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1、安徽省合肥市 2017-2018 学年高二英语分班考试试题(扫描版)第 I卷第一韶分听力*共商节”满分沏分 第-(Jt 小題;撫小懸 I 分*满分 5 分昕卜-面$鏡对话:4 小J.从中所给的仏氛 c w 个选理中連出脱住逸項,莽杯金试卷的帽庞位聲 Mf 兌懈段対话 后.傑都和 10 秒神的吋间来同昏右关小8 和阅谀 F小 KL 瞬股討 话 Ui4-ifiaL Who is tomint; tea*A+John*R. MaHc.U Tracy.2. VTiit will the in 冋 do(WKI?A l eaw rightAWJV.B. Stk) tin dineiC ( jtch u

2、Lnkift3 Whu dws tlw num umic br?.A. A lecture.R. A nweiin.C. A party.4. W hdl ii/c 山心 lhe riiLinHjnt115. WJui Lin the jj-pcdkcr; uilkrn 匸 about *A Life in SmjihtJc AsinB. Weather Conditions A |Hilidu hur弟二节(15 小题;每小霸 1 分.分沾分)9;n 5 段对话或 91 段对话或車緬魚 I 儿个小 IL 从題咐 所给的& 臥 C 二个送顼中选卅*HI 谴感.肿标乩试卷的相应位迎 听毎段对话或

3、独 nut 你将習时间阅瞳各亍小题.毎小麵秒鼻 4 斬 完后*齐小题特给出$IHt 的 fVIS 时间 侮用引活戒轨门谀罔迫,听第 6 段林料*回答第 X 7H6. H hut is lhe nun doing?. |Xeth. B. iBtrLxiuiingpt?r$onf- Chairing n ineecing.7 W inLjn June $ing wtrfEA. She has a greal tedchetBFShe teaches smginfC. She is. ourrg.听議 7 母材斛.tilings. 9X. Wliar is thnd uiit fur Jimn)1A

4、. A car.H. A waich.C. A conipuirr.9, WhyJLKSJmmiv led happ ?A k live* wiih his prcni?(R Ik、v11貨 hjl lie dK.uuvd biC. Hes received lots of ptr&enis听第 X R 材料*回答第 10121 i. W hai is the reljiionship between the? speakers?-2 -A. i ricndi.B. IIunhandJDJwile. C. Slrancra.Ik U h、duestlicwoniiincome(oulk wit

5、h ihc man?X. Io gel a jobB, To Uke 1 testC. Io Act (he sccrrlan;E2. WIKHthe rtm mean b sa in ?A. He cant hear the uoman clcafi)H He dxrsnneed i.B. By btis.t B)var.15, x h wasSUKMIhie tor work?X Her (rjm ji lte.B She missed the bus Her car broke dow nI6rW hai will the man tk、the next (tej ?AGPto ork

6、by trum.H. Vit Lily in her flat.( I CJVV hflllic Cibrlicr听遡 io rat 料.何齐第 172017. W litre cin you inost probably hear this talk11A (n a class ol the English lunuage.H. (n aLIASSnt the C irek I jnguaeC In a 灿皿 nf the 11 vn popular?A- h is not otlcred c 就 h ternn.H. Ifsuuhib Ptoksoir Miiiis( It helps t

7、c nusicr sunie ucful n:ks.嚮二懿分 阅讲理 IK I 共第小曆:每小題?分+満分 30)辄读卩列 fit*从誓聽朗给的回个选坝(A. B C和 D 中 选出则 I 逸项*井农题h匕林诙域徐黑AA nw lesson fbr tges of 13$0 years will be given th 諒 autwnn. Please read the lollowing explanations be tore you decide io lake. Cluses i nd tide a group wann-iip formal-3 -k$ons and one-to-o

8、ne tree skate dnie. Skjlets Lumpkte mu;kwl Itinrc motHILI OH IDihcnextJL:C:lvd I it Ibf skiiicn* who are new to skating and are unable io skate thewiddioftheice surface wi(hom tallin 呂.shtier should be iblt to nand and u.ilk on (heKCquickI、 UcMrJupiiiail r I bLuKC and pUic Ss-os rrsLdrm skillHLIxvcl

9、 4 is tew ihiwe who arc dcLilful completers i4 Level 3 ami the 日 uUE will havedrvTifE backward 務 skating and upping jhility Development ef cross-ovcrs+backward stopping IrHroducUcm io backward circlesLocniion Maty McCiwniKk Arna. 170 BrtKk SirtrctPleau note: lull 些越 is requimi (gloves Muling clothin

