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1、Warm upAsk & Answer1. Where are you from?2. Do you miss your hometown? city? countryside? town? village?Lets review日子日子云云天空天空太阳太阳照耀照耀和和在一起在一起家庭家庭走路走路跨越,在跨越,在之上之上桥桥11.船船12.河河13.轮船轮船14.飞机飞机15.飞飞16.睡觉睡觉17.刮脸刮脸18.哭,喊哭,喊19.洗洗20.等等21.跳跳Everyday English1. Im not myself today . 我今天身体不适(心神不宁)。我今天身体不适(心神不

2、宁)。2. I didnt mean to hurt you. 我不是故意伤害你。我不是故意伤害你。3. I mean what I say . 我说话算数。我说话算数。New words and expression1.photograph ftgr:f n.照片2.village vld n.村庄3.valley vl n.山谷4.between btwi:n prep.在之间5.hill hl n.小山6.another n det.另一个7.wife waf n.妻子8.along l prep.沿 9.bank bk n.河岸10.water w:t n.水11.swim swm v

3、.游泳 12.building bld n.大楼,建筑物 13.into int prep.进入14.parkp:k n.公园15.besidebsaidprep.在.边16.offfprep.离开photograph n. 照片nphotographer:摄影师nphotograph n. 照片(正式)nphoto (非正式) 复数photosnI want to take a photo. npicture 照片(美)ntake a photograph/ picture/photo 拍照n“的”用of,无生命的东西表示所属na photograph of a city/ our vill

4、agenvillager:村民Our village is in a valley.nin a village 在村庄里na picture/photograph of our villagenamong 在之间(三者或三者以上的之间)nWhich student is the best one among them?nI like this one best among these.n在这些中,我最喜欢这个。between和和amongn1) between一般指“两者之间”,n例如:Between the door and the windows there is a map.门和窗户的中

5、间有一张地图。nWhats the difference between the two words?n这两个词之间有什么区别?n2) among 指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间,在或笼统的一群人或一些物之中,表示“在中间,在之中”。如:The young people lived and worked among the workers.那些年青人生活、工作在工人之中。nThey divided the money among(或 between) themselves.他们自己把钱分了。(注:用among,they至少是三个人;用between, they是两个人。)n【注意】我们可以说b

6、etween you and me,但不能说 between you and I,因为between是介词。 hill n. 小山nhill:不高的小山丘mount:名山,专有名词 Mount Taimountain:大山,高山range:山脉,连绵起伏的群山peak:山峰nIts between the two hills. anothernanother单数名词nGive me another piece of cake. This shirt is too long. Please give me another. onethe other“两者之间另一个两者之间另一个”nThere a

7、re two books on the desk, one is new, the other is old.There are two bottles. One is full, the other is empty.nI have three daughters. One is a nurse, one is a teacher and another is a worker. 我有三个女儿。一个是护士,一个是教师,另外一个是工人。 nHe has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是

8、工人。 wife:nhusband:丈夫ncouple:夫妻,一对nhousewife-housewivesnnbank:银行;河岸n the banks of the rivernbeach:海滩 ncoast:海滩,专业地理词shore:海滨,海岸n sea shore 海滨nwater n. 水(不可数名词)nwaters 水域n翻译:n桌上有一些水。There is some water on the table.n water(v.) the flowers 给花浇水nswim v. 游泳ngo swimming 去游泳 swimming pool 游泳池nHe is swimmin

9、g along/across the river. buildingnoffice building 办公大楼n teaching building 教学楼nbuild-built(过去式)nbuild a housepark n. 公园 v. 停车n park the car herenparking lot 停车场nNo parking. 不许停车into(强调过程) in在.里面(强调状态)eg.She is going into the room. She is in the room.ncome into 进入到.里come out of 从.出来 go into 进到.去 come

10、 out of 从.出来两山夹一谷,谷中一村落。两山夹一谷,谷中一村落。村落河上建,河水流潺潺。村落河上建,河水流潺潺。夫妻左岸走,男孩游上岸。夫妻左岸走,男孩游上岸。园边学校立,花园在右边。园边学校立,花园在右边。有人园中进,有人楼外出有人园中进,有人楼外出。 TextnThiss a photograph of our village.Our village is in a valley.Its between two hills.The village is on a river. on a river 依山傍水nHere is another photograph of the vil

11、lage.My wife and I are walking alone the banks of the river.We are on the left.Theres a boy in the river.Hes swimming across the river.Here is another photograph. Here is = This isnThis is the school building.It is beside a park.The park is on the right.Some children are coming out of the building.S

