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1、Unit1TEXT AV1. solutions 2.ignore 3.persuade 4.assign 5.deadline 6.approach7.stuck 8.essentials 9.managed 10.necessarily 11.retained 12.due,draft VI1. put in 2.make the most of 3.put down 4.lead to5. get her hands on 6.put away our picnic things7.to stickto 8.time after time9.has cut down on smoking

2、 10.counts for much moreVII1.announcement 2.collection3.examination 4.development 5.connection6.imagination 7.government8.discussion 9.organization 10.improvement11.expression 12.permission13.movement 14.concentration 15.division16.solution 17.participation18.revisionVIII1. ., thus cutting down on o

3、ur costs.2. .while eating/having/taking breakfast.3. .so that he can memorise a couple of/a few new words every-day while cooking his meals.4. ., thus greatly increasing his reading speed.5. .while studying Chinese modern history at Beijing University.,thus being able to do/perform very well in thei

4、r work.6. .while doing his homework.7. .so that you can become one, too.IX1. used to go2. got used to getting3. used to study,has got used to working4. used to say5. used to write,got used to communicatingX1. Tom spent a lot of time preparing for the final exams2. A smart student spends a few minute

5、s writing two or three sentences about the lesson's main points3. Alex spent the rest of the afternoon playing tennis with Amanda4. Paul spent about 2 hours looking for a missing notebookXI1. went unnoticed2. go unpunished3. go uncorrected4. goes unnoticed unmentioned5. go unreportedXII interrup

6、tion/waste concentrate organize/make the most ofirrelevant Taking retain/digest/absorb whether approachesdo/perform schedule/searchXIII1. A very curious boy, Tom is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows.2. Happiness, according to Prof. Smith, is the ability to make the most of what

7、you have.3. You've better keep the book where your 15-year-old son can't get his hands on it.4. The story was so funny that Bill kept laughing all the time while reading it5. High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time on their studies than their lower-scoring classmates.6. H

8、ow did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course?7. Working hard is imp ortant, but knowing how to make the most of one' s abilities counts formuch more.8.She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think.TEXT BT T F F F T T TI1.op

9、posite 2.preference 3.located 4.feasible 5.perspective 6.has shifted 7.concern8.attractive 9.survive 10.transfer 11.prospect 12.particularly 13.treasure 14.despiteII1.on the other hand 2.keep up 3.as for 4.for good 5.turned out6. come of age 7.what if 8.welled upunit2TEXT AIII1. response 2.bounced 3

10、.Conversation 4.previous 5.encouragement 6.parallel IV1. entirely 2.objection 3.challenged 4.original 5.responsible6.relative 7.halfway8.startled 9.simply10.back and forth11.joined in 12.just as 13.knocked down14.came to a halt 15.Even if16.fell apart1. unconsciously 2.response 3.previous4.suitable

11、5.even though6.disagree12.take turns VI absence intelligence distance 1.Excellence 6.silence VII7.topic 8.calling onconfidencepatiencesignificance2.independence7.violence9.switched 10.and so on 11.in lineconveniencepresence elligence8.diferencesevidencesilence4.significance9.distancei

12、ndependenceviloence5.patience10.confidence10.dissatisfied1. disappeared 2.disorder 3.dishonest 4.disobey 5.disagree6. disadvantages 7.discomfort 8.dislike 9.disbeliefVIII(A)1. Whoever is most qualified2. Whoever has money3. Whoever holds it4. whoever is not with him5. whoever would take the job6. Wh

13、oever fears to face his own past(B)1.Whatever they have2. whatever decisions he makes3. Whenever the weather¡¯s bad4. wherever he goes5. Whichever direction you turn to6. however hard she triedIX1. No wonder it's freezing cold today2. No wonder there is no picture on the scree

14、n3 .No wonder many career women are not married4. No wonder they asked so many questions5. No wonder it has become a best-seller of this spring6. No wonder US students are anxious about mathX1. you will have more free time2. he might be more patient3.I understand why so many older people like it4. h

