



1、外研版八年级上册 Module10-Unit2教案设计课题外研版八年级上册 M10-U2教案Module 10 Lao She TeahouseUnit 2 It takes place in a teahouse.计划课时21P本单元通过对老舍及其话剧茶馆的了解和学习,使学生进一步巩固动 词不定式作宾语和双宾语的用法。更好的让学生了解老北京的生活,培养他们 热爱生活,热爱艺术的情感。通过学习使学生们形成简单的对F喜剧进行描 述的能力。1 之纹示知识目标:1. Words & phrases生词和短语lose, master, twentieth, customer, dynasty,

2、 waiter, folk, acrobatics2. Key sentences重点句子The play shows the audience life in China between 1898 and 1945.It asks us to see the teahouse as the centre of the neighbourhood.It takes place in a teahouse in old Beijing and it tells us the story of Wang Lifa and his customers.His parents sent him to

3、the Teacher' Sschool and he learned to teach.He was named a “People Artist and a “GreaMaster of language ” .Lao She' steahouse gives a wonderful welcome to everyone from China and from all over the world.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to read and write a passage about the film and the play

4、 the y saw.一教学重、难点教学重难点Introduce some verbs that must followed by infinitives.教学重点:短语 take place, see as的用法教学难点:双宾语动词的运用。教学 准备Tape recorder, pictures, OHP教学设计思路1含 教法设计、学法指导>Step I Revision and lead-in复习上一单元内容Step II Listening and matching借助图片学习词汇、了解老舍生平VocabularyStep III Reading阅读短文并发现关键/息StepIV

5、Summary适当小结Step V Homework 巩固所学内容教学环节教师教学活动学生学习活动设计意图Step I Revisi on and lead-i nStep II Liste ning and mat ching VocabularyThe first periodIn this procedure, revise something that was studied in unit 1 by doing pair work. After that, lead in Activity One of this unit.T: Yesterday we have known som

6、ething about Lao She' Teahouse. I have some small pieces of paper with some questions on them. I ' give them to some students and they will read the questions. You will answer the questions as quickly as you can.Ask some students questions about Lao She and Teahouse and lead in this unit.T:

7、What is Lao She most famous for?T: Right. Do you want to know something more about Lao She and his Teahouse? No w please turn to page at 82 and look at act ivity 1.In this procedure, make students familiar with some new words of some instruments by making use of pictures. Give a brief introduction o

8、f Lao She and Teahouse.T: Teahouse is the most famous play written by Lao She. When and where did it take place?Help students answer.T: This play tells us a story of Wang Lifa and his customers in old Beijing. There are many different types of people with different ends. Wang loses the teahouse and

9、dies in the end. Lao She is considered as a Great Master of Language in the twentieth century.Use the picture of the Teahouse to help stud ents understand. Present the new words: take place, customers, lose, master, twentieth, wa iter.Ask the students to read these words. Make sure they understand t

10、he meaning of each word.Listening and matchingIn this procedure, ask the students to listen and read the passage and find out the headi ng of each paragraph. Match the correct hea dings with the paragraphs.T: Now that you have known something abo ut Lao She and Teahouse. Let ' read the pa ssage

11、to get some further information. First, listen to the tape with your books closed.After listening, read the passage and thenRevise Unit 1 by as king and answer qest ions in pairs.Sample conversation:51: What does Sally likes to do?52: He likes to liste n to music.51: Why did Sally want to go to Lao

12、S he' s teahouse?52: Because she wan ted to see some Beij ing Opera.S: He' especially fa mous for his play, T eahouse.S: It took place in 1 898 to 1945 in a tea house in old Beijing.Listen and try to un derstand the introduct ion.Look at the screen a nd learn the new wo rds by heart.Read and

13、 understand the meaning of the words.Students listen and r ead the passage and find out the heading of each paragraph.Match the correct he adings with the para graphs.Step III Readingyou ' llmatch the headings with the paragraphs.Point out that finding out the heading of each paragraph is import

14、ant. The title of a passage, the paragraph headings and the photos will help them understand the main ideas.After that, ask students to read the passage again and underline the new words and expr essions and then finish activity 4. CompetitionT: I ' lread a word or an expression. If you know its

15、 meaning, please read the meaning as quickly as you can.After students get ready.T: Part of a town where people live.S1: neighbourhood Then divide students into two groups. One g roup reads the meanings and the other grou p says the words and expressions.In this procedure, ask students to read more

16、carefully to find out some important and difficult sentences. Explain these sentences and give some other examples. Then do some exercises.T: Let ' read the passage again and complete the sentences in Activity 3. Read slowly and carefully this time.Check the answers and go through answers with t

17、he students. Deal with any difficulty point in understanding. Explain the meaning of the difficult sentences if necessary.Ask the students to read the sentences carefully and loudly.ReportingIn this procedure, help students report the passage, using some questions.T: We have learnt the passage about

18、 Lao She' play, Teahouse. If you are a reporter, can you tell us this story? You can do a report after answering some questions. Provide some questions, ask the students to do pair work.Write down some key words and ask studen ts to make a report.One possible version:Lao She' play Teahouse t

19、akes place betwee n 1898 and 1945 in a teahouse in old Beiji ng. It tells us the story of Wang Lifa and h is customers. The play shows the audience l ife in old China by asking us to see the tea house as the centre of the neighbourhood. In the end, Wang loses the teahouse and he d ies.Students to re

20、ad the passage again and un derline the new word s and expressions an d then finish activity4.One group reads the meanings and the o ther group says the words and expression s.Students read the pas sage again and complete the sentenc es in Activity 3.Try to give a report. Sample conversation:51: Whe

21、n and where does the play take place?52: It takes place be tween 1898 and 194 5 in a teahouse in o ld Beijing.51: Who is in it?52: It tells us the st ory of Wang Lifa an d his customers.51: What' she stor y?52: The play shows the audience the life in old China by as king us to see the te ahouse

22、as the centre of the neighbourhoo d. In the end, WangStepIV SummaryStep V Homeworkloses the teahouse a nd he dies. Step 1 Warming-upThe 2nd period1. Ask the students to read the passage.2. Ask some students to retell the passage.Read the passage.Retell the passage.Step 2 WritingIn this procedure, as

23、k students to ask and a nswer questions of the passage in pairs. Be prepared to write a short passage.(Activity 4)T: Let ' talk about some other films and pla ys. Did you ever heard of The Sound of M usic? It is a very interesting film. Let ' read the passage to find answers to the questions

24、. Work in pairs!Ask students to ask and answer questions of the passage in pairs.Sample conversation: S1: What' she name of it?S2: The name is Th e Sound of Music.51: Where does it ta ke place?52: It takes place in Australia.T: Everyone may have favourite film and pl ay. Now talk with your frien

25、ds about your f avourite film and play. Ask and answer ques tions in pairs like activity 4.Ask a student to report his favourite film or play. Connect the answers together.Sample version:51: What' she name of it?52: The name is Su perman Returns.51: Where does it ta ke place?52: It takes place i

26、n America.Come to Activity 6, ask the students to write the passage down. Ask one student to write on the blackboard. Correct mistakes after writing.Ask some students to read their works to the whole class.One sample version: My favourite film isSuperman returns. It takes place in America. After a l

27、ong visit to the lost remains of the planet Krypton, the Man of Steel returns to earth to become the people 'savior once again and reclaim the love of Lois Lane.Step 3 Around the world.Call back some comments on it; encourage t hem by asking questions.1. Where did western theatres start ?2. How did the audience watch the performa nce ?Step 4 Module


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