



1、Unit 3 My friends 泰州市姜堰区叶甸中心小学秦盛莉Teaching content:Story timeTeaching aims:1.能听懂、会读、会说goodbye, my friend, hes, shes.2.能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Goodbye, Hes/Shes Hes/Shes my friend.3.能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。4.能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语与人告别,向他人介绍自己的朋友。Teaching important points:1.能在情境中理解friend一词的意义。2.能理解Goodbye,这

2、一交际用语的含义并知道如何在生活中运用。3.能理解对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话。Teaching difficulty points:1.能根据性别的不同,用Hes/Shes来介绍自己的朋友。2.能在情境中初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语与人告别,以及向他人介绍自己的朋友。教学准备:PPT、点名册、词句卡片、星星贴纸、手偶、头饰、吸铁石及字母s(提前放黑板上)。Teaching procedures:Step 1 GreetingT: Class begins.Ss: Stand up!T:Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Li.T: Sit

3、 down, please.Ss: Thank you.Step 2 Free talkT: Good morning ,S1: Good morning, Miss Li.T: Hello ,S2: Hello, Miss Li.T: Give me five. Hi, (教学生击掌)S7/S8: Hi, Miss Li.T: Hello. Are you ?S3/S4: No, Im not. Im T: Hi. Are you ?S5/ S6: Yes, I am.Lead-inT: Lets say a rhyme: Are you Mike? OK? Ss say the rhyme

4、 together.(分组问答)T: There are two boys in the rhyme: Mike and Joe. They are my friends.展示 Mike and Joe图片。板书:Unit3 My friendsT: Today well learn a new unit-Unit3 My friends.师领读课题。 Step 3 Presentation1. 由游戏引入句型Hes/ Shes 的学习 Game: Whos he/ she?T: I have many friends. Can you guess who they are?a. PPt: T

5、:Who is she?Ss: Shes Miss Li.Teach: shes =she is(板书)Ss read one by one (开火车读,train,train,go,go,go)b. PPt: T:Who is she?Ss: Shes YangLing.Ss read after Tc. PPt: T: Who is he? Ss: Hes Mike. Teach: Hes =He is(板书)Ss read sentences(开火车读)2. T: I also have a lot of cartoon friends Please Look at the pictur

6、es and memories of cartoon. Think of who she is and Think of who he is.a) ppt: T: Whos she?Ss: Shes minnie. T: Shes my friend.Ss read after T(领读friend, my friend,并让学生看口型,准确发音,分男女生读,小组读) b) PPt: T: Whos he? Ss: Hes Mickey. T: Hes my friend.  跟读。c) PPt: T: Whos she? Ss: Shes Snow White. T: Shes m

7、y friend.d) PPt: T: Whos he? Ss: Hes a dwarf. T: Hes my friend.3. T: Now lets say a rhyme. First follow me and pay attention the pronouciation of she and he. T: Read together and feel the rhyme song.4. T: Now, you know my friends. Can you introduce your friends to me? T: Look!You may say Shes/HesShe

8、's/He's my friend.(黑板上句型)S1, 2, 3: (Try to introduce)(让学生通过在语用环境中运用,逐渐熟悉这一交际用语并理解语义)S1: Hello S2: HelloS1: (手指另一个同学)Shes/HesShes/Hes my friend.S2: Shes/HesShes/Hes my friend.Step 4 Story time1. Listening timeT: Everyone did a good job just now. Clap your hands and praise yourselves. Lets lis

9、ten to the tape and circle the names .2 Watching time T: Are Mike and Yang Ling friends? Lets watch the cartoon. Then choose the right answers.(放光盘)3 T: Mike and Yang Ling are friends(指黑板上头像). They are classmates, too. Please look at the picture. Miss Li is their teacher. Now they are having class.

10、(点课件,下课铃声) Class is over. What is Miss Li saying? How about the students? What are her students saying?S: 根据学生回答,出示单词Goodbye,领读单词。板书。4 Reading time T: Boys and girls, Lets read the sentences after the tape together. And try your best to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Before reading, Ill s

11、how you some signs.((点击课件,师介绍朗读记号:英语中最常用的语调有三种:降调、升调、降升调;爆破音在单词中只摆口型,不发音) Look at the screen, show me your finger.T: This time open your book to Page 18-19 and read after the tape.5 Reciting timeT: The following pictures and sentences tips can help you quickly to recite the text. Please read by your

12、selves. One minute to recite.6 Acting time Next work in groups. Five students a group. Act it out.7 PracticeCan you say?Step 5 Consolidation1. (T-Ss示范表演)T: Now lets act the dialogue in roles,Ill be Miss LiYou are all my students. And boys act as Mike, girls act as Yang Ling. OK?2. Act in groups 1)T:

13、 Boys and girls, you pronounce well and act in roles wonderfully. (手指板书) This class we have learnt how to say goodbye and introduce our friends to others. Can you use them in your daily life? Here are two tasks for you. Task 1文中的对话创编,可以发挥你的想象,适当延伸对话的内容。Task 2同学聚会结束后,你向父母介绍聚会上的朋友。After class read the

14、 dialogue after the tape, try your best to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.Step 6 Homework 1. Read the dialogue after the tape five times, and act it with your friends.2. Introduce your friends to your mum and dad, use what you learnt today!3. Prepare two photos of your friends, cut them out and stick on the p


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