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1、2021-2021学年七年级下英语期中测试卷根据首字母填空5分1、What Idoes your teacher speak ?2、There are a lot of ain the zoo.3、The tis the king of the animals.4、We rhave friends all over the w.5、My pen pal is from Toronto . C.二、选择填空20分1. Listen ! Whoin the classroom ?C.A. issi ngi ngB. si ngsingsD. singing2. Can youit in En gl

2、ish ?C.A. speakB. saytalkD. tell3. Go straight andleft. The hospital is n ext to the post office.A. turnB . takeC . go e4. ? It is very humid.A. How is the weatherB. What is the weatherC. How was the weather like5. Hawk is talki nga frie nd. TheyA. with; withB. with; inD. How was the weatherr are ta

3、lk ingEn glish.C. in; inD. about; about6. His brother likes tojokes. We all like him.A. sayB. tellC. speakD. talk7. A works in a restaura nt.A. reporter B. waiter C. teacher D. doctor8 .-Is therefruit shop n ear here?-Yes, there ' s one near here.A. a B. the C. an D. /9. My house isthe post offi

4、ce and the ban k.A. onB. inC. between D. over10. -Is there a bank over there? -.isn ' tA. Yes, there's B. No, there aren ' t C. Yes, there is D .No, it11. What is the weather like in Cha ng Bai Mou ntain today ?It ' s.A. snow B. snowing C. snows D. to snow12. Why do you like dogs ? t

5、hey are frien dlyA. So B. And C. because D. But13. - Where is Tokyo? -I know it' s in.A. France B. Brazil C. KoreaD. Japa n14. Some boys of Class One enjoymusic.A. to listen to B. listen to C. listening to D. hearing15. - What' s your mother?-She is.A. watch ing TV B . at work C. a nurse D.

6、cook ing16. -are the childre n doing now?-They ' re playing football on the playground.A. What B. Where C. When D. How17. If you want to lear n En glish well, you must studyA. busy B . difficult C . good D. hard18. Wh rereyour pen pal come from?A. is B. are C. do D . does19、My house isa busy s s

7、treet .A. on B. in C. at D. betwee n.20、It is a big housebeautiful garden.A. has a B. with a C. has an D. With an三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Be quiet , the baby is(sleep)2.ln Italy it is very(sun) now .3. Let ' go and( play) soccer4. The little girl can speak a little (Fra nee)5. Jim is always(frie

8、 nd) to us6. There(be)a book and three pens on the desk .7et ' s go(fish)8、Every day she( wear) school clothes to go to school9、How is it(go )?10、The people are really(relax) on the beach四、交际运用1、 从右侧方框中选择适当句子完成下面的对话(有两项多余)(5分)A: Lucy, what ' s your job ?B: (1),A: what do you sell ?B: (2)A: D

9、o you like your job?B: Not really . (3)I want to be an actorA: Actor! It ' s interesting !.B: Yes. What about you, Sue?A: I ' m a policewoman.B: Do you like your job?A: (5)It ' s kind of dangerous but exciting.2、 根据提示补全对话。(10分)A: Excuse me,(1)? I want to send a letterB: Yes , there is .A

10、: (2)?B : It ' s across from the supermarket.A: Sorry ,but I ' m new here .(3).?B: Look, the supermarket is over there.A: Yes , I can see it .By the way ,(4) ?A: Yes, I do.B: I sell computers.C: Sometimes It'stoo bori ng.D: What syour job?E: No, I don '.F: an actorG: I'm a shop a

11、ssista nt.to myparents in America?B: Yes, there is a bank n ext to the supermarket.A. have B. inEn glish C. other D.asks E. woma n F. why G. sorryA: That ' s good ,5.H. hello I. from J. ageB: You are welcome.五、 从右侧方框中选择恰当的词填入短文。10分Many America ns like to have their vacati on in 1_ coun tries. O

12、ne day an America n 2comes to China. This is her first time 次数to China and she wants to 3 some friendsthere. She meets a Chin ese. This Chin ese wants to talk with the America n. _4 . Whenhe sees her, he comes up, says “ _ 5 to her, the n he begi ns his firsttalk with some one6 an English-speaking c

13、ountry.“Howold are you? the Chinese 7。“ I ' m 8 .Please don ' t ask a lady 女士 about her 9 . answers the woman.The Chinese is surprised. He doesn' t know 10 . Can you help him?六、阅读理解ADear Ms West,Welcome to Wu Han and welcome to our school. My n ame is Zhou Chen. I am in Class 3,Grade 7.

14、Now let me tell you something about the weather here. When you arrive in Wu Han,it is still summer. So it is very hot whe n you get here. You n eed to wear your T shirts,skirts or shorts. The autumn here is from September to November. It ' s often sunny and warm here. You can take jackets, sweat

15、ers and shirts. And the n comes win ter. It is cold here.So you n eed to take warm clothes and scarves.I hope you have a good trip.Yours,Zhou Chen根据短文答复以下问题答复以下问题;1. Who is the letter from .?2 What season will it be whe n Ms. West arrives in Wu Han?3. How is the weather in Wu Han in autumn?4. In win

16、 ter , What do you n eed to wear in Wu Han?5. Who wan ts to come to Wu Han?BDo you know that man? He is my uncle. His name is David Smith. He is forty eight this year. He is a worker. He works in a Car Factory. His factory is not n ear his home. So hegets up early in the morning and takes a bus to w

17、ork. At about seve n thirty, he gets tohis factory. He makes (生产)the parts (零件)of the car. He makes many every day. He works very hard. Every one likes him and says he is a good worker. He has his lunch in the factory.He often plays basketball after work. In the evening, he learns Chinese at home. H

18、is Chinese is good, too. Sometimes he helps me with my Chinese. I like my uncle very much.选择正确答案;()1. That manis.A. a teacherB. a bus driverC. a workerD. a player()2. He.A. teaches Chin ese in a schoolB. works in a Car FactoryC. lear ns Chin ese every dayD helps me with my Chin ese every day()3. He

19、goes to work.A. by busB. on footC. by taxiD. by bike()4. Hein the factory.A. has dinnerB. plays basketball C. sleepsD. eats lunch()5. Which is n ot right?A. Every one likes my uncleB. My uncle works very hard in the factoryC. My un cle can speak Chin eseD. My uncle is very lazy in the factoryCIt ' s a fine Sun day morning. Al ice and her father are in a pla ne. There are many people in it. Some of them come from America and some come from En gla nd and Can


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