已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、单元内容Unit 2 A telephone call单元教学总目标1 . 能听得懂、会说、会读、和会拼写单词a toothache, an earache, a backache, a headache, a stomachache, a fever, a cold, a cough.2 .能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what ' s wrong with you ? I' ve got a/an T' m sorry to hearthat.3 .了解元音字母o在单词闭音节中的读音。课时 1B部分中疾病单词以及 D部分中句型集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1

2、.能听得懂、会说、会会拼写单词 a toothache, an earache, a backache, a headache, a stomach ache, a fever, a cold, a cough.2 .能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What' s wrong with you? I' vegot a /an I' m sorry to hear that.3 .学会用英语讨论疾病类话题。4 .进一步提高学生英语学习的兴趣。教学重、难点1、能听得懂、会说、会读、和会拼写单词a toothache, an earache, abackache, a head

3、ache, a stomach ache, a fever, a cold, a cough.2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what ' s wrong with you ? I ' vegot a/an I' m sorry to hear that.3.学会用英语讨论疾病类话题。教学准备磁带,录音机,卡片教学设计Free talkGame: Touch your nose/eyes/head/ear/tooth并导入 back stomachPresentation:1、T: How are you?( 或借助玩具朋友。)当后学生回答 Not so good 时

4、,教师关切地询问 What s the matter?/ What' s wrong with you?并用手势引导学生回答。2、板书: What' s wrong with you? 生跟读在生回答后,师:I' msorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.板书,生跟读Teach : hear-here(同音词)earget better e soon -noon3、Teach: toothachea.师与一生表演呈现T: How are you?S: Not so good.T: What ' s wrong

5、 with you?S: I ve got a toothache.(托腮作痛占状)T: I ' m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.b.师出示图片并配以单词a toothache生跟读: a toothache a toothache I,ve got a toothache.( 板书:I,vegot a .)c.练习板书的新句型。师问生答生问生答2、同法教学单词 (an)earache backache headache stomachache3、学单词 fever cold cough 补充 a high fever

6、a bad cold /cough4、 听B部分录音并跟读5、Say a rhyme跟读,试着模仿改编,并朗诵.(替换high fever )D操练句型及单词三、反馈总结1、师出示图片问生边做相应的动作边回答:2、学生两人一组自编对话并表演P18 Work in pairs四、Homework1、抄写默与要求四会掌握的单词和词组。2、运用所学的词组和句型自由交谈。板书设计Unit 2 A telephone callWha t' s wrong with you ?/What ' s the matter?I ' ve got a /an toothache/earah

7、ce/backache/headahce/stomachache cold/fever/coughI am sorry to hear that. I hope you can get better soon.教学后记集体备课教案教学目标1 .能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写 cold , hot,thirsty,tired,cool,hungry,川2 .能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型How do you feel now? I feel Ican get a/some for you.3 .学会用英语讨论疾病类话题。教学重、难点1 .能熟练掌握和灵活运用四会词汇和句型。2 .学会用英语讨论疾病

8、类话题。教学准备课彳4,教学光盘,磁带,录音机,卡片教学设计Free talk1.师生之间以free talk的形式复习句型 What' s wrong with you? 和本单元B部分的单词T: Hello xxx How are you today?(出示图片 要求学生根据图片回答 )S: Not so good.T: What ' s wrong with you?S: I ' ve got a stomach acheT: I ' m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.S: Thank you

9、.2 .生问师答生问生答3 .默写上节课所学新单词和句型。Presentation1.师关切地询问刚才回答不舒服的学生:How do you feel now?帮助学生回答 I feel ill/ hot /tired/cold/hungryT: I can get a glass of water for youS: Thank you.2、板书:How do you feel now?I feelI can get a/some for you.生跟读数遍。Teach : feel_QJ 感觉,后面跟形容词举例学过哪些形容词:ill/ hot /tired/cold/hungry3、比较I

10、' ve got和I feel这两个句子中后面所跟内容有何不同。Consolidation1、Ask and answer- -How do you feel now?- -1 feel.- -I can get a /some for you .Here is /are somefor you .2、Teach ' medicine 'take some medicine (不可数名词)3. Do some exercise.(课时练)Homework1、抄写默写C部分句型。听录音,预习部分,跟读 3遍,复习打电话常识。板书设计Unit 2 A telephone c

11、all- -How do you feel now?Here is /are some- -1 feel.- -I can get a /some for you .for you .教学后记课时 3 A部分集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1 .能正确地听、说、读日常用语M ay I speak to ?This is speaking .See you soon 。2 .能正确地理解A部分并正确、流利朗读。3 .学会用英语讨论疾病类话题。教学重、难点正确理解,掌握 A部分对话,并能朗读,初步表演对话。教学准备课彳4,教学光盘,磁带,录音机,卡片教学设计Free talkT: Hello,

