1、广州五下英语期末复习要点一、单词拼写易错词选择更喜欢也秋天在对面澳大利亚重要的第八第九大山邀请特别的使惊奇激动的到达听起来问题离开宫殿安全交通陌生人危险的方向医院突然笔直的小心饭店酒楼旅馆通过相信博物馆完美的堂兄弟,堂姐妹,表兄弟,表姐妹在前面桥梁在之间科学实验室星期:月份:、单词复数 或尾巴带有S的情形解说climb a tree- climb treesly a kite-fly kitestake a photo-take p hotosummer holidaysummer holidaysno odles direct ions, colorful flowesscie nee la
2、bstraffic lights make a snowmanmake sno wme nplant flowers water vegetables get gifts feed animals wear glasses send cards to somebody climb trees all kinds of play outdoors have a sports meeting on the stairs under the stars do sports duri ng school hoursCh in ese clothe唐 装三、大小写问题Tree Planting Day
3、World Earth Day the Summer Palacethe Great Wall Window of the World, Hainan IslandHappy Valley Hong Kong Guan gzhou Museum课本Did you know栏目四、辨析1. 区别:outdoor outdoors2. too either (as well)练My father loves hot food. My mother enjoys hot food 练My father cafhdrive. My mother catndrive.A. too B. both C.
4、either练()6. Id on lite rai ny days. I ddriike hot days.A. too B. either C. again). together练()6. I cartski. My frie nd Jim catnski3. 区另 y cross across go across walk across swim across4. 区另 y safety- safe5. rain - rainy wi nd - windycloudcloudy snowsnowy练()1. A Whaf Se weather like today? : B . A. c
5、loud B. clouds C. cloudy D. a cloud6.go skii ng -go skati门看图区分,有轮,滑板)7疑问词选用Whats your favorite seas on?Whichseas on do you like best?练()5. -season do you like best? -S prin g. A. Which B. What C. Why8. 区另 y maybemay be9. 区别 Australia Australian10区别:祈使句与 动名词做主语(dan ce) makes me happy练(cook)can be fun
6、.练 (read) is good for us.练_练4.is my hobby. A. Swim B. Swimming C. Swims D. SwamCantyou see the sign? cooking can be fun.11区别情态动词:Can Cart should shouldrtcouldmust, mustn,have to,don have tomayneed, needntNo need12区别:exciting excited interesting interested boring bored练It sansto ry练The children were
7、all veryafter they read it.练()4. Sue will go to the Summer Palace next week, so she is veryA. boring B. exciting C. excited D. boring13区别:near next to练()7. My home is_练13. My 11th birthday is comin g. I am very. A. excited B. excit ing C. exercisemy school, so I can go to school on Aooong B. near C.
8、 far D. next14区别:too much15.区别:(much too)16. 区别:17. 区别:18. 区别 aftertoo manyHow much+不可数名词How ma ny +可数名词复数How long + How soon +How ofte n + How far +worry worried be worried about1, 作介词+Ving2, 作连词+句子 After they walk along a small road, then turn left .19. 区别There be句型和have20. 区别:on over 例句: There is
9、 a bridgethe river21. 区别in t he tree on the tree练 the birdsthe treethe fruitthe treehe flowersthe tree the catthe tree()2. There is a catthe tree. Can you seeAt? n B. on C. betwee n22. 区另y 时态判断 this morning this afternoon this evening五、固定搭配(like to de可不讲)look like1. 讲解:would like to do= want to doli
10、ke doing , be like,love doing enjoy doing finish doingWhatthe weather like? =How is the weather ?练()9.the weather like today? A. What B. How练()10. -the weather today-It rainyA WhafC. What ss B WhereD. HowC Whose D、How练8dont likeat home at the weekend. A.stayB.stays C.staying练14.My grandpa does nt li
11、kein the steawimB.swimmi ng C.swimsWhat summer like in Australia根据实际情况回答问题)练()10. He likesflowers in sprirA. pla ntsB. pla ntingC. pla nt练A: What is your school?B: It not very big, but very beautiful. It has lots of trees.练()4. She doerlikechess with her friends. plays B. play C. playing D. played2.
