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1、1Lesson 84On strike2单词学习单词学习 strike busman state agreement relieve pressure extent volunteer gratitude Press object n. 罢工罢工 n. 公共汽车司机公共汽车司机 v. 正式提出,宣布正式提出,宣布 n. 协议协议 v. 减轻减轻 n. 压力,麻烦压力,麻烦 n. 程度程度 v. 自动提出自动提出;自愿自愿 n. 感激感激 n. 新闻界新闻界 v. 不赞成,反对不赞成,反对3 strike (1) n. 罢工罢工 go on strike 舉行舉行罢工罢工 be on strik

2、e 在在罢工罢工 (2) v. 打击打击 敲击键盘敲击键盘 strike the keyboard 五分五分钟钟之之后后這個鐘會敲響這個鐘會敲響12點。點。 The clock will strike 12 in 5 minutes . 4 state v. 正式提出,宣布正式提出,宣布 她正式提出她的意見她正式提出她的意見。 She stated her opinion. state + that ./以以 wh 開頭的特殊疑問句開頭的特殊疑問句 總理說,他將在明年訪問加拿大總理說,他將在明年訪問加拿大。 The Prime Minister stated that he would vis

3、it Canada the next year . 他沒有說明,這篇文章是否是真實的他沒有說明,這篇文章是否是真實的 He didnt state whether the article was true . n. 州、狀態州、狀態 the United States of America 宇宙中有多少物種存在的狀態?宇宙中有多少物種存在的狀態? How many states are there in the universe ?5 statement n. (1) 陳述、聲明、言明陳述、聲明、言明 作出虛假陳述作出虛假陳述 make a false statement 我簡直不敢相信他的發

4、言我簡直不敢相信他的發言 I couldnt believe his statement . (2)(政府等的正式)(政府等的正式) 聲明聲明 发出官方聲明发出官方聲明 issue an official statement (3) 陳述句陳述句 簡單的陳述句簡單的陳述句 a simple statement 複合句複合句 a complex statement6 agreement (1)(意見等)(意見等) 一致、贊成、同意一致、贊成、同意 disagreement 我們都同意這一點我們都同意這一點 Were all in agreement on that point . (2)n. 协

5、议协议 會議結束時我們達成了協議會議結束時我們達成了協議。 The meeting ended when we reached an agreement . 中國和美之間的貿易協定中國和美之間的貿易協定 a trade agreement between China and the U.S. 違約違約 break an agreement violate an agreement7 relieve (1) v. 减轻减轻 药物减轻了我的牙痛。药物减轻了我的牙痛。 The drug relieved my toothache . (2) 使使 (人)放心、安心、松一口氣(人)放心、安心、松一口氣

6、 听到这条消息我安心了听到这条消息我安心了 The news relieved me . (3) 解除解除 (負擔、重負);使快樂(負擔、重負);使快樂 relieve sb of sth 使某人擺脫某事使某人擺脫某事 我的助理分擔了我我所有的瑣事。我的助理分擔了我我所有的瑣事。 My assistant relieved me of all the chores . relieve ones feelings (以哭等)發洩感情(以哭等)發洩感情8 pressure (1) n. 压力压力(精神上的)(精神上的) 、沉重壓力、沉重壓力 他正忍受着工作的压力吗他正忍受着工作的压力吗? Is h

7、e suffering from pressure of work ? (2) 壓力、壓迫壓力、壓迫 我覺得他的手壓在我肩上我覺得他的手壓在我肩上 I felt the pressure of his hand on my shoulder. 每平方每平方米米60公斤的壓力公斤的壓力 a pressure of 60kg to the square meter 血壓血壓 blood pressure9 相關短語相關短語 : put pressure on (upon) sb 對某人施加壓力對某人施加壓力 他們他們施加施加壓力壓力要要我賣我賣掉掉我的寶貴的土地我的寶貴的土地。 They put

8、pressure on me to sell my precious land . under the pressure of 在在 . 的壓力下的壓力下 壓力鍋壓力鍋 pressure cooker10 extent (1)n. 程度程度、限度、限度 to some extent to a certain extent 在某種程度上在某種程度上 在某种程度上,这就是事实。在某种程度上,这就是事实。 To some extent this was the truth. 我對他知識的淵博感到驚奇我對他知識的淵博感到驚奇. I was amazed at the extent of his kno

9、wledge . (2) 寬度、大小寬度、大小 、范围、范围 障條障條路約路約 20英里英里長。長。 The road is about 20 miles in extent . 從山上我們可以看到從山上我們可以看到城市全景。城市全景。 From the hill we can see the full extent of the town 11 volunteer v. 自动提出,自愿自动提出,自愿 volunteer to do 志願做某事志願做某事 該名男子自愿去劝阻醉汉们不要打架。該名男子自愿去劝阻醉汉们不要打架。 The man volunteered to stop the dru

