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1、有关看病的用语。通过对课文的学习,了解有关营养与卫生方面的基本常识。并能用自己组织的语言,描写中国食谱与西方食谱之间的差异及优势。完成练习册安排的练习。二、教学重点与难点1重点词汇 examine;advise;contain;score;scores of;discuss;cause;suggestion;in(the)future;be rich in;put on weight;at the end(of);lose weight2重要句型 1)I advise you not to eat fruit that isnt ripe in future2)The result istha

2、t many of them become fat3)There is as much sugar in it as eight pieces of sugar3语法 学习英语中提出建议和忠告的句型4日常交际用语 看病(Seeing the doctor):1)What can I do for you?What was thematter?2)Lie down and let me examine you3)Ive got a paincoughheadache4)I dontfeel well5)Theres something wrong with 6)Take this medicin

3、e three times a day7)Drink plenty of water and have a good rest8)Take two pills now and two more in fourhourstime提出建议和忠告(Making suggestions and giving advice)1)Youd better havea good rest2)I advise you to do something3)I advise you not to do something4)I suggestthat you do5)Why not do?6)Why dont you

4、 do?三、课型(一)对话课教具 录音机,投影仪;几件简单的医疗器械,如:听诊器等。课堂教学设计1教师通过以下步骤导入本课:向学生提出下列问题:1)If you are sick or dont feel well,where do you have to go?2)What does a doctor do when you go to see him?由学生讨论以上问题,引出有关看病用语。2准备放对话录音。借助投影片打出以下听前提问:1)Whats wrong with Sharon?2)What did she eat the day before yesterday and whatd

5、id the doctor advise her not to do?放录音一至两遍,请学生回答上述问题,教师予以必要订正。Key:1)She has got a pain and couldnt sleep last night2)She had a green peach andthe doctor advised her not to eat fruit that is not ripe in future根据本课对话内容,教师再提出一些问题,检查学生的理解程度。1)Why do you think the doctor asked Sharon what she had yesterd

6、ay?2)Was it serious?How do you know?3)Did the doctor give Sharon any medicine?What did the doctor askSharon to do with the medicine?3再次放对话录音,学生跟读。将学生分为两人一组练习对话。数分钟后,请两、三组同学到前面借助听诊器等表演。教师指导学生归纳本课中有关看病的常用语句(见日常交际用语部分)。组织学生俩人一组,练习书上所列Practice中What does the doctor say for each illness?4要求学生将该课对话改写为一篇短文。

7、教师可给予必要的提示。提示语(用投影仪打出):1)not sleep well and go to see the doctor;2)ask her what shehad;3)the peach was a bit green;4)might be the problem,not serious;5)advise her notto eatto eat将首句给出:Sharon couldnt sleep well,so she went to see the doctor要求学生根据对话,参照老师所给提示及首句,编写短文。Model:Sharon couldnt sleep well,so

8、she went to see the doctorShe told the doctor that shehad a painThe doctor asked her what she had had the day beforeShe told the doctor thatshe had had noodles,salad and later a peachWhen the doctor asked whether the peach wasripe or green,Sharon said it was a bit greenThe doctor then said that migh

9、t be the problem,but it was nothing seriousShe told Sharon to have a good rest and take the medicinethree times a dayAnd at last she advised Sharon not to eat fruit that wasnt ripe later当堂要求学生完成。请几位同学朗读自己的短文,教师予以讲评。5为学生提供几个情景,启发同学运用这部分语言编出新的对话。情景1:Someone has caught a coldHe played football in the r

10、ain for over two hoursand now he is having a fever and a bad coughThe doctor gives him some medicine and askshim to stay in bed for a few days情景2:Someone has got a stomachache and does not feel like eatingThe cause is thathe likes eating cold foodThe doctor gives him some medicine and tells him not

11、to eat foodthat is cold数分钟后,请同学表演对话,教师予以讲评。6布置作业 1)预习第58、59课;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。(二)阅读理解课()教具 录音机,投影仪。课堂教学设计1检查生词及短语。2教师通过以下提问导入正课:Every day we eat a lot of food,fruit and vegetablesCan you tell us what you usually have every day?提问几个学生。AWhat do you usually have for breakfastlunchsupper?BDo you have a lot