12、 be from come from (一般疑问句,特殊疑问旬3. He is visiting mferthe summer holidays . We are all going to his hofaea party tomorrow .We are going to cooOrour mother on the day. We will travel in HainaOjr five daysAre you flying soufOrthe win ter ?P eter came back to his parfewtsnoneyToday is a sp ecial dOyme.
13、Are the girls in Jaegr oup going to make a pBfljitheir holiday ?Do you have any p liorthe holiday ? The little baby walked to his mfOm water.练9. I have to studymy scie nee testThursday after noon.A. at; on B. on; for C. for; in D. for; on练He is going to my homemy birthday.练Mike is inviting mesummer
14、holidays.练Every one will come homethe Spring Festival.练My father has a new p la n the holiday.练We are going to his homea party tomorrow.练Are you flying souththe winte r练I want to visit my cousinthewinter holiday.练Thanksyour help, and now I have made great progreysEnglish. A. to B. with C. for D. by4
15、.be +形容词be tired=get tiredbe busy be free练9. Y)u shouldbe carefulbe sure be latebe lost=get lostbe happy=feel happycareful. A.Bs are C. were D. be练()7.If you don t walk quicklylate. A. will B. will be C. are5.have a good time =have fun = enjoy oneself(myself ourselves yourself yourselves himself her
16、selfitself themselves)6. 时间介词搭配on January 4th at noon, in the morning, in the after noon, on your holiday,in the day, at night, in ten minutes, for five days, on this special day, on the morning of, on the first day, on Sun day morning练1. I want to travel in Australiaten daysA. for B. in C. with D.
17、on2.She read in the librarymore tha n 10 hours.3. 闭上眼睛一分钟。five days. A. in B. of C. for D. on4. She will stay here7. 地点介词搭配:on my way to the zoo, on the stairs on the left, on your left, on a farm, on the beach, at the Summer Palace, at the school gate, at the Great Wall, at my school hall,at the me
18、eting room, at the sec ond cross ing, at the city museum, at the end of the road at my home,in Wan gfuji ng Street, in the street,in the restaura nt,at作为一个地点介词用,后面跟一个范围不大的地方名词或表示场合的词,如:I saw Jiamiat the swimming pool.See youat the party练1. Do cross streetthe traffic lights or safety croAs iog. B. in
19、C. at D. for2. Dontjump the stairs.A. in B. at C. for D. onthe streetA. on B. in C. at D. under8.the 姓的复数 The Webbs3. Y)u shouldftr un(be)going to have a three-day holiday on a farm.9. go for a picnic = go on a picnic = have a picgoiCor a walk, take a walk, have a rest, take a rest10. fromto11. 常识:
20、When it is summer in Australia, this is win ter in china.练is the first day of a wee is the first day of a week in china.练9. The fourth day of a week in China isA. Wednesday B. Friday C. Thursday练World Earth Day: orld Museum Day : 本 Did you know 栏目12.too to 例句:She istooshyto say anything.It s toolate
21、tosay sorry练()6.It s 32 C todayshotwear a cAattoo, to B. to, for C. to, to13s there any thi ng elsdm porta nt this mon th?复合不定代词用法讲解:someanyeverynosomethinganythingeverythingnothingSomeoneAnyoneeveryonenoneSomebodyAnybodyeverybodynobody展开讲解:1否定句,疑问句,客气邀请或希望肯定回答2.形容词与复合不定代词的位置:形容词修饰anything, somethin
22、g, nothing 等不定代词时要后置,I learnsomething interestOgput the weather in En glish to day There imothing good eat there.练()3. Is therethings this monthA. something new B. anything new C. new anything3.做主语当做三单看待练Everyone in our class(like)our English teacher1. 邀请和应答练习:14.表示邀请或建议的8个句子Would like to doDo you w
23、ant to doShall we V 原What abou+ V-ingHow abou+ V ingLets+ V原Why dont you + V原Why not + V原(1) Would you like to-?是邀请用语,语气委婉客气,如: Our fruits are very fresh to.dWould you like to try them?(2) Do you want to-?也是邀请用语,语气比较随意, 女口: Do you want to go swimmi ng with me?接受:Yes, Id love / like to. / Yes , of co
