已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、水利工程维修养护经费预算系统的开发研究仝逸峰1 王仲梅2 李书霞2 谢志刚2 1 黄河国际论坛秘书处 中国 河南省郑州市 450004 2 黄河水利科学研究院 中国 河南省郑州市 450003摘要 水利工程维修养护经费预算管理系统是适应水管体制改革,面向水管单位财务预算人员,依据水利工程维修养护定额标准(试行)开发的进行财务预算的自动化管理软件。其开发主要以建立水利工程数据库、维修定额标准库和水利工程维修养护经费预算数据库为基础,通过设立灵活的权限定义、准确可靠地计算功能和丰富、方便的查询功能,实现维修养护经费测算和预算业务的电子化、自动化管理。关键词 水利工程维修养护 经费预算 管理系统1.

2、 开发水利工程维修养护经费预算系统的必要性随着我国社会经济的发展和市场经济体制的建立与完善,现行的水利工程管理体制已不能适应新形势的要求。为解决水利工程管理中存在的突出问题,水利部联合财政部开展了全国水管单位体制改革,并制定了水利工程维修养护定额标准(试行)(以下简称定额标准)作为水利工程管理单位维修养护经费测算的依据。由于依据定额标准手工进行维修养护经费测算时存在计算工作量大,计算周期长,统计分析困难等问题,有必要在建立分类的水利工程数据库的基础上,依据定额标准开发一套用于水利工程维修养护经费预算编制、审核、汇总、批复和查询的自动化管理软件,从而借助计算机的强大功能,快速、准确地完成水利工程

3、的维修养护经费预算的管理工作。由此,黄河防汛抢险技术研究所开发了水利工程维修养护经费预算管理系统(中央版)(以下简称系统)。2.系统设计2.1系统开发目标(1)系统应具备较好的完整性,符合维修养护经费预算的工作流程,集工程数据收集、查询到经费计算及汇总、上报、审核、批复等管理业务为一体。(2)系统界面应具有友好、灵活的特点,便于各级财务人员使用。(3)经费计算编制简单、快捷、可靠。(4)系统的接口设计合理,保证系统各模块之间数据迅速传递。(5)强调系统功能的实用性,同时具备安全性、可扩展性、易于维护。(6)满足系统需求中的条件。2.2系统开发环境(1)软件环境1)开发环境操作系统 采用Wind

4、ows操作系统。数据库服务器系统 数据库要求采用ACCESS、MS SqlServer 2000或以上版本。系统技术平台 选用Microsoft.NET技术平台。2)应用环境操作系统平台采用Microsoft Windows98/2000/XP等中文操作系统;数据库平台采用Microsoft SqlServer 2000 、Microsft MSDE2000。(2)硬件环境配置相当于PIII或者以上处理器;建议256MB内存(至少128MB);建议1GB硬盘空间(至少500MB);真彩色800X600或者更高分辨率的显示器,可读写光驱,激光打印机以及其他辅助外设。2.3系统设计原则系统基于C/

5、S架构系统开发基于组件采用模块化设计思想应用任意组合具有较强的可扩展性2.4系统功能设计系统具有比较完善的功能,主要包括以下几个方面:系统支持Oracle、MSS-SqlServer、Sybase 等大型数据库;支持单机或局域网用户使用;可以自定义单位隶属关系;具有灵活的权限定义功能;预置有相关工程的定额标准,使得计算更精确;各类工程数据通过权限设定,有权限的单位和人员可以方便地增加、删除、修改相应的工程数据;维修养护经费计算功能调用相关定额标准、工程数据可快速地测算出相关工程的维修养护经费;系统内容丰富,可采用组合条件查询系统。3.系统主要功能 3.1定额标准的查询与修订本系统是依据定额标准

