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1、小升初名词专题及练习及易错题TTA standardizatiQAUxfTice TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C名词一.教学内容1 .复习上节课的内容,巩固上节课的重难点2 .讲解新课内容A.名词的定义名词是表示人、事、物、地点以及抽象概念的词Linda琳达 boy男孩 dog狗table桌子 park公园 Paris巴黎 peace和平 courage 勇气B .名词的分类总的来说,英语中的名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词两类专 业 名 词人名、星期、月份、节曰、城市、建筑、团体、机构的名称等Peter , Sonw White , Sunday , April , Chri

2、stmas Day ,China , London , the United Nations 联合国, the Communist Party of China 中国共产党可数个体名词doctor 医生,teacher 老 师, orange桔子,desk课桌名 普日词通不 名可 词数名词集合名词police 警察,people 人民.family 家庭, army军队,class同学抽象名词time时间fun玩笑,kindness善意,idea 主意,knowledge 知识youth 青春,love 爱,物质名词rice 大米,water 水,fire 火,air 空气C.名词的数可数名词

3、与不可数名词:可数名词由单数变为复数形式,其构成方法分为规则和不规则两种可数名词复数变化规则一般名词复数构成法构成法例词一般情况下,在名词单数形式的词尾加S)ook-books, day-days, desk-desks以-s,-X” -ch, -sh,结尾的名词,在词尾class-classes, box-boxes,match-加esBatches, wish- wishes以辅音字母加-y结尾的名词,将y变成i后city-cities, country-countries.factory-加esfactories以元音字母+y结尾的名词,直接+s)oy-boys,key-keys,guy

4、-guys以-f或-fe结尾的名词,一般将f或fe变成leaf-leaves, wife-wives, life- lives,thief-V后,再加esthieves, knife-knives, half-halves, shelf-shelves以辅音字母加。结尾的名词,一般在词尾 加esnero-heroes, Negro-Negroes, potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes, zoo-zoos,radio-rodios,photo 一 photos名词复数的不规则变化某些名词的不规则复数形式构成法构成法例词变内部元音footfeet, manmentoo

5、thteeth, womanwomen , policewomanpolicewomen单复数同形fish-fish Jeer-deer ,sheep-sheep ,Chinese-ChineseJapannese- Japanese, Swiss,yuan完全不规则child-children, mouse-mice, ox- oxen复合名词主要词改复数boy student- boys students含 man 和 woman的前后两个词都改复数man doctor - men doctorswoman teacher - women teachers注:有些词只有复数形式 某些通常以

6、复数形式出现的名词。如:trousers, glasses(眼镜),shoes 等。不可数名词:英文中的不可数名词不易把握,我们不能按照汉语的思维去判断一个名词到底是可数 还是不可数,因此,对于不可数名词需要强化记忆,但总的来讲不可数名词是有规律 的;物质名词和抽象名词是不可数名词,表示不可以计数的事物的名词叫不可数名词,一 般不分单数和复数,这类词通常不可以和不定冠词连接,也不可以加上基数词表示个 数,因此,不可数名词要计量的话,就得用单位词,学过的不可数名词有:news.paper, milk, orange (桔子汁),bread, chalk, truth, water, rice,

7、work, housework, homework, luck, ink, meat, money f sugar, grass, ice 等等。1物质名词通常不可数液体 beer.blood,coffee,cream,honeyjuice,milk,oil,tea,watenwine固体:bread,butter,cheese,ice,ice-cream,meat,beef,chicken,fish气体:air,fog,smoke2抽象名词通常不可数advice,anger,beauty,confidence,fun,happiness,health,information,love,pea

8、cejuck3总称的名词通常不可数总称名词(不可数)部分名词(可数)furniture(家具)chair,table,bedfruit(水果)apple,orange,bananajewelry(珠宝)ring(戒指),earring (耳环)necklace(项链)luggagebag(包)suitcase (手提箱)4不可数名词的度量1)不可数名词前面不能加冠词a/an如:a water, a bread,an advice,a furniture2)不可数名词没有复数形式如 :two waters,two breads, ten advices3)表示不可数名词的数量,可以借用量词(单位

9、词)来表示其量的概念;不同类型的不 可数名词所使用的量词也不一样,一般规则如下:修饰词例词短语用piece, bit修饰 的抽象名词,物 质名词Advice/cake / chalk / ice / meat / music / news / paper / work / sugar ; a bit of bread / grass / news / trouble / wood/furniture/ information.a piece of news,two pieces of news,several pieces of furniture用bottle,cupjrop.glass修饰

10、液体beer,blood,coffee,milk, tea,water,wineseveral drops of blood, a glass of milk,two cups of coffeeE.名词的所有格名词中表示所有关系的形式叫名词所有格。在表示人或物品的所属关系时,就需 要用到名词所有格。所有格有两种形式:一种是-'s格,即在名词后面加大,多用来修 饰有生命的东西;另一种是。f格,即在介词。f后面加名词,多用来修饰没有生命的 东西例如:Where is the teacher's office ?中的 teacher's 一词。-'s格情况改法例子一

