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1、沪教牛津版7年级英语上册U2检测题一 单词积累每日的,日常的休息文章钟,铃从不使发出钟声,响起铃声乒乓球结束,终止骑,驾驶乐队通常地练习因此,所以在一起不常,很少集市,市场地理吉他年级初级中学步行参加过得愉快去睡觉起床二、在括号里填上适当的一个词。1. My school is close _ my home, so I always go _ school _ foot.2. I enjoy learning _ different places in the world.3. Our morning break starts _ 9:50 a.m.4. Lunch is _ 11:50 _

2、 12:30.5. Tom, Jack and I take part _ the school band practice.6. I always have a good time _ school.三、根据首字母填空。1. Ann gets up early every day, s_ she is n_ late for school. 2. I u_ go to school on foot. I s_ go by bike.3. There goes the b_. Class is over. Lets take a b_ and play some games t_.4. Our

3、 teacher often plays an English song to e_ the class. 5. The popular b_ is going to hold a concert(演唱会) in Guangzhou.6. You need more p_ before the performance(演出).四、完成下列句子。1你想参加哪项运动?Which sport would you like to _ _ _?2. Lily 暑假经常玩得很开心。Lily often _ _ _ _ in summer holidays.3. 我家离学校很近。我经常走路上学。My hou

4、se is very _ _ school. I often go to school _ _.五 用括号内动词的适当形式填空。1. The difficult days _ (be) gone (消逝).2. He always _ (say) that Mr Li _ (teach) well.3. She _ (not live) here any longer.4. My mother _ (watch) TV after finishing the housework every night.5. Many children often _ (listen) to MP3.6. My

5、 father usually _ (finish) his work at 6 p.m.7. _ you often _ (play) basketball with your friends at weekends?8. Lily usually _ (go) to school at 7 a.m.9. He _ (have) lunch at home every day.10. I _ (not like) to take a long walk.11. What _ he _ (have)? He _ (have) a toy plane.12. My mother _ (not l

6、ike) English, but she _ (like) Chinese.13. Who _ (know) the teachers name?六 句型转换1He is my son ? (变一般疑问句)  _ _  your son ?2. There are ten boys. (变一般疑问句)  _ _  ten boys ?3. My father often watches TV.(对划线部分提问)My father_ often _ TV?4. Jim does not have two books

7、 . (变肯定句)Jim _two books .5.She plays basket ball on Sunday.(变一般疑问句)_she _ basketball on Sunday?6.My friend has three pens.(对划线部分提问) _ _ pens _ your friend have? 答案一daily每日的,日常的article文章never从不table tennis乒乓球ride骑,驾驶usually通常地so因此,所以seldom不常,很少Geography地理break休息bell钟,铃ring使发出钟声,响起铃声end

8、结束,终止band乐队practice练习together在一起market集市,市场guitar吉他grade年级junior high school初级中学on foot步行take part in 参加have a good time过得愉快go to bed去睡觉get up起床二 1to,to,on 2 about 3 at 4 from,to 5 in 6 at三1 so,never 2 usually ,seldom 3 bell, break,together4 end 5 band 6 practice四 1 take part in 2 has a good time 3 close to ,on foot五1 are 2 says,teaches 3 doesnt live 4 watches5 listen 6 finishes 7 Do,play 8 goes


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