



1、八年级上学期英语中考试题一、单项选择(共30 题,每小题1 分)()1.The problem is_ difficult _ students can solve them.A. so; and fewB. so; that littleC. so; that fewD, so; that a little()2.I have _ homework to do and I m _ tired now.A. much too; too muchB. Too much; too muchC. much too; much tooD. Too much; much too(3. He did no

2、t write _,though( 尽管 )he had _.A. careful enough;enough timeB. carefully enough; enough timeC. enough careful; enough timeD. enough carefully; time enough()4.I felt _when I heard the _ news.A.exciting; excitedB. excited; excitingC. exciting; excitingD. excited; excited()5. I am going to London for a

3、 holiday next month. _!A. Have a good timeB. It s terribleC. Good jobD. What a pity()6.Jane ishigh school student in the United States.A.a 18-year-oldB.a 18-years-oldC.an 18-years-oldD.an 18-year-old()7. _ it was very cold, _ my friend still went swimming in Jialing River this morning.A. Although;bu

4、tB.Although;/C.But;althoughD./;although()8. How often do you drink milk? I don t like it,so I _drink it.A.alwaysB.usuallyC.hardly everD. often()9. _do you watch TV every week? Less than two hours. I often have much homework to do.A.How manyB. How muchC. How longD. How often()10. What about_ a rest?

5、OK!Let s go for a walk.A.to haveB. hadC. haveD. having()11.She is talentedmusic but I am goodsports.A.in, atB.at,inC.at,atD.in,in()12. Li Hua s shoes are as _ as Zhang Hui s.A. cheapB. cheaperC. the cheaperD.cheapest()13 .I don t really care if my friends are the sameme or differentme.A.as,asB.from,

6、fromC.as,fromD.from,as()14.Mr Bean enjoysjokes and often makes us.A.to tell,to laughB.tells,laughC.telling,laughD.to tell ,laughing()15 . It s important _ us _ _English well.A. of; learningB. for; to learnC. Of; to learnD.or; learning()16. Now, some robots( 机器人 ) are _ to do the same things _ people

7、. .A. enough smart;asB. enough smart;for C, smart enough;asD: smart enough;with()17. is it from your home? 10 minutes by bus.A.How longB.How farC.What timeD.When()18.Thegirl sings.A.beautiful,beautifulB.beautifully,beautifullyC.beautiful,beautifullyD.beautiffully,beautiful()19. Help _to some fruits.

8、 Thank you.A. yourselfB. yourC. youD.yourselves()20.He had to retire( 退休 )early_poor health.A,as a resultB.becauseC.soD.because of1()21. Everyone in my class _the poor boy without parents.A. want to helpB. want helpingC. wants to helpD. wants helping()22.- Jack, is there _ in today s -newspaper?No,n

9、othing.A. anything importantB. Something importantC, important anythingD. Important something()23.If you have a toothache( 牙痛 ), you can go to see a _ .A.doctorB.dentistC. teacherD.policeman()24. I cantstandthe terrible TV show.A.watchB.watchingC.to watchD.watched()25.What do you usually doweekends?

10、A.onB.ofC.inD.with()26.If you want to be a student helper,please call him443 5667.A.atB.inC.ofD.on()27.If you want to be a student helper, you must be goodchildren.A.atB.withC.forD.in()28.Tom can playdrums,but Sam can playtennis.A.the,theB.the,/C./,theD./,/()29.Do you enjoy_ _ English stories?A. rea

11、dB, to readC. readingD. reads()30. What a nice watch it is! Yes. It s _ one of all.A. expensiveB. more expensiveC. the most expensiveD.much more expensive二、完型填空(共10 小题,每小题1 分,满分10 分)31 is a resultofthe student activitysurveyat our school. Most students exercise three or fourtimes32week. Some student

12、s exercise once33 twicea week. Some students exercise every day. 34homework,most students35homeworkevery day. Some students do homework three or fourtimes a week. Moststudents do homework every day.36students do homework once or twice a week. The result for“ waTV” is 37 . Some students watch TV once

13、 or twice a week. Some watch TV three or four38a week. Butmost students watch TV every day.39think it s helpful for them40 TV. They can be relaxed and learn muchknowledge( 知识 ) by watching TV .()31. A. Here B. ThereC. Here s D. There s()32. A. aB. anC. theD. /()33. A. andB. butC. orD. so()34. A. Wit

14、hB. ByC. ToD. As for()35. A. didB. doC. doesD. doing()36. A. NotB. NoC. No ofD. No one()37. A. interesting B. interests C. interested D. interest()38. A. timeB. times C. a timeD.some time()39. A. They B. TheirC. Them D. Theirs()40. A. watch B. to watch C. watchesD. watching三、阅读理解(40 分)AThere are fou

