1、VENDOR'S P LANT VISIT REP ORT供应商现场审核报告编号:Date of visit:审核日期:Performed by:履行者:Other com panion:其它成visit status 审核状态Time:审核时间:Qualified Internal Auditor?员: First visit首次审核是否合格内审员? Re-visit再次审核 Yes 是 NoList p revious DOC. NO:否列举刖次审核文件编号:Vendor Information 供应商资料Vendor name & code:Address:地址:AVL
2、status 在合格供应商名单内之状态供应商名称及代号:Tel & Fax:电话及传真: Yes 有 No 无Vendor's p rimary bussiness/product:供应商基本业务/产品:Product to be furnished:将提供的产品:Key Management Representative:主要管理者代表:Name姓名Position 职位Remarks 备注1.2.3.Number of empioyess:员工数量:Quality Dept 质量部Production Dept 生产咅 ETotal 总计VENDOR'S P LAN
3、T VISIT REP ORT供应商现场审核报告编号:Put "V" in 将"V"填在正确格内No activity (score: 0)无此活动(分数:0分)Sign ifica nt deficie ncy(score: 0.5)重大缺陷(分数:0.5分)Needs Imp roveme nt(score: 1)需作改进(分数:1分)Satisfactory(score: 1.5) 满意(分数:1.5 分)Outsta nding(score: 2) 优秀(分数:2分)2Eleme nt #1: Quality Management System
4、质量管理体系1. Does the Comp any/Factory have dep artment which is concern with qualitycontrol of p roducts or services?公司/厂有否专职部门负责控制产品或服务的质量2. Is a Quality Assurance Manual written in the com pany/Factory?公司/厂有否编写质量保证手册3. Are Quality Objectives and resp onsibility clearly stated, widely distributed andu
5、nderstood through the com pany/Factory?/厂的公司/厂的质量目标和质量责任有否明确规定并广泛传达,以使整个公司 人员都能理解?4. Are written quality pl ans sheets prep ared and prop erly impi emented as pl annedarrangement in quality activities?有否制定书面的质量计划,及各质量活动是否按此计划实施?5. Do all dep artments understand their role in achieving Total Customer
6、Statisfaction?为充分达到顾客的满意,各部门是否明确其职责6. Does the com pany/Factory conduct internal quality audits on a regular time?,公司/厂是否定期进行内部质量审核7. Do managemen t p ersonnel take corrective and p reventive action to continouslyp erfect quality management?VENDOR'S P LANT VISIT REP ORT供应商现场审核报告Score:编号:管理人员有否釆取
7、纠正和预防措施以不断完善质量管理?文件控制Eleme nt #2: Docume ntati on Control1. To what extent Does the com pany/Factory have documented quality system?公司/厂的质量体系是否文件化及达到何种程度2. To what extent are documents under issue control?文件的发行控制达到什么程度3. How well does the system ensure that the most current customer sp ecifications
8、areavaliable to the manufacturing p ersonnel?用以保证作业人员使用当前客户规格的体系运用得如何4. To what extent are incoming orders reviewed for revisions and issue changes?当收到有关修订状况和发行变更要求时所进行的评审活动达到何种程度5. To what extent are critical characteristics classified?重要性(关键性)文件的保密程度如何6. Does the com pany have documented p rocedur
9、es to control the retention a filling ofquality records?Score:公司是否有文件化的程序用以控制质量记录的存盘釆购控制Eleme nt #3: Procureme nt Control1. Does the com pany control pu rchase/sub-contract to include assessment activities?公司有否一套评估程序以控制釆购或分承包方2. Is a list of app roved sources maintained and p eriodically reviewed?有否
10、保持合格供应商清单并定期进行评审3. Are recieving ins pection records maintained and analyzed for conformance toquality requirements and need for corrective action?是否保存来料检验记录并对其进行分析,用以证明供给的产品质量符合要求和否釆取纠正措施?4. Are pu rchase orders reviewed to assure the incor po ration of app licable drawings,sp ecifications, and qua
11、lity requirements?是否对釆购订单进行了审核以保证所应用的图纸、规格和质量要求相一致5. Is a log kept of these pu rchase order reviews?有否保存釆购订单审核之记录6. Is this pu rchased material p eriodically verified?VENDOR'S P LANT VISIT REP ORT供应商现场审核报告Score:Eleme nt #4: Material Control物料控制2编号:釆购的物料有否进行定期查验1. Does the com pany/Factory have m
12、ethod of controlling supp lied materials?公司/厂是否有一套控制物料供应的方法2. Are incoming material prop erly identified p ending acce ptance?来料在验收之前有否被适当地标识3. Are all materials identified to assure storage and disgursement to app licablerequirements?所有物料有否标识以保证入库和交付符合要求4. Are stock rooms/stores p eriodically audit