10、g.kindsc on kFor more in for m; i dueFA. ion can krn trum an level ds you like.B 1 evcl I the inoM diilicult in die lesson.CrYou 4Ji ger more mlornutjun on ihe luknicl.D. YbttCn begin the k*on wiihtHH any experience24 WKil . Methixi,25. Thi text is ninst proha hl taken fnm.A.Awiener tlciiunB.Jnews r

11、eportC. 4 spurts mgd/incD. n travel guidebookBChinasMLitlk Peoples Kinnr isJtheme park* where link people dance and strtg rnlairMalvLOSTume 訂住话風 真drswing both iiwup、cniKisrtiRK(hemt pJrk. near Kunnnn L cn Yunnan Province, employs 108 dwar牌舞)from across the country. vho-4 -gaihtr cn) an iirtitldal ht

12、lkkle Lwicc a du to daiKe and sing lor luunits. knd Ml ptuciiil livein -t my tullhip vilLigcThe屮 皓sUcanwatvhithowstlikeumuditandgrtiupdonee,ThvHMFWcenterpiece, a fimny perfbrmaricc of Swan Like, *cct pcrfbrmen dressed in specialpnk ctisiunK;and prctcniiin io he httkheli“【tune I ptrtoniiil:i iSw.m 1

13、.ikti I kl(hu mbjrr 心乂止 I hud iKer wuni ii .kirt likuthat bt iorc But kner, ntKc I gdi Uien Miiig, sad he had 皿讯逛、wanted lu help I bedidx .mi;ii;eLl groups in 他 cofiimuninr, F*eipc, Lke humn】i right aciii(! h-r ihcdiibkd. Uunk thi 欧 hJ扣 4 3、cngnu 的 thediscrimiruihonlinkpaplr11iconlyrequirement tKfmn

14、icipwiisIn be employed at (he (hetne pdrk is lo be shiulvr Ihjn 51 inthus and be Jhk to ukc care oirhcnclves in knly lite The、别 1 門栄匕灯 employee is ISHand the oldesi is 48.2.b. AcLordm lu pk “Hi* more J bom lhe diirl27, After living in the LnHc Peopks Kingdom1for ionic vjrv 屮 人jftt.1! hiii4iinjTin Ph

15、. D. f nxmL toREM/nd wofked inCambridge. 1 knjgtilhustk tlu1 umtnci; uid 】bicycled 门 r:、in uivtk Tn iifwi rny ua.1 used ni)phinw 1i n-nt ne o n Ma&sachulu Av-enuc, lhe shimm naute Inxn Biislon mCambridge. Bui 3ft 計 cycling every da on the-packed Massaehuens Avenue fora mem 由*(took a dillereflt route

16、 one day. Pm not quite sure why I look a diAercnt route that day. I鼻 雕surpnsed 41 finding a street with no craTunlike the nearby Mss0chuc Bui wh Ikt4uw I 典心 sin 耳【imc.After that experience, I clunked J have changed nn rcjrch fwin traditionaldata-collecting lo understand rng h(m people experience the

17、 cii 1 dm usmg conipuitrSCIC-IK;uls (o perfiirm 肌 xml itictKc experhnenis the Inievnei Based *n theseexperintenu. I havt built a new mapping App, uyir 电 lu jvoid lhe diMtct it lhe Mnglc pd【hk avoid 忙 hhii 甲 刈 | pusplv of uEl)CXKII.Illi tih hert Ih v-6 -;l W hi*1UK-Liuilitu- mean byJini!mi 山 j hw K-e

18、n blind1rIk enuc tbr a manih?A. Hu bong hl a bicckB. He lived in Bston.C I It could uc phiMitrb. Jk ould iiinc-;k hdi JiJ rhv .mllnt hint ol ihr tii. roui B telleci dal 1 ,help fully Eperwnvu the cib D* avoid ukmg a wnmgroute 3S. Which of the Ibllowing 山弊 the dULtun ninst puibdM ugrve with?X Saving

19、(iriK i、not venthrngR ii0mik is minx imprijiit ihjn umcC. The shortest route 詁 the most beautiful.I). Apps canMWE、*helpu$underhand lite 第三邮分 英语知识运用 住励节,満分40 分 第 心 克私填空(共 20 小临 布卜趣 1.5;,渦分 30 分)伺谏下囲粗丈*从蚯丈匚待翹斫?ft 的朗个 il 锁(一 H. i:和“】 中.选出町以城人空门处的 Jft 建选環并在将诔環徐 JLI pem 1.)spiMl li was a Mii 10 meelmam*a