6、开发的,能够方便地查询定额标准是其应具备的基本功能。由于定额标准目前还处在试行阶段,考虑到今后标准修订后系统的升级问题,在系统中增加了定额标准的修订功能,并设定了修订权限,规定只能由财政部有权进行修订。由此为系统升级提供了便捷的方式。 3.2工程数据库维修养护经费的测算需要依靠定额标准和工程基础数据,建立工程基础数据库是进行预算编制的基础。工程基础数据库按堤防工程、控导工程、水库工程、水闸工程和泵站工程分成六类(因为本系统是应用于中央直属水利工程,所以没有包含灌区工程)。每类工程按照定额标准所列项目并增加预算年度、管理单位等数据要素设计数据表,相应设置增加、修改和删除等功能以适应工程数据变更和

7、定额标准修定。工程数据一次录入后就可建成数据库,工程数据的修改也设置了相应的权限,由特定部门负责数据更新。数据库供管理单位浏览和查询所属单位的工程基础数据。 3.3预算编制此功能是系统组成的主要部分,为了达到操作方便,用户只要选取不同的单位,系统就自动列出该单位的所有工程信息列表,供用户选取所需的工程进行计算,并能及时查看计算结果。计算过程描述如下:系统采取根据用户选择的工程,根据工程提供的信息循环依次计算各工程预算经费。根据工程数据各字段值去判断选取该工程定额标准值,再根据取出基本项目,调整项目的调整系数的要求去设置不同计算公式函数,依次调整计算各经费预算,最后保存计算值。 3.4预算管理

8、此功能是处理各单位数据汇总上报,及上级单位审核批复,根据要求对上级单位和下级单位分别汇总,分工程汇总数据,形成所需业务报表。通过设立预算管理功能,实现了水利工程维修养护经费预算管理的电子化和自动化,能够有效地提高工作效率。 3.5信息查询查询功能分为综合查询、预算明细查询和工程数据查询。综合查询为本模块特色,用户可以根据工程数据字段信息灵活组合查找到自己想要的数据信息;预算明细查询主要是针对经费预算值进行分类别详细查询;工程数据查询针对各单位工程数据信息查询。 3.6系统管理 系统管理分为用户管理、单位管理和权限管理。用户管理主要对使用这个系统的用户信息资料维护;单位管理主要对使用单位基础信息


10、管理做出了有益的探索。参考文献 “水利工程维修养护经费预算管理系统(中央版)研发报告”,黄科技 ZX-2006-63-90Study on the Development of Hydraulic Works Repairing and Maintenance Budget System Tong yifeng1, Wang Zhongmei2, Li Shuxia2 and Xie Zhigang21. International Yellow River Forum Secretariat, YRCC Zhengzhou, 450003, Henna2. Yellow River Inst

11、itute of Hydraulic Research, Zhengzhou, 450003, Henna, ChinaAbstract: The Hydraulic Works Repairing and Maintenance Budget System, Which has been developed according to Hydraulic Works Repairing and Maintenance Quota Standard (green version), is a kind of automatic financial budget management softwa

12、re for the relative accountants in the water conservancy administrations. Based on establishing hydraulic works databases, maintenance quota standard databases and hydraulic works maintenance budget databases, and by setting up flexible right definition, accurate reliable computing function, abundan

13、t and convenient inquiry function, the software can realize electronic automatic budgeting of repairing and maintenance funds.Key words: repairing and maintenance of hydraulic works, appropriation budget, management system1 Development necessity With the economic development and establishment and pe

14、rfection of the market economy system in China, the existing hydraulic works management system can not adapt to the new situation requests in some aspects. In order to resolve such issues, on July 2004,the Ministry of Water Resources together with the Ministry of Finance issued Repairing and Mainten

15、ance Quota Standard of Hydraulic Works (green version) (hereafter referred to as Quota Standard ) which is the criterion of calculating repairing and maintenance funds.There are many problems in calculating the maintenance funds by hand, according to the Quota Standard, such as large quantity of cal

16、culations, long period, statistical analysis difficulty and so on, so it is necessary to base on establishment classificatory hydraulic engineering databases and develop a automated management software with the function of budgeting, auditing, summarizing, approval and inquiry, which can complete th

17、e management of making appropriation budget quickly and accurately by the help of computer. Therefore, the Yellow River Flood Control Research Department of YRIHR together with Henan Share Tech Share Future Ltd. according to Quota Standard and Development Specification of Software (GB8567) developed

