1、ENVI安装详细步骤ENVIENVI 安装详细步骤ENVIENVI,点击卸载。如图所示:WelcomeWelcomeMwJify, repair, cr remove the program.Welcome to the Ft5l EMVI 4.3 Setup Maintenance program. This program let? you modify the cuiient installahorL Click one of the optionsbelow.rModib)Select new pro gram features to add or select curienHy in
2、stalled features to remove.IRepairnstoll all program features instiled by the pievioiiE淘t*.J J l l:;:;l l EHVIEHVI 4 4 :l l4F3 3 InstInst allShieldallShield izardizard1 1、如果已经安装过,但没有安装成功的同学,必须先将软件卸载。具体可以使用控制面板-添加/ /删除程序- -找到帰atm主站用户*户KSr EHIRemove all installed features.Canoel |这里选择桓勿s Aemov 0Ir, IS
3、hphremoveremove。卸载以后再按照以下步骤安装。如果是没有安装过的同学,直接按照以下步骤安装。算机名。在我的电脑上点击右键,选择属性。点击计算机名 选项卡,可以查到计算机名。fiitvifiitvi 43wi43wi iijiij:36_?236_?2J JBrBr SetupSetup LauncherLauncher031位中的部分替换为自己的计用记事本打开 license.datlicense.dat 文件,如图所示:2 2、3 3、双击安装程序 U UInstaLlShieldInstaLlShield WizardWizardRG E MVI 4. m S ehjp IS
4、:preparing the Inst al (Shield Wizard” lAhichwill guide vcu (hrough the program selup process. Please理miLE旳acbrg: ENVI32.rnsiIE会自动运行。运行过程中会出现以下几个对话框。点击 nextnext。点击 nextnexto点击 nextnexto点击 nextnextoKSIKSI EHTIEHTI 4 4 J J一InstallShteldInstallShteld VizardVizardSeti;“ bHTlbHTliniini *1*1KSIKSI EHTIEHT
5、I 4-J4-J - - IntallShxelilIntallShxelil VizardVizardSelect thefeatures JOU艸ant to install anddesetecl ttieJeatuies you do nol wanl to install.EMVI Help刪IDL DennosIDL Help.EHternal Unking IDL Wavelet Toolkit“IDU JTWFi曲 ION Script FilesIDLDatMinet DDB匚DiiversJ“THNeirk Licerse Server631 .OS MB of space
6、 required on the匚ctive13252.34 MB of space刖初呂bte on the C击盹If I tczdSriisId -D escrptior-The cere appbcatiori filesneeded to run ENVL includrigSeparately licensed add-onincjdutes(Flj!lASH. NIFF,DEMExliactiori.Cancel BackCancel点击 nextnext。这时会开始安装,要花一些时间。如下图所示:q q KP*KP* - -A rJ J .F.F - - fcfc- - V V
7、I I kncknc irirK5IK5I EBTIEBTI 4.4. 5 5 - - InstallShieldInstallShield VizardVizardnunnun LicenceLicence rrogr-amrrogr-amThe Scense application m却be run now lo allow you to enter new or update ewistinglicenses. I entei a license at a later time, the license application may beuri from the Startmenu.D
8、oDo youyou讪ariMoariMo runrun thethe licenselicense applicationapplication novsi?novsi?匚aiiicel上步完成后,询问是否运行许可文件,选择YES.YES.V心】”, ,fiVfiV;xlxlhoho21卩 P#卢1 1 *ih*ih:可文件。出现下面的对话框。ffraanentffraanent LicensingLicensingEnter or modify permanerit Scensinginformation.选择下方的“ licenselicense”。ProductProduct Lice
9、ninLicenin匡Oi寸BmluNipnBmluNipn! !* *Erl er evdutian Scerises forResearch 5,3帕no鼠products.|Pgfmaftg|Pgfmaftgn n弋I IRequest a permar ent Node-locked orAoatirig fccen?e, enler a license of this(vpe. or view and moHity an eKi&tinglicense.HelpExit需要选择许可文件的类型,这里选择PermanentPermanent,长期的许Gather in日chine
10、 and userinfoimation necessary to request 3permnnenl license:. EfirJ a requsitic cbtih a licen&e. eK_rv*:6 300 Please erter曲亡literes you received.yeNfy that tkie Scerse Hormaiion iscollect bufme匚ontriuing. The infoirnation will be saved in the MeC:51 censeSbcense. dat出现对话框,选择 browsebrowse ,选择刚才改
11、过计算机名的许可文 件。国冈图破辭说明晚的电的闻上鄒吊|AI1FiltiFilti (* *r r 121121 只 i i 垂方式打 J J;盘)文件名);liliCvniaCvnia打开迎IBrowse.1Helph h IIIIiiJ J |1|1EHitEHit打开取消玄件类型 G)G): :PerMaiejrtPerMaiejrt LiswsiilgLiswsiilg一EnterEnter LicenseLicense TextTextEntef License Text註 FWERFWER PC-2C1O03131S19ANVPC-2C1O03131S19ANVVENDOR id
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14、tinuing.TheirforrrtaliDn will besavedin the file:C: TOIMicenseMicense.dat运行后出现下面的对话框。FfrBanentFfrBanent LicensingLicensing - - SaveSave LicenseLicenseThe license information has been saved in the File;匚RSIlicenssMicense.RSIlicenssMicense. datdatLtcetising of this product is cornplete.点击 finishfinish
15、。然后会跳出下面的对话框。NSMI、HelpExitirig LicMiiJC ricquoilToxt2円却世rxiWE耐ilnsFeo启就団Finithrig E L irpir;* PpqptlF CcrtsctrigFSI刃BHprs SIsiting Voui RSI Pipduct勺5r=jt rtie Licwe*nCcrtijjn&Clenblci AccessIh? Loenjt岁S iTing (he Liecree: Pic h cnAlcfndtw気Hullip4e/kLdijid UstnuihcSdi leL Vl InutrieiHcang Ta张LDcM
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