24、urse.不接受:Id like to ,but-/ Sorry lea. I2. 建议:Shall we ?女口: Shall we eat out today?接受:Yes, thas great. / es, thafea good idea. / ThaOK.3. Why表示追问,如:A: Are you using the computer?B: No. Why?son.A: Could I dow nl oad a song? L n eed it for the music les4. Sounc的意思是“听起来”后面跟形容词,如:His idea sounds in teres
25、ti ng.情态动词+V原助动词+动词原形Dont + V原 Will + V原 Let + sb. + 原 make sb. + 原15.固定搭配:plan to do sth.in vite sb. to do sthcant wait to do sth. I cant wait to meet the writer of this book.write a letter to sb.Idlike to dolook forward todoingsthwant to do n eed to dohope to do sth.finish doing, enjoy doin g, lov
26、e doin g, like doinghelp sb. do sth勺意思是“帮助某人做某事”如:Billy often helps his father clean the kitchen.16. safety first, safety crossing17. heIp sb.(to) dotell sb. to do ask sb. to do练1. Dingdong invites mehis ingB. to come C. coming D. comes2. Billy ofte n helps his father(clea n ) the kitche n.3. Xiaoli
27、ng often helps his motherthe diAkfeeds B. feeding C. feed D. fed5.Dont4. Let meyou. A. helps B. help C. helping D. to help6. Ito read this bookA. forget B. forgets C. to forget D. forgettingwait to see the cute mon keys in the zoo. They are so in teresti ng. A. don B. can C. can t7. Kate plans toa f
28、arm next Sun day. A. visit ing B. visits C. visit8.9.10.18.kee p+ sb. /sth + adj.Kee p the school buildiogea n, kee p your classroosafeI9make + sb /sth + adj.make you sick20stay+ adjstay safe21. make sure22. take care of, look after23. buy sth. for sb.take sth. from give sth. to sb.24., fly back hom
29、e, come back home, go back home,25. drive to 地点,fly to+地 点,walk to26. (be)in trouble27. p lay with matches28. How can I get to29. o get to the cinema,并歹 U 句多个动词形式一致_练Letgo andthe p olice. A. askBgasks C. ask D. an swerP683O.mean的用法句式改写31. a surp rise p arty32. Be n will be free this weeke nd细 1.-you
30、free tomorrow?33. There will be an art show at the city museum.34. be late for练Dont be lateschocouvshould betime.-No. I2.youfree the day after tomorrow.free n ext Sun day?A. on; on B. for; on C. on; for D. for; for35Walk through36. 介词 + 动 ing Thanks a lotfor inviting me to your party.练3. Thanks a lo
31、t forme _your party. invite; for B. invite; to C. inviting; for D. inviting; to37. call sb. o电舌号码38时寸态判断 this morning this afternoon this evening39.交通方式的表达:by+交通工具 / on foot go to school by bus. = I take a bus to school.My uncle goes to walk by un dergro und.My aunt hoes to walk on foot. = My aunt w
32、alks to school.40问路:Can you tell me the way to,pleaseCould you tell me the way to厂?Can you tell me how to get -to?Where is ,please ?Can you tell me how I can get to ?六、固定句式is the best time to do sth.is the best timfor doing sth.the best time for swimmi ng = the best time to swim练 When is the best ti
33、me for visiting Beijng /to visit Beijing ?练()3. Summer is best forA. swim B. swimmi ng C. swims练()1. I love swimming and summer is the best timeswimming. A. of B. for C. to2.ltStime toIts a great time to go shopping at the outdoor markets or enjoy the light shows .3.lt takes a long time to do someth
34、ing4.o nes first trip to- 某人第一次到某地,如:Its myfirst trip to Lon do n.Bens first trip to BeijingThis will be mysec ond trip to Haina n练1. It s mytrip to ShanghA. three B. two C. third D. four_swim)can be fun for childre n in summer5. Cookinga n be f ur.练_6. Harbi n is good plaCe visit7. There ia lot to
35、do8. Mr Wang are going to Beiji ng by ptomaseet his friends9.10.七、语法专题梳理1,2,四种时态(略)重点:将来时的句式一般现在时三种句型转换情态动词+ V原Can Cartshould shouldrtCantyou see the sign? cooking can be fun. couldmust, mustn,3,4,may need, neednt祈使句&动名词做主语There be句型将来时No n eed have to, don have toThere will beThere is going to be练.
