1、Popular Youth Culture教学基本信息课题高三英语词汇课教学设计-培养学习策略,提高语言技能的任务驱动型词汇课学科英语学段:第一学期 年级高三相关领域英语词汇学习策略 任务驱动型词汇学习教材书名:全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修)英语 第三册出版社:人民教育出版社 指导思想与理论依据普通高中英语课程标准(实验)(以下简称课标)要求教师在进一步发展学生综合语言运用能力的基础上,着重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力,形成跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际的能力。词汇是语言的基本单位,是进行思维和交际的重要元素。语言学家 David Wilkins 在总结词汇学习的重要性时说到:“没
2、有语法就只能传递有限的信息,没有词汇则什么也传达不了。”由此可见,词汇教学在中学英语教学中具有举足轻重的作用。秉承第二语言习得理论和新课程标准的一些核心理念,本节课的设计思想主要体现在以下几方面:1. 依据灵活运用教材资源和贴近真实生活的原则,本节课依据任务型教学理论提出了任务型词汇教学的方法,选择volunteers这一话题,采用“任务型教学法”(Task-based Approach),为学生创设真实的语境,激发学生主动参与学习过程,通过体验和习得语言,用恰当而丰富的词汇、句型来表达思想以至进行得体的社会交际;同时,通过完成任务,学生感受到词汇的学习不是孤立的、简单的词义和用法的积累,而是
3、与句型结构和话题之间有着密不可分的联系,发展其用英语进行思维和表达思想的能力,实现真正意义上的语言的交际性和实践性,从而提高他们用英语进行交际的能力并培养他们“自主,合作,创新”的精神。2. 学会学习是人的一个必备的重要素质。联合国教科文组织于20世纪70年代初就指出:“未来的文盲不再是不识字的人,而是没有学会怎样学习的人”。而掌握学习策略成了衡量学会学习的重要标志。新课程标准提出了四个基本的学习策略:认知策略、调控策略、交际策略和资源策略。其中在语言学习中尤为重要的是认知策略和交际策略,教师应该在教学活动中加强对学生认知策略与交际策略的培养。3. 在英语词汇学习过程中,学习者要遵循第二语言习
4、得的规律,掌握并灵活运用多种词汇学习策略。语境策略(Context Strategy)就是学习者通过上下文语言环境所提供的信息对出现在语境中的生词进行猜测,并运用到适当的语言环境中,从而习得这个单词。它不仅仅可以扩大词汇量,而且可以让学生了解有关目的语的文化知识。语义场理论(Semantic Field Strategy)是德国学者 J.Tries最先提出来的。根据这个理论,词可以在一个共同概念的支配下结合在一起形成一个语义场,在以话题为中心的词场(Word web)中进行由词到句、由句到文、在句和文中巩固运用词汇的有梯度的操练过程中,才能真正实现语言的交际性和实践性。由于很多任务是通过 pa
5、ir work 和 group work 合作完成的,完成任务的过程就是合作、互动、创新的过程。在合作学习中有助于他们的合作精神和竞争意识的培养。 教学背景分析教学内容:高三人教版教材Unit 15 Popular Youth Culture主要谈论青少年文化,其中阅读部分讲述了三位志愿者在生活上帮助孤独老人、在学业上帮助偏远山区孩子和留学生志愿者呼吁社会关注发展中国家饥饿孩子的故事,以及志愿者们在帮助他人的过程中的收获与体会。本文的词汇多是围绕志愿者帮助哪些有困难的人,如何帮助他们,以及在帮助他们后的感受和收获展开的。另外,震惊世界的汶川大地震和刚刚结束的同样令全世界瞩目的北京奥运会,都为我
6、们谈论的志愿者的话题提供了真实的情景,所以在这个时候选择这个话题进行训练可以有效的训练学生对这些词汇的理解和运用。学生情况:由于我们这一年级的英语成绩很差,包括实验班在内偏科生很多,而且现在还没有进行系统的写作训练,随意给学生一项高考写作任务会使他们手足无措,所以选择适合学生的话题并做适当的铺垫是必要的。对于词汇学习,学生还仅限于让背哪一部分就背哪一部分的被动记忆方式,应该训练学生进行词串记忆的意识,让他们意识到通过串联归类、纵横联系,在脑际建立互相依存的知识结构,从而战胜遗忘,增强记忆。教学方式:任务型,合作型教学手段:电脑,教材,学生练习材料worksheet技术准备:(1) 媒体种类:电
7、脑,PPT应用: 展示相关图片及例句及总结;展示各种练习形式,展示创设的语境等。 教学目标(内容框架)(一) 知识与技能目标:1. 所有的学生能够理解、正确认读下列单词和词组;2. 多数学生能够在情境中正确使用这些单词和词组;make a contribution to, make a difference, concentrateon, straight away, fit in, take part in, be eager to, as a consequence, big hearts, respect, raise, strong, company, welcome, promote
8、3. 大多数学生能够形成一些词网,并且能够尽量正确使用这些词网的中的词汇对所给的有关志愿者或志愿者工作的情景进行描述;(二) 情感与态度目标:在阅读材料中学生们学习了三位志愿者乐于助人的事迹;在词汇课堂上又进一步了解了汶川大地震的志愿者、奥运志愿者以及学生身边的社区志愿者是如何帮助他人的。通过学习这些志愿者的感人故事,让学生学习他们乐于助人的精神,体会到帮助他人的重要性,并鼓舞他们也要做一名对社会有用的志愿者。教学重点和难点(1) 学习重点学生能够理解、掌握所有的词汇及短语,并能恰当的使用。(2) 认知难点1) 学生能够尽量用所给词汇或短语描写志愿者活动。2) 所有学生都能完成第一幅图所提供的
9、写作任务(问答式的会考作文),程度较好的学生能完成第二、三幅图所提供的高考形式开放性的写作任务,并能体现得体的交际意识。板书设计Unit 15 Popular Youth CultureGroup 1 Group 2 Group 3make a contribution to big hearts welcomemake a difference respect promoteconcentrateon raisestraight away strongfit in companytake part inbe eager to read between lines as a consequen
10、ce教学流程示意图词汇复现图片导入话题展示写作任务短语填空训练用意义相近的短语改写句子Group 1Group 2重要短语展示几个熟悉词汇在原句中猜测词义Group 3主要动词强调通过上下文猜测词义的重要性阶段训练学习welcome用法学习promote用法主要动词练习开始写作旧词新意评价学生作文教学过程教学步骤(时间)教学内容学生活动教师活动设计意图媒体应用词汇复习(1m)Go over the words we need to remember today.先听老师读每个单词,记住发音的同时想其汉语意思。然后齐读单词,再记一遍词汇的发音及意义。Read the words we need
11、to remember today.Ask the students to read the words together.让学生每天在上英语课时利用一分钟时间记一些单词,这些单词在这一天要多次复记,达到强化记忆的目的。黑板导入(2m)Warming up:Ask the students what the topic of this unit is, and ask them what we have learnt about the topic “culture” (show the pictures about the passages we have learnt).Show the
