



1、学号姓名班级装健雄职业技术学院考试试卷说明:本次考试每人3 分钟, 6 道小题,共计 2页,总分50分题 号一一一二二二-三四五六七八九十总 分核 分 教 师分 值20102050得 分评 卷 教 师实用英语2 口试卷期末考试闭卷 机考开卷 口语11 - 12学年第2学期11级非英语专业机电1113、商日/德语1111除外孟涛审核教师教师用卷Part 1 Question20%(4*5=20'1. Why is exercise so important?2. What are the biggest problems facing our en vir onment?3. What

2、prese nt would you like for your n ext birthday?4. What is your favorite city? Give reas ons.装订线内不准做答Part 2 Read ing aloud 10%Many families in the Un ited States have a larger in come now tha n ever beforebut people are finding it difficult to make ends meet any way. Almost every one is won deri ng,

3、 “ What happe ns to all my mon ey? I n ever seem to have anything left to put awayWhy isn 'dollar worth as much as is used to be? One dollar is always worth the same amount, that is, 100 cents. But the value of a dollar is how much it can buy . The value of money depe nds on the cost of liv ing

4、Econo mists say that the cost of liv ing is the money that a family must pay for the necessities of life such as food housing or rent, clothes, and medical expensesFor many years no w,the cost of liv ing has in creased greatly so the value of the dollar has decreased When a dollar has a low value yo

5、u cannot buy as many things with itPart 3 Dialogue20%Situation: You work for the Shell Oil Company壳牌石油公司) and now are at Shanghai Pudong International Airport to meet Mr Smith, a client of your company.Please create a dialog with the help of the information given below in Chinese.1. 询问并找到自己要接的客户2. 自

6、我介绍。并提供名片3. 跟客户谈论旅途以及客户在中国的经历4. 结束对话,并送上良好祝愿学生用卷Part 1 Question20%(4*5=20'Directions: In this part you will be required to answer 4 questions raised by the examiner.装订线内不准做答Part 2Read ing aloud10%Direct ions: In this part you will be required to read aloud the passage.Many families in the Un ite

7、d States have a larger in come now tha n ever beforebut people are finding it difficult to make ends meet any way. Almost every one is won deri ng, “ What happe ns to all my mon ey? I n ever seem to have anything left to put awayWhy isn 'dollar worth as much as is used to be? One dollar is alway

8、s worth the same amount, that is, 100 cents. But the value of a dollar is how much it can buy . The value of money depe nds on the cost of liv ing Econo mists say that the cost of liv ing is the money that a family must pay for the necessities of life such as food housing or rent, clothes, and medic

9、al expensesFor many years no w,the cost of liv ing has in creased greatly so the value of the dollar has decreased When a dollar has a low value you cannot buy as many things with itPart 3 Dialogue20%Situation: You work for the Shell Oil Company壳牌石油公司) and now are at Shanghai Pudong International Airport to meet Mr Smith, a client of your compan


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