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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高二英语第二学期期末复习Book 1 Unit 7 Living well. 单词变形1. _ n. 伤残;无力;无能_ adj. 伤残的2. _ vt. 听(见)_ adj.听力3. _n. 雄心;野心_ adj 有雄心(野心)的4. _ adj.吵闹的;嘈杂的_ n. 声音;噪音5. _ v. 适合_ adj.适合(宜)的6. _ vi.使得益;受益于_ adj. 有益的;受益的_ n. 益处7. _ adj. 笨拙的_ n. 笨拙地_ n.笨拙8. _ n. 缺席;不在某处_ adj.缺席的 9. _vi.使不悦;惹恼_ n. 颇为生气的;_ n.令人讨厌(生气

2、)的_ n. 烦恼10. _ adj.结实的;坚固的;坚定的_ n.坚定(固)地_ n.坚定;稳固11. _ n. 祝贺;庆贺_ v.祝贺;庆贺12. _n. 毕业_v&n.毕业;毕业生13. _ n. 方法;通路_ n.可接近的;可使用的14. _ n. 赞成;认可_ n.赞成;认可II. 重点短语专心-专注-专业1. 适合(应)做某事_ 2. 上气不接下气_3. 换句话说_4. 切去;省略;停止_5. 总而言之_ 6. 闲坐着_7. 在很多方面_8. 和;也_9. 取笑_10. 不必担心_11. (祝你)一切顺利_12. 遇到;经历;会晤_13. 有机会进入(利用)_ 14. 祝贺某人某物

3、_15. 做某事有困难_ 16. 对有益处_17. 缺席 _18. 使某人自己适应_19. 适合干某事_20. 辞职_III. 重点句型1. She is proud to have take part in the competitions.2. Every time I returned after an absence, I felt stupid because I was behind the others.3. Encourage them to live as rich and full a life as you do. 4. What kind of difficulty d

4、o you think you have in learning English.5. The coat is easy to wash.6. There are earphones for people who have trouble hearing.语法填空1. I am trying to adapt myself_ the new school life.2. The Internet is _ (access) to all the students here.3. He congratulated me_ my winning the match.4. I _ (meet) wi

5、th the manager yesterday.5. My parents do not approve _ my going out at night.6. I wasnt _ (adequate) insured.7. I had trouble_ (work) out the answer to the question.8. My parents met with my head-teacher on my _ (graduate) day.9. He resigned _ (him) to drinking alcohol when he was low-spirited.10.

6、I would like to offer _ (congratulate) to you on your graduation from the school.11. Learning English well will be _ (benefit) to you.12. Learning English well will be of great _ (beneficial) to you.13. _ you say is easy to understand.14. I did not go to bed _ my mother got home last night.15. Keep

7、quiet _ asked to answer questions.16. Will you go to the party_ (hold) next week?.翻译句子1.我现在与同学相处没有难处。_2.你认为哪一个问题容易回答?_3.我很高兴参加下周举行的晚会。_4.每次见到那个残疾的男孩,翔都没有取消他。_5.在很多方面我已经使自己适应了这里的生活。_6. 眼见为实,有时这是错误的。_7. 我们是否要调整行程表还有待观察。_8. 在期末举行的考试将会令人兴奋的。_9. 他如此的累以致于不能再往前走了。_10. 坦白地说,我去年做兼职是为了帮助我妹妹。_Book 7 Unit 2 Rob

8、ots. 单词变形1. n./vt. 渴望,想要 adj. 值得拥有的2. n. 满意adj.令人满意的adj.满意的vt.使.满意3. n. 同情adj. 富有同情心的 vt. 同情4. n. 喜爱 adj. 喜爱的5. vt.陪伴,伴奏 n. 公司,陪伴n. 同伴,伙伴6. vt.宣告n. 宣告7. vt.忌妒adj.忌妒的8. n.想象vt.想象adj.富于想象力的9. n.才能 adj.有才能的10. adj.理论的,假设的n. 理论 n. 理论家11. vt.顺从n. 顺从adj. 顺从的12. n.评价 vt.评价II. 重点短语(中英互译)1.渴望做_2.测试_3.令.感到满意的

