1、人员招聘录用管理制度(修09-2-18)1人员招聘录用管理制度(2009年1月1日修改执行)第一章总则第一条为使人才招聘录用工作规范化、制度化,并使人才的 引进符合公司的经营方针及实际工作需要,特制定本制度。第二条综合管理部是本制度的主控部门,负责人员的招聘、 录用和相关管理;各部门协助综合管理部做好本部门人员招聘录 用及岗前培训工作;公司总经理负责监督本制度的执行情况,批 准招聘结果。第三条招聘原则1、公开原则。招聘岗位名称、职数公开,岗位所需的资格 条件公开,招聘的程序公开。2、能力与岗位相匹配原则。通过严格、科学考试考核,精 心比较,从应聘人员中挑选能力与岗位最相匹配的人予以择优录 用。
2、3、平等原则。对所有应聘者一视同仁,公平对待。4、全面原则。对应聘者从品德、知识、能力、素质、可发 展性等方面进行全面的考试、考核与考察,对其进行综合评定。第二章招聘录用管理规定第四条公司人员的招聘,由各部门经理提出或者根据公司需 要,经总经理批准后由综合管理部负责招聘。第五条招聘准备1、员工招聘申请。由用人部门填写人力需求申请表,对 空缺职务进行描述,经分管副总经理审批后,向综合管理部提出 申请。2、招聘人员应先考虑公司内部人力资源充分使用的状况。3、招聘条件。有下列情形时,方可对外招聘:(1) 公司内部无适合人选或人力资源不足时。(2) 需求量大,公司内部人力资源经调整仍不足时。(3) 需
3、特殊技术或专业知识的人才。4、招聘途径选择:(1) 公司内部公开招聘;(2) 依据互联网上的专业招聘网站发布招聘广告。(3) 参加大型招聘会或房地产专场招聘会并发布招聘广告。(4) 通过大、屮专院校毕业生见面会招聘应届毕业生。第六条招聘实施1、综合管理部应在招聘过程屮要求招聘者提供以下资料:(1)应聘表。个人履历表。照片(近期免冠一寸正面照二张)。(4)身份.学历、职称等证明。应届毕业生须提供成绩单。2、综合管理部对应聘人员资料进行整理、分类,筛选后交 给用人部门经理。用人部门经理根据资料对应聘人员进行再次筛 选,做出初步选择意and management, nsure that wastew
4、ater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoi d the "SuiT problem. Thir d, pay speci al attention to the River Lake pond desilti ng operation. Provi nee now have focused on poll ution contr ol of water go to "dig up mud", as the deepening water of this year's "plays
5、". Next, to jum p-start an investigation line touches work, impleme ntation pl an accordi ng to the priorities and the programme of work, in accor dan ce with the "one river one policy" require detailed cle ani ng, dredgi ng plan, pla nni ng ahead of time cleaning out mud "way ou
6、t", accordi ng to local conditions to do sludge, pro mote scientific resource uti lization of silt and mud, (B) the heavy regulation of heavily poUuting industries. Polluti on of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backw ard produ ction ca pacit y, increa se the in
7、tensity of 公司管理制度汇编向,确定面试人选,并将资料送交综合管理部, 综合管理部统一安排面试时间并通知面试人员。3、初试。初试由综合管理部主持,用人部门参与。面试侧 重于对应聘者的应变能力、沟通能力、心理素质和综合测试与评 价。参加面试人员应填写面试评价记录表,并共同确定复试 人选。4、复试。复试由用人部门的分管副总经理主持,综合管理 部和用人部门参与。面试侧重于对应聘者的专业技能、工作经验、 理解能力、问题的解决能力等方面进行综合测试与评价;参加面 试人员应填写面试评价记录表,并共同确定拟录用人选。5、总经理复核。由总经理最后对通过复试的应聘人员进行 复核,确定录用人选,综合管理
8、部发放员工录用通知书或电 话告知报到事宜。第七条入职规定1、新员工报到时,需向综合管理部提供以下有关文件、证 明。(1) 身份证、学历证明、职称证明、技术等级证明、经历 证明等原件。与原工作单位解除劳动合同的原件。个人近期一寸免冠彩色照片(不少于二张)。(4)体检合格证明。(5)担任财务工作的人员须提供担保材料一份。2、若有其屮任何一项不符合职位要求及限制,综合管理部不得录用该员工;谎报资料者录用后一经发现,劳动关系自动解 除O3、新进员工需填写员工登记表,提交的文件由综合管理 部复印并编制个人档案,并由综合管理部安排新员工到指定医院 接受员工体检。reatment of heavily po
9、llud ng industri es. A ccording t o muni cipal, and muni cipal g overnme nt de ployme nt of seven big heavy poll ution industry reg ulation "three years a ction pla ns”, requirement s to De cember 2016 e nd of Qian, all included shut st opped eliminate d of enter prise all shut sfoppe d e limin
10、ated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all i nd uded pl ace reg ulation upgrade a nd aggl omeration restructuri ng of enter prise by unifie d standard reg ulation in place, late not standard of enlerpri se are im pleme ntation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qi an, all i nlends Park production of enter pris
11、e rel ocation Park i n pla ce, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the hig h energy consumption and heavy poll uUon, hopele ss e nterprise governance and production line s, eliminated a number of yearly emission inte nsity, 1 o
12、w value-a dde d products of ba ckwar d production ca pacity. Se cond, we must stri ctly enfor ce the spa ce, total proje ct "Trinity" environment a cce ss sy stem, prom oting industry access a nd e nvironmental conditions of acce ss of ent erprises to the Park, i ndustrial park, i n pri nc
