



1、8A un it 7基础+提高练习.单选选择题初二英语(unit7 )复习测试)1. Spring comes beforeA. win terB. spring)2. -Why do you like win ter best, Millie?-C. fall-Because I canD. AutumnHr9vusj oi2g9MqP。pfOr4Kh。)3. -What is the weather like today? -.A. It is half past nineB. It is 2:30D. It is snowy gyNXGB9 A215KW7 IHmoLM。)4. -How

2、 wet it is today! What about tomorrow?-Don' t worry. It ' ll be tomorrow.A. windyB. cloudy)5. It wasyesterday. We could nykX0ceCo PbTcXQT yxYaibLC. It is in the parkzNbpKN9 bmHX14k ilZfjsoC. rai nyt see each other in one meter.D.sunny7mRR9m4fbenOGm Ot1dHuH(hand.A. sunnyB. foggy)6. Mr. Gree n

3、 ofte n comes into our classroomC. wi ndytwo books in hisD. cloudygJLrsiHHMhmbz0ku8qllH。UU7i26s。A. haveB. has)7. The word “ drops ” rhymes withA. mapB. dress)8. If you read a lot, your life will be fullC. andD. with( fCk6dzG。A. fall3Hgz6ghA. by)9. If you donB. of't study hard, you willzero.( red

4、.C. crops pl easure (C. forbeh ind others.B. drop)10. -Would you likecamping with me?-I' d like to. But I ' m busymy homework.A. to go; to doB. to go; doingC. going; to dodoing 2HTvA0w X1QLJyO CVpIyIs)11. Ice ( 冰)turns into water whe n the temp erature staysC. comeN7GotUd cQVVWfJ wz33CeKA. a

5、boveB. belowC. over)12. Whe n Mr. Gree n asked her to an swer the questio n, her face434IDnd。712Oenn TJDvKwJA. lookedB. turnedC. seemed)13. -heavy rain! Will it last long?-. We ' re gett ing into the rainy seas on now.D. Buses欢乐).1QH6YbfD. WithzdHHzXn q1RfQE5D. goD. goi ng;D. Un derD. feltUwi5QE

6、Y zP70qPjo tedt3eg。8A unit 7 基础 +提高练习A. What; Of course notB. How a;I ' m afraid noteSpncryAFnUbm。kLhTWk5C. How; That ' s impossibleD. What a;I'm afraid so9WIdJhz。F0u9u7u。 1SeVn2z。() 14. They arrived in Nanjin9 _ A. onB. ata snowy evening.43ouz40。 ARo1oTr。 nAjFhXr 。C. inD. for( class.) 1

7、5. His grade in the exam put himthe top students in hisDtre3SiWGHaZ0yRIXhOh4 TO7Y45GA. between B. over) 16. I ammy pen everywhere, but I canC. amon9'tD. aboveit.gBlWW77 50NXfY。( quickly.A. findin9; look forC. findin9 out; look for) 17. When sprin9 comes, the trees turnB. findin9 out; findD. look

8、in9 for; findand the temperature L63dpg1。xIAqvwW ccEOIgt。A. 9reen; dropsdrops 5SH1FIA YRo6IKv。3uEP7hg() 18. The hotel is about 2 kilometersB. brown; risesC. green; risesD. brown;here.A. far awayB. away fromfar away from 5TWXFM9Rg72XAw RBJFm42 () 19. What he said sounds .A. nicelyWonderfully h7NSDcP

9、Y1y3g15 (CoffeeUF8iebj 。 NelmI09。 hn74TPc。C. far awayD.h2oF8y1zJRc0bN。B. pleasantlyC. friendlyD.Nbiuyqz) 20.is ready. HowA. looksnice it! Wouldyou likesome? HhkMFcc。 UxPu61w。B. smellsC. soundsD. feels z1jvlyZ) 21. - Please wait for me here. I - All right. WewDztoBL。 YS7imtQ。ll come back soon.xQNL7Rc

10、 kWXe6mVA4Tc6F9llthe library till you come back.0a0Tz5A。 XTIMsR5。A. leaveB. reachC. stay atD. waitfor QiYUuQa CQ0wF1。bzayd5w。( ) 22.The children all lookedat thebrokenmodel planeand felt quiteA.rcLcM34 w21FijV SJaAS06sad; sadB.sadly;sadlyC. sad;sadlysadly; sad bqoTtKx。 jVd1W5y。 ) 23. -When did youD.