20、mazing people and Cd like to 36 cxie of these moments. One dj. 1 was rtrnuiged m P昭 here 加 elderly “即加 wa* ingUSILIK tirlped patients to 菇. IvpiuL but she z;vinl ready to leave, 弭 she iLnlcdIn lh; gih jthop. 1 01A_40 andhelped her mio it. ind tiietiHLJI (or the bull.Ulici L?it ihrc. it4? d h “nl J A

21、rnimite w:Ht亦 we went over u ihe曲泊M伺 T 41 her pieces( 0:cnewspaper lou Alter 30 mmuleft. we went to the giti shop. As I pushed her armindL Icould we the 44 on her face as 或 te krakM at everythin 昏 hjpps io be(Hit Gt her roont5be cbosc some uirukw dmniion and (Iwn uw choco)Mt*H She a*ked tne to 45 he

22、r inthat dirvctioik and (htrn I helped her 46 all the diflcrcni dweohte irrangrrnenit. Sbc 4?didcd 1 m duevdecr;iiiH)s4S whi wai payiti fhr nrythin 缶 he asked I he c;hier tiir a penbmd thentome me Sfw fold nie 10_ 49_ the number- 1, 2.盘IKJ3 灯曲 thr box 巧.She exphitied that tile nurses were 空 to her S

23、fi she $1 chocolafeHi foretch of the three whift (轮肮 i nurses who w ere taking care of her. 1JICLJ wheeled herhck up to her twin. c-7 -gave the g shilt TiiiTNtrs the biixes ct chocnhicTthc 53 olkred siwre to me before takingsomt themsekcs.There were 弓 4 all awund. E hjt da【5 于 her kwdiks withmy eyes

24、. Ive learned that kindneis his * way of bonding people logdhen36” A” forgetH ihjivC. buryD. lorccail37, A hotelB kiuhenD.SJHP3 it ARMICA enterC reachD. vi&if19, A OtherwiseB BtiLksC SoI. Instevd40. A carB whekhairU boxD, bike-t l. A searchedB. waitedC paidDrheaded42, A. opaiH jhydC fullD. crow dedA

25、 piikt-dB. soldC. rod* folded1*1 A kurB 彌f 乳心如1)Horr4S A pu$hK pullC. driveU. block46 A bring upBhackC. lookdmughD ukc over47 A. firully13 hanllyC usualhD. unluckih4S, A, Since13 AlihoughC.lf& WhileH A. kdtnB spejkC writeIX ILM 古、IUX50 A strictH kindC coldU. hdrmiul5I.A ruiwdB iiicC, UUdcII. bough!5

26、2 A rtideB illH ICIltC. prrsciilE) (crriticd5? A iti zhH in uirnC. in briefD imtofdl5-1 扎 slinksB 仙、C. HordiD. tiiislaves55. A. touchedB stncllc i 犹 HitiD. sjwMil*第三韶井英谓知识运用 毎二节(Jt山小h 懈小题 1分擠分 w分)側读 Frtii材料*在空 fittM人适当的内薛(1 个匝伺丨或括号内 所给宀词的疔确形成A gruup Mhomdes 豊 children in Indh publish a nevtspaper id

27、lin* dbuilt Sb Ibcy Ihvi1(电 uJIcd BjIAium.i. 57HK-JILSiJiikhirn、oKtr El 恬 MittLii 碍uji to 19 ycim aid.And abouL l(h(XXpa 屮把 icjd it.The chiklren write about poverty* child labor, underage marriages and drugs. Ahomeless girl_59 (name Stunno helps edit the paper.The newrdprr h、1 repirr :nratts und J 4

28、 in CsipiIdLAll of the reporters. 60 any of the duldun who publish it 汕HXit was creifed. andhope 64 (improve) (he lives of thousands of others.N in hidio ihe small co)ilJJIVCSthe children hope (h.u ihey will mm* da im a homt anda inh 第四部分写件(共两节.潘分 30 分, 炖一卩 如丈改带(共 1U 小趙:却小融 1分肃分 10 甘)假定英涪潭上老 1.溝休修改

