1、认知语境与翻译认知语境与翻译认知语境与翻译CognitiveCognitive ContextContext andand TranslationTranslation【作者】 胡颖;【导师】 张京生;【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学, 英语语言文学, 2005, 硕士【摘要】 Dan Sperber 和 Deirdre Wison1986 年在其论著关联性:交际与认知中提出了关联理论,被认为是认知语用学的理论基础。在关联理论对翻译所做的阐释中,认知语境起到了重要的作用。本论文即在关联理论的理论背景下将其中重要的概念认知语境结合并运用至翻译这一重要的语言交际认知过程的理论和实践之中。旨在表述认知
2、语境对翻译理论研究积极的作用和影响,及其在翻译实践中的形态、功能,希望在一定程度上拓宽翻译研究的视野,强调翻译理论研究者及翻译实践者树立认知语境理念并提高认知能力的重要性和迫切性,同时指出其对翻译教学所起到的启发性作用。本论文共分五个部分。引言部分综述了 Sperber 和 Wilson 的关联理论在交际认知学领域的理论地位,及其对翻译这一交际行为的理论阐释;从而引出其中的关键性环节认知语境,并简要总结该领域翻译研究的成果及现状, 以及本论文所采用的研究方法。第一章简要回顾了翻译研究的发展。英语的翻译研究有两千多年的历史,其中大多为跨学科研究。符号学、阐释学、语言学、传播学等学科均为翻译研究提
3、供了崭新的研究视角和可供发展的理论空间。然而,在传播学翻译理论的基础上,Sperber 和 Wilson的关联理论则系统地将翻译定义为语内、语际间的明示-推理的阐释活动,突现了翻译的交际性及其涉及交际者心理推理活动认知性的特点,为前述翻译理论所不及。为了交际成功或取得一定的交际效果,就要以关联性为唯一的标准进行合理的推理,而在此过程中,动态的认知语境成为一个重要的依据和桥梁。同时,指出了本论文的意义体现及局限性。第二章通过与传统语境的对比,从本质特点、概念涉及及其在理解话语过程中的工作状态、分类四个方面突显出认知语境不同于传统语境的重要特点。一、认知语境,究其本质,是一个心理结构体。二、它不仅
6、务于翻译实践,译者需要首先建立认知语境的理念,同时丰富和完善自我认知图示和认知能力。尤其是精湛而熟练地掌握源语和目的语及它们所根植的文化。其次,由于认知语境的动态特征,译者更应注重以不同语言为取向的不同认知模式。而针对目前我国的翻译教学,认知语境起到了一定的启发性作用:一、牢固的知识基础、合理的知识结构框架是学生首先具备的条件,更多还原【Abstract】 Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson have proposed relevancetheory in 1986, which is viewed as the theoretical foundation ofco
7、gnitive pragmatics. In its accounting for translation, thecognitive context is of great significance. This thesis applies thecognitive context to translation theory and practice against thetheoretical background of relevance theory, aiming at revealing theintervening effects and functions of the cog
8、nitive context intranslation process, and expatiating the significance of the conceptin translation theory within the framework of relevance theory. It ishoped that the present study will provide a keen insight into thetranslation research and that it can be revelatory to the translationresearchers
9、and practitioners as well as the translation teaching.There are five parts in this thesis. The first part is theintroduction to the thesis, including a review of Sperber andWilsons relevance theory and its theoretical position in cognitivepragmatics. It also covers a brief introduction of the signif
10、icanceof the cognitive context as relevance theory accounts for translation,a survey of the current studies in this field, and the methodology ofthe present study as well. Chapter one briefly reviews theinterdisciplinary development of translation studies from theperspective of semiology, hermeneuti
11、cs, linguistics and communication.The focus of this chapter is the translation study from theperspective of relevance theory. In particular, Sperber and Wilsonsrelevance theory mainly concerning communication and cognition viewstranslation as an ostensive-inferential process, which, besides thecodes
12、 transference, also contains the dynamic inference by thecognitive context. Also, the significance and limitations of thisthesis are mentioned in this chapter. Chapter two discusses thecognitive context from the comparative point of view, in order topresent a clear idea about it. By comparison, the
13、cognitive contextis different with the traditional context in four aspects. First, thecognitive context is essentially a psychological construct ratherthan the physical environment in the context in the previous studies,which is viewed as the traditional context. Second, the range of thecognitive co
14、ntext is not smaller than the traditional context. It isthe combination of traditional context with the psychologicalassumptions, which are projected and formed by the objectivesurroundings. Third, in the operating state of communication, thecognitive context is characterized with its instantaneousn
15、ess andselectiveness, instead of being a preceding, given and static concept.Fourth, the cognitive context can be classified into the macro-andmicro-cognitive context, simplifying the fussy classification in thetraditional studies. Chapter three is the part applying the cognitivecontext theory to tr
