1、Component Quality Planning (CQP)Module 4-Mass P roducti on Agreeme ntdocument)(ExternalWorking Instruction to be used in conjunction with the Component Quality Planning Process NQY00041-ENOriginator: Function: Scope: Approver: Status / Version: Document ID: Location:John RundleCQP Project Manager /
2、SouthwoodGlobal ProcessKimmo SuupohjaDraft, v.NQY00136-ENPCP Library, Lotus NotesChange History:Version Date18-MAR-2002Handled byJ. RundleReason for changeInitial draft document and structure.3-MAY-2002J. ChristyUpdated with correctionsModule 4- Mass P roducti on Agreeme nt11. ContentsComponent Qual
3、ity Planning (CQP)Module 4-Mass Production Agreement(External document)1.Contents2.Definitions3.Document Introduction . Purpose of this document4. of applicationDocuments & Structure . External DocumentsModule 4 -Mass Production Agreement . Process Description Process PurposeObjectiveSt
4、ructure - overviewRelation to TEC, CE & PE Processes . Start Point End PointModule 4 -Mass Production Agreement . Sub-module -Mass Production Reporting Agreed. Sub-module - Mass Production Change Notification & Re-qualification Agreed 9Quick Reference Guide. . Module ActivitiesProcess Principle . .
5、Sub-modulesModule 4 -Activity Flow ChartsSupplier Activity descriptions10109.111110.1211.14A0.A3 CEM Cp, Cpk CQE CQP CQS DIR DPME0.E5 EMC ESI FIT FMEA KCR MPL PCQE PD-Manager PE Pp, Ppk PPM PM PQM PQP QTE SLI SLM SLP SPC SQA SQM/SQE TEC2. DefinitionsThe following definitions apply:Advanced Developme
6、nt (AD) Milestones Contract Electronic ManufacturerProcess Capability indicesComponent Quality EngineerComponent Quality PlanningComponent Quality Specialist Design Improvement Reports Defects Per MillionConcurrent Engineering (CE) MilestonesElectro Magnetic CompatibilityEarly Supplier InvolvementFa
7、ilure In TimeFailure Mode and Effect Analysis Key Component Review Material Project LeaderProgram Component Quality EngineerProduct Development ManagerProduct EngineeringProcess Performance indicesProduct Program Manager Purchasing manager Program Quality ManagerProgram Quality PlanQuality Technolog
8、y EngineerSupply Line Implementation processSupply Line ManagementSupply Line Preparation processStatistical Process ControlSupplier Quality AssuranceSupply Quality Manager / Supply Quality Engineer Technology Platform3. Document Introduction3.1. Purpose of this documentThis document is a Working In
9、struction designed to provide a description of CQPModule 4 -Mass Producti on Agreeme ntfor exter nal use.It contains activity flow charts together with activity descriptions. Activity descriptions give information on the activity outcomes, deliverables, tools & templates and roles and responsibiliti
10、es.3.2. Field of applicationModule 4-Mass Production Agreement should be used in conjunction with theComponent Quality Planning process NQY00041-EN.The component Quality Planning process should be used in conjunction with Nokia Product Creation processes and the chosen Suppliers internal processes.4
11、. Docume nts & Structure4.1. External DocumentsThis docume nt: Module 4 - Mass Producti on Agreeme nt, forms part of theCom ponent Quality Pla nning process (CQP) - see: NQY00041-EN.NQY00041-EN should be used with the follow ing in ter nal Worki ng In structio ns:
12、Y00135-ENNQY00136-EN(This Docume nt)NQY00137-EN-Module 1 -Module 2 -Module 3 -Module 4-Module 5CQPP rocessNQY00041-ENIn troducti onThis docume ntNQY00136-EN-Sp ecificati on and ImpI eme ntati on Agreeme nt -Ca pability An alysis & Cap acity Pla n Agreeme nt -Process Cap ability & Con trol Pla n Agre
13、eme nt -Mass Producti on Agreeme nt-Mass Product ion Reporting & Mon itor ing5. Module 4 -Mass P roducti on Agreeme nt5.1. Process DescriptionThe process consists of two Sub-modules designed to agree mass production reporting criteria and to agree on change notification and re-qualification requirem
14、ents/roles & responsibilities, between NMP and the supplier.5.2. Process PurposeTo identify the component critical characteristics to be measured and controlled in the mass production phase.To clearly identify roles and responsibilities for both NMP and the Supplier in mass production.Establish repo
15、rting requirements between NMP and the Supplier.5.3. ObjectiveThe goal of Module 4 -Mass Production Agreement, is to facilitate communication with everyone involved, ensuring that required component critical characteristics are measured, controlled and reported in mass production.Key objectives:? Es
16、tablish clear communication channels during Mass Production ? Statistical tools and controls for mass production agreed? Roles & responsibilities defined? Agreed procedures for change & re-qualification Reporting method & frequencies established and agreed5.4. Structure - overviewThe Component Quali