12、 of fatsugar?CDo you think it is good to eat a lot of fatsugar?Please give your ideasDDo you have any suggestionsadvice on what a good,healthy diet is?3准备阅读课文。教师给出读前提问:1)According to this passage,what should healthyfood contain?2)Why do many western people have bad teeth?教师给学生数分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文。之后请同学回答上

13、述问题。Key:1)Healthy food should contain some fat,some fibre,a little salt and so on2)Because they eat a lot of sugar in the form of cakes,soft drinks,sweets and so on4放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。教师用投影仪打出以下statements,要求学生判断其正误。并对错误的statements进行修改。1)The foods that people eat should contain some fibre,a little salt b

14、ut no fat2)Peopleneed energy to live and the energy comes from the food they eat3)The energy is measuredby kilos4)When you are sleeping,youre not using energy5)The Chinese diet is considered to be rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat6)The Chinese eat more sugar than manyother countries in the worl

15、d7)People in the western world lose weight very easily becauseof their diet8)From the text we know that both the Chinese diet and the western diet arehealthy onesKey:1)False(The foods that people eat should contain some fat)2)True 3)False(The energy is measured in calories)4)False(Even when you are

16、asleep,you are still using energy)5)True 6)False(The Chinese eat less sugar than many other countries in theworld)7)False(People in the western world put on weight very easily because of their diet)8)False(The Chinese diet should be considered as a healthy diet)5组织学生俩人一组,相互交流学习本课课文之后,对什么是健康食品、健康饮食等发

17、表看法。检查自己平时饮食有无需要改进之处。教师可给予必要的提示。提示语(用投影仪打出):1)Do you eat a lot of fat very often?2)Do you like eating sweetfood?3)Do you prefer to eat something and hate to eat something else?4)Do you often havesoft drink instead of water?5)Is there anyone who does not like eating vegetables?6)Is thereany healthy f

18、ood that you never eat?7)Do you often drink milk in the morning?8)What areyou going to do in the future?学生先在小组内交流并相互启发、补充,然后请学生在班上交流。6布置作业 1)复述课文;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。阅读理解课()教具 录音机,投影仪。课堂教学设计1通过提问温习第58课内容:1)What should healthy food contain?2)How is energymeasured?3)What does the Chinese diet contain?4)Why

19、 do lots of Chinese people havewhite teeth?5)Why do people in the western world put on weight very easily?6)What doestheir diet contain?2检查课文复述。3课堂讨论:假设在一条街上,面对面开有两个饭馆,一个是中餐馆,另一个是西式快餐店。你很饿了,要去哪家,为什么?Suppose there are two restaurants opposite to each other in a streetOne serves Chinesefood while the

20、other serves western foodNow you are very hungry and which restaurantyou will choose?Please give reasons组织学生讨论,板书双方的理由。哪方罗列的理由多即获胜,以此鼓励大家踊跃发言。4准备阅读第59课,教师给出读前提问:1)What opened on Wang Fujing Street in1992?2)Why do many Westerners die at an early age from heart illnesses?教师给学生两分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文。之后请同学回答上述问

21、题。Key:1)A new hamburger restaurant opened on Wang Fujing Street in 19922)Because they always eat food that is high in fat,sugar and salt放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。5组织学生讨论本课Part 2和Part 3。数分钟后,学生在班上交流,教师予以讲评。6布置作业1)将两课内容结合,口头描述健康食品和健康饮食这一话题;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。(三)语言训练课教具 投影仪。课堂教学设计1教师检查课文复述。2教师从本单元词语中选择部分常见词语,配以例句介绍给学

22、生。要求学生反复练习这些例句,并请同学造句,教师予以讲评订正。词语:examine;advise;diet;change into;measure;burn up;might be doing something;as much as;be considered(to be);be richlow in;because of;in the form of;scores of;die from;die of例句:1)The boy lay down and the doctor examined him carefully2)I advise you notto read in bed,beca

23、use its bad for your eyes3)She said she couldnt eat chocolate becauseshe was on a diet4)Long years of hard work changed him into an old sick man5)Theymeasured the chemistry lab and found it was 8 metres long and 5.5 metres wide6)Letsburn up all this waste paper7)He went to the school gate in a hurry

24、,thinking that Jimmight be waiting for him there8)He could earn as much as 300 dollars a month9)He isconsidered(to be)a selfish man10)The northern part of our country is rich in coal11)The competition was held indoors because of the rain12)Cars pollute the air in the form ofwaste gas13)Scores of peo

