1、国际妇产科超声学会-七届国际妇产科超声学术研讨会 大会议程25/2/2011(FRI) (星期五)Topic 题目Speaker 主讲嘉宾Topic 题目Speaker 主讲嘉宾Topic 题目Speaker 主讲嘉宾0800-1300Pre-Congress course: fetal echo 会前培训课程: 胎儿心脏超声Coordinators: TY Leung and WP ChanPre-Congress course on advanced O&G sonography 会前培训课程: 妇产科超声技巧高级课程Coordin
2、ators: Ben Chan/ WC Leung 0800-0830ISUOG guidelines on examination of fetal heart国际妇产科胎儿心脏超声波检查指引D. PALADINI (Italy)(意大利)A protocol for ultrasound surveillance of monochorionic twins 超声波监测单绒双胎的规范J. HYETT (Australia)(澳洲)0830-0900How to optimise the machine setting for examination of fetal h
3、eart 在进行胎儿心脏检查时,如何才能把超声仪调整到最佳状态D. PALADINI (Italy)(意大利)Growth restriction: monitoring fetal deterioration and planning delivery 宫内发育迟缓: 对恶化情况的监测以及出生时机的选择J. HYETT (Australia)(澳洲)0900-0930Screening for fetal cardiac anomalies at 20 weeks 孕20周胎儿心血管畸型的筛查J. HYETT (Australia)(澳洲)Tips in per
4、forming 3D/4D sonography 三维/四维超声检查的一些提示和建议L.D. PLATT (USA)(美国)0930-1000Prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease (I) 先天性心血管畸型的产前诊断 (1)D. PALADINI (Italy)(意大利)Intraabdominal masses: differential diagnosis and management. 腹腔内包块: 鉴别诊断和处理J. HYETT (Australia)(澳洲)1000-1020Break 休息
5、1020-1050Prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease (2)先天性心血管畸型的产前诊断 (2)D. PALADINI (Italy)(意大利) 1050-1120Prenatal diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmia心律不正常的產前診斷W.P.CHAN (Hong Kong)(香港)Pre-Congress course on advanced O&G sonography 会前培训课程: 妇产科超声技巧高级课程Coordinators: WC Leung1120-115
6、0Live demo of fetal echo胎儿心脏超声操作现场示范D. PALADINI (Italy)(意大利)Pelvic Floor Anatomy女性盆底解剖HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)1150-1220Assessing fetal cardiac function 胎儿心功能的评估J. HYETT (Australia)(澳洲)Assessment of the anterior vaginal compartment 对阴道前壁间隔的评估HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)1220-1300live 3D in fetal
7、 cardiac exam 现场三维检查胎儿心脏T.K.LAUG(Hong Kong)(香港)Assessment of the posterior vaginal compartment and anorectum 对阴道后壁及肛周直肠间隔的评估HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)1300-1400LUNCH 午餐1400-1600Pre-Congress course on first trimester sonography 会前培训课程: 第一妊娠期超声检查Coordinators: TK Lau/William ToPre-Congress cours
8、e on advanced O&G sonography会前培训课程: 妇产科超声技巧高级课程Coordinators: Ben Chan/ WC LeungPre-Congress course on nuggets beyond obstetrics sonography会前培训课程: 妇产科超声技巧以外的要点Coordinators: Chu Sing / Stella Ho / Christina Lam1400-1425FMF guidelines on the measurment of NT 英国胎儿医学基金会测量胎儿颈部皮肤透明层的指引G. YEO (Sing
9、apore)(新加坡)Live Demo (1) 现场演示 (1)HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)Bereavement Counseling哀伤辅导F.K. LAI (Hong Kong)(香港)1425-1450Assessment of other markers of fetal Down syndrome in the first trimester 第一妊娠期对唐氏综合症胎儿软标记的评估G. YEO (Singapore)(新加坡)Live Demo (2) 现场演示 (2)HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)Occupat
10、ional Safety Issues of Sonographers超声扫描的职业安全问题Linda LAI (Hong Kong)(香港)1450-1515First trimester pregnancy complications and ovarian cyst 第一妊娠期并发症及卵巢囊肿L. VALENTIN (Sweden)(瑞典)Live Demo (3) 现场演示 (3)HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)Disinfection of transducers 超声扫描探头的消毒问题Eric LIU (Hong Kong)(香港)15