10、nken men from fighting . volunteer for 自願做自願做. 我自願参加他的选举活动我自願参加他的选举活动。 I volunteer for his election campaign . n. 志願者志願者 這件事情有志願者嗎?這件事情有志願者嗎? Are there any volunteer for the event ?12 gratitude n. 感激感激 ingratitude忘恩負義忘恩負義 對您的建議我想表達我對您的感謝。對您的建議我想表達我對您的感謝。 Id like to express my gratitude to you for yo

11、ur advice . out of gratitude 出於感激出於感激 with gratitude 感謝地感謝地 13 Press (1) n. 新闻界新闻界 出版自由出版自由 freedom of the press 日報日報 the daily press (2) 記者群、報導者的陣容記者群、報導者的陣容 今天晚上布什總統將會見記者今天晚上布什總統將會見記者。 The president will meet the press this evening . press conference 記者招待會記者招待會 (3) 出版社出版社 oxford University press 牛

12、津出版社牛津出版社14 object v. 不赞成,反对不赞成,反对 老板不反对你在他的办公室抽烟。老板不反对你在他的办公室抽烟。 The boss doesnt object if you smoke in his office . object to 反對、討厭(反對、討厭(to是介詞)是介詞) 他討厭對像對孩子似地對待他。他討厭對像對孩子似地對待他。 He objects to being treated like a child . object that 提出提出异议异议 他他提出異議,說提出異議,說時間也太緊了時間也太緊了。 They objected that the sched

13、ule was too tight . 15 object (1) 東西、物體東西、物體 我可以看到一個物體在天空中閃耀我可以看到一個物體在天空中閃耀。 I could see a shining object in the sky . 箱子那个奇怪的东西是什么箱子那个奇怪的东西是什么? Whats that strange object in the box ? (2) 目的、目標目的、目標 aim / propose 他的生活目標是致富他的生活目標是致富。 His object in life is to become rich . 你來訪的目的是什你來訪的目的是什么么? Whats ob

14、ject of your visit ?16课文讲解课文讲解 Busmen have decided to go on strike next week. The strike is due to begin on Tuesday. No one knows how long it will last. The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions. Most people believe that

15、the strike will last for at least a week. Many owners of private cars are going to offer free rides to people on their way to work. 17 This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent. Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts. All the s

16、tudents are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test. The students are going to take the test in two days time. Even so, people are going to find it difficult to get to work. But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in le

17、tters to the Press. Only one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast!18 Busmen have decided to go on strike next week. go on strike 举行罢工举行罢工 on strike 在罢工在罢工 至今仍不清楚罢工的教师们何时能回到课堂。至今仍不清楚罢工的教师们何时能回到课堂。 It is not clear yet when the teachers on strike will return to their classr

18、ooms. The strike is due to begin on Tuesday. due adj. 预定的,约定的预定的,约定的 be due to do sth. 定于(某时做某事)定于(某时做某事) 飞机定于飞机定于9点到达伦敦。点到达伦敦。 The plane is due (to arrive) in London at 9 oclock. be due to +n. 由于由于,因为,因为 我们迟到是因为交通拥堵。我们迟到是因为交通拥堵。 Our delay was due to the heavy traffic.19 No one knows how long it wil

19、l last. 演讲持续了两个小时演讲持续了两个小时 The lecture lasted for two hours. The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions. general agreement 总协定,全面协议总协定,全面协议 Most people believe that the strike will last for at least a week. At least 至少至少 我

20、至少有一周没看见他了我至少有一周没看见他了 I have not seen him for at least a week20 Many owners of private cars are going to offer free rides to people on their way to work. offer 提供、提出議案、推舉提供、提出議案、推舉 offer to do 提出做提出做 他提出要幫助我們。他提出要幫助我們。 He offered to help us . offer+ sb + sth offer + sth + to sb 向某人提向某人提供供 她給他端上一杯茶她給

21、他端上一杯茶。 She offered him a cup of tea . free adj. 免費的、不要錢的、無稅的(無免費的、不要錢的、無稅的(無比較級變化)比較級變化) 免稅的免稅的 duty free 一張免費的音樂會入場券一張免費的音樂會入場券 a free ticket to the concert21 ride n. 能載我一程吗能載我一程吗? Could you give me a ride ? 一個小時的車程一個小時的車程後後您您將將到目的地到目的地。 An hours ride in the bus will take you to your destination .

22、 This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent. to some extent to a certain extent 在某种程度上在某种程度上22 Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts. volunteer to do sth 自願做自願做. last v. 持續持續 戰爭持續了戰爭持續了8年年。 The war lasted for 8 years . adj. 最後的

23、最後的 你是我最不想見的人。你是我最不想見的人。 You are the last one I want to see. 23 All the students are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test. The students are going to take the test in two days time. take the test 接受测验。接受测验。 pass the test 通過測試、考試及格通過測試、考試及格 make a test carry out a test 進行進行测验测验 in two days time in two days 兩天後兩天後


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