29、耳的以 Kfl Z 瓷巾 Mfj ID Itti/4WWW.中最多冇朗it 毎辿谓仪位温&一个/词的塔饭、剧除或柞改增加;前缺嗣处加一个 itt 字符 M(A.并在兀下血町出谏加的词 剧除:把芯余的词用斜线修改:花错的词卜遡一横线井在该词卜祈写出烽改圻的词 汴总:1第红第谓及其修改均仅 m-H:2. HAiHlft 10(从第 11 处起)册分One djj; J was on my way btek hemic while t w a young man paintig a picture ona【rec” I fdt ver $ipriflin so I wem up io s more

30、ikai. He lofd ine 1 it hr u.is urtstudeiu Ik pent Ins tree time (jramw piuir cui ires, hn|xd ro nuke rhe citv moreKamitul. Jli encouraged me so much dnt I was vohmreered ro help bint Ke said it tookhim boul one itnd a half hour to finishApklute. By the time 1 met lum, he h.is finZiialleu p|ih:teh nj

31、 ns UV|1. tlL- tlut. llicy otiej) MHkcd lu-lhft a| itl bet JHKUIHHItllcKd- 雅二博 I 加 iRiS (満分却分)假定條楚轨华條枝外籀教师 Mh Rec 常林 i*余时碗导你 英谄 nifi,梗你在上周学檢宰行的英谄演讲比糅中荣获第一名 为此* 祢决堆写一討感谢信.(J Miss Row 的!S肋应不札诚的感謝. 注豔1. 20 位括上述内容呵适幷増加细 , Wftht it St;1 l)ft 100 左右帛九備的开和结届已丸侏写好*但不计心词教Dear MissROSGam writing ro tell you a

32、 piece of good news,_Im I wk n:i:Twued to hearing from you.UUT、sinecrcK,LiJtuj合肥二巾高二分班者试英语参考答案第那甘:靳力-9 -5BABAC 第二部曲=剧读 闻进川曲bKHJACBC11 15 ACABA1620 CA&tC2125 ABDAC 2630 ADABC 第三部甘;英语知识运崗讷P 丸冊堰 F5135CDBCA弘10 BCADH 第奇Hi 法填空4145 DACBA4650 C ADC B51 SSDCBAD5(*. ihilr57. which58. by网 nLLiiKd60Bedit61.and第

33、囚部分:耳件 书拆刊偏62. s published63.血 changed64 to inipmt ft 5. kOne May, I on rny 带邮 back home while I saw a young man pjnting a picture on a tnx. I felt vciy whcifisurprihir:.1| 留曲 i up hi w mssre tlcur. lie Cold me thul he was A art himkni. Ik 沖 RIH h 話 flw time drawing iuiprisdclcarb1阳pictures ort tree

34、s.hoped to makte the chy rnor beuliAiLHi ofds encouraged me so much that Ig 性volunteeredlK9piii|io help hiim. Ht 呼 di 咄 it look him ubonjic oiler Jiid a liall hour co d piclmv. B)die Lime【nii hink he has hours丽Imishcd Un piclurv oi his own Nllw iluk thej ilcn wnrKed Urgttlr ind h 聽;iiw liimd fiiend.

35、onwe第二节|$面表达DtifliT MH* Rosfif,I is vbrilLil lu Itll 艸 u j pi:氏赳L1 Jddd nuzn 1 剛応比 k aur 淀 hod held d Un 址也 h 号 pu 七 ch Dnriiij:yoiir s-pair firnc. ymi often $pcnlFOmuch time ih liclpirng nir 陡 iwh my %卩人叮口 HnjlisJ8! ihjt Imide riipitl prugres. During Lh 门纲 1 阡 1 用廿略 I fiilLnwied j-our sch %打 cm IKB

36、WIDMiave mid hiw keep tLgpctdj9ta7whidi led to my success. Im grateful for yciur help. WlihMt yoiw help. I CPL-Un t have won such j prize. 1 d 氏 idEllut I will mjke mort eflnns nud irj ta makeI m locking lonAard lo hearing from yutiYun- sirKtinElv,Li Hui)(.为 13-w 眇的青 0iwi 戈的坝科的摘冰棵良的学时阶咙.21. A 細布醴解题

37、根据第一夙A lieu for ages of 1319 years will be given this autmnn.- yfSH.这 吨捕的滑冰辄印丛为音非年肝设的二戢 織十哪啣业 限也:2 屮】小Ll:.;?J 鋼布理解題-楓 1($第二履Level I is fbr skaters who on new lo skating and are unabk ic skale I he width of iha kenirftcB withuuc ftllitLR. 輕 11,即 ffifit 打仔何汹冰.也町门営刃址则曜24.A 词兄则测 38.跟据括晔唱的单词.叮知.:F 套*常冰衣眼