11、15-1540First trimester biometry and structural survey 第一妊娠期胎儿生长系数和结构的研究G. YEO (Singapore)(新加坡)Live Demo (4) 现场演示 (4)HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)Role of mid-wife in Down's screening助产士在唐氏综合症筛查中所扮演的角色CF POON (Hong Kong)(香港)1540-1600Prognosis and management of enlarged NT胎儿头部透明层增大的预后和处理T.K. L
12、EUNG (Hong Kong)(香港)Live Demo (5)现场演示(5)HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)Role of midwives in a Fetal Medicine Center助产士在胎儿医学中心所扮演的角色S.M.WONG (Hong Kong) (香港)1600-1630coffee break 小休1630-1830Congress opening ceremony 大会开幕典礼1830-2000Exhibitions & Poster 展览及海报Welcome reception 大会欢迎晚宴 26/2/2011 (SAT) (星
13、期六)Topic 题目Speaker 主讲嘉宾07:45-17:00Registration open 大会注册09:30-17:00Exhibitions & Poster Display 展览及海报0800-1000Plenary Lectures (1) 大会主题会议 (1)(1) chairperson: KY Leung, TBC 主持: 梁国贤等0800-0830Implementation of universal prenatal screening for Down syndrome in a country 产前唐氏综合症筛查在不同国家实施的现况A. TA
14、BOR (Denmark)(丹麦)0830-0900Improvement in the prenatal screening and diagnosis of congenital heart disease先天性胎儿心脏疾病筛查和诊断技巧的改善和提高D. PALADINI (Italy)(意大利)0900-0930The challenges of imaging the fetal central nervous system 胎儿中枢神经系统影像新的挑战G. PILU (Italy)(意大利)0930-1000Can we prevent or repair levator
15、trauma? 我们可否预防和修补肛提肌损伤?HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)1000-1030coffee break 茶歇 Topic 题目Speaker 主讲嘉宾Topic 题目Speaker 主讲嘉宾1030-1300Parallel symposium: (1) Down syndrome screening 大会主题会议: (1) 唐氏综合症筛查chairperson: Mary Tang,TBCParallel symposium (2): Urogynaecology 大会研讨会 (2) 泌尿妇科cha
16、irperson: C Cheon, S Chan1030-1100First trimester screening for trisomy 21 第一妊娠期21三体的筛查A. TABOR (Denmark)(丹麦)Video demo on scan in urogynaecology 录像带演示超声在泌尿妇科的应用HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)1100-1130Quality assurance and nuchal translucency assessment 超声质量控制及胎儿颈部透明层测量的评估J. HYETT (Australia
17、)(澳洲)Slings and meshes 悬吊及网片的比较HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)1130-1200Down syndrome screening in Singapore 唐氏综合症在新加坡实施的经验G. YEO (Singapore)(新加坡)TBCTBC1200-1230Chorionic villus sampling vs amniocentesis 绒毛活检与羊膜腔穿刺的比较A. TABOR (Denmark)(丹麦)Pelvic Floor trauma 盆底的损伤HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)
18、1230-1300Quality control in Down syndrome screening programs唐氏综合症筛查的质量控制T. Y. LEUNG (Hong Kong) (香港)Head engagement in labour 生产过程中胎头衔接HP DIETZ (Australia)(澳洲)1300-1400Lunch symposium 午餐研讨会1400-1600Parallel symposium: (3) Fetal echo 大会主题研讨会: (3) 胎儿心脏超声诊断chairperson: TY Leung, TBCPara
19、llel symposium (4): Obstetric complications 大会主题研讨会: 产科并发症chairperson: WP Chan, TBC1400-1430Tools for fetal echo: 2D, M mode, Doppler 胎儿心脏超声工具: 二维超声, M型超声及多普勒应用D. PALADINI (Italy)(意大利)Assess the risk of preterm delivery by ultrasound 超声波对早产风险的评估A. TABOR (Denmark)(丹麦)1430-1500Prenatal
20、diagnosis of congenital heart disease: case studies 先天性心脏病的产前诊断: 病例讨论G. YEO (Singapore)(新加坡)Screening for PET / IUGR at 12 weeks: the future of 12 week imaging 孕12周对妊娠高血压/宫内发育迟缓的筛查: 未来孕12周的影像改变J. HYETT (Australia)(澳洲)1500-1530Differential diagnosis of congenital heart disease 先天性心脏病的鉴
21、别诊断D. PALADINI (Italy)(意大利)Is the 20 week marker scan redundant in modern obstetric imaging? 现代产科孕20周标志性超声是否多余呢?J. HYETT (Australia)(澳洲)1530-1600Live scan: fetal echo: from 2D to 3D/4D 现场演示: 胎儿心脏: 从二维到三维和四维的发展D. PALADINI (Italy)(意大利)Routine anomalies scan by midwives 由助产士履行的常规结构性超声T.K.LAU
