



1、Notes for the Organizer Forms 填寫表格備忘Dear Exhibitors展商們Thank you for participating our exhibition! The attached forms are to help you to fully enjoy our services including publicity and to order optional services. Please read these notes before complete the forms and send them back to us before the s

2、pecified deadline. To ensure clarity and accuracy, please type. 感謝貴司參加我們的展覽會。 現附上的表格可協助貴司充份享用我們所提供的服務,其中包括為貴司作業務推廣。此外,我司亦提供一系列服務可供貴司選擇。在填寫表格前,請先細閱下列細則。填妥的表格請在指定截止日期前交回。 為求清晰准確,請用正楷打印。Though we will try our best to meet your request, please note that we do disclaim the following responsibilities:我們會盡

3、力提供服務,務求達到貴司的要求,但在以下情況主辦單位恕不負上任何責任: Accuracy and timeliness of the information published and / or publicized; 刊登的資料的准確性及合時性 Late submission after specified deadline may cause delay and / or inability to provide the service; 逾期遞交表格而引致的延誤或因此而未能提供的服務 Optional orders are subject to availability; 自選服務的供應

4、數量有限 Late orders are subject to surcharge 逾期申請服務將被徵收附加費 Changes and / or our inability to provide services due to non-compliance of rules & regulations set by relevant authorities, venues and the organizer; 因未遵守有關單位、場館及主辦單位所定立的規則與條例而導致未能提供及或需修改的服務 Transactions directly between exhibitors and off

5、icial contractors 參展商與大會承包商的直接交易Form 1A 表格1AFree Entry in Virtual Booth 免費虛擬展台服務Submission Deadline 繳交日期:November 17, 2003Virtual Booth integrating both offline and online media resources into a one-stop vertical media solution for the global business community. is a 24 hour exhibition network that

6、allows exhibitor to promote products around the world, around the clock. The exhibitor is offered a free virtual booth for 1 year. 是一個結合傳統與網上媒體的24小時展覽網絡, 為世界各地的商務社群提供一站式的媒體解決方案. 參展商可獲為期一年的免費虛擬展台一個。Form 1B 表格1B Information for Visitor Invitation and Publicity 邀請觀眾及宣傳展會資料Submission Deadline 繳交日期:Septe

7、mber 15, 2003Form 1C 表格1C Press Release Dispatch Service 新聞稿發放服務Submission Deadline 繳交日期:November 17, 2003Form 1D 表格1D Press Room Display Service 記者招待室放置宣傳資料服務Submission Deadline 繳交日期:November 17, 2003Form 2 表格2Free Entry in the Official Catalogue 免費刊登在場刊資料Submission Deadline 繳交日期:September 15, 2003

8、Official catalogues are being distributed during the exhibition. Entries and listings will be published in English & Chinese, in black & white, in standard lettering and format. Company logo insertion will be subjected to charge. The organizer reserves the right to select and edit materials

9、for publishing. 大會場刊將在展覽期間派發,填寫在本表格內的資料將會刊登在展覽會場刊內, 所有資料將會用統一標準格式刊登。 刊登公司標誌將另收費。主辦單位有權選擇及修改所刊登的資料的內容。Form 3 表格3Machinery Exhibit & Contractors Information 機械展品及承包商資料Submission Deadline 繳交日期:September 15, 2003This is NOT an order form for electricity, water supply and compressed air. If you need

10、any and / or all of them, please refer to the Official Standfitting Contractor forms. This forms for our planning and for ensuring that there will be sufficient supplies to meet the demands of all exhibitors. However, the organizer reserves the right to implement rationing should the situation requi

11、re. 本表格一切資料(如展品體積、水、電及空氣壓縮機)均衹供主辨單位參考之用並不作為訂取水、電、氣之申請,若需預訂以上設施,請直接與大會指定承建商聯絡。For your smooth participation, please do supply us with contact details of your contractors for standfitting and forwarding, especially if you are not using the official contractors. Do ask your contractors to read carefull

12、y our Rules & Regulations which are being included in the Manual. Please note that the Customs, venue and organizer will impose some restrictions which are relevant to you and your contractors. 為配合現場工作,請提供你的承建商及承運商的資料。請你的承包商細閱展商守則內的細則。請注意海關、展覽場地及主辦單位已實施數項限制,參展商及承包商必須遵守。Form 4 表格4Entrance Permit

13、Registration 入場通行証登記Submission Deadline 繳交日期:September 15, 2003This is NOT for visa application. If you need help in applying for visa, please refer to the Official Travel Agent section. Exhibitor Badges will be issued and to be collected on-site according to the names supplied in this form. For sec