17、ty Planning process NQY00041-EN has been divided in to 5 modules.Each Module represents a particular phase within the development of a component/module/sub-assembly and each module has been sub-divided in to submodules.Each sub-module has its own purpose, deliverables and persons responsible.This do
18、cument covers Module 4 -Mass Production Agreement. (See next page)Module 1Module 2Sp ecificati on & Imp leme ntati on Agreeme ntCap ability An alysis & Cap acity Plan Agreeme nt1.1Initial App lication & Compo nent P erformance Requirements Agreed-I1.2Initial Detailed Compo nentDesign Agreeda/1.3Init
19、ial Compo nent Sp ecification Agreed1.4CQP Imp lementation P lanAgreedSp ecification & Impl ementationAgreement2.1Initial Total Pr ocess Reject RateEstimation、2.2Detailed Tooling and Cap acityPlan Agreedh.2.3Initial Control P lan AgreedCap ability Analysis & Cap acity P Ian AgreementModule 31Module
20、4Pro cess Cap ability & Con trol Plan Agreeme nt|Mass Producti on Agreeme nt3.1Gauge R&R3.2Pr ocess Cap ability &Compo nent Acce ptanceControl P lanAgreed.1Agreement3.3/ /Control P lan and Cap acitydJ-Plan Agreed/3.4Pr ocess Assessment4.1Mass Pr oduction Rep ortingAgreed4.2Mass Pr oduction ChangeNot
21、ification & Re-qualificationAgreedMass pr oductionAgreementModule 5Mass Producti on Reporting and Mon itori ng6. Relation to TEC, CE & PE P rocesses-Mass Product ion(In cludi ng Schedule Overview)ADA1A1.SA2A3KtfWI KCMKCRiIKCR4TECModiMwJZModsThe diagram above gives an in dicati on of how Module 4Agre
22、eme nt can be app lied withi n the defi ned p rogram/devel opment schedules. Relatio ns to KCR (Key Component Review DHY00239-EN) are also defi ned.6.1. Start PointModule 4 should be started as early as po ssible in order to un dersta nd and agree rep ort ing, roles and respon sibilities, com muni c
23、ati on cha nn els, cha nge and re- qualificati on pro cedures duri ng mass p roduct ion.This must be compi eted before E3.Module 4 takes inputs from:a. Defined requireme nts from the CQP ImpI eme ntati on Pla n (sub-moduleb. . Module 3:? Gauge R&R? Component Acceptance Agreed? Control Pla n and Ca p
24、acity Plan AgreedProcess Assessme nt6.2. End P ointModule 4 is compi eted by the E3 Sourc ing milest one review and is rep orted at the p rogram SK3 review. Module 4 forms the basis for Mass Producti on Mon itori ng and Rep ort ing as described in Module 5.7. Module 4 -Mass P roducti on Agreeme ntTh
25、is module consists of 2 sub-modules:7.1. Sub-module-Mass Production Reporting AgreeTo ensure full understanding of what needs to be reported when, how and to whom.7.2. Sub-module - Mass Production Change Notification & Re-qualification AgreedHave a clear understanding of change request implementatio
26、n from both NMP and the Supplier and the requirements for verification of new or changed components/processes8. Quick Refere nee Guide.8.1. Module ActivitiesThis referen ces some of the basic activities contained within the Modules and Sub-modules of the CQP Process. The CQP Process-s pecific tools
27、and tempi ates can be obta ined by con tact ing the releva nt SQE or QTE.Module 4Tools, Temp lates &Refere ncesPE Team Member Con tact ListCritical Characteristics for mass p roduct ion rep ort ingRep ort ing Methods and Freque ncy AgreedChange Requests Procedure Agreed Re-qualificati on Procedure A
28、greedNQY00138 -EN Team Member Con tact ListNQY00139 -EN (Critical characteristics control sheet) + DMY00019-ENNQY00139 -EN Critical characteristics control sheet) + DMY00019-ENDMY00012 -EN + DMY00065-ENDMY00025 -EN + NQY00083-ENA1/E1A2/E2A3E3E7Module 4 Tools & Temp latesModule 11Module 2Module 3Mod
29、4Module 51. 11 1.21 1. 31. 42. 112. 212. 33. 11 3. 21 3. 3 1 3. 4 | 4. 1 | 4. 25. 115. 2 1 5. 3Critical Characteristics Control9. P rocess PrincipleIn the abse nee of any additi onal requireme nts or plans, all modules and sub-modules should be compi eted in the order in dicated as early as po ssibl
30、e accordi ng to the releva nt Program milest ones (see Sect ion 6: Relati on to TEC, CE & PE Processes).Part of CQP ImpI eme ntati on Pla nning (see sub-module is that modules and submodules can be can be selected or de-selected for compi eti on accord ing to the requireme nts of the p articular CQP
31、 component. In additi on, the order of impi eme ntati on of sub-modules can be cha nged, or sub-modules can be impi eme nted in p arallel. Agai n this is part of CQP Impi eme ntati on Pla nning.For exa mple: CQP Impi eme ntati on Pla nning Module is compi eted in p arallel to Modules , and .9.1. Sub