11、? -IPsAKiUt。Xuzhou three days a9o.EJU2Xzk。 e0fwG99。I0GNqpk。A. reach, got to arrive, got to cGmIPN2 36zv3R1 ZugRPLG () 24. The food tastes and sellsA. good; good goodsIM3g8i cQg0mmJ bOoa1x0 () 25.I ' m sorry IB. arrive, reached toC. reach, arrived inD.B. well; wellC. good; wellD. well;don' t

12、have any money. Imy wallet at home.Nl5jBXW。NVzc5y3 nVZGTdRA. missedB. forgotC. put) 26. All the students were pleased to find the exam .D. leftiwhNyny ne9xzPlLEn9nFIA. easyeasily GivUpva RnO8xlN BMf2Nmc() 27. What makes you _B. easilyC. more easilyD. muchnGHCGvuA. to thinkit ' s going to rain to

13、morrow?WbQZ PNhERIDsx &B. thoughtC. thinkD.thinking(YYzQsB6 YVrUC22 vwUNTTs) 28. I found a Ietteron the fIoor when I came into the cIassroom.tD1swEfqvNEcsE XxdsAFNA. lyingB. lay) 29. You can' t sneeze and keep your eyesC. IieD. IiesWr3x5LZ。MdZmBGeA. openB. opensat the same time.C. openedTNnB

14、TQbD. opening) 30. -PeopIe now can know what is happening in the worId quickIy.fz9SMvC。ROjILecbJsDOsf- You' re right. With the help of computers, news can of the world. VZQuUoA qZ57Bk3 urtvnXNA. getB. arriveevery cornerC. returnD. Reach) 31. -How nice those blouses are! Would you please, Mum?TXJ

15、BU4K。QZWzpMPsZ1LqV3-OK! Let me have a look first. A. buy one for meB. buy me itC. show it to meD. giveme themUIM4v72 FrzxoaS xlWZjZv () 32. -How are you doing? A. I am fineB. I am watching TVC. I came here by busD. I am in London cFMqLl6 ) 33. -Hello, 2553685? HEeEGlb OEPb5Mn? -This is Li Yang speak

16、ing.uFxmSFU03DU69x YWopHY2A. Who are you B. What are you that RW5SEZKDRnx7Jl tDiP6eL () 34. I canyou clearly. What did you2KPXeXNC. Who's thisD. Who'sjust now?T60YggU 5thb6 PC。A. listen to; sayB. listen to; speakC. hear; sayD.hear; speak FkDGcZg PK4jnyF。7HHHEgW() 35. -What a hot day! ijuice?

17、 ZeaU3zl。RSjs8CQ B8wYKsPthirsty. -Would you like some orangeA. a fewB. a bitC. a bit ofD. aonlittle ofprFeAMy。CqR6HL。7uMB55A) 36. During the after-schooI activities, some students are pIayingP6pu4XG。the pIayground whiIe the rest doing some homework in the cIassrooms.tQc4T5J。 rpY5JQ7。isA. happy; areB

18、. happily; isC. happily; areD. happy;7LCnWp2 hvD64O9 L9Qq9PY) 37. It istoday than it was yesterday.foggierA. foggyB. much foggyC. more foggierD. muchN2ucLXt。EWh95Oz ECTPbzg) 38. Every year driving after drinking wine(accidents. T7bNJyE。 TFieO0h。 8vczT0X。a lot of trafficA. happensB. provides) 39. The

19、 IittIe boy was shy and he _C. causesD. Stopshis eyeshis hands.6k5dVEa。fNmi1Ve。PnQChpbA. was covered; ofB. covered; withC. was covered; withD.covered; of 0vBtZ41。 GiU3kxu。 idbln5J 。) 40. I think I've got a bad cold, Doctor. Shall I take somemedicine? hivpmGn aimbpu乙 RQYZKvy-No need. Your body it

20、seIf is abIe tothe virus (病毒 ). Just drinkmore water and rest.RfERihT。L2GEhGMbbGHAQMB. fight) 41. We found our Chinese teacher very interesting. Its structure isA. catchC. loseD. hide.FiQsmUR aZD9FRF C6lhLV7。A. S+V+PB. S+V+DO+OCC. S+V+IO+DOD. S+V+DOrSrUGNMbK7SzHE。 Rgykkhs。() 42. Cyclingis agood exer

21、cise., itdoesn't poIIute the air.Zb04h2& cWjWDKl 0cwX9Ip。SoA. HoweverB. OtherwiseC. MoreoverD.) 43. The sentence structureof “ The trees turn brown.” isiLksvRB。9UYhnCU HfvhqLjA. S+V+OB. S+V+IO+DOC. S+V+DO+OCD. S+V+P) 44. They stood in the city square for half an hour,the stars in thesky. Eat

