



1、10. Plates and dishes(not wash) after supper yesterday.Unit 6 When was it inventeSectio n A 4a 4c【学习目标】总结一般过去时态被动语态【学习重点难点】运用一般过去时态的被动语态完成相应练习【学法指导】观察-总结-思考-运用一巩固练习【教学过程】一、导入SA: When was the car inven ted ? SB: It was inven ted in 1885.SA: Whe n were electric slippers inven ted? SB: They were inven

2、ted last year.SA : Who were they inven ted by? SB: They were inven ted by Julie Thomps on.SA: What were they used for? SB: They were used for see ing in the dark.二、阅读一般过去时态的被动语态句子,感悟其结构、用法、句型变化。1. -When was the zipper inven ted? -It was inven ted in 1893.-拉链是什么时候发明的?-它是在 1893 年被发明的。2. -Who was it in

3、ven ted by? -It was inven ted by Whitcomb Juds on.-它是由谁发明的?-它是被惠特科姆.贾德森发明的。3. The fridge was sold at a low price.这个冰箱被以低价卖掉了。4. The stude n ts were told not to eat or drink in class.学生们被告知在课堂上既不吃或喝任何东西。三、巩固练习1. The boy lost his parents during the last year s _( 地震).2. The students were asked to( _ 翻

4、译)the story into English.3. The police found the lost boy un der the destroyed house through an (_4. I only have some_(_ 饼干)and a glass of milk every morning.5. If you can t eat all these fruit , you may put some into your( 冰箱).6. This in strume nt is used for(play) music i n class.7. How many magaz

5、 ines (borrow) from the library today?8. Edis on was a great J_ e had over 1.000in his life.(i nven t).仪器)。29. A picture(put) on the blackboard before class.10. Plates and dishes(not wash) after supper yesterday.11. 昨天有人看见他掉进河里了。He to fall into the river yesterday.12.什么时候发现新大陆的?When the New Land ?13

6、. 它们是用来在黑暗中照明的。 They are used for _ ._14. 吉姆直到下午 3 点才回来。Jim_ three oclock in the afte15. 黑人和英雄喜欢吃土豆和西红柿。Negroes and_like to eat_ and_.16. 人们相信,所有学生都已经通过了英语考试。_that all the students._ already_ ._ the English exam.17. 没有什么能够阻止我们今天下午去钓鱼。Nothi ng can_us_this after noon.18. 昨天晚上有几台新电脑被盗了。Some new compute

7、rs_ last ni ght.19. Pens are used for on paper.A.write B.writing C.to write D.wrote20.I thi nk it is impossible to make everyone_ .A. please B. pleased C. pleasa nt D. Pleasure21. The leaves_in the water for a long time.came B. rema ined C. lived D. arrived22.She found her keys_when she clea ned her room after she lost them two weeks aA. with mistake B. in this way C. by accident D. with pleasure23. How was


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