38、和冰鞋等都是滑冰的莪亂25.C 推理埒斷陋 本丈仲细的是滑感试项讯胖.所 H 谄 KS 玄曲 ST 仃町能用门 T:迄叨供七.这耗林入提供匸作粗.为扛会懺广 TW 氣倒 tkift 到剧关人上的质蜀开:井廉号试+藐诉帑暫丼塞 第 I 曲曲 4 虬 卅:理判析牆 IP 拯 The founder or the pkbClwn Ming, said he had alwvyAwanlcd to help lhe jisadi ant 警 d groups E the wniniUniiy 公陶的创立者,味明.表朮他一直憩毅肺社医中的启剪群 ff.由此叫见海明认为詹园的创也为代会干了一仲好事.啟迭仏

39、27,0 推 tV用解粗.IMib,.ihcy ihicdc thm ii ifebood 10 Ihe in dnrrnttories tlui Iwk Ulc cuves whik living With pwplc诂曲mimHarcXpCTiEws;他们觉得性在冗一样的宿舍里.和有若类 Itl 经历的人住在 起蛭觉很妤可知居住在“zb 人 JS”一阵几时冋的同工是满盘的.植选。秫 A 汕事卩:那牡 IMtK Hit only rrquiimeniIL;KjMrticifkknU to lx-employed! ihe Awme park if lo be shorter(han5t in

40、ches and be able lo take cane c f (hem sc I ves in dih lire. I he yqungcsi employee is l& and lhLg求狂电題处园工布的卽 J 齐空 tt 貝英寸幽.M 日皑鞘在日常生満中!Kfiii 剧曽的 m j-屋通趴甲龄最尢的弗趴阪选A绚 R 细 d 胆!禅题 employs I OS dwarfs Iram across the cotmhwho gathtr on an an i filial h i Llsidc Iwicc a ffly tndantc and Fling for Icnirijts.

41、) f(; S 全国各地的 IG8 牛小钱人.厨天衆佬总*、 造山城 I一两机*为 脚刖梢嗽 Npiin却 f 推厘到斷脈通读全文肩仍 11 作苦井应宿在丈貶中畫腐自己的 H 点.艮是在最屛一既 叫伽 dcr of I be tpark, ChenMing, 阳 id he had always dinted In help the diudv a n1;ig! groups in the rmimuriir IPecipte* lik* hmMri rightKlii/jilai R 打 ih 寸山*kcL ihink dun nidh a pirk 倘 Uy encijaig lhe di

42、erimiiwtkm 零论 tittk people.T 创立者味卿和人机洁曲人士的现点由此可知作苦对持这个仙的卷醍客 W.啟选-10 -【桃辱语丨甯丈醤期刨 1 需轿为于节言时側,找 J 矗從吗的人|轿的舒 啊削儿总 0 宅现 茱 更好的路,由就引纜的襯想:jsm 常在时.邀略广身辺很爭荚外的事蝎=丁.样再制越也 擁摇麻丸眄知.童植一牛月*作苦都是用手机导就选樺了最瓶的蒂踣*而恕略了潯 山怖甘 Mjfft所以此处应城是他 n 恂 ffJiKd 星路32.D 细悴直斡題.懈据第.】段的园盼 坳町知.作丹之听订选扌*和丄號況 hw 沁 k *即虫这雄路.足为了 节约时间-3J.H 矗用刘斯題.I

43、M 捌笫:ntld坤览现的新的跻織側描述町规 fl;招人畑袖悯纯氐谀见很令人強快的. J4f 推理词斯也州慣盯 盘的品拆 也町幼.fl 巒址计噺的 App 足为逼蚓偿试 浚路址的凤|克 也是为了避免剰审人门兗廿恨骑城市圭話的啟利JS.A股碾卒工的卜肌町訓.滞豹討阀艸下晁治潜的哺琳 S5 詁谱本丈为记叙文聊建了帘酋住底院顒古 18 者的时魅.人善艮的举功便犬嶽氐 聚矗-起面引左的感耙.城日作咅很吓心町口百澳院供怎腮杠前时懈層馳耶么序杰川的人和倉好的 Iff 対,闻就想轻井咯fihire)歸咖嵐坝37.?根据后丈肋 Icould see the 44 n her 他as i Jminuk wjii

