于,奉献 v.,后接oneself/ones life/ones time/ones effort(努力) devotion n.热爱,忠诚 devoted献身于的

15、,致力于的 adj. devoteto (doing) sth._ devote oneself to致力于,献身于他一生致力于文学。He_ his life _ _ . 我的老师把他的一生献给了教育事业。My teacher _ his life_ _. 别在这个问题上花太多时间_ _ too much time _ _ _.7. It is+ adj. +for/of sb to do sth (1)for sb常用于表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式的形容词,如easy,hard,difficult,interesting,important,impossible等,不能表示某人的特征:对

16、他来说,学两门外语是很难的。 It's very hard for _ him _ _ two languages.(2) of sb的句型一般用表示人物的性格,品德,表示主观感情或态度的形容词,如good,kind,nice,clever,foolish,right。 你来帮助我,你真是太好了。It's very nice _ you _ _ me.8. attention专心,注意。un. pay attention to + doing/代词宾格/名词他注意不发出噪声He _ _ _ _ _ noise.9. divide v. 划分,分 divideinto意为“把分成

17、”, be divided into 意为“被分成”(被动)。英语老师把学生分成四分成小组。(主动)The English teacher _ _ _ _4 groups.(被动) The students _ _ _ 4 groups.妈妈刚才把一个苹果分成了两半。(主动)My mother _ _ _ _ two _ just now.= (被动)The apple _ _ _ two _ just now.四、语法1. 用并列连词and,but,or 和so 来连接单词、短语或句子。 (1)She is kind _ friendly .(表示并列) 她善良友好。 (2) Daniel

18、is very clever , _ he is modest. (表示转折) 丹尼尔很崇明,但是他很谦虚。 (3) Do you want to be a teacher _ a doctor? (表示选择) 你想当老师还是医生? (4) It began to rain , _ we went home .(表示因果) 天开始下雨,所以我们回家了。 在否定句中,并列成分用or连接。 I dont like tea _ coffee. 我不喜欢茶和咖啡。2. both. and. “和两个都” (作主语,谓语动词用复数形式)=not only but (also)“不但而且” (作主语,谓语

19、动词要与最临近的主语保持一致。)eitheror “或者或者”“不是就是” (作主语,谓语动词要与最临近的主语保持一致。)neither. nor. “既不也不” (作主语,谓语动词要与最临近的主语保持一致。) (1) Mr Green is _ my teacher _ my brother. 格林先生既是我的老师,有时我的兄长。 (2) She _ plays well , _ writes well. 她不仅演奏的好,而且作曲也好。 (3) _ you _ I _ wrong. 不是你错了,就是我错了。 (4)_ you _ she _ good at drawing.你和她都不擅长绘画

20、。五、练习 (一) 选择题( )1. We should pay attention to _ the teacher carefully. A. listen to B. listening C. listening to D. listen( )2. Thanks for_ the new chairperson.A. recommend me as B. recommending me as C. recommend me for D. recommending me for( )3. he isnt _ to the middle school. A. young enough goi

21、ng B. enough old going C. old enough to go D. enough old to go( )4. Miss Green divided the sweets _ the children who were divided _ three groups. A. in;in B. into; into C. between; into D. among;into( )5. The teacher told us much more attention should _ when we take exams. A. pay to B. be paid C. be

22、 paid to D. pay( )6. Jim is energetic and active , _ some times too inpatient. _. A. and; so is he B. but; so he is C. and ,so he is D. but; so is he( )7. If we dont study hard, we will _ in our class. A. take the lead B. fall behind C. be the first D. be successful( )8. We all know how wonderful yo

23、u are. There is no need to _A. show off B. give up C. take care D. carry on( )9. As a student, I cant afford _ a new mobile phone.A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought( )10. Where is my food, Tom? Sorry, I _ just _ . . A. did, eat it up B. have ,eaten up it C. have, eaten it up D. will ,eat up it( )1

24、1. He speaks _ English _ French. Instead, he speaks German. A. eitheror B. not only but also C. neither nor D. both and( )12. Simon is creative enough _ new ideas. A. come up with B. to come up with C. come out with D. to come out with( )13. The doctor has devoted most of his time to _ the patients.

25、 A. look after B. looking after C. looks after D. looked after( )14. Either he or I _ going to help them. A. am B. are C. were D. be( )15. Not only _ Miss Li _ music, but also she _ sports. A. is; like; likes B. does; like; like C. is; likes; like D. does; like; likes (二)根据汉语提示完成句子1. Do you know Jim

26、 has won high _ (赞扬) from Professor Wang?2. I think Johnson is a _ (天生的) writer. He is very creative.3His father is the chief engineer of the _ (高速的) railway connecting Shanghai to Hangzhou.4. He was very_(没有耐心的)with his students. He often asks his students to stand in the classroom.5. He didn't

27、 pass the exam because of his _ (粗心)6. It's said that we will be_ (分) into 4 groups.7. He had to _ (出现) before the meeting to explain his behaviour.8. The _ (首席的) manager of that company is his uncle.9. Kitty is a _ (活泼的) girl. She enjoys dancing and singing.10.A good student must_ (联系)what he r

28、eads with what he sees around him.I quite agree with you.(三)用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Amy is full of energy. She never minds _ (do) extra work. 2. Neither Jim's friends nor Jim _ (be) to America before.3. Are you afraid of _ (talk) with foreigners in public?4. Don't forget _ (take) a map with you when

29、you travel in big cities.5. Be _ (confidence)! I think you can do it better next time. (四) 完形填空Charlie came from a poor village. His parents had _1_ money to send him to school when he was young. The boy was very sad. Mr. King lived next to him. He found the boy _2_ and had pity on him and lent some

30、 money to him. So the boy could go to school. He studied hard and _3_ all his lessons. When he finished middle school, the man introduced him to his friend in the town. And he began to work.Once Mr. King was seriously hurt in an accident. Dying, he asked Charlie to take care of his daughter, Sharon.

31、 The young man _4_ and several years later he married the girl. He loved her very much and tried his best to make her happy. He often bought beautiful clothes and delicious food for her. He was good at cooking and he cooked _5_ for her. So she became very fat and she felt it difficult to walk. And o

32、ne day she found there was something wrong with her heart. Her husband wasnt at home and she had to go to _6_ at once. The doctors looked her over and told her _7_ eat meat, sugar, chocolate and things like these. She was afraid _8_ the doctors words and wrote all the names of the food on the paper.

33、 When she got home, she put the list on the table and _9_. When she returned home that afternoon, she found many kinds of food: meat, sugar and chocolate in the kitchen. Charlie was busy _10_ there. As soon as he saw her, he said happily, “Ive bought all the food you like, dear!”( )1. A. noB. some C

34、. muchD. enough ( )2. A. lazyB. clever C. carefulD. hard( )3. A. did well in B. was poor at C. was workingD. was good for( )4. A. was angry B. thought hardC. agreed D. said “No.”( )5. A. a little B. a few C. manyD. a lot( )6. A. rest B. sleep C. hospitalD. work( )7. A. should B. would C. to D. not to( )8. A. to rememberB. to forget C. to catchD. to teach( )9. A. slept B. went out C. cookedD. ate( )10. A. readingB. seeing C. cookingD. writing(五) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. It can make you confident when you ar


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