1、Unit 9 Can you come to my party?Section B (3a-3b)(教学设计)功能:Leani to write invitations and replies话题:Imitations教学目标:这节课后,学生将通过分析3a中的邀请函总结出邀请函的写作结构,内容,常用连接词和时态从而模仿写出自己的邀请函并对收到的邀请函做出接受和拒绝的回复,以此学会在真实交际中,真正做到得体发出.接受或拒绝邀请。教学难点:用得体的语H发出邀请和给出回复。教学流程活动设计设计*图教学环节教师活动学生活动第_环节Lead-inL Put a picture witlf 邀请函oiiP
2、PT.Ask: Whats this?2. I got an im itation from iny sonsheadmaster yesterday. But I dontknow what the invitation is about.Pni so curious that I want to read itright now. Do you want to read ittogether uMth me?1. Follow theteacher to getfamiliar with thetopic.最大限度的调动学生对这节课的话题的兴趣,积极参与课堂。第二环节3a(Contenta
3、nalysis)第三环书StiaictureandcontentAnalysis1 Lets read it together and say whatthe headmaster talks about in theimitation.First comes Dear Parents,I would like to invite you to theopening of our new library at No.9High School. Welt what comesnext? Can you giiess? You canchoose the answer from thefollow
4、ing three sentences. (Whenwe talk about the future time, weusually use simple fiitiu e tense willbe);2.3.Lets mow on and see wliich of thethree sentences is the next one.(this refers to the opening.)Welk which sentence comesnext? . (Do the same until the lastsentence)1 Thanks for helping me know abo
5、utthe invitation. Now lets see whatthe headmaster writes in theinvitation.2.First, we can see “Dear ParentsIThat means the invitations is wiittento parents. Lefs look at the firstsentence. From tliis sentence we canknow the invitation kind. Its anopening im itation. Then how to1 Analyze andchoose th
6、e riglitsentences for theinvitation.I Analyze thecontents andstructures oftheinvitation.1通过设置选顶降低难度,让同学们在更轻松的环境下孰悉内容,为分析结构做好铺垫。1带领同学们分析邀请函的内容结构和写作核心词汇。为write ill invitation kind? Yes, we canuse %9uld like to invite. to. ?totalk about it AVhat is the next partabout? How to write about placesand time?
7、 How about the nextsentence? Its about activities. Howto talk about activities? AVe caii useAfter tills,.you can.? Wliat isthe next sentence about? Its aboutgifts. How to talk about gifts? Wecan use I would like to invite .tobring.Lefs look at the lastsentence. Whats it about? Its aboutreplies. How
8、to talk about replies?Please reply in .by.?* Just nowwe analyzed the sentences in theinvitation. That is the body partFinally, we can see the name “LarrySmith” and Headmaster Tliatmeans this imitation is from theheadmaster. So, to write anim itation, we need three steps.后续自行写作打下基础。第四环节Reply tothehea
9、dmasteinvitation.1 At the end of the invitation. Theheadmaster asks me to write a reply.But ril not be available that day. So,I cant go to the opening. And Iwrite a reply to the headmaster Doyou know how I begin the reply?What comes next?.,.1. Talk about thetwo kind ofreplies theteacher writes.1.带领学
10、生口头回忆熟悉回复邀请函的方式和2. If I can go, how can I write thereply? Can you help me?内容。为后续自己回复同学的邀请函做好铺垫。第五环节Writing1. Christmas is coining on December 25血,and you will haw a party on Christmas eve (Dec.24). Pleasewrite ail invitation to im ite yourpartner to come to the party.2 Lets review what to write in a
11、nim itation together. .Now you canbegin your writing on the Christmascard.3 Who would like to share your imitation? Lets enjoy it together.I Review thecontents iuan invitation.2.invitation toinvite theirdesk matesto theChristmasp arty.4 Please exchange your invitationsinvitationswith those in front of or behind youwith those iiiand find the mistakes for yourfiont of orclassmate.behind and5. Please get your invitations back.find mistakescorrect your mistakes and give yourforinvitation to yoiir partner. Then youclassmates.need to write a reply to the4. Exchang
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