22、(Hong Kong ) (香港) 1600-1630coffee break 茶歇1630-1830Parallel symposium: (5) First trimester sonography 大会主题研讨会: (5) 第一妊娠期超声扫瞄器chairperson: WC Leung, TBCParallel symposium (6): neuroscan 大会主题研讨会 (6) 神经系统超声chairperson: TY Fung, TBC1630-1700Screening for structural anomalies at 12 weeks 孕
23、12周胎儿结构性异常筛查J. HYETT (Australia)(澳洲)ISUOG guidelines on neuroscan 国际妇产科超声神经系统超声指引G. PILU (Italy)(意大利)1700-1730Assessing twins at 12 weeks: issues of chorionicity and problems with establishing risks for Down syndrome 孕12周双胎妊娠评估: 绒毛膜性以及唐氏综合症风险评估的问题J. HYETT (Australia)(澳洲)Live scan: neurosca
24、n现场演示: 神经系统G. PILU (Italy)(意大利)1730-1800First trimester fetal anomalies: case studies 第一妊娠期胎儿异常: 病例讨论G. YEO (Singapore)(新加坡)Differential diagnosis of posterior fossa abnormalities 后颅窝异常的鉴别诊断D. PALADINI (Italy)意大利1800-1830Live scan: first trimester sonography现场演示:第一妊娠期超声J.HYETT (Australia)&
25、#160; (澳洲) Prenatal diagnosis of cerebral lesions acquired in utero and with a late appearance 宫内产前诊断胎儿迟发性大脑占位性病变G. PILU (Italy)(意大利)18:30-21:30Gala dinner 大会晚宴 27/2/2011 (SUN) 星期日Topic 题目07:45-17:00Registration open 大会注册09:30-17:00Exhibitions & Poster Display 展览及海报0800-10
26、00Plenary Lectures (2) 大会主题会议chairperson: TK Lau, TBC0800-0830Ultrasonogaphic prediction of ovarian cancer超声波对卵巢癌的诊断0830-0900New technologies in prenatal ultrasonography 产前超声新技术0900-0930Current diagnosis and management of complicated monochorionic twin pregnancies 单绒双胎妊娠的诊断和治疗新进展0930-1000T
27、he making of fetal surgery 胎儿外科治疗1000-1030coffee break 茶歇1030-1300Parallel symposium (7): 3D/4D sonography and fetal abnormalities 大会主题研讨会: 三维/四维超声胎儿异常诊断中的应用Chairperson: William To, TBCParallel symposium (8): Gynaecology (I)大会主题研讨会 (8): 妇科 (I)chairperson: Vincent Cheung, TBC1030-1100Ultras
28、ound of the fetal face in genetic disorder 染色体异常胎儿面部的超声诊断L.D. PLATT (USA)(美国)A consensus opinion from the International Endometrial Tumor Analysis group 国际内膜肿瘤分类的争议和关注的问题1100-11303D/4D sonographic findings of fetal abnormalities 异常胎儿的三维/四维超声检查L.D. PLATT (USA)(美国)Ultrasonographic diagn
29、osis of endometriosis子宫内膜的超声诊断1130-1200Fetal abnormalities: case studies 异常胎儿: 病例讨论G. PILU (Italy)(意大利)Hygiene in endovaginal ultrasound examination 阴道超声检查的卫生问题1200-1230Live scan: 3D/4D obstetric scan 现场演示: 三维/四维产科超声L.D. PLATT (USA)(美国)Ultrasonogaphic diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy
30、60;异位妊娠的超声诊断1230-1300Obstetric free communications (1) 产科自由讨论 (1) Gynaecologic free communications (1) 妇科自由讨论 (1)1300-1400Lunch symposium 午餐研讨会1400-1600Parallel symposium (9): Multiple pregnancy大会主题研讨会 (9) 多胎妊娠chairperson: KC Au Yeung, TBCParallel symposium (10): Gynaecology (II)
31、;大会主题研讨会 (10) 妇科chairperson: Ernest Ng, TBC1400-1430Live scan: twin pregnancy 现场演示: 双胎Y. VILLE (France)(法国)Use of 3D/4D ultrasound in gynaecology 三维/四维超声在妇科的应用1430-1500Diagnosis and management of twin-twin transfusion syndrome 双胎输血综合症的诊断和处理Y. VILLE (France)(法国)Use of contrast in sonography in gynaecology 对比剂在妇科超声中的应用1500-1530Complicated twin pregnancies: case studies
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