12、ome of them are going into the park. 1.This is a photograph of our village.这是我们村庄的一张照片。这是我们村庄的一张照片。a photograph of our village是一个名词所有格的形式,是一个名词所有格的形式,of介词是用来构成所介词是用来构成所有格的。有格的。a photograph of my family 全家福全家福我家乡的一张照片我家乡的一张照片 例例:the legs of the chair 椅子的腿椅子的腿 the banks of the river.河的两岸河的两岸2.The vill

13、age is on a river. 村庄靠近一条小河。村庄靠近一条小河。本句的本句的“on”不是不是“在在上上”的意思,而是的意思,而是“临近临近”,“靠近靠近”的意思。的意思。3.Here is another photograph of the village.这是我们村庄的另一张照片。这是我们村庄的另一张照片。1)Here is = this is 这是这是2)another另一个表示不确定范围中的另一个。另一个表示不确定范围中的另一个。比如比如:Give me another apple.再给我一个苹果。再给我一个苹果。4.My wife and I are walking alon

14、g the banks of the river.我和妻我和妻子正沿河岸走。子正沿河岸走。本句的主语本句的主语“My wife and I”翻译成中文时要调整为翻译成中文时要调整为“我和妻子我和妻子”。代词顺序口诀:代词并列有顺序,单数并列代词顺序口诀:代词并列有顺序,单数并列231,复数并列,复数并列123,若把错误责任担,第一人称最先当;时时注意比身份,人物总若把错误责任担,第一人称最先当;时时注意比身份,人物总在动物前;单数男女同时到,男士反而要优先。在动物前;单数男女同时到,男士反而要优先。5.We are on the left.我们在左边。我们在左边。on the left 是固定

15、搭配。是固定搭配。表示在左边,在右边都只能用介词表示在左边,在右边都只能用介词on。On the left, there is an old chair.左边有一把左边有一把旧椅子。旧椅子。6.The park is on the right.公园在右边。公园在右边。on the right. 在右边,固定搭配。在右边,固定搭配。7.between在在之间(强调两者之间)之间(强调两者之间)China is between Japan and India.中国位于日本和印度之间。中国位于日本和印度之间。among在在之间之间(强调三者或三者以上的人或事之间强调三者或三者以上的人或事之间)。比如

16、:比如:He is the only Japanese student among us three.在我们三个人中间他是唯一的日本学生。在我们三个人中间他是唯一的日本学生。8. beside 在在旁边旁边The young boy is sitting beside his mother.小男孩正坐在他妈妈的身边。小男孩正坐在他妈妈的身边。 e out of 从从出来出来 go into 走进走进 jump off 从从跳下来跳下来be going to donbe going to do表示某人打算作什么;某人将要作什么,语法为:be going to +动词原形。nWere going

17、to play basketball on the playground. 我们将要去操场上打球。nWhat are you going to do? 我们现在要作什么?nWhere are we going to play basketball? 我们要在去什么地方打球?our villagelearn more about prep.nIm sitting _ my parents.n我坐在老爸老妈中间。我坐在老爸老妈中间。nIm standing _ many students.n我站在一群学生之间。我站在一群学生之间。n_ you and me.n只是你和我知道。只是你和我知道。nTh

18、is shoe is popular _ young people.n这款鞋子在年轻人当中很流行。这款鞋子在年轻人当中很流行。nWhat happened _ the couple?n这小两口之间发生了什么?这小两口之间发生了什么?learn more about prep.learn more about prep.learn more about prep.New words and expressionsnbeside 在 旁noff 离开nby, beside, near和next to n1) by和和beside均表示均表示“在在旁边旁边”,常可换用。,常可换用。 例:nThere

19、 is a chair by the table. 桌子边上有一把椅子。 nShe stood by the window. 她站在窗边。 nThe hotel is beside (/by) the river. 那家饭店在河边。 nCome and sit beside (/by) me. 过来,坐在我边上。 nPut your shoes beside mine. 把你的鞋子放在我的鞋子旁边。 n2) near表示表示“在在附近附近”,表示的距离比,表示的距离比by和和beside稍远些,也稍远些,也时常换用。时常换用。 例:nThere is a theatre near his ho

20、me. 他家附近有一家剧院。 nDont play near the road. 不要在马路附近玩。 nThere is a post office near No. 1 Middle School. 第一中学附近有一所邮局。 n另外: near作形容词,可以表示亲密的,近亲的。如:He is my near friend. 他是我最好的朋友。 beside和和besidesn一、一、beside是介词,表示是介词,表示“在在旁边旁边”;n1.Put it beside the table.把它放在桌旁。n2. I sit beside John in class.在班级里我坐在约翰旁边。二、