44、l we wenl over lo lhe waiting 血丸町方 I 礼物併逐世冇 JF ri. ft 普和老人ifr 讪仆邯.MtiiA 出43X1由后 f 中 gwd”可知 J+作者品为老人犬声地閱逮报纸.故选亡项+4.B 由肚旬祈晦的 lwppyMhiiMiWfhefhHMci.町知总人感列井帝幵心,1&悅之隹仃呼)H 然尿现于腔 r.3 由于慧心的垦轮楡“原以应谏星推若老人朗苦罐嘴指的方问去,StSA 顶,瘪“推豺計 n.C 惟着带勖老人大 5k 测览了一逋桶不同的巧克力 ifi 合*只有 ZtihtT*护 ttfjr 的总孔故堆 C 乐47.A 6 皿此算的罠他隔中.总人垦终携选

45、 r *样故 11 A4S FJ 在基人甘戟厠网时”也问收银城需了負奄一只冇 D 顷捋合题.童.妣老人更來作背咋下数 T*城选】讣 3 十血“如日山応-甸庖人鯉绍轮班團璋她的沪士进礼掬*町知 L 护士対遇人应進是稠皮奸.威选闿*5IU 因为三也轮班照顾老人的护丄对老人很妊.所凶她买了巧克力给三住护丄+故选 D 项.A 一,分川号试迤円屈 t X Tr 2 M U 4 就52.C 卅肩狂上蜡骂疔的恒班护士円克力Tpiwni为叩 HAT 的息亂、故选 f 4L53.B 当非者去结当前的值班护士巧克力时伍过来值班护土也黠她很参巧克力眩选-mim”右“P 过来,转術“側童思54.A ft 北 fiUt

46、 他 Aft“血地卄心的.全刖是欢再灵 i 仏 锻儿几地55.D 由字盲的“叫吟曲 1 必 I.作幷用女眼頁见老人曹肚的书如 披进 D 阳附斯力記井录咅原文;Trit 1W. JOIIILla Mrk CLjminir“lea【巾 nwrruvb?上 Y 曲.I told you yeskrdd. Traey!Vh Oh did:ydu:1却“rry I niua h&吧“打百“1一Text 2W: Whafs lhe hurn? We-d llktr you to stiy tor dinner.W Wc*lk thjnk yuurHue 1 kkn jnd 1 hac lu nict mj

47、 parensJCdie理恤谭 awlun.Trit 3U_ lit. Tom! We had io start tlc meeting wiithous you.M:I kmz My (lighl 怙 g dflajtd btcjauw:olllw h 灼 vj rdnW Bui、tm are juiii in Tim 船 tbr The tfistugiutiTtU4M:Hw much urtI1KJ shoe ae $35 i pair,M: Do y(Hi have Size 9?u i!najfrjiii|j they 器何 sul-d ouiTbit 5M: HL Fm drink

48、ing of taking a trip during the Christmas holidays.* Whif noil It)like Cd goM: WeJL, ma、be 泅站 whuiv ujrm encl sunny.“:How about a four lc Noutbcast AsiaTrit 6M: Lodis;tnd gentlemen, leis welcome Jane Canirf ., Jaiw. ou areMyoiirigrHow cun j on sing so ucll?-11 -“ Wdl. Mr. Green. I like singing very

49、much and Ive hwn doing ihi? for a whig Akivc all. I have Mr Jam us liiy teacher.M: No wander! I belkve youll do g wanderEul job icmjght. Non. ladies and gentlemerLi JUKCartxirlTratTU I hippx birthday, Jimniy! rc ynn ready for flic rwxB pre氓 nlM: You UKan thcrtX JTioircthe awh!*A - Come with us. Its

50、in the cr . New. here we arc. Youe been talking about ihis tbr mnnths,M: Oh iiBnew compulcr! h*1! jui I warn! Tm st? happy ttbwt ih Thank yw 旳 rrrochi ilium and dud!Ttei* 8tt:., RKUSCme,灯 r?M: , Cun I help jm1My niuiw i 冷 Janr smilli. 1伯dtHi 呂 rwr Imi-king h 肝目卄 hiz SEm sctrrlan She will set you up wilh a lrslW: When?M; Next month.ft:I cani thmM: FXLUFme?W I cjiiil uait u iiHmth. I nwd “rnclhimgMHHICLM:Pni sfijrry.m 汕M:HitLil. huwii your rwsw fhl0 - Jfs gntai. I realh like it.高:分 H号试英甬奉号齐宝谢F 4 诃How Ng e il?* ( one big room But il has ball


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