12、pictures of Lu Hao and Lin Ying to introduce todays topic.Look at the pictures shown on the screen and think what these pictures are about. Answer some questions about Lu Hao and Lin Ying asked by the teacher Write the topic of this unit on the blackboard. Show the pictures about culture we have lea
13、rnt before and ask the students what else we have learnt about “culture”.Introduce todays topic by showing the pictures of Lu Hao and Lin Ying, two main characters of the reading passage.热身部分以学生学过的有关文化的相关图片来引入,可以起到新旧知识融会贯通的作用,以旧知识带新知识,便于学生理解掌握。本节词汇课的任务是完成与青年文化-志愿者相关的写作任务,所以以文化来引入也起到首尾呼应的效果。黑板书写标题PPT
14、展示图片任务展示(1m)Show the pictures of volunteer teachers in Sichuan, Olympic volunteers and community volunteers, and ask the students to write something about these volunteers to your American pen pal Peter.Tell what kind of volunteers they are and remember the writing task.Show the pictures Help the st
15、udents judge what kind of volunteers they are and explain the writing task to the students.阅读课文中介绍了三位志愿者的事迹,另外根据语言的交际性原则,任务应具有交际性,所以本堂课的任务是为美国网友介绍有关志愿者的情况。PPT展示图片以及任务内容重要短语(10m)Show some sentences about volunteers and the phrases we have learnt in the former class.Ask the students to fill in the bla
16、nks with the phrases to make the sentences meaningful.Look at the sentences and answer what these sentences about.Read the phrases and tell the meaning of each phrase.Fill in the blanks with the phrases given.Show some sentences and ask the students what these sentences about.Show some important phr
17、ases whose original sentences have been found out in this unit, and ask students to read and tell the meaning of them.Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the phrases.Write the phrases on the blackboard.这些短语都是本单元中很重要的词组并且是可以在写作中涉及到的,因为课时有限不能细讲细练,而且学生已到高三年级,有一定的自主学习能力,所以课堂上只起到复现和练习的目的。而且所用例句都是
18、与volunteer有关的话题,不仅能为最后的写作任务起到铺垫作用,而且还训练了学生在语境中运用短语和替换短语的能力。PPT展示练习内容黑板总结短语学生篇子Show some sentences with the phrases underlined.Show the phrases with similar meaning with the one underlined.Ask the students to rewrite the sentences with the phrases above. Pay attention to which phrases will be learnt
19、in this part.Rewrite the sentences with the phrases above.Help the students to pay attention to the phrases we learn.Show the phrases with the similar meaning and ask the students to rewrite the sentences with those phrases.Write the phrases on the blackboard.旧词新意(7m)Show some words chosen from this
20、 unit which are familiar to the students, and ask them to tell the meanings.Show the original sentences of these words to see if the original meaning fit for the circumstance.Show three meanings of each word for the students to choose from.Ask the students to describe a picture by using the words we
21、 learn. (its acceptable if the students can use other words suitable)Tell the meaning of the words given.Guess the meaning of the words given in the original sentences to see if the words have other meanings.Choose the right meaning of each word.Try to describe the picture by the words we learn or o
22、ther words with the similar meaning.Ask the students to tell the meaning of each word.Show the original sentences of each word and ask the students to guess/discuss the meaning of each word in the original sentences.Show the choices on the screen and ask the students to choose the right one.Summariz