15、e can rest for a few daysXI1.to how 2.conversation 3.forth 4.what 5.gradually6. for 7.in 8.however 9.next 10.switch 11.similar12.still 13.differences 14.stylesXII1.Referring to the differences between American English and British English, he said, "TheUnited States and Britain are, after all, t

16、wo different countries. "2. Prof. Smith encourages his students to think for themselves. "I am just as happy, " he oftensays, "even if you challenge me or completely disagree with me. "3. We called on him to take part in our conversation about pop music, but as soon as he jo

17、inedin, he introduced a new topic and referred to the NBA finals of the previous week.4. The driver is responsible for this accident. His car knocked down a tree and a man on his bike.5.Since our production of radios came to a halt, we have switched to the production of mobilephones.6.Our original p

18、lan was to see such famous sights as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace in Beijing.7.It's no simple/easy matter to learn a foreign language well. Even though I have learned English for a few years, I still can't express myself effectively in the language.8.I don't wa

19、nt you simply to agree or disagree with me. I need someone who can give me good advice, ideas, and so on.TEXT BI1. academic 2.intelligence 3.reflects 4. Social 5.predicted 6.context7. advantage 8.attitude 9.traits munication 11.distinguish 12.represented 13.influenced 14.matureII1. getting across e

20、out 3.Because of 4.in short 5.as a result6.as well 7.in some cases 8.sent outunit3TEXT AIV1.draw 2.bear 3.worn out 4.got tired of 5.racial 6.paid,attention tomature 8.broke into 9.performed 10.conquer 11.aspects 12.As far asV1. Brought up 2.broke into running 3.amzaed 4.All could do was5. resemble 6

21、.with ease 7.conquered 8.wear out/are worn out8. turned out 10.has grown into 11.tragedy 12.promptilyVI1. personal 2.traditional 3.humorous 4.logical5. courageous 6.poisonous 7.educational 8.victoriousVII1.darkness 2.carelessness 3.nervousness 4.prepareness 5.illness 6.eagernessVIII1.Ggo to playing2

22、.went on reading 3.went on to explain4. went go to teach 5.went on playing 6.went on to tellIX1.Susan said that she would get married only after she had made a name for herself inHollywood.2He left the library only after he got his hands on thebooks he needed.3.Scientists realized that the brain con

23、trolled our thinking only after the 18thcentury.4.He goes to bed only after he writes up his diary every evening.5. He learned about the birth of his son only after he returned from a business trip.6.She broke into tears only after all the guests left.1.work as fast as a skilled workerX2. couldn'

24、;t perform as well as his parents had expected3. he promised that he would go and see his grandparents as often as he could4. than after finishing his studies abroad he would come back as soon as possibleXI1.with 2.met 3.Although 4.blind 5.childhood 6.amzaed 7.neighbors 8.fight9.records 10.talent 11

25、.accident 12.only 13. about 14.along 15.attitudeXII1.As far as I know, all they have to do is come and see the child they want to bring up and fill up a form.2. As he learned more and more about the world, he finally got tired of going after fame and wealth.3. The little girl 's songs brought su

26、nshine to the old man and helped him bear the hardships of life.4. People came one after another to congratulate them on the successful building of another big bridge over the Huangpu River.5. All the people present were amazed that the 10-year-old boy was playing the violin so skillfully.6. After t

27、he car accident, Stevie reevaluated his goals in life and decided to pay more attention to the world outside.7. Even in her wildest dreams, Mother could never have imagined that her son would become a world-famous pianist.8. The students broke into loud cheers when they heard that their teacher had

28、fought back from the shadow of death.TEXT BI1.potential 2.suggestions 3.realistic 4.embarrassed 5.impression1.has built up 2.dwell on6. negative 7.presently 8.reacted 9.improvement 10.target 11.inferior 12.concept II3. be doing justice to myself 4.form the start5.are based on 6.set aside7.wiped out8

29、.improve on 9.do.harm 10.is working onunit4TEXT AIV1.endure2.accumulated3.some perty 5.informed 6.wrinkled 7.collapsing8.mourning9.contributed10.possesses11.recovered 12.trembled 13.fulfill14.drove15.stagger 16.uttered1.beacuse of 2.be blessed with 3.as well as 4.spoke of 5.a good deal of6.