13、i pie, no longer the class on t he ne w project, T hirdly, promoti ng repla ceme nt and re constr uction of he avily pol luting i ndustries, mergers and reorga nizati ons, guide enter prise s to energy conservati on, re cycli ng and low-carbon and cle an produclion, and improv e the level of green d
14、evelopment. Four to establish a long-term supervi sion mechanism, i ncre ase the intensity of special i nspecti ons, investigate a nd punish the re ctification is not in pl ace, normal busi ness of running a nti-poH ution inslal lations do not. (lii) linkage to pro mote flood control water, drai nag
15、e, wat er sup ply,impr oving w aler saving. Spee d up cross Ya ng sup port river dike rei nforcement, a nd al ong Pu sea wall exce pt insurance rei nforceme nt, and Lak e Qia n si uice, a nd BA Ca o si uice, a nd cloud cover re servoir, focus flood control drainag e engi neering constr ucti on, vigo
16、r ously impleme nlation "str ong libr ary" "solid di" "spr ead r ow" engineering, i ncre ase d geol ogical disaster hidden poi nts gover nance efforts, soli d adva nee small basi n torre ntand manageme nt, ensure t hat wastewater treatment facility up and running, role
17、play, avoi d the "Sun" problem. Thir d, pay speci al attention to the River Lake pond desilti ng operation. Provi nces now have focuse d on poll uHon control of water go to "dig up m ud", as the dee peni ng water of this ye afs ”p lays J Next, to jump-start a n investigation line
18、 t ouches w ork, impleme ntalion pla n accordi ng to the prioritie s and the pr ogramme of work, in a ccorda nee wit h the "one river one policy" requires detailed cleaning, dredging plan, pla nni ng ahea d of time cleaning out mud "way out", according to 1 ocal conditi ons t o d
19、o sludge, pr omote scientific resour ce utili zation of silt and mud, (B) the heavy reg ulation of heavily poll uting industries, PolluU on of water must gra b the source, wastewater is primarily the sour ce of ba ckward production capa city, i ncrea se the i ntensity of第八条新进员工试用及考核1、新进人员试用开始时,直接主管应
20、负责将新员工介绍给 上一级主管或同事。2、试用期(1)员工试用期为13个月,主管级以上人员试用期为36个月。(2)通过定向招募的高级人才,双方协商确定试用期限, 但不得少于1个月。3、试用期内原则上不得调换岗位。4、试用结果(1)试用期内辞退。试用员工在试用期间,因表现不佳或能力不符合使用条件 时,用人部门应及时通知综合管理部,由综合管理部核实后提前 三日书面或电话通知员工,并办理辞退手续。(2)正式录用。综合管理部应在员工转正前十天,提醒员工填写、提交试 用员工转正申请审批表,执行转正审批流程。综合管理部与用人部门共同对试用期员工进行转正定岗的考核鉴定,经分管副总经理、总经理签批后正式录用。
21、(3) 提前或延期转正的具体规定:对表现特别突出或业绩上有重大贡献的员工,可按最短期 限转正。对工作暂时不能胜任、有违纪违规行为的新员工,视情节 轻重,可延长试用期,但不超过其工作岗位的最长试用期。and management, nsure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoi d the ''Sun" problem. Thir d, pay speci al attention to the River Lake pond desilti ng operation. P
22、rovi nee now have focused on poll ution contr ol of water go to "dig up mud", as the deepening water of this year's "plays". Next, to jum p-start an investigation line touches work, impleme ntation pl an accordi ng to the priorities and the programme of work, in accor dan ce
23、with the "one river one policy" require detailed cle ani ng, dredgi ng plan, pla nni ng ahead of time cleaning out mud "way out役 accordi ng to local conditions to do sludge, pro mote scientific resource uti lization of silt and mud, (B) the heavy regulation of heavily poUuting industr
24、ies. Polluti on of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backw ard produ ction ca pacit y, increa se the intensity of 公司管理制度汇编(4)经试用期考核合格的员工,由综合管理 部通知该员工。5. 转正有关规定(1)员工转正后,一切工资及福利待遇按转正后及员工所在岗位的有关标准执行。(2)转正生效R期统一从转正ZR起开始计算。6、劳动合同的签订员工被正式录用后,由综合管理部依据员工正式录用日期与 员工签订劳动合同,并经当地相
