



1、初三英语期末考试题考试时间:60分钟总分:100分学校 姓名 分数第一卷 语言知识与技能(共60分)一、单项选择(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。) 在每小题四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将其字母编号填在题号 前的括号内。()1.youngest leader in our school is man called Johnson .A. The; a B. A; the C. A; aD. An; an()2. It is reported that a small plane from South Africa crashed (坠毁)northwestof Chang

2、sha May 28,2004.A. onB. inC. toD. at()3.My bicycle is broken. May I use?Sorry, I'm going to use it in a while.A. yours; me B. your; myself C. yours; myself D. yourself, mvself .()4. This is the book I have read these years.A. whoB. whenC. whereD. that()5W here would you like to go on vacation?Il

3、 love to goA. somewhere relaxingB. anywhere relaxedC. somewhere relaxedD. everywhere relaxing()6.Sarah Lina is going to play basketball because they bothlike it very much.A Both ,aiid B. Neither, nor C. Not only , but also D. Either, or()7. RIr. White,car had been stolen, came to the policeman.A. wh

4、oB. thatC. whoseD. which()8.Why do you look so?Because both of our men and women ping-pong players have won the world championships.A. excited B. worriedC. boredD. interested()9. What should we do first if we want to develop our country?A lots of roads, I think.A. have builtB. must be built C. must

5、build D. have tobuild()10. Tom realized that he his physics book at home when he reachedschool.A. leftB. had leftC. was leaving D. leaves()11. the students in this primary school is about four thousand, andof them are bovs.A. A number of; three fifthB. A num her of; three fifthsC. The number of; thr

6、ee fifthD The number of; three fifths()12Muni, may I watch T now?一No, you finish your homework first.A. mustB. mustn'tC. needD. can't()13. Never till tomorrow what you can do today.A. put offB. put outC. put onD. put away()14. - Have you ever considered Paris some day?A. visitB. visitingC. v

7、isitsD. visited()15.difficult questions they are! I can't answer them.A. HowB. How anC. WhatD. What an()16. It is bad for your eyes computer games too much .A. playsB. to playC. playD. to playing()17 Millie met a lot of trouble in her experiment. She didn't know todeal with it.A.whatB. where

8、C.howD. when()18. The passage is hard to understand there are no new words in it.A. when B. though C. because D. unless ()19. Jim, can you tell me every week?A. when do you have class meetingsB. when you have class meetingsC. when did you have class meetingsD. when you had class meetings()20-Would y

9、ou mind booking two tickets for the film “2012”?, I'm so busy now. Til do it later.A Not at all B SorrvC Thank vou D Of course二.完型填空(每小题1分,共10分)Each year, thousands of Chinese middle school students go to study in foreign countries such as the lrS, the lTK, Australia and Japan.“Chinese children

10、hope very much to go 21 to get a wider view (视野)of the world,“ said Chen Yi, a Chinese writer who has lived in America for 16 years. In a talk Chen told more than 300 parents and their children that life in foreign countries can be 22 tor young people. " They have to meet a culture shock and la

11、nguage problems/'However, these are not the most difficult things. To most children, looking after themselves when studying alone in a foreign country is a big 23 .Zhang Jia, a 16-year-old student began to study in a high school in Sydney, Australia last October. To his surprise, his teachers th

12、ere 24 pushed students to study. And 25 there wasn't homework. “With these education systems (体制), we have more 26 time and more space for thinking," said Zhang. " But if you don't know how to 27 vour time and money, you will not have an easySome of his friends spent their whole ye

13、ar's money in the first two months of the term, and they didn't pass their exams.uStudying abroad at a young age can help students learn foreign language 28 and broaden (拓宽)their minds, but students and parents should know about the challenges," Chen said. u 29 you want to study abroad,

14、 try to talk to someone with 3。 in foreign countries. Make sure that vou are readv tor it.”()21. A. foreignB. abroadC. homeD. school()22. A. sadB. happyC. easvD. hard()23. A. thingB. challengeC. differenceD.change()24. A. everB. hardlvC. almostD.always()25. A. usuallyB. vetC. justD. never()26. A. bu

15、syB. safeC. boringD. free()27. A. haveB. planC. useD. take()28. A. happilyB. quicklyC. carefullyD.exactly()29. A. ThoughB. WhetherC UnlessD. If()30. A. confidenceB. knowledgeC. informationD.experience三、阅读理解:(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容和问题,从题后A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最 佳答案。AYou may never be in an emerge

16、ncy situation(紧 急情况).But if it happens, you should know how to get help. The telephone book in the United States has emergency numbers on the inside front cover. Look at the following table from the Boston telephone book. Notice that the numbers for the police and the fire department(部I、1) are the s

17、ame. And it is an easy number to remember. If you are too unhappy or excited to remember any numbers at all, you can simply dial "0" fbr an operator(接线 员)in an、emergency.Emergency NumbersFirePoliceDoctorBoston :911Boston:911Boston: 482-5252Cam brid ge: 876-5800Cam brid ge: 846-1212Cam brid

18、ge: 856-1314Someville: 023-1500Someville: 645-1212Soiiieville:025-4774* Coast Guard 223-6978Or Dini "0" In Anv Emergencv. e Are Always There And Readv To Help!)31. If you see a fire in Cambridge, you should dial.A .023-1500B.846-1212C.645-12120876-5800)32.If you live in Boston and you need

19、 a doctor, you should dial.A .911B.482-5252C.025-4774D.223-6978()33.If you see a boat sinking(沉没),you should dial.A .645-1212B.023-1500C.876-5800D.223-6978()34. This passage is most probably taken from.A - a textbookB. a guidebookC. a magazineD. a poster()35. If you dial “0” ,will answer your call.A

20、 .the policeB. the doctorC. the operatorD. the fire department第二卷 综合语言运用(共两大题,共40分)四.看图短文填空(本大题共10小题,每小题L5分,共15分) 根据图画填写单词,一空一词.Mr. Black didn't like obeying any street signs and notices. One day, he was 46 on the_47 side of a street when he saw a sign which said “Keep Left''. Hewould no

21、t obey it. He just kept walking on .Then he saw a notice saying "No 48 But he didn't obey it. He 49 50 a cigarette and a lighter, and51 to smoke. He walked on and saw another notice with the word “Silence” 52it. He didn't obey it , either. He began to sing very 53 .Soon he came to a doo

22、r way, above which there was a notice "Mind Your HeadM. At once he bent his 54 and went in. For the first time Mr. Black had to 55 a notice.五读写综合(本大题分为A,B两部分,共25分)A)信息归纳(共5小题,每小题2分)Mr. Robison是一位经验丰富的心理医生,他针对青少年不同的情况提出了建议。 请阅下面文章,完成下面的信息表。Problem 1: I can't sleep before I take a big exam.Do

23、ctor : If I were you , Pd take a long walk and drink some milk before going to bed.Problem 2: A u internet friend n wants to meet me. What should I do?Doctor : You should tell your parents about it and agree to meet in a public place.Problem 3: I get pimples when I am nervous.Doctor : You should dri

24、nk lots of water.Problem 4: I have no friends. Nobody likes to play with me.Doctor : If you were more friendly to people, you would have more friends.Problem 5: I am very shy . I am terrified of speaking in front of other people.Doctor : If I wei e you , I would find someone friendly to talk with more often. Then vou won't feel so shv. 3 “Problem 6: I'm worried about my English. I can't do well in writing.Doctor : Keeping writing your diary in English would be helpful.ProblemsProblemsAdvicesrr?,* * * ,:56.You should take a long walk and drink so


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