21、二、besides可以作介词和副词,表示可以作介词和副词,表示“除除以外,以外,还,也还,也”:n1.Besides a worker, he is also a student.除了是一个工人以外,他还是一个学生。n2. Besides tennis, I play soccer and basketball.除网球之外,我还踢足球、打篮球。besides和和except (“除以外”)nbeside一般只作介词用,而一般只作介词用,而besides作介词和副词用。两词虽相差一个作介词和副词用。两词虽相差一个s,但须注意词义差别大。但须注意词义差别大。n介词介词besides和和except

22、在汉语里都译为在汉语里都译为“除除以外以外”,但含义有差别:,但含义有差别:nexcept表示“从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分”,表示递减的概念,含义是否定的。besides表示“除了之外,还有”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。 n试比较:试比较: We all went except him. 除他之外,我们都去了。(他没有去) We all went besides him. 除他之外,我们大家也都去了。(他也去了) n1.All went to Beijing last year except myself.除了我以外,去年谁都去过北京了。(意指

23、“我没去北京”。)n2.All of them went to Beijing last year besides myself.除了我以外,去年他们也都去过北京了。(意指“我去了北京”。)n3. All the students in Class One went to the cinema except Li Ping. n总结:总结: besides包括除去的内容,包括除去的内容,except不包括出去的内容。不包括出去的内容。 off 离开n1. jump off 跳离(从跳下来)nThe two monkeys are jumping off the tree. 两只猴子正从树上跳下

24、来。n2. fall off 从 掉下来n Some leaves are falling off the tree.一些树叶正从树上落下。Key SentencesnWhere is the man going?nHe is going into the shop.n仿照以上句子,仿照以上句子, 练习对话。练习对话。 根据汉语提示完成句子。根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 这是我们村的一张照片。这是我们村的一张照片。This is a of our .2. 我们村是在两山之间的一个山谷里。我们村是在两山之间的一个山谷里。 Our village is in a two hills.3. 我和我的妻

25、子正沿着河岸散步。我和我的妻子正沿着河岸散步。 My wife and I are walking the of the river.4. 在水里有一个男孩。在水里有一个男孩。 is a in the water.5. 公园在校楼的右侧。公园在校楼的右侧。The park is on the of the school 6. 一些孩子正走出大楼。一些孩子正走出大楼。Some children are coming of the school .7. 那些猫正沿着墙跑。那些猫正沿着墙跑。Those cats are the wall.8. 孩子们正从树上跳下来。孩子们正从树上跳下来。The ch

26、ildren are the tree.9. 这一家正坐在草地上。这一家正坐在草地上。The are sitting on the .10. 那架飞机正飞过大桥。那架飞机正飞过大桥。The plane is the bridge. 一一 根据汉语提示填空。根据汉语提示填空。 This is a (照片照片) of our village. 2. Our village is in a (山谷山谷).3. Our village is (在在之间之间) two hills.4. My wife and I are walking (沿着沿着) the banks of the river.5.

27、The boy is swimming (横穿横穿) the river.6. There is a school (大楼大楼) beside the park.7. The park is on the (右侧右侧) of the shop.8. The man is going (进入进入) the shop.9. The children are jumping (脱离脱离) the tree.10. The aeroplane is flying (在在上方上方) the bridge.二二 用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1. This is a photograph

28、 of (we) village.2. The village is in a valley between two (hill).3. My wife and I are walking along the (bank) of the river.4. This is the school (build).5. Some of (they) are going into the park.6. The dogs are eating some (bone).7. The (clean) are cleaning the room.8. There are some (cloud) in th

29、e sky.9. Some (child) are coming out of the building.10. Those (woman) are sitting near the tree.三三 用所给动词的适当形式填空。用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Look,the man and his wife (walk) across the street.2. the girl (sit) under the tree? Yes,she is.3. Dont shout. The baby (sleep).4. Where some children (go)? They are going

30、 into the park.5. The children (jump) off the tree now.6. not (run) along the wall.7. Must I (swim) across the river?8. The boy is sitting beside the mother and the girl (eating) ice cream.9. Are they reading in the living room or (cook) in the kitchen?10. What are the women doing? They (wash)the di

31、shes.四四 用所给的介词填空。用所给的介词填空。of,between,on,along,across,beside,out of,into,off,under1. The man and the woman are walking the street.2. Out village is in a valley two hills.3. The village is the left of the river.4. My wife and I are walking the banks of the river.5. They are not in the room. They are going it.6. Look,the dog is jumping the water.7. The school building is the park.8. This is a photograph out village.9. The plane is flying the bridge.10. The children are jumping the tree.七七 句型转换。句型转换。


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