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1、多大了22. go shopping购物外研社(18册)短语总结(一二册)1. Good morning早上好2. How are you你好吗3. I Im fine我很好4. stand up起立5. sit down坐下6. point to the window指向窗子7. whats your name你叫什么名字8. how many多少9. happy birthday生日快乐10. thank you谢谢你12. whats this ?that这是、那是什么13.thank you to myteacher谢 谢我的 老师14. favourite song喜欢 的歌曲15.

2、 small and thin又小 又瘦16. big and fat又大又 胖17. play football踢 足球18. at home在家19. on Mondays在周一20. go to school去学校23. go swimming去游泳24. ride a bike bikes骑自行车25. in the morningafternoon早上、下 午好26. watch TV看电视27. fly kites放风筝28. in winter在冬天29. in the bag在包里30. in the lake在湖里31. under the tree在树底下32. behin

3、d the tree在树 后面33. in the park在公园11. how old are you?你21. go to work去工作34. walk to school步行 去学校35. havehas got有(第三册)36. excuse me打扰一下37. live in住在38. go straight on直走39. next to旁边40. you are welcome没关系41. turn right left向右、左拐42. up the hill上山43. down the hill下山44. at the station在车站46. write a letter

4、写信47. take pictures拍照48. talk to和。谈话49. play with和。玩50. listen to music听音乐51. read a book读书52. lots of许多53. do taijiquan打太极54. row a boat划船55. play chess下象棋56. drink soybean milk喝豆奶57. play table tennis打乒乓球58. Chinese fast food59. make noodles做面条60. in England用英语61. make dumplings包饺子62. make a cake做

5、蛋糕63. in the pan在平底锅64. run fast跑得快65. jump far跳得远66. by plane乘飞机67. get up起床68. in the sea在海里72. come on加油45. look at看中国快69. sports day运动日70. run the 100metres跑百米71. every day每天73. do the high jump跳 高74. do the long jump跳 远75. happy Halloween万 圣节快乐76. come in进来(第四册)77. a bit shy有点害羞78. a nice teach

6、er一位 友善的老师79. Big Ben大本钟80. Hyde Park海德公园81. Tower Bridge塔桥82. have a picnic野餐83. do my homework做家84. visit my grandma拜 访我的奶奶85. help my mun帮助我的妈妈86. go to the park去公 园87. do the housework做 家务活88. help children learn帮助孩子学习89. Chinese music中 国 音乐90. playtheerhuzitherguitardrums拉二胡、 弹古筝、弹吉他、打架子鼓91. on

7、 the bike在自行车92. hungry and thirsty又饿又渴93. fall off掉下94. speak English说 英语95. intheeastwestsouthnorth在东、西、南、北96. have got aheadachstomache头疼、胃疼(第五册)97. be back from China从中国回来98. go home回家99. hurry up快点e with us跟庭作上我101. wait for等待长城122. control the ball102.by bus乘公交103.shopping list购物单104.half a ki

8、lo半公斤105.at the weekend在周末106.the BritishMuseum大英博物馆107.Big Ben大本钟108.the London Eye伦敦眼109.a big wheel一个大轮子110.the bus ride坐公交兜风111.the Great Wall112.take photos拍照113.whats thematter怎么了114.dont argue不要吵115.on the line在绳子上116.thats okay没关系117.Jimmyssweater吉米的毛衫118.give out分发119.every child每一个孩子120.in

9、 the class在班里121.too many太多控制球123.be good at擅长于。124.agoodgoalkeeper一个好的 守门员125.play football well足球踢得好126.half past seven七点半127.walk to school步行去学校128.do exercises做 操129.intheplayground在操场上130.gointo the101. wait for等待长城122. control the ballclassroom进教室向。问好149. last night昨晚131.miss China想念 中国132.thi

10、nk about思考133.on your birthday在你的生日上134.on the farm在农 场135.all day整天136.go out to play出去玩137.walk in the road在路中间走138.cross the road穿过马路139.hold my hand抓 住我的手140.say hello to141.in the hurry匆忙142.take the right child带对孩子143.jump on the bed在床上跳(第六册)144.in China在中国145.many years ago许多年前146.how about n

11、ow现在怎么样147.thank you for talkingto us谢谢和 我们的交谈148.enough food足够的食物150.talk about谈论151.on a fire在炉火 上152.work in the fields在田里干活153.foreignlanguage外语154.learn English学 习英语155.teach Chinese教汉语156.in his class在他的班里157.study very hard学习刻苦158.an English teacher一 名英语 老159. a good pupil一168. library card借交

