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1、1大学生英语竞赛一一简答题全攻略简答题的题型特点简答题的应试技巧简答题实例解析简答题(Short Answer QuestionS旨在考查对英语书面材料的确切理解能力和在 理解基础上的综合书面表达能力,即英语的实际应用能力。该题型最早出现在1997年一月全国四、六级统考试卷中,安排在阅读理解试题之后进行。考题要 求用简短的英语,如:句子、短语甚至单词来简要回答与文章内容有关的问题, 或者补足不完整的句子。简答题是题型改革后设计推出的主观测试题, 通常为一篇文章后面附带有若干个 问题或不完整的句子。由于考试类型不同,简答题的难易程度有很大差异。然而,无论简答题的设计是要求回答问题, 还是补足不完

2、整的句子,其主要题型 均与阅读理解试题相似,不同的是属于客观测试的选择项被取消了, 代之以用英 语写出答案。这就增加了题目的灵活性和试题的难度,绝非画圈涂黑答案题那般 简单。简答题考试的出题范围与阅读理解题目相似,主要具有以下特点:1史求耳卅灰事加勺信見我咄节;2史求概話文草的i庖思材-段落丈克或顶内容;3测骑文草屮特定的k义我句义;4旳问.原文篇章结构与特点或者作者态度与倾向。简答题的应试技巧简答题要求用英语写出问题答案,实际上是将阅读与表达两种能力结合在一起的测试。因此,在做题时可以把题目看作是变相的阅读理解试题。 通读全文2时不妨动用阅读理解技巧,例如:抓住语篇大意、把握作者思路、综合

3、推理判断、根据语境推测词义等。在具体步骤上可以先用略读法(skimmi ng)快速扫视全文, 了解大意, 然后再看 文章后的问题,以明确具体要求,根据提问进行查读(scanning)和细读,边读 边做题。还有一种方法是先看考题,后阅读,再做题。这样做在阅读时或许更有 针对性。回答问题时一定要注意单词拼写无误、句子语法正确、内容得体恰当等方面的具 体要求。原则上不要为遇到难题而苦思冥想耗费太多时间, 一时感觉棘手的题目 可以放在后面集中精力加以解决。 要以原文内容为依据决定欲表达的意思, 务必 按规定的字数用简明的词语或短句写出答案,同时应注意字迹清晰、卷面整洁。简答题的问题很类似于阅读理解试题

4、,其中主题思想和主要事实及细节占较大比 例。因此,简答题的应试技巧与阅读技能紧密相关, 具体操作时应灵活运用以下 技巧:i在文草屮山接找咨秦简短回答题中要求回答的重要事实或特定细节的问题比较容易,在文章中可以直接找到答案。但是回答时往往需要换用同义词或另外的句型,在回答what, who,which,when,where, how,why等问题时,一定要以原文内容为依据,不要凭 主观臆断写出与原文不符的答案。2根JE也干,补足句子的立整在补足不完整的句子时,应在弄清题干要求后,依照有关线索,快速查找涉及不 完整句子的关键词和相关内容。3怡心词句的深层含义在回答特定词或句子含义时,要注意超出字面

5、意义的深层含义,尤其是该词在文 章特定语境中的意思。品黄黑MYK 4用关铤词、句_納总给 回答涉及中心思想、篇章结构方面的题目时,应该3在通读原文后用关键词、 句进 行归纳总结,尽量用简洁英语叙述清楚。答题注意事项根据简答题的评分原则与标准,应注意以下事项:1- in the fewest possible words回答问题。有的试题规定:答题尽量简短,超过10个词要扣分。2内容要扣分。另外,还要注意,答题中不要有相互矛盾的内容,内容矛盾的部分 不能得分。3注总诂引口礼沿吉借谓灰抑分,无矣内落出坝诂于F吴也同样对I分405分,照搬两句或两句以上就不得分了。简答题实例解析Directi ons

6、:In this part there is a short passagewith five questi ons or in completestatements Read the passage carefully Then answer the questions or complete thestatements in the fewest possible words(Not exceeding 10words)A labor dispute which had idled over 800, 000 workers in Sweden, a nation with a reput

7、ation for labor peace en ded May 11,whe n unions agreed to wage in creases of about 7percent The country had been crippled by the labor crisis which had begun May 2 whenthe employers had locked out 770,000 workers and labor unions had responded withstrikes involving more than 10Q 000 other workers.

