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1、专题03代词【考点一】人称代词1. (2019 北京) Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can' t wait.to seeA.herB.himC.itD.them【答案】B【解析】句意:王老师要来我们学校了,我迫不及待要看到他。her她,人称代词宾格;him他,人称代词宾格;it它;them他们,人称代词 宾格。根据句意可知,这个空代指的是Mr. Wang,是男性,故应选 B。2. (2019 山西) New kinds of morning exercise like doing dancing are becoming popular. c

2、an help us keep fit and have fun.A.WeB.YouC.They【答案】C【解析】句意:各种新型的晨练像跳舞变得越来越流行了。他们能帮助我们保持建康,New kinds有乐趣。We我们,人称代词主格形式;You你,你们,人称代词;They他们, 人称代词主格形式。根据对话的意思可知,这个空代指上句话中的of morning exercise ,应用第三人称,故选 C。【考点二】物主代词3. ( 2019 河北)My ruler is broken. Can I borrow? Of course. Here it is.A.his B.hersC.mineD.y

3、ours【答案】D【解析】句意:我的尺子坏了,我能借你的吗?当然, 给你。根据My ruler is broken. CanI borrow和Of course. Here it is.可知是能借你的吗;his他的(形容词/名词性物 主代词);hers她的(名词性物主代词);mine我的(名词性物主代词);yours 你的(名词性物主代词);故选D。4. (2019 吉林)Foreigners often use body language to show feelings.A.theyB.theirC.theirs【答案】B【解析】句意外国人经常使用肢体语言来展示他们的感觉A.他们(人称代词

4、主格);B.他们的(形容词性物主代词);C.他们的(名词 性物主代词)。根据句意可知,译为 他们的感觉”,排除A;且空后有名词feelings , 用形容词性物主代词,故选Bo【考点三】反身代词5. (2019 辽宁)When we succeeded in reaching the top of Mount Tai , we felt proud ofA.weB.usC.ourD.ourselves【答案】D【解析】句意:当我们成功登上泰山之巅时,我们为自己感到骄傲。考查代词辨析。 proud of 以 一 为荣; 根据 When we succeeded in reaching the t

5、op of Mount Tai可知为自己感到骄傲,需用反身代词, we和us都是人称代词, our是物主代词,均可排除。oursekes我们自己,故选 D。6. ( 2019 湖南)Our teachers and parents will be proud of us because we have grown up and can be responsible for.A.themselvesB.ourselvesC.yourselves【答案】B【解析】句意:我们的老师和家长会为我们感到骄傲,因为我们已经长大了,能够为自己负责。A. themselves他们自己;B. ourselves

6、我们自己;C. yourselves你们自己。根据文中 because we have grown up and can be responsible可知下文是说我 们自己。根据题意,故选 B。【考点四】不定代词7. (2019 天津)We haven' t got meat for dinner. Let' s buy chicken.A.some; some B.some; anyC.any; anyD.any; some【答案】D【解析】句意:晚饭我们没有肉吃。我们买些鸡肉吧。本题考查some与any的用法。some和any都可以表示些,some用在肯定句中。any般用在

7、否定句或者疑问 句中。根据 We haven' t got meat for dinner.可知,该句话是否定句,因此第个空用 any;排除A/B ;句子Let' s buy hicken.是肯定句,因此填some。故选 Do8. ( 2019 内蒙古) The sports meeting will be held in September, but knows the datefor sure.A.nobody B.nothingC.anybodyD.anything【答案】A【解析】句意:运动会将在九月举行,但没有人确切知道日期。A. nobody 没有人;B. noth

8、ing 没什么;C. anybody 任何人;D. anything 任何东 西。根据but可知,这里是否定意义,用 nobody表示。根据题意,故选 A。9. ( 2019 辽宁)When shall we go swimming, this Friday or Saturday?is OK. I ' ll be free this week.A.Either B.AllC.EveryD.Both【答案】A【解析】句意:我们什么时候去游泳,这个星期五还是星期六?任意一天都可以,这周我有空。考查代词辨析。根据 I ' ll be free this wee脑周我有空,可知星期五

9、或 者星期六都可以,这二者中任意一天都符合见面的条件,结合选项可知用Either,表示二者中任意一个;故答案选A。【考点五】it及其他代词10. (2019 四 is quite easy for people to find any place in the world with thehelp of online maps.【答案】B【解析】句意 在在线地图的帮助下,对于人们来说,找到世界上任何个地方都是非常容易的”。A.那个;B.它(可用作形式主语或者形式宾语);C.个。根据句意可 知,本句话中的主语为to find any place in the world ,空处作形式主语,用 i