12、谈个好学生书卡178. big and light又160. English food英169. bring back归还大又轻国食物170. in two weeks179. its161. fish and chipstime在两周内toofor 对。来鱼和薯条171. its easy with说,太。162. traditiongal用。很容易180. go with和。一English food传统的172. find out找到块去英国食物173. in thistime181. last year去年163. Chinese food中table在这个时间表182. in Jul

13、y在七月国食物上183. visit Beijing参164. make an e-card174. inthis观北京制作电子贺卡dictionary在这本字184. li people黎族人165. gotothe典里library去图书馆175. at the zoo在动185. ride a horse骑马166. find a book找到物园一本书176. on TV在电视上186. climb a mountain爬山167. on shelf c在C架上177. taketo和。187. visit the Tianch iLake参观天池188.have a lovelyti

14、me玩的开心putermessage电脑信息190.send an email发送信息191.good idea好主意192.click on点击193.write message写信息194.at work在工作195.work very hard工作努力196.at the office在办公室197.childrens198.be readyfor为。做好准备199.make a list列清单200.at the airport在机场(第七册)201tell me more about告诉我更多关于。 。202more than超过203Something about一些关于204.t

15、he Great Wall长城205in the west of China在中国的西部206a big map of the US一张大的美国地图kilometers long2000公里长208look at this one看一看这个209go to Chinatown去唐人街210Chinese dancing中国舞蹈211.lots of beautifullakes许多美丽的湖212the West Lake西湖213.collect stamps集邮214my hobby我的爱好215stamp from Canada216.Famous people名人theatre儿童剧院2

16、07twentythousand217ride my bicycle骑我的自行车stamp另外一张中国邮票219.collect dolls收集洋娃娃220a dragon kite一个龙 风筝221.flag day国旗日222.On ThanksgivingDay在感恩节223.sing songs唱歌224.my favouritefestival我最喜欢的节 日225a big family dinner一顿大的家庭晚餐226LanternFestival元 宵节227.SpringFestival春228. Mid-AutuumnFestival中秋节229. DragonBoatF

17、estival龙舟节230 That sounds nice听 起来好231have a special meal吃一顿特殊餐232moon cake月亮233the dragon boat race龙舟赛234. pleased to meet you很高兴见到你235. speakEnglish/French说英语/法语236.speak very good237. pen friend笔友238. write English写英语239.in English用英语240. playcomputergames打电脑241. pet dog蠢物狗242. have /has got拥有243

18、book about the world关于世界的书244wa nt to be想成为245difficult for me对我太难218.anotherChinese节English英语说得好246send you one发给你一张247knife and fork刀子和叉子常272library rules图书规章制度248I dont believe it!我不相信它249come out of从。中 出来250.a fantastic present极好的礼物251.sleep in the winter冬眠255pandas love bamboo熊猫爱吃竹子256.look at

19、the photo看这张照片257a long time ago很久 以前258.clean your room打扫你的房间259.not very often不经260.theUN building联合国大厦261.all around theworld全世界263.bring peace to theworld给世界带来和平264.go inside进里面265.ten to five四点五十266.library rules图书馆规则267.be quiet安静268.library card借书卡269.standin line排队270.go straight on直走271.tur

20、n left左转273library card图书卡(第八册)274.I dontknow.我不知道275.here you are给你276.Enjoy your meal用餐快乐277.be careful小心278.at half past twelve十二点半279.on the pond在池塘里280.in the sky在天空中和叉子常272library rules图书规281.look out of往外看话good-bye挥手说再见basket把母鸡放进篮子282.in the park在公园283.in the tree在树上284.fly away飞走285.in the

21、mountains在大山里286.hide and seek捉迷藏287.look out of the window往窗外看288.on the sea在海上289.the middle of night半夜290.at the supermarket在超市291.be careful小心293.what a mess好乱啊304.call out my name大声叫我的名字294.get on上车305.have a ice cream吃295.get on the bus上公冰激淋交306.wake up from my296.get off the bus下dream从我的噩梦中醒来公交307.be interested in297.drive the bus驾驶对感兴趣公交308decide to 下 决e in进来心。299.play the suona吹309.make a model of a唢呐spaceship做宇宙飞船模300.do exercises锻炼型身体310.the nat


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