16、anslation practice. The intervening effects andfunctions of the cognitive context are discussed and demonstrated bygroups of examples. The cognitive context has three interveningeffects to translation in the entireprocess. First, the SL textreaderscognitive context intervenes the SL text writer. Sec
17、ond, theSL text writersencoding way intervenes the translatorscognitivecontext. Third, the TL text readerscognitive context intervenes thetranslator. As for these effects intervening the translation process,the translator should attach enough importance to them and employcorresponding strategies. Fu
18、rthermore, the cognitive context, fromthe angle of the translator, has three functions. First, thetranslator can reveal the cultural connotations by means of enrichingthe cognitive context. Second, the translator can analyze the logicalrelations among sentences and reconstruct the logical text in ta
19、rgetlanguage by means of the cognitive context. Third, the translator canfirst receive the ostensive act of communication and seek therelevance, and then make the pragmatic eduction to attain theimplicated meaning by means of the cognitive context. Thus, for atranslator, to construct the cognitive c
20、ontext is necessary. Thisrequires the translator firstly to enrich his/her knowledge schematain the cognitive context, especially to exquisitely master the sourcelanguage and the target language, as well as the cultures. Due to thedynamic features of the cognitive context, the translator shouldsecon
21、dly make more efforts to research on the differences of thecognitive models subordinated to the languages. Furthermore, somerevelatory suggestions are concluded for translation teaching. (1)Students should ground solid foundation and construct the rationalframework of knowledge, which are primarily
22、required for translation.In other words, a translation student should first of all be 更多还原【关键词】 关联理论; 认知语境; 明示-推理; 传统语境; 干预作用;【Key words】 relevance theory; cognitive context; ostensive-inferential; traditional context; intervening effect;参考文献:历史文化语境与翻译以近代以来中国文学翻译选材和翻译策略为例翻译受到译者所处历史文化语境的影响;译者所处的历史文化语
23、境对翻译的影响贯穿翻译的全过程。首先,翻译选材同样受译者所处历史文化语境的制约。其次,译者对翻译策略的取舍同样受译者所处历史文化.收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:吉首大学学报:社会科学版2011 年 第 5 期 作者:彭劲松 李海军 机构:广西师范大学外国语学院 广西桂林 541004 湖南文理学院外国语学院 湖南常德 415000文化语境与翻译语言是文化的组成部分,也是文化的载体。中、日两国的语言,翻译时必须把握文化差异。跨文化意识的强弱,文化语境理解的程度将直接影响翻译的质量。收录数据库:中文科技期刊数据库 来源:天津职业院校联合学报2011 年 第 7 期 作者:顾红 宋昭 机构:
24、天津中德职业技术学院 天津市300350 天津电子信息职业技术学院 天津市 300350认知语境与翻译认知语境与翻译CognitiveCognitive ContextContext andand TranslationTranslation【作者】 胡颖;【导师】 张京生;【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学, 英语语言文学, 2005, 硕士【摘要】 Dan Sperber 和 Deirdre Wison1986 年在其论著关联性:交际与认知中提出了关联理论,被认为是认知语用学的理论基础。在关联理论对翻译所做的阐释中,认知语境起到了重要的作用。本论文即在关联理论的理论背景下将其中重要的概念认知语
25、境结合并运用至翻译这一重要的语言交际认知过程的理论和实践之中。旨在表述认知语境对翻译理论研究积极的作用和影响,及其在翻译实践中的形态、功能,希望在一定程度上拓宽翻译研究的视野,强调翻译理论研究者及翻译实践者树立认知语境理念并提高认知能力的重要性和迫切性,同时指出其对翻译教学所起到的启发性作用。本论文共分五个部分。引言部分综述了 Sperber 和 Wilson 的关联理论在交际认知学领域的理论地位,及其对翻译这一交际行为的理论阐释;从而引出其中的关键性环节认知语境,并简要总结该领域翻译研究的成果及现状, 以及本论文所采用的研究方法。第一章简要回顾了翻译研究的发展。英语的翻译研究有两千多年的历史
26、,其中大多为跨学科研究。符号学、阐释学、语言学、传播学等学科均为翻译研究提供了崭新的研究视角和可供发展的理论空间。然而,在传播学翻译理论的基础上,Sperber 和 Wilson的关联理论则系统地将翻译定义为语内、语际间的明示-推理的阐释活动,突现了翻译的交际性及其涉及交际者心理推理活动认知性的特点,为前述翻译理论所不及。为了交际成功或取得一定的交际效果,就要以关联性为唯一的标准进行合理的推理,而在此过程中,动态的认知语境成为一个重要的依据和桥梁。同时,指出了本论文的意义体现及局限性。第二章通过与传统语境的对比,从本质特点、概念涉及及其在理解话语过程中的工作状态、分类四个方面突显出认知语境不同
29、寻求语义关联、进行语用推理,从而得出话语的暗含意义。为了使认知语境更好地服务于翻译实践,译者需要首先建立认知语境的理念,同时丰富和完善自我认知图示和认知能力。尤其是精湛而熟练地掌握源语和目的语及它们所根植的文化。其次,由于认知语境的动态特征,译者更应注重以不同语言为取向的不同认知模式。而针对目前我国的翻译教学,认知语境起到了一定的启发性作用:一、牢固的知识基础、合理的知识结构框架是学生首先具备的条件,更多还原【Abstract】 Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson have proposed relevancetheory in 1986, which is view