8、About one fifth of the countrysworkers were involved in the dispute “Labor and capital can no longer cooperate in thefine oil spirit”commented Gunnar Nilsson,chairman of the union confederationQuestions1How many workers stayed away from work during the labor crisis?42We can infer from the passagetha

9、t the total number of workers in Sweden is3What was the immediate cause of the strik?e4Why was the labor dispute brought to an end?5The phrase“lock out”most likely means参考答案1More than 870,0002about 4,350,000 workers3Factory owners refused to let workers come to work4The employers offer of wage incre

10、ases was accepted5to prevent workers from working in factoriesto not allow workers to go back to work解题分析1.该题为数字计算题。从the employers had locked out 770 000 workers and laborunions has responded with strikes involving more than 100 000other workers可知,770,000+100,000=870,000。2J丨About one fifth of the co

11、untrys workers were involved in the dispute.一句可 知870,000占全国工人总数的五分之一。由此继续推算得出工人总数为4,350,000。3尿The country had been crippled by the labor crisis,which had begun May 2 whenthe employers had locked out 770 000workers and labor unions has responded with5strikes involving more than 100,000 other workers.

12、可知,罢工的起因是Factory ownersrefused to let workers come to work4.由(The strike)en ded May 11,whe n unions agreed to wage in creases of about7perce nt可知,冲突结束的原因是The employers offer of wage in creases was accepted5.从上下文语境中可以推出 “lock out” 意思是to prevent workers from working infactories或to not allow workers to

13、 go back to work。rt there is a short passagewith five questi ons or in complete stateme nts Read thepassage carefully The n an swer the questi ons or complete the stateme nts in the fewestpossible words.(Not exceeding 10words.)The process of en teri ng the confines of political and econo mic power c

14、an be picturedas a system in which persons are chosen from a potential elite pool In this reservoir ofpossible leaders are the individuals with the skills,education,and other qualificationsneeded to fill elite positions.It is here that competition does exis,that the highestachievers do display their

15、 abilities and that the best qualified do gen erally succeedHence,what is most important is entering this reservoir of qualified peopleMany in the masses may have leadership abilities but uni ess they can gain entrance intothe elite pool,their abilities will go unnoticed.Those of higher class and st

16、atus rank enter more easily into this competiti on since they have bee n afforded greater opport unities to acquire the n eeded qualificati onsIn addition to formal qualifications,there are less obvious social-psychological factorswhich tend to narrow the potential elite pool further“Self-assertion”

17、and“self-elimination”are processes by which those of higher social status assertthemselves and those of lower social status eliminate themselves from competition forelite positionsA young man whose family has been active in politics,who has attendedHarvard,and who has established a network of connec

18、tions to the economic andpolitical power establishments would not be unrealistic in his aspirin(追求)to a highposition in the business or political worldOn the other hand,a young man with lessprestigious background,no connections,and only a high school education or even acollege degree from a state un

19、i- versity would not likely expect a future place for himselfat the topAs Prewitt and Stone explain,such an individua“l has few models to follow,no contacts to put him into the right channel,s and little reason to think of himself aspotentially wealthy or powerful”Thus,self-selection aids in filteri

20、ng out those of lower6income and status groups from the pool of potential eliteM ost eliminate themselvesfrom the competition early in the gameQuestions1What does“potential elite pool”(Line 23,Para1)mean?2Why is it easier for people of high social status to secure elite position?s3What does the term

21、“social status”refer to in this passage?4According to the author,what are the two most important factors inthe competition for entry into the potential elite pool?5What are the two forms of self-selection?参考答案1A reservoir of qualified peoplefuture leaderspossible leaders72They have been afforded mor

22、e opportunitiesFamily background,social connections and educationFormal qualifications and social-psychological factorsSelf-assertion and self-elimination解题分析1从第一段的第一、二句:The process of entering the confines of political and economicpower can be pictured as a system in which persons are chosen from a

23、 potential elitepoolIn this reservoir of possible leaders are the individuals with the skills,education,and other qualifications needed to fill elite positions.可知 “potential elite pooI” 意思是a reservoir of qualified people,或future leaders或possible leaders.2.从第二段的Those of higher class and status rank e

24、nter more easily into thiscompetition since they have been afforded greater opportunities to acquire the neededqualificati ons.可知,高层社会人士能确保精英地位的原因在于They have bee nafforded more opportunities.3.从第三段“Self-assertion”and“self-elimination”are processes by which those ofhigher social status assert themsel

25、ves and those of lower social status eliminatethemselves from competition for elite positions.A young man whose family has beenactive in politics,who has attended Harvard,and who has established a network ofconnections to the economic and political power establishments would not be unrealisticin his aspiring to


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