25、ple went to the show14)He died from hunger and cold15)The old man died of cancer3本单元另一日常交际用语项目为提出建议和忠告。可由学生归纳出表达该项目的常用语句:1)I advise you tonot to do something2)Youd better donot do something3)I suggest(that)you do something4)Why not do something?Why dont you do something?也可为学生提供几个情景,启发同学运用这部分语言进行对话练习

26、。情景1:Someone is too fatHe eats too much meat and he likes to eat sweets a lotHelikes watching others play games but he never joins themWhenever he does something,hehas to take a rest every five minutes情景2:Someone is too thinVery often she doesnt feel like eatingShe eats vegetablesonly because she do

27、esnt want to put on weightBut she often feels tiredShe wants to playsome games but she is too weak4书面表达练习教师要求学生从课文中找出中国饮食和西方饮食两种食谱的不同点,加以比较。英文提示(用投影片打出):The Chinese diet:1)the healthiest one in the world;2)a lot of fruit and green vegetables;3)rich in fibre and low in sugar and fatThe diet of the we

28、stern countries:1)too much fat and sugar2)lots of fat in the formof potato crisps,potato chips,etc3)A lot of sugar in the form of cakes,soft drinks,etc4)the result of having western diet七、八分钟后,请几位同学朗读自己的短文,教师予以讲评。5布置作业 1)预习第16单元;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。四、难句分析1At the doctors在医生诊所英文中常用从事某行业的人的所有格来表示他所工作的地方,如:at

29、 the doctors就相当于at the doctors clinic。类似用法的词组还有:at the barbers在理发店;at the tailors在裁缝铺;at the bakers在面包店2I advise you not to eat fruit that isnt ripe in future我建议你以后别吃不熟的水果。I suggest that you drink plenty of water and have a good rest我建议你喝充足的水并且好好休息。1)“advise”和“suggest”都是“建议”的意思,但它们在句中的结构完全不同。“advise

30、”用于下面的结构中:“advise sbto do sth”or“advise sbnot to do sth”例如:What do you advise me to do?你建议我做什么呢?The doctor advised me to take more exercise in order to lose weight医生建议我多锻炼以便减肥。而“suggest”后经常跟动名词和从句。例如:The secretary suggested that I(should)come another day秘书建议我改天再来。Mother suggested that I(should)wear

31、a coat妈妈建议我穿件大衣。I suggest doing it in a different way我建议用不同的方法做这件事。I suggest bringing the meeting to an end我建议结束会议。2)“in future”的意思是“from now on”(从今以后),强调现在。例如:I hope you will be more careful in future and wont make the same mistake again我希望今后你更加小心,不再犯同样的错误。In future you are not allowed to go out al

32、one今后不准许你独自出去。而“in the future”指的是将来的某个时候,意思是“将来”。例如:No one knows what will happen in the future没人知道将来会发生什么事。I want to be a scientist in the future将来我想当科学家。3The energy is measured in calories这里“in”的意思是“以”“用”,介词in+计量单位的复数形式表示计算或量度的标准。例如:In Britain,the weight is generally measured in pounds在英国,重量通常以磅来计

33、算。The distance in space is told in light years宇宙中的距离是以光年来计算的。4Its rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat中国的饮食含有很多的纤维,而糖和脂肪的含量却很少。“be rich in”的意思是“在方面丰富(多)”,它的反义词组是“be low in”,“在方面少”。例如:In Britain,the weight is generally measured in pounds在英国,重量通常以磅来计算。The distance in space is told in light years宇宙中的

34、距离是以光年来计算的。4Its rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat中国的饮食含有很多的纤维,而糖和脂肪的含量却很少。“be rich in”的意思是“在方面丰富(多)”,它的反义词组是“be low in”,“在方面少”。例如:That area is rich in coal and oil那个地区盛产煤和石油。I advise you to eat a diet that is low in sugar and fat我建议你吃糖少和低脂肪的食物。一般的说,“beadj+in”结构常用来表示“在方面的特征”。例如:He seems to be st

35、rons in appearance,but actually he is unhealthy他表面上看来很强壮,但事实上他并不健康。The computer is small in size but high in speed这种计算机体积小,但速度很快。5Their diet contains a lot of fat in the form of potato crisps,他们的食物有炸土豆,这些都含有大量的脂肪。“in the form of”意思是“以形式”。例如:He made the suggestion in the form of a question他以提问的形式提出建议。His family story is told in the form o


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