12、 Is that Wang Bing?51: Yes, this is xxx52: No, this is Yu Wenjie.Presentation:Sorry, May I speak to Yang Jie?帮助生答Hold on, please. 并把电话递给 Yang JieYang Jie: Hello, this is Yang Jie speaking.(板书 speak May I speak to This is speaking)53: 生练习用 May I speak to 打电话课时3 A部分集体备课教案3.在此基础上,教师出示课文挂图并用语言直接入:Helen

13、is not atschool She ' s absent .today She ' s ill . 引导学生理解 absent 的意 思, 然后指着挂图说Helen is in her bedroom Su Yang is calling her.让学生理解第2句中her的意思.and answer:T:Helen is calling Su Yang ,let ' s listen and tell me: is Su Yang absent today?'s wrong with her?does she feel nowAnswers:1. Becau

14、se she is ill.2. She' s got a back cold and fever.3. She still feels ill.在此过程中教授单词still -ill,通过老师举例知道 still的中文意思。Drill出现本课会话,让学生看图听录音,理解会话。T:Look at the passage and listen to it.partA after the tape.Step5: Consolidation and practice1 .自由读,分组读。2 .人物扮演。Step6:Homework1 .课上完成课时练2 .反复朗读背诵课文。3 .预习下节课内

15、容。板书设计Unit2 A telephone callMay I speak to ?This is speaking.集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学后记课时4 E部分及G部分集体备课教案二次备课(手写)课时4 E部分及G部分集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1 .掌握词组 a bad cough, take some medicine, have a lot of rest2 .能初步了解字母 O在闭音节单词中的读音。3 .进一步提高学生英语学习的兴趣。教学重、难点1 .掌握词组 a bad cough, take some medicine, have a lot of rest.2

16、 .能初步了解字母 O在闭音节单词中的读音。教学准备课彳4,教学光盘,磁带,录音机,卡片教学设计Greeting:It ' s cold today. I feel cold. How do you feel now?S: I feel cold.T: I can get some water for you .S: Thank you.2. How do you feel now ?I feelI can get for you .= Here is /are for you .Ask and answer.Presentation:Where is the woman?S: She

17、 ' s in the hospital.T: Yes, she ' s ll. She ' s seeing a doctor.Learn “ see a doctor ”:What ' s wrong with her? Listen and answer.S: She ' s got a bad cough.T:What ' s the doctor ' s suggestions?S: Stay in bed.Have a lot of rest. Take some medicine.课时 4 E部分及G部分集体备课教案二次备课

18、(手写) Have a good sleep. Drink a lot of hot water. Learn the phrases.Drillto tape and follow it.the text together.in roles.Part GT:Now look at partG,read the words together.S:monkey brother monkey loveT:o pronounce as ;S:Anywords else?让学生举例,拓展。Step4:Homework1 .课上完成课时练2 .完成央补。3 .预习卜节课内容。板书设计Unit2 A te

19、lephone callmonkey brother monkey love教学后记课时5 F部分及H部分教学目标1 .会诵读歌谣。2 .掌握词组 wrong number等。3 .单元知识的回顾,并能熟练、灵活运用本单元知识。教学重、难点单元知识的回顾,并能熟练、灵活运用本单元知识。教学准备课彳4,教学光盘,磁带,录音机,卡片教学设计Free talk:Is everyone here?S: Yes.T; No one is absent .:I feel very cold. How do you feel now?S:I feel cold, too.S1:I can get for y

20、ou.Revision1. Open the book and read part E.Who can recite the text?the phrases. Take some medicine. Have a good sleep. Drink a lot of hot water.Presentation1. T: Now,please listen to me carefully .Write down my telephone.My telephone is .Who can call me? .May I speak to Miss Fang ?T:This is Miss Fa

21、ng speaking. Who s that?S: This is课时 5 F部分及H部分集体备课教案二次备课(手写):Who can tell us your telephone number?Ask some students to say their numbers, others write down.3. Look at these number. Choose one to call.4. .,hello, may I speak to?复习打电话。5. Read Part F. Learn“choose”6. Say a rhyme.Learn the phrases: see

22、 a doctor ; a high feverTranslate the sentence: I just want my mother .Homework1 .课上完成课时练。2 .单元复习,完成英语补充习题。板书设计Unit2 A telephone call教学后记课时6复习第二单元,完成相关练习课时6复习第二单元,完成相关练习教学目标1 .能熟练朗读课文,能够背诵。2 .能听得懂、会说、会读、和会拼写单词a toothache, an earache, abackache, a headache, a stomach ache, a fever, a cold, a cough.3 .能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what ' s wrong with you ? I' vegot a/an I' m sorry to hear that.教学重、难点回顾本单元知识,并能熟练、灵活运用本单元知识。教学准备磁带,录音机,卡片教学设计Free talkIs everyone here?I feel very cold. How do you feel now?RevisionUnit 1.the text.in pairs to talk about thedisease.new dial


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