1、1 / 20HANDLING OBJECTIONSLear ning Objectives1. Able to identify different kinds of objections.2. Lear n how to use han dli ng objecti ons process in daily selli ng2 / 20What is Objectio n?It may be treated as a concern, reas on, or argume nt towards a pla n or idea.Objection is part of the Selling
2、Process; it only reflects customer sconcern or current limitati on, which n eeded to be resolved beforemaking a decision. Objection can also express as personal need-goto be liste ned to; to be give n face.There are two main ways to deal with objections. One is to reduce the opportunitiesof occur; t
3、he other is to handle it effectively.Reduc ing Objecti on Opport un ities1.Have goodkno wledge of customer in formati on (bus in essn eeds andpers onal style) to an ticipate pote ntial objecti ons.2. In your call planning, read and practice related information:3 / 20a. Promotion Description; New Pro
4、duct Trade Leaflet and Q&A(this will help you to an swer most of the questi ons)b. Promotion Details: raise and discuss potential questions in weeklymeet ingc. For specific potential objections, get manager orsupervisor in puts and practice how to deal with these objecti onsbefore acti on.Real”a
5、nd“False”ObjectionsRetailer can raise“real objections”and also“false objections.”The key to us is tolearn howto identify and handle the real objections, not spending a lot of timeattempting to answer false ones.From a practical sta ndpo int, we should assume, at first, that everyobjection is an actu
6、al or real concern in the retailers position.However, some concerns are more importa nt tha n others.4 / 20Real objection = Expressed concern is an actual/real concern from the retailer sposition.Example:Retailer: The problem with your pla n, Mr. Che n, is marg in. Its noteno ugh.”Salesman:“You re c
7、oncerned about margin. Does anything elsetrouble you?”Retailer :“No. The pla n sounds good - except for marg in .”Is the objection real? Is margin the retailers real concern? To close the sale, is itthe margin objecti on5 / 20that must be handled to the retailerssatisfaction?6 / 20False Objecti onsS
8、ince many sales people accept these false objecti ons and stop theirefforts to make the sale, some retailers get in the habit of say ingthe first thi ng that comes into their mi nd. We should, therefore, tohelp the retailerthink through and further examine his/her responsesand objecti ons so that ou
9、r idea gets a fair evaluati on. If our ideais good for his/her bus in ess, he/she will accept it.False Objectio n = Expressed concern is not actual/real concern.Example:Statement like:“The package design is too dull”.“Kids do not drinkToidentifythe“real”objection and“false”objections , we need7 / 20
10、that anymore”.“No-one will pay that premium price”.to exam ine the concerns raised by the retailer.Process of Han dli ng Objectio nsFour Basic Steps:1.Ide ntify (the real objecti on)2.Un dersta nd3.Verify4.Ha ndlePurpose of Steps 1 and 2 is to help you find out the Real Objectio n that must be8 / 20han dled to close the sale.Purpose of Step 3 is to assure your finding - the retailer actual/real concern andisolate it as the only remaining objection, pre
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