



1、非谓语和谓一、区分谓语和非谓语谓语 谓语(predicate)或谓语动词(predicate verb)的位置一般在主语之后,说明主语“是什么”或者“做什么”,或表明主语的状态。谓语由简单动词或动词 短语(助动词或情态动词+主要动词)构成。(谓语必修注意时态、语态和主谓一致)1. 简单谓语(1) . What happe ned?发生了什么事?(2) . He worked hard all day today.他今天苦干了一天。(3) . The plane took off at ten o' clock. 飞机是十点起飞的。2. 复合谓语可分为两种情况:第一种是由情态动词,助动词

2、+不带to的动词不定式构成的复合谓语:What does this word mean?I won ' t do it again.I ' II go and move away the bag of rice with Lin Tao.You' d better catch a bus.第二种是由连系动词+表语构成的复合谓语。例如:You look the same.We are all here.The weather gets warmer, and the days get Ion ger.Keep quite and liste n to me.He look

3、ed worried.We have to be up early in the morni ng.Note: 一个英语句子就有一套主谓结构;如果是从句,则至少有两套主谓结构,每套要 求主语和谓语在时态和人称上要一致。祈使句无主语。非谓语动词在句中充当除谓语以外的句子成分的动词形式叫做非谓语动词。非谓语动词分为三种形 式: to do, doing 和 done.非谓语动词的时态和语态11|11一般式完成式进行式不定式主动to do_to have doneTto be doing1111被动: :to be doner* - to have bee n done1+111j111L1111

4、- -ing形式11t1主动doinghav ing done111|被动being done1 11 _ hav ing bee n done1 11 _J1111过去分 词被动do nelklli*I1111111I11i111111111、判定是否用非谓语形式。方法:看看句子中是否已有了谓语动词了2、找非谓语动词的逻辑主语。方法:非谓语动词的逻辑主语一般是句子的主语。3、判断主被动关系。方法:非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的主动还是被动关系。4、判断时间关系。方法:分析句子,看看非谓语动词所表示的动作发生在谓语动作 之前、之后还是同时。找出下列句中的动词非谓语,并注意他们在句子中充当的成分。To

5、 finish the work in ten minutes is very hard.To lose your heart mea ns failure.Her job is to clea n the hall.Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia.He found a good house to live in.The child has nothing to worry about.He worked day and ni ght to get the mon ey.She sold her hair to

6、buy the watch cha in.Readi ng is importa nt in lear ning En glish.Look ing after the patie nt is a nu rse's job.He slept in the sleep ing bag.Heari ng their teacher's voice, the pupils stopped talk ing at on ce.( = On heari ngtheir teacher's voice =Whe n they heard their teacher's vo

7、ice, the pupilsDon't be careless whe n /while hav ing an exam. = Don't be careless in hav ing anexam. = Don't be careless whe n / while you are hav ing an exam.Not knowing how to?work out the difficult physics problem, he asked the teacherfor help. = Because he didn ' t know how to T

8、heir car was caught in a traffic jam, thus caus ing the delay.=,which causedthe delay.He is a?promis in g?y oung man.?Make less noi se. There ' s a? sleep in g?child.?The young man? sitt ing betwee n Joh n and Mary?is the editor of the campusn ewspaper.?= The young man who sits betwee nis the Th

9、ose?wishi ng to joi n this club?should sig n here.?(二Those who wish to joi n the club should sig n here.)The book is in teresti ng and rm in terested in it.?The con cert give n by their frie nds was a success.Written in a hurry, this article was not so good!Given another hour, I can also work out th

10、is problem.Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks more beautiful to us.Grow n in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast.【注意】状语从句改成过去分词作状语时有时还可保留连词,构成"连词+过去分词"结构作状语.When give n a medical exam in ati on, you should keep calm.The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his ba

11、ck.I .先对比,再做题。1. Gen tleme n always shake hands whe n they are in troduced to each other.2. Gen tleme n always shake hands whe n in troduced to each other.3. While we were walk ing in the street, we met some friends of ours.4 While walking in the street, we met some friends of ours.5. The old man wa

12、lked slowly. He was supported by his little grandson.6 Supported by his little grandson, the old man walked slowly.7 . The ground which is covered with white snow looks very beautiful.8 The ground covered with white snow looks very beautiful.9. There is a tall tree which covers the entrance to the c

13、ave.10 There is a tall tree coveri ng the entrance to the cave.11. The worker wrote to the police and(disclose)who(steal)the mon ey.12 The worker wrote to the police, (disclose)who(steal)the mon ey.13. Look round when you(cross) the street.14 Look round when (cross) the street.15. When she(hear) the

14、 news, she burst into laughter.16 (hear) the n ews, she burst into laughter.II.完成句子(非谓语)。1 Around the end of the first cen tury, a Roma n writer(call) Pli ny wroteabout a terrible volca nic erupti on .2 One person,(sit) alon e, looks like he is pray ing.3 Anne was brought in(help) Hele n.4Her first

15、goal was(stop) Helen ' s troublesome behaviour.5 Hele n would have to lear n to un dersta nd words(spell) on her hand.6 The word “think ” was such a difficult one for Helen but she had a breakthroughwhile(work) on a simple task.7 He makes an attempt(eat) it, but it is clear from the look on his

16、facethat he finds the taste truly(disgust).8 He smiles and no ds,(in dicate) everyth ing is fine.9 When he looks at the menu, an(ast oni sh) look swiftly appears on hisface.10 Un certa in about how to fix them, she stopped(thi nk).HI、用动词的适当形式填空(含谓语非谓语)1. During the summerholiday of 2005, I (think)I