9、是_4.不管,别惹_5.陪伴某人去某地_6.打电话/挂断_7.必定会_8.闲置一边_9.以.为基础_10.转身,翻转_11.在.有天赋_12.or rather_13.do sb a favour_14.have an affair with sb_15.impress sb with sth_16.be junior to_17.be based on_18.set off the alarm_19.have no sympathy for_20.sense of failure_III. 重点句型1. He seemed more like a human than a machine.2

10、.Tony, wearing an apron, brought her breakfast and then asked her whether she needed help dressing.3.As she turned around,there stood Gladys Claffern.4.It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window.5. You cannot have women falling in love with machines.语法填空1.

11、 Marriages based on money rather than love are bound _(end)in divorce sooner or later.2. The boy was left _with his grandfather in the countryside after his parents went to work in cities.3. We wont start the work until all the preparations_(make).4. As far as I know,she showed a talent_acting at an

12、 early age.5. When Mary appeared on the stage,they looked at her _envy.6. The superstar showed up at the court,_(accompany)by his manager.7. Hearing your parents died when you are very small,I really have much sympathy_you.8. Im going to the post office.Do you have anything_(post)?9. The young lady

13、dressed_(elegant)when she went to work.10. To the_of the boss,his products could_the need of the customers.(satisfy) .翻译句子与过去相比,许多人现在都渴望有个机器人。(compared.with)_1. 你可以走开让我一个人待会吗?(leave.alone)_2. 老板让工人整个周末都工作。(have sb doing sth)_3. 直到他得了重病他才戒烟。(not .until)_4. 这样的机器人与其说是一台机器,不如说是一个朋友。(more.than.)_.语法-动词不

14、定式 1. The bridge_ next month depends on money collected among the villagers.(build) 2. Whom would you rather _ with your sister?(go)3. The farmers working in cities ought_ by month , But in fact , they usually get nothing home at the end of the year.(pay)4. It remains_ whether Jimll be fit enough to

15、 play in the finals.(see)5. Helen is always the first_ to the office.(come)6. Years later, these islands united as one, _ a new nation.(form)7. The tools in the workshop are not allowed_(take out)8. Here we found little snow,as most of it seemed_blown off the mountain.(be)9. She told me that her pro

16、posal needed_into consideration.(take)10. The organization is reported _set up for 25years when Adudon became its first president.11. Large sums of money have_(spend)in the steelwork of bridges.12. The flu is believed_(cause)by virus.13. The news reporter hurried to the airport,only_(tell)the film s

17、tar had left.14. Little Tom should love_(take)to the theater this evening.15. The chair looks rather hard,but in fact,it is very comfortable to_(sit) Book7Unit 3Under the sea. 单词变形1. _ daj.每年的_ adv. 每年地2. _ n. 住宿;住所_vt 提供住宿3. _n. 迁徙;迁移;移居_ n移民/adj 移居的;流浪的4. _ vt.催促;极力主张_ adj.紧急的;迫切的5. _ vt.恐吓 vi受惊吓_

18、 adj.害怕的;受到惊吓的6. _adj深的 _ n. 深度_vt. 加深7. _vt. 映射;反射;思考_ n. 影像;反映;思考8. _ n. 保存;保护_vt.保存保护;保护区II.翻译下列短语1扯进来:赚得_ 2在远处_3帮助(摆脱困境)_ 4一群_5正要做某事_ 6吓死了_7仔细考虑_ 8意识到_9与此同时,在此期间 _ 10颠倒 _ 11. 听说 _ 12. 亲眼看到 _13. 分类,整理_ 14. 大声喊叫_15. 快点 _ 16. 跑在前_17. 给某人领路_ 18.在远处 _19. 因为很害怕_ 20. 抬高,举起 _III.重点句型1.This was the call

19、that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.2.I had already heard that George didnt like to being kept waiting, so even though I didnt have the 3.right clothes on, I race after him.4.Im sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day -a day of pure magic.5.

