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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上大学生的回顾与展望摘要:昨天已经过去,今天正在过去,明天即将过去。时间就这样在指缝间飞逝,转眼已在大学度过了两个春秋。两年下来,多少风风雨雨,多少成功喜悦,多少失败泪水,多少耕耘收获。转眼间,在经管学院度过了短短的两年大学生活,我正式步入我的大三生活。回首往事,感觉没有经历什么就过去了,还没来得及去品味什么就消逝了,只留下年龄上的虚长和心灵上的成熟。关键词:大学生活 回顾 展望一、校园生活大学生活是自由的。在自由的世界里,你什么都可以去做,去尝试,大学生活也变得踏实而且多彩;也可以什么都不用做,此时自由变成了无聊和郁闷。大一是大学生最富有激情和活力的时刻,大二的生活则

2、不那么新鲜,大三是等待日子。 大学里除了平时的课程学习外,课外活动也是学习的一个机会。想学就可以学很多,如果不想那就什么也学不到。为了充实大学生活,我积极参加各种课外活动参加学校运动会,系里各种活动,辩论会,拔河,篮球赛,班级水果拼盘大赛等,结果当然有得有失,有胜有负,丰富的课外生活充实了我的大学生活,它是我大学生活里一个重在组成部分,也是我人生是很美丽的一段回忆。在那些活动中有喜有忧,但是现在对于我来说都是美好的生活。三年里,在北航这块净土的养护下,我像其他名校的学子一样,踌躇满志,畅想未来,埋头苦干,历待成熟。在校园的某个角落,也常留下我晨读的身影,充满活力的操场上,也常荡漾着我激昂的欢呼


4、加大胆,从而更加进步。三、校园友谊生活方面,我最开心的是认识到了一帮好朋友,在我看来,一个人可以没有爱情但不可以没有友情。因为学校是离家很远的,所以在学校看到老乡是十分亲切的,同时也积极主持老乡会聚场,大家欢聚一堂,其乐融融。我还十分热爱打篮球,一周内我会去3-4次篮球场,结交许多球友,我认为朋友也是人生的一大财富之一,永远都记得我们一大伙人去爬长城、游故宫等等。四、参加社会实践,丰富阅历进大学的第一年,我就开始利用节假日及双休日,在校内校外做兼职, 在社会实践的那些日子,从实践上我比在学校里学到了更多的东西,它和军训一样都是我人生的重要财富。它包含着我的失败和成功,有了这些经历,我更明确了自

5、己的目标,自己该做什么、学什么;有了这些经历,再走进社会我不再感到恐慌了,走进学校,我也更珍惜学习时光了。五、未来的展望和定位人活着,或许心态可以决定着我们的一生。想平平庸庸、轰轰烈烈、踏踏实实那都是自己决定的。在旅途中,当我们坚守自己积极的信念的时候,可能会遇到各种困难和阻力,可是只在要我们坚持自己,努力走下去,相信都会柳暗花明又一村的。 大学之后的大致有三个选择:创业,就业,考公务员。综合考虑家庭和个人实际之后,我目前选择了就业,总之,我会学好每一科并培养自己各方面的能力,就业只是迟早的事。考公务员,是向更深的程度去探究,当达到那种强烈的精益求精的欲望时,为了更好的发展,我会走这条路的,有


7、识和找到自己的比较优势,当然我希望我的付出的代价不要太大,就能了解自己的比较优势和缺陷所在,目标是用来不断追求的,而不是去努力抓住的,因为我明白在生活的海洋里,漂移着很多稻草,渴望它,会产生动力;抓住它,而不懂得让它升华,会使我沉没。 六、结论时间匆匆而逝,大一入学时的情形仿佛还历历在目,转眼间我的大学生活却快到了尾声。在这三年多的时间里,我尝试了成功的喜悦、失败的痛苦、迷失时的彷徨、孤单时的时的失落、忙碌时的踏实,还有对未来的彷徨和憧憬,这一切都成为了我脑海中最深得记忆同时也为我以后的人生打下了坚实的基础。当然人生的旅途上,不会是一路绿灯的,总会有磕磕绊绊的,在求职的道路上也有机遇和挑战,逆