22、8a4Y。 8ta005R。 s5nfBdG。A. watchingB. to watchC. watchD.watched FMYko3B。 OdfRwj1。 30oNfbS。) 45. I looked for my mobile phone, but I couldnt find it. 24qDapt osI2hTf ciXq5AqA. anywhere; everywhereB. somewhere; everywhereqHPzN19 EtUfuDiG6LfqUM。C. everywhere; anywhereD. everywhere; somewhereOGDOZpkX07vZ

23、sJ。HfIG6Ov。) 46. We find itA. exciteto play snowball fights.B. be excitedC. excitingD.ExcitedYNnZOn。i4fzoTw1drelsK) 47. Don' tuntil the bus stops. It' s too dangerous.52Dhsb5。hgAT1L4 LrTF8WPA. get it onB. get into itC. get off itD. get it off) 48.A. What' s6R2NAYO3jZ2nJG。dMTIaCa iNFRtMRw

24、as the temperature yesterday?) 49.The girl looks prettyA. wears, inB. How mucha red dressB. with, onC. HowD. WhatWMfpAvX 2nBpUqL。C. has, onD.with, in YJpd36j US2n8TJ Rn9kjjd) 50. -Let ' s ask him tous to play a game.rmRe4kA QCnNWwqzCc3KCW-Ok. Pass the coin from one of the students tovgr5v4m dPZN

25、0Yp mJYyO7GA. join, anotherB. join, the otherC. join in, anotherD. join in, the other . 用所给词适当形式填空WYpIzut Lyxi4pj xSo6hDm1.It is going to be(fog) tonight.2.Look! How hard it3.On(snow) outside.(rain) days most people don 't like to go outside.ibNRzDu 0WxN2GQU0qqQV94.(drop)5.A redsunmy glasses and

26、 broke them._ (rise) slowly from the calmsea. eirAgaQ。pdpeGkQ cCRLbS96.Look!The Farmers are(harvest)the wheatin the fields. AoIQGpu iAiTnXoDUCsaUO7. In spring bees fly and(butterfly)dancearound the flowers.JeZ8n7pzzqVeYr cuGApXa8. He(fly) to Beijing two days ago.9. The best time(visit) Suzhou is in

27、spring or autumn.06rfinV Xx6iQKK GP2nVw510.(eat) ice cream in summer(make) me feel cool.OIsd4RX INgE7uNmfMZuH611. Just leave the door unlocked ( 未上锁的 ). I(come)back soon. Gh6QARKiutRd42 oPCUGCA12. Ten years later, he 13. It ' s a sunny late winte(turn) a doctor. r day, just a few(degree) above z

28、ero. GUa6BrZ。m1FBSOt qISpTNK。14. Listen! Someone(ring) the door bell. Millie, open the door.ZrfOu9J。WThPHR7AhC3MYH15. A big tree fell down last night because the wind(blow) hard.ObtsRNB。AwOTWfQ aPrmdCA16. My grandfather lived17. I heard that the rain(eight)(fall) from morning till night in your town

29、in Canada in hishlrNMm。rV7m7PQ v1E2fFk。(kick) the ball in the playground.4WAOuZq cId8NbN。yesterday. IW6eHoh ZALHic& hfvnBeY。18. Can you see some boys X6q1sEd。19. Tom didn ' t find his cat anywhere. At last, the cat the bed. O3uGqgf Z1b8SMA abLiXPj。20. Windy days are perfect for (fly) a kite.

30、21. The whole earth (cover) with white snow in winter.(hide) itself underDnjxwQ2 3WNHfeT qkWpu2m5uEvAaR WZeWFiV nw5LmKJ22. It is (main) dry and sunny in autumn.(hard) heard you23. The wind is blowing (hard). I _clearly. 65xdWgX。 1T6AKs6。 2l2uHvS。24. 25. Mum(sudden), it began to rain.(make) breakfast

31、 for me when I(wake) up.kgtFf1k 。 dMl52x6。lqu41he 。26. Thanks for(tell) me sweet(memory) of my childhood.wJsjPD9。6bYqkEL WcgCzUdI27. The teacher told us that the sun(rise)in the east and sets in thewest. B78JnGH sF3tWAZ NNcAhLL28. The woman kept(ring) her son but no one answered.d5bFrKD LkOlSIy。2JMR

32、tCU。29. The30. The(suddenly) illness took his life last year.(fog) weather lasted for many days this month.AcM4vrz。qq19T2e eW82hTHmNT3Dm00UwYZXQ1mkFlEb。31. Don' t talk so(loud). The baby is sleeping.32. What a nice time they had (watch) the birds yesterday!kfDOkeW NtOLcg7。ZWk7vAjmsIQ8QM Ni5nPfT。