20、Then there were two grey reef sharks, each about one and a half meters long, which suddenly appeared from behind some color. IV、句子翻译1. 当好消息传来时我正打算放弃。 2. 人们发现那辆损坏的脚踏车被扔在河边。 3. 他作证说看见那个男人进了大楼。 4. 他每天要用三个小时的时间做作业。 5.我一点也不怕他。 6. 他经深思后明白自己无权做这件事。 7.我们听见远处的钟在敲两点。8. 我很清楚他就是我要求助的人。 9. 室内的一切都被搞得乱七八糟。 10.你应该把

21、它放在我们大家都能见到的地方。V语法填空1.The great hall was crowded with many people, _ (include) many children _(seat) on their parents laps.2._ (invite) to the party is a great honor to me.3.It is important that we practice _(speak) English everyday.4.I believe she will come back to town,_(bring) us a sweet victory.

22、5.He used to a boss, so he is not accustomed to _(tell)what to do.6.Its said that the Olympic Games _ (hold) in London in 2012 will cover more events than any other Olympics did.7. Tom enjoys _ (play) basketball on Sunday afternoons, doesnt he? Yes, he does. But what his sister enjoys _(dance) .8.Ye

23、sterday a street-beggar bought a lottery ticket purposelessly, _(make) him a millionaire overnight.9.Taking this medicine, if _(continue), will of course do good to his health.10._ (consider) his age, the little boy read quite well.11._ from the appearance, it is very peaceful; but in fact, a war wi

24、ll break out soon.12.The Space Shuttle Columbia broke into pieces over Texas as it returned to the earth on February 1, 2003, _ (kill) all seven astronauts aboard.13.It remains _(see) whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the final.14.I was afraid_ (talk) back to my customers because I was afrai

25、d of_ (lose) them.15.We are looking forward to _(see) you again. Book 8 Unit3 Inventors and inventions. 单词变形1._adj.宽大的,仁慈的_adj.残忍的,无情的_n.宽恕,仁慈2._adj.便利的,方便的_n.方便,便利_adv.方便地3._n.小心,谨慎_adj.小心的,谨慎的_adv小心地4._n.预料,期待_v.预料,期待5._adj.冰冻的_v.使结冰6._n.鉴定,辨别_n.身份_v.识别,确定7._adj.清白的,天真的_n.天真,清白8._adj.稳固的,稳定的_n.稳定性

26、9._adj.实际的,实践的_n.实践,练习_adj.不现实的 10._v.联系,联想_n.联想 II. 重点短语(中英互译)1.给.打电话_2.开始做._3.出发,前往_4.迅速把手伸入,一心投入_5.设法联系上,通过_6.做sth很方便_7.无法忍受做_8.把.和.联系起来_9.now and then_10.hang on_11.out of order_12.ring back_13.ring off_14.get rid of_15.seize the opportunity_16.be distinguished for_III. 重点句型1.The next morning I

27、got up early before the sun was hot.2.Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor.3.Every time you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before.4.Follow it up,explore all around it,and before you know it,you will have something wort

28、h thinking about to occupy your mind.语法填空1.Color blind people often find it difficult to distinguish_blue and green.2.Bob cant bear_(make)fun of like that before the whole class.3.Some newspapers seized _the results as proof that global warming wasnt really happening.4.The line is busy.Would you lik

29、e to hang_?5.Have you got_the number of Uncle Li?6.Have a talk with him,I believe,_you will find Tom is very outgoing.7.Hard_my brother studies,he wasnt qualified enough for a good university.8.Its such a nice place.My mother said as she sat at the table_(reserve)for customers.9.Many buildings in th

30、e city need repairing,but the one_(repair)first is the library.10.I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond_(recognition) .翻译句子1. 我们很难区分双胞胎。_2. 她不能忍受北方寒冷的天气。_3. 她想在交通方便的南方城市找份工作。_4.只有通过面试,她才能在那家公司得到那份工作。_5.她想抓住当前的机会。_.语法-过去分词 1. Most of the artist_(invite)to the party