32、-modulesThe Sub-modules are divided in to three basic vertical colu mns (see below): DNMP LEADERKey:=Hyperlink to the activity descri pti on text within this docume nt.NMP LEADERActivity Title=The person who is res pon sible to lead the activity, . SQE, QTE, PCQE, PM, Desig ner, etc.=The title of th
33、e p articular activity. Activities can be either NMP, Supp lier or Joint activities.The principle is to guide both NMP s Prodoigtamns and the Supplier in the CQPp rocess imp leme ntatio n, com muni cati on levels, in volveme nt, con tributi on, respon sibilities and deliverables.This is achieved wit
34、h the use of activity boxes (as show n above), each hav ing an activity title with a hyperlink to the activity descri pti ons. Activity descri pti ons con tai n in formati on on the activity itself, the deliverables, outcomes, tools & tempi ates, the impi eme ntati on respon sible person (Leader), t
35、hose who should con tribute to the activity and which docume ntati on should be en tered into the NOSS database.Each Module should reach an agreeme nt betwee n NMP and the Supp lier. Each sub-module should end in an activity that is agreed betwee n NMP and the Supp lier.10. Module 4-Activity Flow Ch
36、artsModule 4Mass P roducti on Agreeme ntNMPSupp lierMod 3P rocess Cap ability & Con trol P la n Agreeme ntSub-moduleMass P roducti onReporting AgreedConfirm all measureme nts andp arameters for mass pr oducti onrep ort ingMass Pr oducti on TeamIde ntifiedDesig nerReporting Freque ncy. Method andres
37、pon sible persons ide ntifiedSQE/QTERep ort ing requireme nts agreed in ternallyP CQE/(M PL)Commu ni cati on of measureme nt and p arameter requireme nts to the Supp lierSQE/QTEProp osals/Cou nter Propo salsReview MassPr oducti on rep ort ingrequireme ntsJoint Review of Agreed Con trol P la nAnd Req
38、uireme ntsSQE/QTEMass P roducti on Rep ort ing AgreedPMPMMass P roducti on Reporting AgreedMass P roduct ion Change Notificatio n & Re-qualificati on AgreedMass P roductionAgreement11. Supplier Activity descriptionsModule 4 -Mass Production AgreementActivity TitleActivity Descri pti onL = Leader C =
39、 Con tributorSub-module Mass P roducti on Report ing AreedMi nimum Requireme nts:Agree on what will be rep orted, whe n, how and to whom dur ing mass p roducti onSet up the system for man agi ng and reporting duri ng the mass p roducti on p hase. Define respon sibilities and ide ntify persons for re
40、porting, receiv ing data and man agi ng the component. Deliverables: Reporting and component man ageme nt team ide ntified.Outcomes: The component man ageme nt structure ide ntified and un derstood, respon sibilities agreed. Tools/te mp lates:NQY00138-EN (Team MemberCon tactL: Supp liers CQP teamRev
41、iew and devel op cap ability to collect and report all data as required by NMP. Review if there is a n eed to cha nge members of the Mass Producti on Team. Prepare a coun ter propo sal if n eeded. Deliverables: Reporting requireme nts and Mass Product ion Team structure reviewed.Outcomes: Reporting
42、requireme nts un derstood, cap ability for reporting evaluated.Tools/te mp lates:NQY 00131-EN (CriticalCharacteristics Con trol - Sheet 8)L: Supp liers CQP teamBoth the agreed Con trol plan (from module 3) and the list of requireme nts for reporting should be app roved together with the supp lier. T
43、his joint review will also in clude the freque ncy, method of rep ort ing and the roles and respon sibilities of those in volved (NMP and the Supp lier) in mass p roduct ion Deliverables:App roved Mass Product ionRep ort ing sheetOutcomes: All requireme nts for mass p roduct ion will be clearly un d
44、erstood and app roved by all concern ed.Tools/te mp lates:NQY 00131-EN (CriticalCharacteristics Con trol - Sheet 8)L = SQE / QTE C = Supp lier, Desig ner, PCQE, PM, Reliability Engin eerWhe n both the Con trol Pla n and the reporting requireme nts are app roved, the Mass Producti on Rep ort ing shee
45、t can be sig ned off forming a Mass Productio n Agreeme nt.Deliverables: Signed Con trol Pla n and Mass Product ion Reporting sheetOutcomes: Requireme nts for Mass Productio n have bee n un derstood and agreedTools/templates:NQY 00131-EN (CriticalL = PMC = Supp lier, SQE, QTE, Desig ner, PCQECharact
46、eristics Con trol - Sheet 8)Activity TitleActivity Descri pti onL = Leader C = Con tributorUb-mOdHI Minimum Requirements:aSSPOdUdOI The parameters for change and re-qualification areEIde ntify the Key persons withi n the Supp lier that n eed to be no tified of any cha nges made to the Component, Assembly, Module, o
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