



1、英文推荐信模板【第1篇】英文留学推荐信模板To Whom It May Co ncernI am writingto introduce x x x , applicantthe e xamin ati on of the Associati on of Intern ati onal Acco untan ts. She was an e x cellent accountant in accounting department ofxxxx .I believe her performanee during the work proves her capability and coord

2、in ati on abilities. She is an en thusiastic and progressive young lady with e x tremely high potentiality. Miss Chen is not only quick at lear ning and good at sol ving difficult problems,but also witha logicalmindthatenableshim toeffectively an alyze difficulties. All the work han ded to her was c

3、ompletedsatisfactorily.Actually,sheis soreliable that Iassig n her with heavy resp on sibilities.Chen Yu has get China Certified Public Accountant qualificati on in finan cial area.Che n Yu has submitted her applicatio n and I am hopeful that this letter of recommendationbrings her strength and cred

4、e ntials to your atte nti on.Best Regards,XXX【第2篇】英文工作推荐信模板Dear Sir or Madam,It s my pleasure to recommendMr. xxx for yourcon siderati on for the post he applied in your compa ny. He has been working in my company for about 5 years, from the position of a Manager Assistant to a Marketing Manager tha

5、nks to his hard work ing and the progress he made.I still remember his shyness and aspiration when I first in terviewed him at a job fair. And I was also impressed by his con fide nee and con scie ntious attitude toward his career.In deed, he showed his passi on for e x hibiti on and the ability to

6、solve problem during the past 5 years. He keeps putt ing forward suggesti ons for my con siderati on and carried out the proposals successfully.He is enthusiastic, cooperative and diligent. He keeps good relatio nship with his customers and colleagues although he resigned from my company. With this

7、good character, he will be able to do a good job in your compa ny.I str on gly feel that Mr. xxx is fully qualified for thepositi on he applied. Your favorablecon sideratio nof hisapplication will be highly appreciated. If further information regard ing him is n eeded, please feel free to con tact m

8、e.Yours sin cerely,Gen eral Man ager【第3篇】英文自我推荐信模板To Whom It May Con cern:I have had the disti net pleasure of hav ing Kaya Stone as astude nt in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at Easter n Little Hope High School.Kaya has bee n more tha n the ideal stude nt. I n order toachi

9、eve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has dem on strated outsta nding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose.The academics at Eastern Little Hope are most challenging, and Kaya fulfilled all the requirements with the added challe nge of honors and adva need courses. Kaya is

10、anoutsta ndinge x temporaneous speaker and debater. She haswon manyawards onthe speech anddebate circuits,andqualifiedforn ati onaltourname nts.Success in thesein terscholasticactivitiesrequires e xten sive researchandpersuasive skills. Kaya also holds the degree of Special Disti ncti on, as a membe

11、r of the Nati onal Fore nsic League.Due to its n ature of metro, state, and n ati onal in terscholastic competiti on, the successful high school forensics student serves by not only representing his or her school but also by represe nti ng his or her com munity as well.One of the requirements in my

12、advaneed class is to prepare lectures and guidaneefor the beginners.With Kaya ' ssuperior kno wledge and invo Iveme nt in the political scie nces, she developed a str ong sense of con fide nee with a charm ing attitude. Therefore, I could always depend on her to set the best e x ample as an inst

13、ructor.Because of her naturalleadership abilities, Kaya was selected as our Debate Capta in.On account of her mature approach to her responsibilities,Iofte n thought of Kaya as a colleague.Si nee her classmates, my fellow teachers, and I will alwayshold her in the highest esteem, I sincerely recomme

14、ndKayaStone as the ideal can didate for matriculatio n at Easter n Little Hope State.Respectfully submitted,Dan Peel, Ph.D.【译文】敬启者:我有有卡亚石作为一名学生,我在辩论课和我辩论队三年在东部小馨高中的独特乐趣。 卡亚已经超过了理想的学生。为了达到最 高的等级和我最深的敬意,她表现出卓越的领导才能和维持一个明确 的目的。在东小馨的学者是最具挑战性的,和卡亚满足所有要求以优异 的成绩和高级课程的额外挑战。卡亚是一位杰出的即兴演讲和辩论 家。她赢得了在演讲和辩论电路中的许多奖项,并取得资格全国比赛。 成功在这些校际活动,需要大量的研究和说服技巧。卡亚还拥有特别 荣誉度,为全国法医联盟的成员。由于地铁,州和国家的校际竞争的本质,成功高中学生取证服 务,不仅


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