10、t,故选B。11. (2019 内蒙古)May I help you with some jeans, sir?Yes, I ' d like to try on those blue.A.oneB.pairC.twoD.ones【答案】D【解析】句意:先生,我可以帮您拿几条牛仔裤吗?是的,我想试试那些蓝色的。考查代词辨析。one个,指代前文提到的同名的任何个;pair双;two数词,两个;ones指代前文提到的多个同名事物。根据句意语境,可知本句用ones泛指上句的shoes故选D。压轴精练1. (2019 辽宁)Hi, Mary. Who teaches English?Miss

11、Green.is my favorite teacher.A.you; SheB.your; She C.us; He D.our; He2. ( 2019 吉林)of my parents goes to work by car. They take the subway instead.A.None B.NeitherC.AllD.Both3. ( 2019 黑龙江)of the couple likes playing the instruments. But ofthem can play the violin well.A.Either; bothB.Both; either C.E

12、ither; neither4. ( 2019 黑龙江)I lost my textbook and I couldn' t find anywhere.Here are some. Just take, please.A.it; oneB.it; itC.one; it5. ( 2019 黑龙江)Learning is a lifelong journey because we can learn every day.A.nothing new B.new somethingC.something new6. ( 2019 黑龙江)We all think quite necessa

13、ry to stop school bullying(校园欺凌)A.itB.herC.thatD.this7. ( 2019 上海) The New Year Concert was so amazing that left in the middle of it.A.everybody B.anybodyC.nobodyD.somebody8. (2019 上海)Emma,an actress,has become a superstar because of hard workand talent.A.sheB.herC.hersD.herself9. (2019 江苏)needs one

14、 or two close friends to share his happiness and sadness with.A.Someone B.No oneC.NoneD.Everyone10. (2019 江苏) When would you like to go swimming with me, this Friday or this Saturday?.I am free only this Sunday.A.None B.BothC.EitherD.Neither11. ( 2019 江苏)If something is wrong, fix it if you can. Do

15、not worry. Worry never fixesA.something B.everything C.anythingD.nothing12. (2019 江苏)After the new highspeed railway line began operations, the time on the tripfrom Lianyungang to Qingdao now is much less than in the past.A.oneB.thisC.thatD.it13. (2019 江苏)You look pale today, Madam! What's the m

16、atter with you?serious. Just a cold.A.Something B.AnythingC.NothingD.Everything14. (2019 浙江)Sam finds sweeping robots useful, and he plans to buy for hisgrandma.A.itB.oneC.thisD.that15. (2019 安徽)Could you stay a little longer? I have more to tell you about the planfor tomorrow.A.something B.everythi

17、ngC.anythingD.nothing16. 2 2019 福建)Almost in our group has been to the 2nd Digital China Summit. It' sfantastic.A.someoneB.everyoneC.anyone17. (2019 山东)We do not want a trade war, but we are not afraid of fighting.A.itB.oneC.thatD.this18. (2019 山东)The earth, the only home of, is now in danger. E

18、veryone in theworld should play a role in saving it.A.yours B.hersC.hisD.ours19. (2019 河南)When times are difficult, tell that pain is part of growing.A.you B.yourselfC.yourD.yours20. (2019 湖北)My brother has lost his watch. Now he is looking forA.one B.thisC.thatD.it21. (2019 湖北)I tried several ways

19、to work out the math problem, but of themworked. Never give up. I believe you' ll make it.A.allB.eachC.noneD.neither22. (2019 湖南)There are only big trees on one side of the street, different flowers lie onA.otherB.anotherC.the other23. (2019 广东)Nobody taught the old lady how to use Wechat. She l

20、earned it all byA.she B.herC.herselfD.hers24. (2019 广西)Look! The boys are making the model boat by.A.himself B.themselvesC.ourselvesD.yourselves25. (2019 四川)Hey, Jenny, which are my gifts for Father's Day ?The yellow gifts are and the red belong to grandpa.A.your; one B.yours; one C.you; onesD.y

21、ours; ones26. (2019 四川)I don ' t want to_beelse. I just want to be .A.anybody; myself B.somebody; myself C.everybody; me D.anybody; meare there.27. (2019 贵外I) Mr. Wang, please speak loudly in the hall to make yourself whileFine, thanks for telling me about that.A.understood, othersB.understand, otherC.understand, othersD.understanding, other28. (2019 贵外I) Look! Who's girl in a red skirt over there?Oh, she is my sister, Kate. She is honest girl.29. (2019 云南)I like the coat but not the color.Have you got one?Yes, I'll show you.A.other B.othersC.the otherD.another30. (2


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