11、般情况名词的末尾加SLily's room, the girl's father以-s结尾的复数名词名词的末尾加Teachers5 Day复数名词不以S结尾加飞名词的末尾加SChildren's Day拥 有 东 西 时儿个人共同拥有在最后一个人名加SJim and Kate's kite(两人共同拥有的)分别拥有在每个人名后加SJim's and kate's kite(各自拥有)表示店铺或某人的家所有格S后面通常不出 现它所修饰的名词,名词 所有格直接表示具体的意 义The barber's 理发店The Whites5 怀特家Of格

12、名词代表的事物是没有生命,常用of组成的短语表示所有格,如:the colour of thedesk, a picture of a cat, the first lesson of this term名词考点分析:考点一:名词的复数例题写出下列单词的复数形式mouth boy Englishmanwife story pianobox potato考点二:名词的复数在句中的应用are your.A apple B books C pen2. This is a.A women B man C men! There are some(sheep) and(fox) in the zoo.举一

13、反三练习-用所给单词的适当形式填空1. The(child) are talking to their teacher.2. In the past,none of the bus drivers were(woman)3. These are(boy) names.4. They are(woman) doctors.5. They are from(Japanese).二单词选择1. . We are and we speak.A Chinese,ChineseB Chinese ,ChinaC China,ChineseD Chinese,Chinese2. -Who's tha

14、t-He's my brother.A man B woman C men D women3. Those girls are.A Americans B an American C Americas D American4. I want three and four milk,please.A bags,bottle B bag,bottle of C bags.bottle of D bags,bottles of5.1 don't have any.but I have some.A applejuice B applejuices C applesjuice D ap

15、plesjuices名词练习按要求写出下列单词的复数形式1 man 2 woman 3 banana 4 bus 5 child6 foot 7 businessman 8 sheep 9 leaf 10 dish 11 pen 12 deer 13 baby14 map 15 city 16 box 17 book 18 class19 hero 20 knife 21 car 22 fox 23 watch24 library 25 pear 26 skirt 27 shelf28 cinema 29 eye 30 office 31 tomato32 tooth 33 radio 34

16、zoo下列名词有没有复数形式,有的请在横线上写出来,没有的请在横线上画1. mokey 2. class 3. cola 4. shelf5. rice 6. nurse 7. peach 8. library9. dog 10. milk 11. dress 12. postman13. tooth 12. sister 15. sheep 16. cinema17. dish 18. wall 19. child 20. bread选择正确的词填空1 Tliose hamburgers are(Tom,Tom's).2 Nina is at(grandma's,grandm

17、a),she went there yesterday.3 We have 16 new(light,lights).4(The classroom's door,The door of the classroom)is broken.5 My friend Edward has three(child,children).6 Do you like eating(rice,rices)7 There re 4(tea,cups of tea) on the desk.8 How many(wolfs,wolves) are there?9 I like(chicken,chicken

18、s) better than pork.下列名词的正确形式填空。this(apple) No, it isn't.are these They are( orange).me(pencil).me some(egg)., please.those your( shoe) Yes, they are.shoes are( Tom).the big (orange) Linda's?(T-shirt) is big.many(fish) are there in the river?have some new (hat).pig's(ear) are big.选择题()1

19、. Tlie girls,are Lily and Lucy .A . nameB . namesC . names'()2 . Is that in EnglishA . a carB . car C. cars()3 . How many can you seeA . a colourB . colourC . colours()4 . I have three.A. a sister B. sisters C. sister()5 . One, two, three five. FiveA. monkey B. monkeies C. monkeys()6. Are you aA

20、. boy B. bogs C. pen()7 . This is a.A . box B. bags C . boys()8 . She is a good.A . teachersB . teacherC . boy()9 . They are .A . womanB . womansC . women()10. There is on the table.A. box B. a box C. boxes( )11. There are two on the desk.A. pencil-box B. pencils- box C. pencil- boxes( )12. How many

21、 are there in the room?A. girls B. girl C. boy and girls( )13. There are five in the classroom.A. childrenB. childrensC. childs( )14. They aren,t from the same.A. faimilys B. families C. family( )15. They are having.A. a class B. a English class C. China class()16. Are Tom's Chinese new?A. book

22、B. books C. a book()17. The are in Room 304.A. student B. a student C. students( )18. Those new are for you.A. shirts B. skirt C. shoe( )19. The has some nice pictures.A. boys B. teachers C. child( )20. The are singing in the house.A. womanB. womenC. man( )21. Some are eating grass on the hill.A. sh

23、eepB. horesC. cow( )22. How many are there in the box?A. knife B. knifes C. knives()23. 一 Whose is it?一 Maybe if s.A. jackets, Tom's B. jacket, Tom, C. jacket, Tom's( )24. Those are the books.A teachers' B. teachers C. teacher( )25. There he a lot of cliildren in the park on Day.A. Child

24、ren B. Children's C. Childrens,( )26. It's bedroom.A. Amy and Anna's B. Amy's and Anna's C. Amy and Anna()27. That is dog.A. Jack's B. Jack's C. Jack( )28.coats are very nice.A. Jim and Tini's B. Jim's and Tini's C. Jim and Tim()29. September 10th is.A. Teacher's DayB. Teachers9 DayC. Teachers Day根据中文提示补全句子1. When you feel headache, you must stay in bed and take some (药).2. My father


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