外研版英语八年级上册 Module 3 Sports模块训练题(有答案)_第1页
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1、外研版英语八年级上册Module 3 Sports 模块训练题 一、根据句意和首字母提示填空London is such a wonderful cityIt is very largeThe Thames River r_ through the city from west to eastSo the city has t _ parts, the South and NorthIn the North are important buildings, shops, big parks and interesting placesThe weather in London is goodI

2、n winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not very hot because the city is near the s_People say that London is a foggy(多雾的) city and it often rainsIt is trueLast year, when I was in London I met one of the t_ fogs in years You could almost not see your hand in front of your faceCars and buse

3、s moved along w_ their lights onWhen evening fell, the weather g_ even worseThe fog was a_ thick as milkA_ buses and cars s_I happened to(碰巧) have an important meeting on the other side of the town, but it was too hard to find a car, I had to get there on f_ 二、单项选择1.-How about playing _ basketball?

4、-Good idea. But I can only play it for half _hour. A. the; a B. /; an C. the; an D. /; a2.-Linda practices _the violin every day because she wants to be a violinist. -Well, if she keeps _like this, her dream will come true. A. to play; to play B. to play; playing C. playing; to play D. playing; play

5、ing3 .My foreign friend, Tom, will come to _. A. cheer me up B. cheer up me C. cheer on me D. cheer on me4. The little boy saved every coin _ he could buy his mother a present on Mother's Day.A.so that B.as so C.in order to D. such that5. -How is this kind of apple? -It tastes _ and sells _.A. g

6、ood; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good6. -Why do you like living in the countryside? -Because there's _ dirty air and _ cars there.A. less; more B. fewer; less C. less; fewer D. fewer; more7. I didnt buy the second-hand book because the seller wanted _ money than I had expected. A.

7、less B. least C. most D. more8. The more careful you are, the _ mistakes you will make.A. few B. fewer C. fewest D. more few9 I have two tickets for the film. One is mine and _ is yours.A. another B .the other C. other D. others10. When will you _ Shanghai?A. get B. arrive at C. arrive in D. arrive1

8、1. The accident happened _ a cold winter morning .A. in B. on C. at D. for12. The population of Tianjin is _ than that of Shanghai .A. larger B. less C. smaller D. fewer13. Did your school _ the basketball match? No. We were_ A. win; defeated B. win; lost C. lose; won D. lose; defeated14. Is New Yor

9、k _ than Washington DC?A. busy B. famous C. noisier D. big15. Her song sounds_ .A. beautiful B. beautifully C. badly D. well 三、阅读理解。AOne day Mrs. Wilson took Trudy and Ben to go shoppingThey went to the supermarket in the new shopping mall(购物中心)"Why do you buy things here, Mum?" Trudy aske

10、d"Because they are cheaper than those at the corner store," Mrs. Wilson said"Help me check(检查) the prices" The Wilsons were not wealthy(富有的) and Mrs. Wilson was always careful with her moneyShe looked carefully at the prices of thingsShe bought some groceries(杂货) in the supermark

11、etWhen they got home, the children said, "We don't think you saved (省) money by going to the supermarket there." "Of course I did," said Mrs. Wilson, "Everything was cheap there" "We know," said the children, "but we came home by taxi (出租车) because we

12、 had too much to carryThe cost(花费) of the taxi was more than the money you saved!" Mrs. Wilson added (加) everything up and found her children were right "Well done," she said, "next time we will do shopping near our home"1Mrs. Wilson took Trudy and Ben _Ato the supermarket B

13、to the zooCto the park Dto the museum2Mrs. Wilson bought things in the supermarket in the new shopping mall because _Agoods there had good quality Bthere were many goodsCgoods there were cheap Dgoods there were expensive3Which of the following is right?AThe Wilsons were rich and they bought a lot of

14、 things in the supermarketBThe Wilsons were not rich and they bought things in a cheaper supermarketCThe Wilsons enjoyed shopping in the shopping mall because it was largeDThe Wilsons were poor and they seldom went shopping4Mrs. Wilson went home _Aby bus Bby minibus Cby taxiDon foot5Mrs. Wilson deci

15、ded to go shopping _ next time.Ain the shopping mail far away Bin the cheapest shopCin the most expensive shop Dnear her homeBHe was well known for his works and humorEverybody knows Mark Twain was a famous American writerBut before he was famous, even his neighbours didn't know him wellOne day

16、Mark Twain went to borrow a certain book from a neighbor in Tarry town"May I borrow a book from you ? " he asked politely"Yes" the neighbor told him, " but I must ask you to read it hereYou know I never let anybody take my book out of my study(书房)"Some days later the ne

17、ighbor wished to borrow Mark Twain's machine for cutting grass in the garden"May I borrow your machine to cut the grass in my garden?" the neighbor asked with a smile on his face"Certainly" Mark Twain told him, "but I must ask you to use it here You know that I never let

18、 anybody take my machine out of my garden"6Mark Twain comes from _AEngland BAmerica CJapan DFrance7Why didn't Mark Twain's neighbor lend the book to him? Because _Ahis neighbor made it a rule not 1o let any book go out of his studyBhis neighbor didn't like himChe never met Mark Twai

19、nDMark Twain didn't pay money for the book8Who wanted to borrow the book?AThe book BThe machine CMark Twain DNeighbor9What did Mark Twain's neighbour borrow his machine for?ATo play games BTo cut the grassCTo cut trees DTo cut his hair10Why didn't Mark Twain lend his machine to his neigh

20、bour? Because _Ahe didn't love himBhis neighbor wasn't friendly to himChis neighbor didn't give him moneyDhis neighbor was a thief 四、补全对话(有两项多余) A: Father's Day is coming ._1_B: A shirt.A: That sounds good.B: _2_ A: I have no idea ._3_.B: Why not buy a pair of shoes for him?A: I want

21、 to , but I don't have enough money .B: Let me see ._4_ .A: Yes. He likes sports very much.B: Well, there is a football match next month .You can buy a ticket for him.A: Sounds great!_5_ .B: You are welcome. 五、任务型阅读 Sheffield(谢菲尔德)is Britains fifth city with a population of more than half a mill

22、ion people. It is built on eight rivers and hills. Sheffield is a very green city. It has more parks and woods than any other city in Britain. Sheffield is a working city. For many years, Its factories sent knives and forks to the countries all over the world. Now many of the old factories are closed, but new shop and offices are open every day. Sheffield has a lot to offer(提供)its visitors. Here you can see the words oldest football club. You can watch ice hockey(曲棍球


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