23、e when we read something, we shouldnt always stick to the original meaning of the words, try to read between lines.Ask the students to describe the picture on the screen.在阅读训练中,经常会碰到词汇学生都认识,但是句子译不出来,排除句子结构的原因,还有很多词汇出现了旧词新译的情况,这时就要训练学生根据句子上下文来分析词汇意思的能力。PPT展示词汇原句不同意义选项练习图片黑板总结词汇猜词方法学生篇子阶段练习(6m) Ask th
24、e Ss to practice using the words and phrases we learn by filling in the blanks in the situation about volunteers.Summarize the words and phrases and try to use them in a context.Help the students to summarize the words and phrases we learn and practice using the words and phrases in the two situatio
25、n given.给学生两个有关志愿者的短文,让学生用学过的短语填空,已达到灵活运用短语,理解意义的目的。PPT展示图片练习内容学生篇子主要动词(10m)Show the original sentences of welcome and ask the students to read them loudly.Show some sentences of welcome, ask the students to read the sentences and summarize the meaning, part of speech and usage of the word.Give the
26、students some sentences of promote and ask them to match the different meanings with the promote in different sentences.Ask the students to translate the sentences, write the sentence according to the picture and rewrite the sentences.Read the original sentences of welcome. Read some sentences about
27、 welcome and summarize the meaning, part of speech and usage of the word. Read some sentences about promote and match the meanings with the promote in different sentences. Finish the exercises designed for welcome and promote.Show the original sentences of welcome and ask the students to read them l
28、oudly. Show some sentences of welcome, ask the students to read the sentences and help them summarize the meaning, part of speech and usage of the word.Give the students some sentences of promote and ask them to match the different meanings with the promote in different sentences.Ask the students to
29、 translate the sentences, write the sentence according to the picture and rewrite the sentences.主要动词应该选取用法多样或是词义较多的兼类词,但是本单元可选择的兼类词不多,但是welcome和promote这两个词的用法和意义是可以深入挖掘的,而且有符合我们的写作任务。在设计练习上,用了一些与志愿者话题有关的内容,可以帮助学生在话题中记忆词汇,又可以为写作做铺垫。PPT展示wel- come原句例句用法总结pro-mote词义连线练习主要动词综合练习学生篇子综合任务输出(7m)Show the po
30、ssible version of a community volunteer Lu Hao.Show the writing task of different levels to the students.Ask the students to write the composition.Evaluate the students writing, and show them the possible version.Choose a writing task to finish.Evaluate their writing by themselves, in pairs and in c
31、lass.Show the possible version of a community volunteer Lu Hao. Help the students to analyze the different aspects of writing something about volunteers.Show the writing task of different levels to the students.Ask the students to write the composition.Evaluate the students writing, and show them th
32、e possible version.教学任务的设计要依附于教材,所以在学习阅读材料时,让学生根据Lu Hao 的经历写过有关志愿者的情况,这个写作任务也是为本节课的写作任务服务的。写作任务设计了会考层次(即层次较差的学生可以完成的写作任务)和层次较高的学生可以进行的开放性写作(即没有任何提示的写作),让学生根据自己的实际水平来选择适合自己的任务,体现了分层次教学的理念。PPT展示写作任务范文学生篇子实物投影布置作业(1m)1. 根据上下文判断划线词的词性和意思,并在括号中写出它的词根。2. 选词填空。3. 完成P132 No.2由于课时有限,本课涉及到了很多有用的词缀没有设计到课堂教学中,为了弥补遗憾,特设计了两道作业题。学生篇子学习效果评价本节课是一堂综合了新词学习和旧词复现,以volunteer话题词汇为主线的一堂高三词汇学习课。因为刚刚学习了有关volunteer话题的阅读学习,又适逢奥运会刚刚结束,奥运志愿者与城市志愿者的余温还没有褪去,这个话题很容易激起学生的学习兴趣也可以引起学生的深入思考。这堂写作课的总任务是通过为美国网友Peter介绍有关志愿者的情况,选择描写a volunteer teacher, Olympic volunteers 或Communi
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