17、should do somethingmeanin gful in stead of(stay) at home and(watch) TV.2. I got a job at a KFC fast food restaura nt and(work) there as aclea ner.3. After all, I(stick) to it with my determ in ati on at that time.4. No one can avoid(in flue nee) by advertiseme nts.5. Radio, television and computers

18、have made it possible for advertisements (attract) the atte nti on of millio ns of people.6. Mean while,(make) an advertiseme nt, a lot of people will have towork together.7. In a word,(advertise) is an importa nt bus in ess.8. About fifty American students will come(visit) our school onOctober 22n

19、d.9. We must(talk) with them in English.10. PIease(be) frie ndly and courteous to them.11.1 have received your letter and I ' mglad (give) you somesuggestions.12. Fist of all, don ' t be(disappoint).13. Ma ny stude nts find it difficult(write) well.14.ln myop inion, if you want(improve) your

20、 writ ing,you should dothe(follow) thi ngs.15.Then you ' ll be able(use) them correctly yourself.16.So, i n order(write) well, you must lear n(read) a lot.17. Fin ally, you' d better(recite) some good passages.18.1 ' m sure you can improve your(write) English.19.1 (study) En glish for si

21、x years.20.1 am good at both(operate) a PC and En glish.21.1 can read, write,(liste n) to and speak En glish.22.1 ' m(interest) in the position of a secretary.23.1 want very much(accept) by your compa ny.24.55% of the stude nts thi nk they should take exercise every day, such as(do) morning exer

22、cises(play) pin g-p ong and basketball.25.45% believe (take) exercise is a waste of time and it is(tire).26.After (have) sports, they are muchtoo (excite) for a longtime to pay attention to their lessons.27.1 t' s possible(get) hurt in sports.28. (see) from the hill, our school looks very beauti

23、ful.29. The book,(write) in 1975, is still popular now.IV、改写下列句子,其划线部分改为分词短语1. As she was still rather weak, she could not stay up for too long.2. Gen tleme n always shake hands when they are introduced to each other.3. A cold rain was falli ng. It was mixed with snow.4. While we were walking in the

24、 street, we met some friends of ours.5. The old man walked slowly. He was supported by his little grandson.6. The ground which is covered with white snow looks very beautiful.7. There is a tall tree which covers the entrance to the cave.8. The worker wrote to the police and disclosed who stole the m

25、oney.9. Look round when you cross the street.10. When she heard the news, she burst into laughter.V. 课本再现1 Jody Williams helped found an intern atio nal campaig n(stop) themaking of landmine.2 As a young girl, she always wan ted(study) ani mals.3 She worked hard (make) as manycountries as possible n

26、ot to use them.4. (Watch) a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.5 This means(go) back to the place where we left the family(sleep) in a tree the ni ght before.6 She spent years (observe) and(record) their dailyactivities.7 When she first(arrive) in Gombe in 1960, it was unu sua

27、l for a woma n( live) in the forest.8 This special strain of rice makes it possible ( produce) one-thirdmore of the crop in the same fields.9 (bear 出生)in 1930, Dr Yuan(graduate) from SouthwestAgricultural College in 1953. Since the n,(find) ways to grow morerice has bee n his life goal.10 At that ti

28、me , hunger was a(disturb) problem in many parts of thecoun tryside. Dr Yua n searched for a way( in crease) rice harvestswithout( expa nd) the area of the fields.11 (Use) his hybrid rice , farmers are producing harvests twice as largeas before.12 Dr Yua n is quite (satisfy) with his life. However,

29、he does n't careabout( famous).13 He enjoys (listen) to violin music, (play) mah-jong,(swim) and reading. (Spend) money on himself or leading a comfortable life also means very little to him.14 He made people laugh at a time when they felt(depress), so theycould( feel) more content with their li

30、ves.15 You may find it(ast oni sh) that Charlie was taught to sing assoon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.16 Unfortun ately his father died,(leave) the family eve nworse off,so Charlie spe nt his childhood(look) after his sick mother and hisbrother.VI.练习再现1. A greet ingcard is u

31、sually_1_ (desig n) either to be beautiful or meanin gfulor funny.2. Some people would like to buy a greeti ng card while others prefer _5_ (make)_a card by themselves .3. .Whatever he is called , he is still the same short, fat, jolly old man witha long beard , _29_ (wear) a red suit with white fur

32、.4. That was definitelynot an attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation,_10_ (close) my book and walked away.5. If we keep on _33 ry) , we shall be sure to conquer and overcome everydifficulty we meet with.6. The earth is not the only body that _26_ (travel) around the sun.7. Every year,

33、 the company my wife works for _1_(host) a Christmas dinner party at a local restaura nt.8. What used to be an enjo yable meal with some employees has become a large,drunken eve nt _2_(last) late into the ni ght.9. So, they have no trouble _33(live) in the dark ness.10. Actually, it was the first ti

34、me that he(take) a train.11. Seeing this, the old man(sit) n ext to him was curious aboutwhat he did.12. One of the simplest ways to be humorous is(lear n) some goodjokes.13. People(say) to have a sense of humor when they joke around a lot14. After(take) out part of the coin s, I tha nked him and pr

35、omisedthat I would use them wisely.15. I didn ' t understand what he(mean), so he explained it to me.16. Keeping a diary shouldn ' t become a(tire) job.1 , had stole n,12 disclos ing, had stole n13 cross14 cross ing15 heard16 heari ngII. 1 called 2 sitti ng 3 to help 4 to stop 5 spelt 6 worki ng 7 toeat, disgust ing8 in dicati ng 9 ast oni shed 10 to thinkIII 1 thought ,stay ing ,watch ing2 worked 3 stuck 4 being in flue need 5 to attract6 to make 7 advertising 8 to visit 9 talk 10 be 11 to give 12 disappointed13 to


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