18、 commonly Repairing and Maintenance Fund Budget System of Hydraulic Works (central version) (hereafter referred to as "System").2. System design2.1 System development purposeThe system should possess perfect integrality, suit to the work flow of the maintenance funds budget, and have the f

19、unction of water conservancy data collection, inquiry, budget, report, auditing, summarizing and approval.The interface should be friendly, flexible and convenient for financial people at all levels.The funds should be budgeted simply, swiftly, reliably.The systematic interface should be designed re

20、asonably to ensure the data can be transmitted rapidly among different modules. The system must be high practical,and should be secure,expansible, easy to safeguard at the same time.(6) The conditions in the systematic demand should be fulfilled.2.2 System development environments Software environme

21、nts1)Development environmentsWindows OS.ACCESS , MS SqlServer 2000 or above editions. Microsoft. NET2)Application environments Microsoft Windows98/2000/XP , Microsoft SqlServer 2000, Microsoft MSDE2000.Hardware environments PIII or above processors, suggestion 256 MB memory (at least 128 MB), sugges

22、tion 1 GB hard disk space (at least 500 MB), true color800 X600 or above display, CD-ROM drive, laser printer and others.2.3 System design principlesThe system is based on C/S frames.The system development is based on groupware.The system is base on the ideas of modularization.The idea of constituti

23、ng arbitrarily is used. The system has high extensibility.2.4 System function designThe system has the comparatively perfect functions, which mainly includes the following several aspects:The system supports large databases such as Oracle, MSS-SqlServer, Sybase etc.The system supports the single or

24、local area network consumers.The system allows defining the affiliations of different administrations.The system has flexible privilege definition functions.The system has preset the fixed quota standards of correlation projects in order to calculate accurately .Each kind of hydraulic works data has

25、 supposed rights and can be conveniently increased, deleted, and revised by people who has the corresponding rights.During the calculation, the corresponding fixed quota standards will be called, and the repairing and maintenance funds can be calculated quickly.The computation function transfer, the

26、 hydraulic works data may fast budget the correlation funds;The system has plenty of contents and can be inquired by combination conditions.3. Main functions of the system3.1 Inquiry and modification of the Quota StandardThe basic function of the system is to inquiry the details of Quota Standard. B

27、ecause the Quota Standard is still in the trying out period and may be revised later, the system sets the Quota Standard revise function and right, which belongs to the Ministry of Finance, in order to suit to the future modifying. It also provides a convenient way for the system upgrade.3.2 Hydraul

28、ic works databaseThe calculation of repairing and maintenance fund depends on the Quota Standard and engineering databases, so establishing the databases is the fundamental works. The database includes five kinds of hydraulic works as embankments, river training works, reservoirs, sluice and pump st

29、ations. Except the items in the Quota Standard, each project datasheet also includes the items of budget year and name of the administration and sets up the relative functions such as increment, modification and deletion, etc at the same time. When engineering data are written down, a database will

30、be set up. The engineering database also has a modifying right to be entrusted to the special department who can revise and update. The database can be browsed and queried by its own administration.3.3 Budget makingBudget making is a main part of the system. When an administration is selected, the s

31、ystem will automatically provide all the engineering information which belongs to that administration, the user can select one kind of engineering to calculate and also can inquiry the calculated result if necessary.3.4 Budget managementThis function comprises report, auditing, summarizing and appro

32、val etc. By establishing the budget management function, the system realizes the electronical, automated management, resulting in improvement of the work efficiency.3.5 Information inquiryThe Information inquiry function divides into the multi-inquiry, the budget detailed inquiry and the project dat

33、a inquiry. The multi-inquiry is special for modules, the user can flexibly select the combination of the kinds of wanted data according to the project data field information. Budget detailed inquiry mainly aims at the different kinds of budget fund value. Project data inquiry is aimed to the project

34、 data information.3.6 System managementThe system management is divided into the user management, the administration management and the right management. The user management mainly aims to maintain the user information. The administration management mainly aims to maintain fundamental information of its own.


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