13、ed?仓库/库存量有否定期进行审查5. Are all identifications maintained throughout p roduction p rocess?所有的标识是否在整个生产过程中被保持6. Is Non-conforming material controlled by segregation and identification?Score:不合格品有否通过隔离和标识来控制Eleme nt #5: Insp ecti on1. Does the company have Inspection & Test procedures to ensure the p
14、roductsuitability at receipt、 in p rocesses and com pl etion?公司是否有一套检验和试验程序以确保在进货、过程和最终的产品能符合规定要求2. Are ins pection instructions which establish acce ptance criteria availiable at allins pection op erations?检验指示是否标明验收标准?并应用在所有的检验过程中?3. Is 100% or adequate sam pling ins pection used in IQC/IPQC/FQC?在
15、来料检验/过程检验/最终检验中,产品是否100%检验或运用适当的抽样方案 进行检验?4. Is p eriodic training p rovided for ins pection p ersonnel?有否对检验人员提供定期培训5. Are rep aired and reworked materials identified and re-ins pected?返修和返工的物料/产品有否被标识和重新检验6. Are ins pection and test status and its dis position prop erly indicated?检验和试验状态及其处理结果是否有适
16、当的标明7. Are ins pection records avaliable for on-site examination by customer rep ersenta-Score:tive upon request?当客户代表要求时,检验记录能否进行现场审查VENDOR'S P LANT VISIT REP ORT供应商现场审核报告编号:Eleme nt #6: Insp ecti on and Test Equipment检验和试验设备1. Has a calibration system been established in the Comp any/Factory?公
17、司/厂有否建立一套校准体系2. Are ins pection gauges,measuring devices,and test equip ment ins pected andrecalibrated at specified intervals? 检验、测量和试验设备有否周期性的检验和重新校准?3. Are records of calibration,s pecifying recalibration dates,available?校准记录是否有标明下次校准日期和校准的有效性4. Are the p rimary working standards used to calibrat
18、e equip ment traceable to theNational Insitute of standards and Technology?校准设备所使用的基本标准能否追溯到国家或国际标准和技术5. Is test and measurement equip ment identified by decal or other means to indicatecurrent calibration status? 试验和测量设备有否用印花或其它方法标识以标明前的校准状态?6. Is all calibrate and maintenance equip ment prop erly
19、documented?Score:所有设备的校准和保养有否适当地记录Eleme nt #7: Nonconforming Materials不合格品1. Does the com pany have p rocedure to control nonconforming p roduct that p reventinadvertent use of defective materials? 公司/厂是否有一套程序以控制不合格品以防止不合格品非预期使用2. Are nonconforming supp lies identified and removed from normal p rodu
20、ction lots?当不合格品提供使用时有否被标识并与正常生产批量隔离3. Are reworked parts and p roducts reins pected by original resp onsible dep artment?返工的部件和产品有否被原来的责任部门重新检验4. Has a corrective action system allowed prompt remedial action?有否建立纠正措施体系以对不合格品釆取实时的纠正措施5. Does the corrective action system allow for verification of the
21、 effectivity ofremedial action?纠正措施体系能否验证纠正措施实施的效果6. Are reports of Non-Conforming materials regularly prep ared and reviewed bymanagement for action?不合格品报告有否定期制定并交管理层评审,以VENDOR'S P LANT VISIT REP ORT供应商现场审核报告Score:Eleme nt #8:statistical Tech niq ues统计技术编号:2制定相应行动?公司/厂有否运用过任何形式的抽样/统计技术?1. Does
22、the com pany/Factory op erate any sam pling / statistical techniques?2. Are statistical p rocess control techniques used in line?统计过程控制技术有否运用于生产线3. How qualified are the people who are resp onsible for guiding the impi ementationof statistical tools? 负责指导实施统计方法 /工具的人员资格如何 ?4. Are op erators trained
23、in use of app oriate statistical techniques and are theyprop erly appi ying them?应用统计技术的人员有否经过培训且他们能否适当地运用统计技术5. Are control charts and other p rocess controls prop erly impI emented?6.控制图表和其它过程控制是否正确实施When detect or sus pect p roduct characteristic and/or p rocess cap ability areunusual during actual manufucturing, will statistical tec
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