8、流而上,越战越勇,努力做到只为成功找方法,不为失败找借口,用三年的丰厚底蕴去铸造一把利剑,砍断那一道道刺人的人生荆棘,我相信我的事业会在千帆阅尽后,柳岸花明,迎来成功。在大学里一切荣誉只是属于学校,属于过去的那个时刻的,走出学校以后我将要一切从零开始,不骄不躁的做好每件事。参考文献: Retrospect and prospect of college students Abstract: yesterday is past, today is the past, tomorrow is the past. Time is in the fingers flies, but it has se

9、t up a file in the university has spent the last two years. Two years down, how many ups and downs, and much joy of success, how many failure tears, how many till harvest. Since then, collegue in spent two years of university life, I entered my junior year life. Looking back past events, I feel no e

10、xperience what is past, didnt have time to taste what is gone, leaving only age virtual long and spiritual mature. Keywords: university life review outlook one, campus life College life is free. In a free world, what do you have to do, to try, university life has become steadfast and colorful; Can a

11、lso what all need not do, the free become bored and depressed. Oneness is college students enthusiasm and vigor of the time, the life of two is not so good, and is waiting for three days. The university in addition to the usual course learning outside, extracurricular activities are also learning a

12、chance. Want to learn can learn a lot, if dont want that learns nothing. In order to enrich the university life, I took an active part in all kinds of extracurricular activities take part in the school sports meet, the department activities, debate, tug of war, the basketball match, class fresh frui

13、t series, etc., the results of course you win some, you lose some, have overcome a negative, rich extracurricular life in my university life, it is my college life is a part, and also my life is very beautiful a memory. In those activities mixed feelings, but now for me is the good life.Three years,

14、 under the arrangement of the pure land maintenance, I like any other school students, complacent, think about the future, hard work, calendar to mature. In a certain corner of the campus, but also often leave my morning reading form, full of vitality, also often the playground rippling my passionat

15、e cheer, colorful stage had I show the talent green Two, Improve ability, running for student body and class committee With the dream into the university, in the university, I want to do a comprehensive development of college students this is my original intention. Came to the university, in order t

16、o improve their ability, exercise myself, I actively involved in the school student recruiting new. A lot of times I always be own another negative thoughts in block outside the door, that is about to hard out of his first step, no matter how difficultly multiple, have to out of go out, as long as g

17、o out, can see the results will be how to timely find out problems. Because I know that no good or bad difference between points, but there are very different. Remember that a professor put forward such a view: a man dont need to do everything well, in fact as long as one thing do well, you will hav

18、e another chance. Because the first failure, more strengthened my confidence, so that in the later study life, I only then more daring, and thereby more progress. Three, campus friendship Life, I am most happy is recognized a bunch of good friend, in my opinion, a person can not love but you can not

19、 do without friendship. Because school is far from home, so in the school to see villagers is very friendly, and meanwhile it also positively host villagers convergence field, we, together, in harmony. I also very love playing basketball in a week, Ill go to 3 to 4 times basketball court and make ma

20、ny the ball friend, I think friends also is the life of one of a large fortune, always remember you guys we a person to climb the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and so on swim. Four, to participate in social practice, rich experience In the first year of university, I began to use holiday and double

21、 cease day, in the external do a part-time job, in the social practice in those days, from practice in school than I learned more things, it and military training is as the important wealth in my life. It contains my failure and success, these experiences, I am more made clear their goals, what to d

22、o, what to learn, Have these experiences, and then walked into the society I no longer feel panic, went to school, I also learn more cherish the time. Five, the future prospect and positioning People alive, perhaps mentality may decide to our life. Want to PingPingYongYong, vigorous, steadfast. That

23、 is his decision. On the road, when we stick to your positive belief, may encounter all sorts of difficulties and resistance, but only in to we insist on yourself, try to go on, I believe will be away from her and the village.After the university roughly three options: venture, employment, take an e

24、xamination of civil servants. Comprehensive consideration of the family and personal actual after, I now choose the employment, anyhow, Ill learn each section and develop their various aspects ability, employment is just a matter of time. Take an examination of civil servants, is to a deeper level t

25、o explore, when they reached that strong excelsior desire, in order to better development, I will go this way,Have strong theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience, as well as to the future confidence and passion, I will try to toward their own direction, I gave a lot of applied load, the

26、persons life have been add, and personal growth need to find their own comparative advantages, and my comparative advantage may only have one or two. After a series of addition, also want to appropriate do a subtraction, because I think people need to have a balanced life, can not only crazy work go down, and there are more desirable priceless, so now I advance to set himself up as: (1) to do a know the laws of the market to learning, (2) to do one to know how to commun


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