15、r people in my family. They re my grandfather, my parents and me. My grandfather exercises everyday. He never uses the Internet. He eats vegetables three times a day, but he hardly ever drinks milk. Andhewatches TV every night. My father is a taxi driver. He s very busy. He never exercises, but he s

16、ometimes surf theInternet. He watches TV on Saturday and Sunday evening. He often eats vegetables and drinks milk. My mother isa housewife(家庭主妇) . She watches TV twice a day. She never surf the Internet. She sometimes eats vegetables,2butshe drinks milkthree times a week. Exercise? Ofcourse she does

17、. She exercises every day by doinghousework. I m a middle school student. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I often exercise. Buton Saturdayand Sunday, I don t exercise because I have too much homework to do. I watch TV only on Sunday evening. But Isurf the Internet twice a week. I drink milk ev

18、ery day, but I don t like vegetables. My mother often says“ Why do you eat so much meat, Mike? It s not good for your health.” But I like it very much.()41. _ sometimes surf the Internet in his family.A. Mike and his fatherB. Mike and his mother C. Mike s parents D.Mike s father and grandfather()42.

19、 _ watch TV every day in his family.A. Mike and his grandfatherB. Mike s mother and grandfatherC. Mike s parentsD. Mike s father and grandfather()43. What does Mike s father do?A. He often eats vegetable. B.He sometimes surf the Internet.C.He is very busy.D.He is a taxi driver.()44. Why don t Mike e

20、xercise on Saturday and Sunday?A. Because he wants to surf the Internet.B. Because he wants to watch TV .C. Because he has too much homework to do.D. Because he has to go to school.()45. Mike likes eating _ very much.A. meatB. vegetablesC. fruitD. milkBMost American families like to have a vacation

21、in summer. Summer is a good season for vacation. It is often hot in July and August.Children do not go to school in those two months. Some people like to stay at home, read books, or watch TV . Many families take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or a nice lake. Some people have enough t

22、ime andmoney to travel to other countries likeFrance, Japan and Australia.They usuallyfly to these countries. Manyfamilies travel by car or train to see interesting places in their own countries. Their favorite cities are New York,Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles.Not everyone likes to g

23、o to busy cities. Some families travel to mountains or beautiful valleys.()46._ is a good season for vacation.A.SpringB.SummerC.AutumnD.Winter()47.Some people like to stay at home during their vacation. They don_. tA.read booksB.visit their friendsC.watch TVD.go to work()48.Many families like to hav

24、e their lunch _ during their vacation.A.in the officeB.near a cinemaC.near a big factory D.near a nice lake()49.If you have _, you can travel to other countries.A.money and friends B.friends and timeC.money and timeD.food()50.Which of the following is 芝加哥 ”“? A.Chicago.B.New York. C.Miami. D.Los Ang

25、eles.CIf you go to Beijing and Shanghai, you can see the same and the different pointsbetween them. In someways they look the same, in some ways they look different. Both of them have tall buildings and wide streets, although some buildings in Shanghai are taller than in Beijing. They are both impor

26、tant in China. Beijing is thecapital of China, there are more places of interest there, but Shanghai is the biggest city in China. Now they are becoming more and more important in China.() 51. Some buildings in _ are taller than in Beijing.A. ShanghaiB. Xi anC. TianjinD. Chongqing() 52. Shanghai is

27、the _city in China.A. tallestB. biggestC. smallest D. busiest() 53. The underlined word“ point” meansA. 想法.B. 点 C. 内容D. 主意() 54.Beijing has more _ than Shanghai.A. places of interest B. buildingsC. wide streetsD. people() 55.Which of the following statements is right according to the passage?3A. Sha

28、nghai is the capital of ChinaB. The buildings in Beijing are taller than in ShanghaiC. Shanghai is the largest city in China.D. Shanghai has more places of interest.DHelen eyes are not very good, so she wears glasses. But she doesn weart glasses when she is with her friend, Jim. When Jim comes to he

29、r house to take her out, she will take her glasses off, and when she gets back, she puts on the glasses.One day her mother asks her,“ Helen, why don t you wear glasses when you are with Jim? He takes you tomany lovely places in his car, but you can t see anything.” Helen says,“whenIlookI more lovelynot to Jimwearing my glasses and he looks better to me, too.”()56、 Jim comes to take Helen.A. to schoolB. to workC. to see lovely placesD. to his home()57、 Helen doesn t wear glasses.A. when Jim is with her B. when she is at


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