33、yHnq2Hn。33. You' d better stay at home today. It' s very cold outside and the wind is blowing(strong) zbKcEJF me38nM7 Y8PyL6C34. My father began to learn French in his(twenty).u2OP9nB 0Xo37re。PtaDROu35. Don' t speak loud. The baby (fall) asleep.36. The drivers had to drive more slowly an

34、d carefully as it gotmuch(fog). tdokzYZ。587oRdO YlffUAX。NG3ZEMf eqPZFTw XmOcHSp37. The dancers all wear(shine) clothes and they look excited.eR2a3Ne。AK0kKlg。 ERpzvTM。38. The number of students in our school(be)4000 and a number of them(be)good at39. It was raining _40. This is Tom _ 川.完成句子playing pi

35、ngpong.Zhg71xg。 obSN36w。 f2zV3iV。(heavy) when I got home._(speak). Who is that?fXk8ayG。 Pe662N5。 rjyiex0 。1. 你什么也不穿会感冒的。You will catch a cold2. 我敢说明天是个晴朗的日子。 it will be3. 天气变得越来越暖和了。tomorrow.arc6AsR。 4rUulfn 。 EXeI2rm。It is4. 夏天来了,孩子们喜欢在寂静的小溪旁或大树的树荫下玩耍。 Summer is coming. Children like to. 438XcLC。 P

36、cJ7sgj 。 vnntj1F 。5. 昨天,气温突然降到零度以下。Yesterday 6. 秋天来临时,树叶枯黄,成堆地落在地面上。When autumn comes, ground. tyK4ieD 。 ochyNqz。 A8XIYOX。7. 斑马的条纹有助它避开天敌。iqGT7en。VHzXQIn pVzvqFEandtheA zebra 's stripesthisanimalits enemies. CRxXiCp。 X9ij1pV。 yQKOiGG。8. 汤姆昨天发高烧并且咳得厉害Tom andyesterday.jgn9y7P。68AR9dI。 1AJ3yR9。9. 行

37、动胜于雄辩。words.Actions10. 白天气温将保持在零度以上,但夜间又将降到零下5 度。 in theThe temperature will daytime, but at night it will11. 在英国,这个时期天气怎么样 ? in Britain -5C.HQzHVVc KqQ5Ep。5q1bXCT。dV3llIm。 E6qj50L 。xyRixE5。12. 乌云变暗,并且遮住了太阳The clouds andnrWthgq。zOe4Z5y UFGbA2E13. 今天是糟糕的一天,我最好的朋友从自行车上摔下来 It was my best friend her bik

38、e.s6mRWrh DYwOOqHIUdati7Q。14. 随着白天变长,温度渐渐上升了8A un it 7基础+提高练习As the daysandslowly.dvIQgGB1wDBvjc ivYDPDM15.山上长满了树。The moun ta intrees.16.那本书的封面吸引了我,结果,我就买了它。attracted me.,I bought it.44HJvhn3602Y3Rd SpbetmN17.不要用手盖住你的眼睛。Don ' tyour eyes _18. Hobo用棍子为Eddie建了一个帐篷HoboEddie8d4V5ly。IkUQHIv。EUtUAN9h5G

39、kJQF ZDuQOSH pPCSrm。19. 明天的天气怎么样?LAOFoBK?/? b9jzIhA。oOvuxOA。20.你知道明天的天气怎么样?Do you knowW .判断下列句子的句型结构,在括号内填上相应的序号Part. Asj5Oz05。SdGfaSY CjAVbXWA. S + V B. S + V + O C. S + V + P()1. Millie sp eaks En glish.)2. The p icture looks beautiful.)3. They are swim ming.)4. We should help each other.)5. They

40、feel busy these days.)6. The old woma n laughed.Part. B.(A. S + V B. S + V + O C. S + V + P D. S + V +10 + DO E. S + V + DO +OC )1. It is dan gerous.)2. You must wait.)3. Amy is writ ing an e-mail.)4. The sin ger sang us ano ther song.)5. The sun rises in the east every morning.)6. Daddy bought Simo

41、n a new dicti on ary.)7. Mr. Gree n asks me to finish the homework on time.9onA4VV PrNot5V。kVZOnGcV .任务型阅读When we talk about how tee nagers are gett ing worse and worse now, most young people don t agree. Teen agers always say they are grow ing up. They can have partThey can d rive cars. And they ca

42、n even get married when they' re a little bitolder. 31CfQna t1IZzAd。BWDDy32Their parents say, “ Our childre n are very good. They like pop music, but they p lay it in their own rooms. They help in the house. You know they feel bored sometimes-time jobs.because there ' s nothing interesting in the neighbo


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