高一教材复习清单(十)Units 19-20_第1页
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1、高一教材复习清单(十) - Units 19-20 Editor :Yanchuang知识梳理 .网络构建 单词:method root *insect tobacco golden tie wisdom practical condition remove bitter chalk couple minister *circus intend stage nationality certain typical fortunately silence rude *confuse *confused 词组:赚大钱 换句话说 各种各样 吃惊地赶走 20世纪80年代玩弄辞藻 引进换句话说违背代表取笑

2、某人追溯到与某人关系好把.看作插嘴撞倒对有的影响给某人提供(怎样)(做)某事的建议作出决定导致被用来做某事浪费时间和相处融洽.重点精讲 重点单词 (见点点金) 1. intend v. 用法归纳 *intend用作动词,主要有“意欲;打算” “原本是要;原意要(常用于被动语态)”等义项。主要用法有:intend to do; intend sb. to do; intend that.;be intended for/as; be intended to do。 特别提示 intend to do和mean to do有相同的用法。Ive made a mistake, though I di

3、dnt intend to/ mean to.我出错了,虽然我不愿意。 (1)What do you intend doing/to do today? 你今天打算做什么? He _. 他打算明年到国外留学。 He _the company. 他打算让儿子经营公司。 He intends that the plan should be put into practice within a year. 他们打算在本年内实行该计划。 The two sides had intended to make peace, but something unusual happened. 双方原打算讲和,但

4、发生了一件不寻常的事。 (2)This book was_, but he took it away. 这本书是要给你的,但让他拿走了。 This dictionary _ children. 这本词典是给小孩用的。 This was intended to be a picture of a cat. 这幅画原本是要画猫的。 重点短语 1.go against But if you go against nature and do things at the wrong time of year, you will have to do more work and the results w

5、ill not be so good. 如果违背自然规律,不按农时耕作,就会事倍功半。 _. 不要反对你的父亲。 The war_. 战争对他们不利。 It _. 这与我的利益相反。 相关归纳 (1)go ahead 进步;前进;可以 (2)go away离开;走开 (3)go by走过;时间流逝(4)go down 下降;落下;平静下来 (5)go in for从事;参加( 6)go off离去;进展;变坏;熄掉 (7)go over 调查;复习 (8)go through经过;经历;调查 特别提示 注意go还可以用作连系动词,构成短语:go bad“变质”;go hungry“挨饿”;go

6、 mad“发疯”。 2.look on.as I decided to _! 我决定把整个事件看成一个大笑话。 I _ 我认为她是一个很有前途的钢琴家。 相关归纳 (1)look on旁观 Two men were fighting _. 两个人在打架,但大家都袖手旁观 (2)look forward to希望;盼望(to为介词) They_. 他们正盼望着暑假来临。 (3)look into往里看;调查 The committee is_. 委员会正在调查这次事故的原因。 (4)look over瞭望;越过看;检查 A strange man was looking over the wal

7、l. 一个陌生人正在向围墙里面瞭望。 (5)look through浏览;审查 _for the exam. 为了考试我必须把笔记复习一遍。 特别提示 同义词组:think of.as.;regard.as.;treat.as. 3.stand for GNP stands for gross national product. GNP代表国民生产总值。 相关归纳 (1)stand alone孤立;卓越 She stands alone among her classmates. 她同班同学中没有人能跟她相比。 (2)stand by 站在一边;旁观;支持 Please remember Il

8、l stand by you whatever happens. 请记住,无论如何,我都会拥护你。 (3)stand out突出;引人注目;杰出 The hat stood out because of its strange shape. 那顶帽子因造型奇特而引人注目。 They were all attractive, but she stood out from the others. 她们都很迷人,但是她比其他人更有魅力。 必背句型 1. not.but.与not only.but also. (1) Many vegetables are not grown in gardens b

9、ut in greenhouses. 许多蔬菜不是种植在菜园里,而是生长在温室里。 (2)Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environment. 粮食生产固然重要,环保也很重要。 特别提示 not.but.表示“不是而是”的意思;not only.but also.的意思为“不仅而且”,当not only 位于句首时,该句应该使用倒装语序。当not.but.和not only.but also.连接两个名词或代词作主语时,主谓一致遵循就近一致的原则。 He went not to help h

10、is father _. 他不是去帮父亲的忙而是去向父亲借钱。 He failed _ but because he didnt work. 他考试不及格不是因为他不聪明而是因为他不用功。 _but all his students are beginning to show an interest in it. 不仅老师自己对足球感兴趣而且他所有的学生也开始对足球感兴趣了。 Playing football _and strong but also gives us a sense of fair play and team spirit. 踢足球不仅能使我们强壮,而且还能培养我们公平竞争和

11、团队意识。 疑难突破 1. way, method, means way可指一般的方法,也可指个人的或特殊的方法或方式。如:生活方式way of life。另外,当way作为先行词时,定语从句的引导词可以是in which也可以是that,也可以不用引导词。常用短语:in this way用这种方式;by the way顺便说;in a way在某种程度上;in no way决不;in the way妨碍某人;lose ones way迷路;on the/ones way在路上;make ones way前进。 method指理论的或系统的方法。 means指具体的“方法、手段、工具”,其单复