30、ed as the theoretical foundation ofcognitive pragmatics. In its accounting for translation, thecognitive context is of great significance. This thesis applies thecognitive context to translation theory and practice against thetheoretical background of relevance theory, aiming at revealing theinterve
31、ning effects and functions of the cognitive context intranslation process, and expatiating the significance of the conceptin translation theory within the framework of relevance theory. It ishoped that the present study will provide a keen insight into thetranslation research and that it can be reve
32、latory to the translationresearchers and practitioners as well as the translation teaching.There are five parts in this thesis. The first part is theintroduction to the thesis, including a review of Sperber andWilsons relevance theory and its theoretical position in cognitivepragmatics. It also cove
33、rs a brief introduction of the significanceof the cognitive context as relevance theory accounts for translation,a survey of the current studies in this field, and the methodology ofthe present study as well. Chapter one briefly reviews theinterdisciplinary development of translation studies from th
34、eperspective of semiology, hermeneutics, linguistics and communication.The focus of this chapter is the translation study from theperspective of relevance theory. In particular, Sperber and Wilsonsrelevance theory mainly concerning communication and cognition viewstranslation as an ostensive-inferen
35、tial process, which, besides thecodes transference, also contains the dynamic inference by thecognitive context. Also, the significance and limitations of thisthesis are mentioned in this chapter. Chapter two discusses thecognitive context from the comparative point of view, in order topresent a cle
36、ar idea about it. By comparison, the cognitive contextis different with the traditional context in four aspects. First, thecognitive context is essentially a psychological construct ratherthan the physical environment in the context in the previous studies,which is viewed as the traditional context.
37、 Second, the range of thecognitive context is not smaller than the traditional context. It isthe combination of traditional context with the psychologicalassumptions, which are projected and formed by the objectivesurroundings. Third, in the operating state of communication, thecognitive context is
38、characterized with its instantaneousness andselectiveness, instead of being a preceding, given and static concept.Fourth, the cognitive context can be classified into the macro-andmicro-cognitive context, simplifying the fussy classification in thetraditional studies. Chapter three is the part apply
39、ing the cognitivecontext theory to translation practice. The intervening effects andfunctions of the cognitive context are discussed and demonstrated bygroups of examples. The cognitive context has three interveningeffects to translation in the entireprocess. First, the SL textreaderscognitive conte
40、xt intervenes the SL text writer. Second, theSL text writersencoding way intervenes the translatorscognitivecontext. Third, the TL text readerscognitive context intervenes thetranslator. As for these effects intervening the translation process,the translator should attach enough importance to them a
41、nd employcorresponding strategies. Furthermore, the cognitive context, fromthe angle of the translator, has three functions. First, thetranslator can reveal the cultural connotations by means of enrichingthe cognitive context. Second, the translator can analyze the logicalrelations among sentences and reconstruct the logical text in targetlanguage by means of the cognitive context. Third, the translator canfirst receive the ostensive act of communication and seek therelevance, and then ma
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