36、Theresome soup in the bowlA.doesB.isC.are5,日期和星期的文法:-Whafsthe date today今 天几号? -It is June 1st.-Whatsthe day today今 天星期几? -It is Monday 日期的读法:读法1:月份+the+序数词,如7月2日读作July the second读法2: the+序数词+of+月份,如7月2日读作the seco nd of July日期的写法:月伽日期序数词,如October艺或简写为Oct. 2d6,时间表达顺读法 逆读法听力易错题:At 6:45 7:157:456序数词八、典
37、型错题:根据实际情况回答问题1. Whatss pring like in Guan gzhou?9. Would you like to watch a football match toni ght?2. Ca n you tell me the way to the hotel?Can you tell me the way to your home?3. Ca n you get to school on time ?4.Is there a hos pital n ear the bank?5. How can you go to Yuexiu Mountain ? 6.What s
38、hould you do if one of your classmates is in trouble?7.Don play in the street.8.How will you go to school tomorrow ?10What time do you do your homewor不 要漏掉介词补全单词:trees.1.Cats are good at c3.We must always stay s5.Its n ot sto believe stra ngers用所给的词填空,可重复使用。4.The tinfor at from to like of2The woma n
39、 is dthe table.light is gree n, we can cross the street now.6. The story sbori ng.1. I want to visit my un cle in Brita inthe win ter h oliday2. Autu mn is the best timefishi ng.3. We usually go to visit my grandparents in Brita inspring.4. There is a boythe apple tree. He is p ick ing our app les!5
40、. Those flowers are beautiful. I want to buy somefor my mum. She loves flowers.6. My cous in isAustralia. He is hav ing the summer holiday in Beij ng.8. WhatAustraliaChi na?7. The weather is too coldplay outside.? Is it very large country9. Lookthem.10. A: Howfethe weatherthe colourful birds the tre
41、e. I hope I can have oneyour country no wBhe: rainy seas on. It rains every dayPart three :作文Module 1 Seasons用五句话叙述你喜欢的季节,写一写这个季节的天气和你喜欢的活动,以及你喜欢这个季节的原因.spring.warm, shirt,plant trees 2. summer, hot and sunny T-shirt, swim and go camping 3. autumn,cool and windyblouse,p lay outdoors and fly a kite 4
42、. win ter, cold and snowysweater,make a sno wma n )Module 2 PI ans写作:写一写你以及你朋友星期天的安排。(morning afternoon evening )Sun day is coming.ln the mornin g, I am going to书面表达。根据汉语提示及要求,用英语写一篇短文。提示:怀特一家假期打算到大连去旅行。他们准备在那儿呆上一周,然后计划去海里游泳,品尝可口的海 鲜和大连食品。并且还可以交到一些朋友。大连很美,天气也很好。在那儿他们将度过一个愉快的假期(The Whites, seafood, m
43、ake frie nds)Module 3 Invitations写一个邀请函,邀请你的朋友参加你的生日聚会。Dear,See you at the partyYours,根据提示,写邀请,并作出回答。see a film swimmi ng p ool party watch a football match eat in the restaura nt 女口: Would you like to see a film with me?Yes, I d love to.Module 4 Travel书面表达:下周星期天一整天,你与老师、同学一起去野炊。请根据提示写一篇小作文,要求内容完整,语
44、言 规范。(提示:出发时间、地点、目地交通工具自定以及活动内容等)你打算暑假去哪里呢?写一写你的计划。Module 5 Safety仿照例子,写出几件不安全的事。1. Eati ng too much ice-cream.2. Cutt ing vegetables with a shar p knife quickly3. 讨论一下你们学校的规章制度,你能做什么?不能做什么?仿照例子写一写。1. Don tieah e class.2. We can eat in the di ning hall. 6 Directions写作:Joe的生日快到了,她要在周日晚上7:00举行生日party不过她的生日邀请卡还没写好,你
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