12、数形式相同。常用短语:by this means用这种方式;by all means无论如何;by means of以方式;by no means一点也不。 (1)I think this is the best _ to deal with the waste. (2)Now teaching the text is done in a very lively _ in English classes. (3)He introduced the Western _ of teaching in class. (4)Follow her _ of cooking. (5)Every possi

13、ble _ has/ All possible _ have been adopted. 2. create, invent, discover, find, find out create主要意思是“创造”,即产生出新的东西,其对象往往是精神上的,如艺术、文学作品中的人物以及新的科学领域等,也可创造出新的具体事物。名词:creation创造;creator 创造者。 invent 主要意思是“发明”,也是产生出前所未有的东西,但其对象往往是物质性的。名词:invention发明;inventor发明者。 discover 主要意思是“发现”,其对象是一直存在但以往未被人们了解的东西,如元素、

14、地域或客观规律等。名词:discovery发现;discoverer发现者。 find主要指发现、找到丢失的东西或人;“发现;看到;感到”。 find out “查明真相;弄清”,同义词为make sure。 (1)The idea that God _ the world is wrong. (2)Thomas Edison_ the first small electric lamp. (3)They never _ how to open the box. (4)I was surprised when I _ you in the bus. (5)Did you _ the book

15、you lost? (6)Please _ who broke into the house last night. 典例剖析 【例1】 (2005年春季北京,28)We asked John and Jerry, but _ of them could offer a satisfactory explanation. A. either B. none C. both D. neither 【例2】 (2005年春季北京,31)I cant see any coffee in this cupboard._? A. Has it all been finished B. Was it al

16、l finished C. Has it all finished D. Did it all finish 【例3】 (2004年上海,41)_ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. A. Not only they brought B. Not only did they bring C. Not only brought they D. Not only they did bring 【例4】 (2004年广西,29)Wh

17、en we plan our vacation, mother often offers_ suggestions. A. careful B. practical C. effective D. acceptable 巩固练习:1 Radioactive matter is dangerous to work with because it has a bad effect _the blood. A to B for C in D on2 How much a person can earn at this work depends _ his skill. A to B at C on

18、D in3 This school is quite _ teachers, so it has to engage teachers here and there. A lack of B short of C lack for D short for4 Weve got to be _and buy only what we can afford. A real B actual C practical D true5 In _when he was in _,he went to the south to seek his fortune. A the 1980s;his twentie

19、s B the 1980s;the twenties C 1980s;twenties D 1980s; the twenties6 Do you mind if I _ the mistake in your composition? A pick up B pick out C point out D put out7 These clothes must be _ to dry without sunshine after its washed. A hanged up B hanging up C hang up D hung up8. _ those colleges student

20、s come to see the old man who has no son or daughter. They find he grows weaker _ A Year after year; year by year B Year by year ; year after yearC Year after year; year after year D Year by year ; year by year9 The factory is now facing great difficulties._ of manpower is the chief cause. A shortag

21、e B short C For shortage D Because being short10 I think good use must be _ of the information from abroad to get our product sales increased. A taken B made C brought D put11 -Are you going to Landon for a holiday ? -_. A That all depends B thats nothing C It doesnt matter D If you like 12 It was n

22、ot until dark _ he found _he thought was the correct way to solve the problem. A that; what B that; that C when; that D when ;that13 _ six oclock _the accident happened. A Its at ,when B It was at ,when C It was at, that D It was ,that 14 AT the beginning ,collect _ A as stamps many as possible B as

23、 stamps possible as you can C as much stamps as possible D as many stamps as possible 15 _ loud he shouted ,nobody listened to him. A Though B Although C. no matter D No matter how 16 There is _ books in the school library. A different kinds of B many C a variety of D a lot of 17 I found a _ of sock

24、s in the bedroom but they dont make a pair. A couple B pair C dozen D sum 18 Victor doesnt have _ sense of _ humour. If you joke with him ,he may get very angry. A the ;the B a; the C a; / D / ; / 19 Those who frequently come to visit the Science Museum are _ middle school students. A most B mostly

25、C almost D most of 20 This is not a match .Were playing chess just for _ A habit B hobby C fun D game21 Mr. Johnson is mild in _.He never shouts even when he is very angry. A condition B nature C quality D character22 The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism _the wildlife in th

26、e area. A in B on C at D with 23 I really appreciate _ to relax with you on this nice island. A to have had time B having time C to have time D to having time 24 Education_ white settlers only in Australia in the past. The natives could not go to school . A intended for B was intended for C intended

27、 to D was intended to 25 His daughter is always shy in _ and she never dares to make a speech to_ A the public; the public B public; public C the public; public D public; the public26 Hes known _ everyone_ a fair judge. A by; for B to; by C to; as D with ;for27 The trees _ last year _ very well. A planted; are growing B were planted; grow C grown; are planting D grew; grow28 Ill be back _and Ill start


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