30、 at most 7.stand on its feet 8.be ashamed of 9.as soon 10.as leaning on1.a bearded young man2. three colored pictures5.an old lady with a wrinkled face7.a cultured college student9.a skilled engineerVII1.shameless 2.cheerful6.countless 7.meaningful6. a home for the aged7. an experienced driver9. a s

31、pirited discussion3. endless 4.windless 5.fearless8. colorful 9.delightful 10.thoughtfulVIIInoIX1. Nor did he give me any explanation.2. Nor did he feel ashamed for that.3. Nor do I think it necessary to do so.4. Nor will he invite his relatives and friends.5. Nor did we know his phone number.6. Nor

32、 did she enter the home for the aged.X1.Extremely hot as it is, the workers are still working on the construction site.2. Big and strong as he is, he is afraid of hard work.3. Freezing cold as it was, Father went out hunting with his dog.4.Slow as it was, the boat offered its passengers very good se

33、rvice.Excited as we were at the news, we tried to keep ourselves calm.5. Brave as he was, Jimmy trembled at the sight of a snake.IX1. could have got2. could have asked3. could have been4. could have fulfilled5. could have got6. could have becomeXII1.wrinkles 2.laundry3.still 4.after5.otherVV6.did7.

34、charged 8.would 9.burden 10.perty 15.let10. worried 12.bundle 13.howXIII1.Sickly and weak as Grandma is, she has taken on all the housework in the family.2. The recording company had never been so pleased with any singer. For them, Stevie Wonder was a real find.3. They had no running water

35、 where they lived. Nor did they have any conveniences of life such as gas and electricity.4.Six years passed, then seven and eight, and nothing was heard of that French artist. It seemed certain that he had left the country for only God knows where.5. He was very ill that summer, but as soon as he f

36、elt better in the fall, he resumed his writingand finished his last novel in two months.6. Driven by a strong will, Alex finally fulfilled the task he had undertaken.7. With the help of the doctor and the nurses, the patient recovered quickly and in a few weeks was able t stand on his feet once more

37、.8.It was really sad to watch the old man 's wrinkled face, which spoke of all that he had borne/endured in his life.TEXT B1. responsibility 2.purchase 3.portrays 4.had vanished 5.immense6.decent 7.eventually 8.motivation 9.reputation 10.restore 11.neighborhood11. sustain 13.upholds 14.creditII1

38、.paved the way for2.is attributed to 3.out of habit 4.kept his word5.open the door to6.think twice 7.think of as 8.care about9.had been passed on10.To this dayunit5TEXT A1. compromise 2.content 3.Unfortunately 4.individual 5.gamble 6.spun6. atractive 8.afterwards 9.tradition 10.unique 11.arose 12.en

39、ergetic VI1.a little2.and so on 3.as well 4.give way to 5.in the same way as6.had in mind 7.most of the time 8.have been on their feet9. went off 10.are named after 11.has no right to 12.sorted outVII1. compromise with, over 2.lying,in 3.lie on 4.content with5.call at6.called on 7.named,after 8.acti

40、ve in 9.opinions about10.opinion ofVIII1.uncertain 2.unkown 3.unable 4.unfortunate 5.incorrect6.impatient 7.illegal 8.irregular 9.irrelevant 10.improperIXhikerwinner loser painter teacher actormanager : a person who directs the affairs of a business, a sports team, etc. murderer :a person who murder

41、s someoneowner:a person who owns somethingplayer:a person who plays a game or a musical instrumentruler:a person who rulesconductor: a person who directs the playing of a group of musicians or a person employed to collect money and give out tickets on a bus or trainVdirector :a person who directs so

42、mething sailor :a person who works on a ship visitor :a person who visits a place or someone inventor :a person who invents somethingX1.What a pity you won 'tbe back before I leave!2. What a pity (it is) to waste the food!3. What a pity she isn 't here!4. What a pity that we can die only onc