31、 were from South America.2. The first textbooks_(write)for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.3. Mr.Smith,_(tire)of the speech,started to read a_(bore)novel.4. Price of daily goods_(buy)through a computer can be lowerer than prices in stores.5. The Olympic games,firs

32、t_(play)in 776BC,didnt include women players until 1912.6. Cleaning women in big cities usually get_(pay)by the hour.7. As we joined the crowd, we got_(separate)from my friends.8. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain_(seat)as the plane was making a landing.9. You can make yourself _

33、(understand)in English pretty well if you keep on speaking the language.10. There is a hole in my bag,so Im going to have it_(mend)11. English is a language_(speak)all around the world and is the _(work)language of most international orgnizations.12. He found a magazine_(mark)with the owners name_(l

34、ie)on the desk with the back cover_(tear)off.13. The trees_(blow off) in the storm have been moved off the road.14. We finished the run in less than half the time_(allow)15. It is one of the funniest things_(find)on the Internet so far. Book 8 Unit 4 Pygmalion. 单词变形1. n.适应性,改变本-v.改编,使适应2. vi.犹豫,踌躇-n

35、. 犹豫,踌躇- adj. 犹豫的3. adj.错误的,不正确的-n./v. 错误/误会4. vt.编排,分类-n.分类- adj. 分类的5. n.机会,运气-adj.幸运的-adv.幸运地-adv.不幸地6. vt.抢劫,盗窃-n.抢劫-n.抢劫犯7. adj.可怕的,恐怖的-n.恐怖-vt.使.恐怖8. adj.使人反感的-vt.厌恶,反感-adj. 反感的9. adj.音乐的-n.音乐-n.音乐家10. v.不赞成-n.不赞成-v.赞成. 重点词组1. 认为.理所当然2. 由.改编成. 3. 渴望4. 使.信服5. 倾盆大雨6. 四面八方7. 做.无迟疑8. 对.有用9. 把.当成10

36、. 伪装11. 评论12. 让.陷入(某种境地) 13. 将.改变成14. 结识15. 一般来讲16. 就.来说17. 抢劫某人某物18. fancy oneself19. 带.进来/参观20. 就.做出让步21. 需要22. (声音,画面)逐渐模糊23. 发财,赚大钱III. 重点句型1. But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.2. Now once taught by me, shed become an upper class lady.3. Will that be of any use to you?

37、4. While watching, he makes notes.5. Generally speaking, he thought that lower class people betrayed themselves with their remarks whenever they spoke.6. Id never have come if Id known about this disgusting thing you want me to do.语法填空1. He , “She was a truly woman.”(remark)2. That means I was for h

38、er daughter. In fact she often makes the same .(mistake)3. Tom is often . Last year he went to Shanghai to try his . he met and married his girlfriend there. (fortune)4. Everyone has no finding that the inflation has become a issue in the world. (trouble)5. The was accused of taking brides, and the

39、case was to the committee.(refer)6. His speech is long and (disgust).7. Parents should teach their children to behave (proper) in public.8. The school makes requirement to the librarians that books in the library (classify)by subject.9. At first, Della to go to Shenzhen with her friend. However, whe

40、n she heard that she might come across Song Zhongji, she rushed out without (hesitate).10. You are not well (acquaint) with your prince.翻译句子1. 含羞草(mimosa)会做出迅速反应如果被触摸的话。2. 每次他回家过年,都会吃到母亲包的饺子。3. 无论你何时想家了,打个电话给我们。4. 掌握词汇对学好英语很重要。(importance)5. 如果我早点告诉他真相,他就不会像现在这么痛苦了。.语法-分词用法 1. (use)with care, one ti

41、n will last for six weeks.2. (absorb)in reading his favorite book, he didnt notice anything else.3. He continued to walk up and down,_ (lose) in thought 4. (encourage)by the speech,the young people made up their minds to take up the struggle5. Everything _ (consider), it is possible for their factor

42、y to raise the output quickly6. He sat there,with his hands (tie)behind7. (give)another chance,he will do better8. The old man went into the room,(support)by his wife9. When first_ (introduce)to the market, these products enjoyed great success.10. _ (separate) from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other count


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