14、urity reasons and eligibility to be admitted into the venue, all exhibitors shall wear badges on-site. 此表格並非作為簽証申請或旅遊住宿安排,如有需要, 請參閱大會旅遊代理的資料。所有展商及攤位之工作人員均需於進館、展期及撒館期間帶上通行証。 通行証將會在展館現場發給已登記之人仕。Form 5 表格5Optional Exhibition Services 自選展覽服務Submission Deadline 繳交日期:September 15, 2003This form is for ord

15、ering various optional services provided by the organizer. Only orders with prompt payment on or before deadline will be handled, subject to availability. Payment for unfulfilled orders will be refunded within one month after our notice. For details, please refer to the charge table below.主辦單位提供多項可選

16、擇的服務,參展商可按其需要而訂用。請在訂用服務截止日期前把所有費用繳妥。其服務提供與否視乎供應數量。若費用收妥后而不能提供服務,已繳交的費用將在發出通知書一個月內退還。5.1Invitation Tickets 參觀券 (refer to 參閱Form 5A)We will send free tickets to you or to the party designated by you for inviting clients according to the formula of a 10 tickets for 1 sqm of rented space. You only need

17、to complete this part if you want to order additional tickets. 主辦單位按參展商展台面積, 每1平方米獲免費分配10張參觀券。如欲索取額外參觀券者,請填妥此欄。5.2 Advertisement in Official Catalogue刊登場刊廣告尺寸及制版資料 (refer to 參閱Form 5B)Mechanical Detail Trim size場刊實際尺吋: 210mm (H) x 131mm (W)Full Page全頁廣告- Bleed size出血版: Trim size + 3mm bleeding from

18、all sidesNon-bleed size非出血版: 190mm (H) x 111mm (W) Half Page (Horizontal) 半頁廣告(橫放)Bleed size出血版: 103mm (H) x 131mm (W) + 3mm bleeding from all sidesNon-bleed size非出血版: 92mm (H) x 115mm (W)Logo Size 公司標誌: 30mm (L) x 15mm (H) - max.Advertisers in the Exhibition Catalogue are responsible for the conten

19、t of their own advertisements. Advertising order is on a first-come, first-served basis at the Organizers final discretion. Payment should be forwarded before September 15, 2003 and make payable to “Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd”. Late orders will not be entertained.刊登廣告者需對其內容負全責。廣告位置是以先到先得的形式為基礎,主

20、辦單位保留最終決定權。付款: 在9月15日前把全數用銀行本票或電匯給 “雅式展覽服務有限公司”,逾期訂單將不被受理。Unless with prior written request, all photos and materials supplied and advertising film produced will be destroyed after the production of Exhibition Catalogue. 除展商書面要求外,展商所提交的一切材料和制成的廣告底片將於場刊印製後銷毀。Cancellation : 取消訂單Order can only be cance

21、lled in written and within 2 weeks after the order is confirmed. 50% of the advertising rate will be charged if notification of cancellation has passed the cancellation period allowed but before the materials deadline. After the materials deadline, no order can be cancelled. In case an order is conf

22、irmed within 2 weeks before the material deadline, it cannot be cancelled. Late delivery of advertising materials or non-compliance with cancellation / postponement deadline allowed will result in forfeiture of the space booked, and the Advertiser shall remain liable to the full cost thereof. 如欲取消訂單

23、,必須在訂單確定后兩個星期內以書面形式向主辦單位提出。否則,展商需繳付百份之五十的廣告費。截稿日期后,所有訂單不得取消。 截稿日期前兩個星期確定的訂單不得取消。延誤遞交廣告材料或不遵照上例取消訂單規定者,主辦單位不再保留其廣告位置,而預訂該廣告商仍需繳付所有費用。5.3 Charge Table for Optional Service 自選服務收費表 Item項目Cost 費用Overtime charge per hour超時工作費用 (每小時)Gender/Specification性別/技能Remark 備注WORKER工人US$35.00 per day每人/每天US$10.00 M

24、ale男性Late orders are subject to a surcharge of US$10.00 per worker per day order.逾期申請: 另收美金10元每工人/每天付加費。Double-Pay is charged for working on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.星期六、日及公眾假期,雙倍收費RECEPTIONIST 接待員*US$35.00 per day每人/每天US$15.00Male/Female男性或女性non-English speaking.不懂英語的INTERPRETER翻譯員*US$60.00

25、per day每人/每天US$15.00Translate English into Chinese and vice versa / non- technical background翻譯中及英文 / 非技術性翻譯員* Substitution of receptionist or interpreters, upon request, can be arranged only on the first day of service. No refund to exhibitors on any termination of order. 展商欲要求更換接待員或翻譯員,只能在其開始服務的第一天內更換。 若臨場才提出取消聘用者,已繳交的款項,一概不得退還。* The Interpreters usual


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