43、e for our country!5. What a pity that some of the best acting on stage today can only be seen by so few6. people!What a pity you can 't swim.XII 1.That's where 2.That's why 3.that's where 4.That's what 5.That's how6.That's how 7.that's when 8.that's when 9.that

44、9;s what 10.That's whereXIII1.married 2.advicepromise 4.way5.remain6.arose 7.name11.made 12.mind7. tradition 9.unique 10.question12. suggested 14.how 15.someXIV1.They are Mary 's sons Robert and William. One is named after her father, the other is namedafter her grandfather.2. He is not cont

45、ent with what he has already got. What a pity he never understands that happiness lies in contentment.3.She is very active in classroom activities. I am sure that she will make a good teacher. You may have different opinions about it, but I hate the idea of urging people to drink,4. especially at a

46、dinner party.We are prepared to give way a little to them on minor problems, but we will never5. compromise with them on major questions of principle.Robert didn 't usually get much exercise during the year, while his wife Mary was on her6.feetmost of the time. That was why it was impossible, or

47、 difficult at least, for them to choose a place they both liked for their holiday.David is a young writer with a high opinion of himself. He thinks that his writing style is7. unique and refined. But unfortunately, that is not the case.All I want to say is that as individuals we enjoy many different

48、 rights but we have no right to do anything harmful to society.TEXT B1.effective 2.argument3.alert 4.typical 5.avoid6.patience 7.hostile8.mention9.significant plain 11.bothered 12.historical13.tempted 14.selfishunit6TEXT AIV1.shocked2.admitted3.pursue 4.prefer 5.intelligent 6.acquire 7.average8.cult

49、ivate 9.typical 10.pursuit11.imported 12.bite pete 14.constantly15.prestigious 16.extentV1.dedicated,to2.stood a chance3.held up as 4.least of all 5.conform topares,to7.done away with8.deprived of 9.looked down upon10.adapt to11.instead of12.keep upVI1. fatherhood 2.wisdom 3.betrayal 4.withdrawal 5.

50、adulthood 6.sportsmanship7. relationship 8.burial 9.bachelorhood 10.editorship 11.renewal 12.citizenship 13.scholarship 14.doctorship 15.boyhood 16.dismissal 17.boredom 18.membership 19.partnership 20.denial 21.refusal 22.arrival 23.approval 24.survivalVII1.Not until the publication of the article d

51、id the U. S. leaders come to realize that something had gone wrong.2. Not until next week will the full text of the report be published.3. Not until the time of the final examinations did the student start to read his books.4. Not until we reconsider and change the system of values in our society wi

52、ll university professorships become rewarding positions.5. Not until he fled to Moscow with his family did his role as a Soviet spy become known.VIII1. If we are to promote higher education, we must try to make university professorship the most prestigious positions in the country.2. If we are to re

53、main a world-class power, our universities must be able to train students to become first-class scholars and engineers.3. If you are to make your child a person of knowledge, you must encourage him to spend more time studying.4. If you are to apply for this scholarship, fill in the application form

54、and return it now.5. If we are to further develop the economy of Shanghai, we have to make full use of the Yangtze River.IX1.stopped breathing 2.stopped to think 3.stop teasing4. stopped thinking, stopped trying 5.stopped to listenX1.He is able to make the point as clear and convincing as his teache

55、r.2. This is not so much a matter of putting more money into education as a matter of changing our anti-intellectual values.3. They think that social skills are as important as academic achievement to a student.4. The purpose of this article is not so much to answer as to discuss the question.Profes

56、sional ballplayers are as respected and well paid as professors in this country.XI1.pursuit 2.ellectual 4.hardworking5.popular6.donw7.same8.Professional 9.hand10.institution11.negative 12.Rivalpete14.away15.dedicatedXII1. The problem lies in how people look at those students dedicated to

57、the pursuit of knowledge.2.Our government has decided to put a lot more money into education than before.3. We have to train more first-class engineers to compete in the technology race with Japan.4. The intellectually curious and hard-working students should be praised and held up as examples to other stu


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