25、关劳动部门签证。第三章附则第九条本制度由综合管理部负责解释、修订,自颁布ZR起 施行。reatment of heavily polliKi ng industri es. A ccording t o muni cipal, and muni cipal g overnme nt de ployme nt of seven big heavy poll ution industry reg ulation "three years a ction pla ns", requirement s to De cember 2016 e nd of Qian, all incl
26、uded shut st opped eliminate d of enter prise all shut sfoppe d e liminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all i nd uded pl ace reg ulation upgrade a nd aggl omeration restrucluri ng of enter prise by unifie d standard reg ulation in place, late not standard of enterpri se are im pleme ntalion discon
27、tinued; June 30, 2018 Qi an, all i ntends Park preduction of enter prise rel ocation Park i n pla ce, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the hig h energy consumption and heavy poll ution, hopele ss e nterprise governance and p
28、roduction line s, eliminated a number of yearly emission inte nsity, 1 ow value-a dde d products of ba ckwar d production ca pacity. Se cond, we must stri ctly enfor ce the spa ce, total proje ct "Trinity*' environment a cce ss sy stem, prom oting industry access a nd e nvironmental conditi
29、ons of acce ss of ent erprises to the Park, i ndustrial park, i n pri nci pie, no longer the class on t he ne w project, T hirdly, promoti ng repla ceme nt and re constr uction of he avily pol luting i ndustries, mergers and reorga nizati ons, guide enter prise s to energy conservati on, re cycli ng
30、 and low-carbon and cle an produclion, and improv e the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervi sion mechanism, i ncre ase the intensity of special i nspecti ons, investigate a nd punish the re ctification is not in pl ace, normal busi ness of running a nti-poU ution instal
31、 lations do not. (lii) linkage to pro mote flood control water, drai nage, wat er sup ply,impr oving w ater saving. Spee d up cross Ya ng sup port river dike rei nforcement, a nd al ong Pu sea wall exce pt insurance rei nforceme nt, and Lak e Qia n si uice, a nd BA Ca o si uice, a nd cloud cover re
32、servoir, focus flood control drainag e engi neering constr ucti on, vigor ously impleme ntation "str ong libr ary" "solid di" "spr ead r ow" engineering, i ncre ase d geol ogical disaster hidden poi nts gover nance efforts, soli d adva nee small basi n torre nt人员招聘录用管理制
33、度1人员招聘录用管理制度文件名称人员招聘录用管理制度文件编号起草部门审核人审核日期起草人起草日期批准人批准日期版本号生效日期印刷份数分发部门1 总则1-1为使人才招聘录用工作规范化、制度化,并使人才的引 进符合公司的经营方针及实际工作需要,特制定本制度。1-2综合办公室是本制度的主控部门,负责人员的招聘、录 用和相关管理;1-3各部门协助综合办公室做好本部门人员招聘录用及岗前 培训工作;1-4公司总经理负责监督本制度的执行情况,批准招聘结果。2 招聘原则2.1公开原则。招聘岗位名称、职数公开,岗位所需的资格 条件公开,招聘的程序公开。2.2能力与岗位相匹配原则。通过严格、科学考试考核,精心比较
34、,从应聘人员屮挑选能力与岗位最相匹配的人予以择优录用。23平等原则。对所有应聘者一视同仁,公平对待。2.4全面原则。对应聘者从品德、知识、能力、素质、可发 展性等方面进行全面的考试、考核与考察,对其进行综合评定。3. 招聘录用管理规定3.1公司人员的招聘,由各部门经理提出或者根据公司需要, 经总经理批准后由综合办公室负责招聘。32招聘准备3.2.1员工招聘申请。由用人部门填写人力需求申请表, 对空缺职务进行描述,经总经理审批后,向综合办公室提出申请。322招聘人员应先考虑公司内部人力资源充分使用的状况。3.3招聘条件。有下列情形时,方可对外招聘:331公司内部无适合人选或人力资源不足时;332
35、需求量大,公司内部人力资源经调整仍不足时;333需特殊技术或专业知识的人才。3.4招聘途径选择:3.4.1公司内部公开招聘;3.4.2依据互联网上的专业招聘网站发布招聘广告。343参加大型招聘会或房地产专场招聘会并发布招聘广告。344通过大、屮专院校毕业生见面会招聘应届毕业生。3.5招聘实施3.5.1综合办公室应在招聘过程中要求招聘者提供以下资料:应聘表。个人履历表。3.5.L3照片(近期免冠一寸正面照二张)。身份、学历、职称等证明。3.5.2综合办公室对应聘人员资料进行整理、分类,筛选后 交给用人部门经理。用人部门经理根据资料对应聘人员进行再次 筛选,做出初步选择意向,确定面试人选,并将资料送交综合管 理部,综合管理部统一安排面试时间并通知面试人员。3.5.3初试。初试由综合办公室主持,用人部门参与。面试 侧重于对应聘者的应变能力、沟通能力、心理素质和综合测试与 评价。参加面试人员应填写面试评价记录表,并共同确定复 试人选。3.5.4复试。复试由总经理主持,综合办公室和用人部门参 与。面试侧
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