



1、Monograph1、What is a Monograph?什么是专著?A monograph is a specialized scientific book.一本专著是一本专业的科学书籍。 As learned treatises on clearly defined topics, which may be infra-, inter-, or cross- disciplinary, monographs generally are written by specialists for the benefit of other specialists. 和有infra-, inter

2、-, or cross规律,明确界定主题的学术论文一样,专著一般是专家为了其他专家的利益而写的。Although usually regarded as a component of the review literature of science, monographs are works that demand the highest standards of scholarship.尽管通常被认为是科学综述文献的一个组成部分,专著是要求最高学术标准的作品。 Their preparation calls for exceptional breadth and depth of knowl

3、edge on the part of their authors, who, interalia, must be able to collect, collate, analyze, integrate, and synthesize all relevant contributions to the archival literature of the scientific and engineering journals and to add original material as required.就能够收集、核对、分析、集成体,综合所有能用的上的科学和工程学术期刊的档案文献和根据

4、需要加入的一些原始资料的作者而言,专著的起草要求知识异常的深度和广度。 The value of monographs lies in the coherrence and comprehensiveness of the information and knowledge they contain, which is important to the specialized researchers to whom they are directed and, therefore, to the advancement of science and engineering generally.

5、 专著的价值在于他们所包含的信息和知识的全面和一致性,因此,这对那些指导科技进步的专业科研人员是至关重要的。 Most monographic manuscripts are critically reviewed and tightly edited. The resulting books can be expected to have a reasonably long shelf life.大多数专著手稿有批判性的审查和紧密的逻辑,作为结果的书被期望有一个合理长的保存期限。Monographs commonly are confused with other kinds of book

6、s; hence, some distinctions need to be drawn.通常专著和其他的书被混淆在一起,因此一些区别需要被点出来。Textbooks are pedagogical works which,even if written on fairly narrow subjects, are designed to sere broader and more junior readerships than specialized research communities. 教科书是即使写的相对狭小的领域,目的也是演替出更广更多的初级读者们得教育学著作。Textbooks

7、 are not monographs.教科书不是专著Neither are most books of conference proceedings, even though they may deal with specialized topics and be directed at specialized communities.尽管他们可能涉及专题和用于专业团体,但大多数会议论文集也不是专著。Together with abstracts and the increasingly common "expanded abstracts", conference pa

8、pers, valuable and necessary as they may be, commonly take the Farm of premature announcements of new Scientific discoveries. 连同摘要和日益常见的“扩大文摘”, 会议论文的宝贵和必要的,因为他们可能被普遍认为是新的科学发现的温床(?或者将新的科学发现过早的公布于世)Many are subsequently expanded and rendered in a form suitable for the scientfic and engineering journal

9、s.许多是以一种适合科学和工程学术期刊的形式,后期的渲染和扩展。 Conference proceedings generally have a short shelf life. 会议文献资料通常有短的保存期限Certain books of scientific papers, which involve conference presentation in the course of their preparation, stand as notable exceptions, however,to the foregoing description of the conference

10、literature. 某些科技论文集在他的起草过程中包含有会议文献资料,而却站在对上述显著的会议文献反对立场上。"The papers in such books are designed from inception to review and augment existing knowledge of particular aspects of a specialized, unitary topic.在此类书籍的论文是从设计开始到审查和扩大现有的知识,特别是单一的主题方面的专业化知识。 The papers are prepared for inclusion more or

11、 less as "chapters" in a carefully planned and structured volume, and their conference presentation is intended primarily as a means of allowing invited contributors to the book to come together to discuss critically with one another the material they intend to include in their published &

12、quot;chapters".论文为或多或少包含一些精心计划和有一定结构的章节,他们的会议文献资料打算首先作为一种邀请书的编著者们想要的彼此之间一起来讨论的材料,包括他们出版的章节。 Many books produced in this way are indeed,monographs, distinguished simply by having an unusally large number of authors.这种方法确实产生了很多书,专著和他们简单的区别是有很多作者。In summary, therefore, monographs regenerally regar

13、ded as scientific treatises of book length but otherwise variable format prepared by acknowledged experts on specialized topics for the benefit of others who have specialized in, or who wish to obtain a specialist's appreciation of, these topics.总之,因此,专著通常被认为是书一样长度的科技论文,在其他方面是被公认的专业领域为其他专门从事这方面的人谋利益,或者希望获得专家们的欣赏的专家所编制的。 Monographs are externally reviewed and tightly edited. Textbooks and most volumes of conference proceedings are no monographs. As a component of the review l


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